MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 4 Come back with

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Chapter 4 Come back with the child

"Yes, I and Junxuan brother have long been in love, and Chen Cangcang is together. His car accident is fake. It is me who meets his physiological needs every day. However, if you sign it, even if you know it?"

Cheng Haoyue's body retreats and retreats two steps. Although her face is only pale, but in her body, it is blood flowing into the river. Her husband sleeps with her every night? The days when Lu Junxuan was on a business trip, the reasons why he did not go home under various excuses were because of this woman? The violent pain caught her, and she felt like she was about to suffocate.

"Who is that man? Who was the **** last night?" Cheng Haoyue glared at her in tears and snorted.

Shen Junyao looked at her with some trouble. "It doesn't matter who the man was last night. The important thing is that you were actually taken by a man last night."

"Tell me who it is! Tell me who it is..." Cheng Haoyue went crazy and asked aloud.

Shen Junyao's troubles are not open, "We gave you a cowherd last night. Later, the cowherd said that another man ran into your room first. He didn't want to play three 3p and went back, so, The man who is on your ugly is old, the circle is flat and no one knows."

"I don't believe, I can check the monitoring." Cheng Haoyue trembled with anger.

"It's unfortunate that the monitoring of that hotel yesterday was broken." Shen Junyao smiled proudly because the hotel is Lujia.

Cheng Haoyue’s face is white as snow, and their game is set to be seamless.

This is, Chen Xia took her passport and threw it in front of her. "Hold it and quickly disappear."

Cheng Haoyue holds the passport, she glares at the faces of these people, even if she is not willing and painful, but she only feels disgusted, disgusted to take a look, stay a second, she will suffocate and die.

"I hate you, hate all of you." Cheng Haoyue burst into tears, and the slender figure turned desperately away.

Looking at the figure that Cheng Haoyue left, Chen Xia and Shen Junyao glanced at each other. Finally, they took the extra person away.


Four years later, the airport.

A young girl holds a greeting card at the airport.

The brand reads the words "Cheng Haoyue's chief designer." The girl's eyes are anxiously looking for someone in the crowd to pick up.

Her eyes are dedicated to those women who wear elegant temperament.

At this time, in the crowd, I saw a casual and natural figure pushing the cart out. There were two big boxes on the cart. There was a blue denim, gray shorts and beige sneakers. little boy.

In the crowd, the girl's figure is beautiful and slender, and the head of the ball is tied to the back of the head. It is simple and neat, clean face, delicate facial features, and the skin is like white fat. It is so embarrassing.

Looking at the little boy sitting on the box, although only three or four years old, it has already begun to look like a disaster.

A black short hair, a small bangs covering the full forehead, a small sword under the eyebrows, a pair of black jewel-like eyes agile, a pretty little nose, a thin pink mouth with a healthy white complexion It is simply a small model that came out of the cover magazine.

The girls passing by, looking at this little boy, must be amazed, too beautiful.

I really want to abduct.

"Mummy, the aunt is coming to pick us up."

Cheng Haoyue licked his lips and smiled. Although his son was small, he recognized many words.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not expect that she would return to the city after four years.

At that time, she was full of resentment and left, but now she is calmly coming back.

In the past four years, she has experienced something, among which the fortunes are so hard that only she knows herself, four times, she is transformed, strong, and she is already a single mother.