MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 450 Dusk Annex

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Shiraishi saw Belmod's expression of horror that was not obvious, and at the same time felt that there was a bit of murderousness in her.

He understood it after thinking about it, and simply answered Belmod's question: "I don't know, I wanted to wait until I stopped before leaving, but the person sitting next to me... should be Shuichi Akai. He wasn't too anesthetized either. Under the influence of the gas, I fired a shot at him, he avoided him, and took you away first."

"Really." Belmod pressed his forehead.

She didn't doubt that Shuichi Akai could open and hide guns when he was soaked in hypnotic gas - these were all routine operations of hanging ratios. She only felt that judging from Coron's words, Akai Shuichi should have successfully controlled the vehicle, so the bus probably wouldn't have an accident.

Of course, Belmod didn't blame Coren for not going to fight Akai Hidey for 300 rounds. In her opinion, Cologne's behavior is more reasonable - if he misses a hit, he will run with her first, which is in line with the basic code of conduct for a little fanboy. .

And Akai Shuuichi is almost a nightmare for all members of the organization. There are not many members who are scared to move by his look. Keren is in such close contact with Akai Shuichi. He can fight, run, and escape successfully, which is already a performance. Excellent.

After the effects of the anesthetic wore off, Belmod stood up and said that she had something to do and let her teammates go first—she was anxious to confirm the situation of the bus, mainly to see if Conan was safe.

Shiraishi watched her leave reluctantly, and then turned on the screen to see that there was no new task, so he decided to leave with confidence.

When he got to a place where he couldn't get the buff from the black-clothed organization and was far enough away from the dangerous person, he switched to cat form and took the Poke Ball to rub the bus back home.

After Shiraishi got home, he simply tidied up, then took out the magazine he bought before going out and threw it on the sofa, intending to go to the small refrigerator to get another bottle of Coke, and then start a happy day.

But when he opened the refrigerator door, he found that the coke was finished and there was only juice in it.

He remembered that there was still a big bucket in the coffee shop, which was used to fool customers who accidentally walked in. Shiraishi took a cup and planned to pour some back.

As soon as he walked to the counter, Butterfly Ninja put down the pot that was bubbling with purple bubbles, wiped his hands on his apron, and handed him an envelope with a smile.

As soon as Shiraishi touched the envelope, he saw an additional task in the task bar.

He sighed: "Why do I feel like you're about to become an NPC who issues missions."

Butterfly Ninja picked up the colander again, put it into the pot and continued to stir. The world network is becoming more and more developed. She also played a lot of games while waiting by the pot, and now she has a lot more understanding of society than before.

Hearing Shiraishi's words, she thought for a while, and felt that it was inappropriate: "Compared to NPCs, I should be more like a mailbox with an automatic reminder function. NPCs are all stuffed into me."

Shiraishi thought about it for a while, and thought it was the same, at least saving himself the time to go to the real mailbox to get the letter.

As someone who is not used to receiving letters, if no one reminds him, Shiraishi sometimes really can't remember to look through the mailbox, and often finds a lot of stuff stuffed inside when he opens it.

Shiraishi held the letter in his hands, originally lacking in interest.

Who would have thought that when it was opened at will, it fell down, and there was an extra check in his hand.

Turn it over and see, the amount is two million.


Shiraishi put down the coke cup, put his fingers into the envelope and probed it carefully, and took out a folded piece of paper.

It appears to be an invitation letter that reads:

[I have long admired the name and hope to take the time to come and share dinner.

—Abandoned by God, Phantom Child]

"..." Shiraishi stared at the signature, which was almost longer than the text, and felt a churn in his face.

If it wasn't for the real money check in his hand, he might suspect that it was a prank by a child born in a junior high school.

However, looking down a little further, after seeing the dining address, Shiraishi immediately knew who this phantom pretty boy was abandoned by God.

"Twilight Annex..." As soon as Bai Shi said these words, he felt as if a piece of yellow gold flashed before his eyes.

"Abandoned by God, Phantom Boy", the long and middle-of-the-road signature, can actually be converted into "kid" after a series of analysis, which is the phantom thief Kidd.

It's just that this invitation letter was not sent by Kidd - this strange thief was used as a summoning order again.

Of course, Shiraishi remembers this case, and it's not all because of gold. It mainly involves the main line, and it's very lively and the atmosphere is tense... Well, it's mainly because of gold.

The Twilight Annex was originally the castle of the Karasuma family, and it is said that there are precious treasures hidden in it.

Forty years ago, Karasuma Renye invited many scholars to this remote castle in order to find it, but the scholars have not been able to find the location of the treasure.

In order to make them do their best, Karasuma Renye killed the scholars in the museum one by one.

One of the archaeologists sensed something was wrong and manipulated the letter to his wife and daughter. He used a needle to pierce the letter with a hidden code to tell his family what had happened in the castle.

However, the family could not find the problem at the time.

It was not until 20 years later that his daughter, Chima Koyo, finally found out what her father had left behind.

At this time, the prosecution period for the case had passed. When Chien Koyo went to inquire about the situation of the castle, he learned that the Karasuma family had fallen and sold the castle. Karasuma Renye disappeared and is said to have passed away.

Chima Koyo has always been brooding about this matter. On the one hand, she hates the person who killed her father. On the other hand, as a relatively well-known easy chair detective, she has the nature of most detectives in the world. The treasure trove is full of curiosity.

For 20 years, Qianjian Kodai has been searching for relevant information, but she has never found anything. Later, she accidentally leaked the matter and was overheard by a detective friend.

The detective named Dashang Zhushan was heavily in debt, and upon hearing this, he felt that his life had turned a corner.

He found the castle, bought it, and frantically searched for the treasure, but couldn't find it.

Later, on a whim, he planned to use the name of the phantom thief Kidd to find a few detectives, trap them, and let these colleagues help solve the mystery.

Thinking of this, Shiraishi suddenly felt a little regretful.

The "treasure" of the Twilight Annex is actually this whole castle made of gold. After turning the authority, the shell of the castle will fall off, and the gold will be fully exposed. Such a big lump of gold is far more valuable than that remote castle, and the castle is earned by buying it.

But no matter how cheap it is, it is still a castle after all.

Shiraishi searched the Internet for the price, and found that it was more than double his current deposit, and even if he collected enough money, the existing owner of the castle would definitely not sell it, and forced buying and selling outside the mission would be illegal.

If you think about it, even if you get the castle, how to deal with the large amount of gold is also a problem.

There are waves of robbers in this world, and it would not be complete if banks and jewelry stores were not robbed. And speaking of it, the castle was once owned by Karasuma Lianye, and Karasuma Lianye was also the boss of the Black Organization. If he picked up on his head, who knows if he would be secretly targeted...

If you tell the tool family about this, you might have some room for manipulation.

But Shiraishi remembered the previous reminder of the binding position, and decided to be safe and clear the relationship. Who knows what the situation of the tool man family is, if it is a big ship that is about to sink, if he does this, doesn't it mean that he has stepped on one foot.