MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 463 The trade-off between Kidd and Ontology

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Baishi ran out for a distance, and when he looked back, he found that the group of dogs were not chasing after him, so he changed direction and headed towards the annex again.

At the entrance of the annex, Baishi looked back habitually before entering, and saw a helicopter leaving in a low-key manner in the dark woods outside, with a car hanging below. this gone?

Shiraishi was a little puzzled, and he weighed the Pokeball around his neck doubtfully. He felt that the ball was slightly heavier than when it was empty. Kid should be staying inside... The attacker was still chasing after him, why? Suddenly give up?

Shiraishi found a corner where no one had a camera and opened the ball uneasy to see, and found that Kidd was indeed still there, and he didn't accidentally drop it halfway.

It was relieved a little, and knocked the man back into the ball again.

It may be that the passerby and his accomplices thought Kidd had escaped, so they gave up the search near the annex and went to find someone elsewhere.

But why are members of the organization eyeing Kidd? Kidd stole the head of the organization?

By the way, I seem to have heard Hongye say before that the organization has also begun to look for the stone of life that Kidd has been looking for.

If there is competition, conflicts can easily arise. If it is because of this, then this time it has to be regarded as his and Hongye's pot.

Kidd's enemies have increased again. But originally, this strange thief is also very capable of drawing hatred.

Shiraishi did some ideological work for Kidd, then walked around the annex and found that there were no suspicious people in the room, so he ran to the place where the body was hidden.

Opening the closet door, Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the main body was still lying down, as if he had picked up 2,499,999 yen in vain.

He originally wanted to put his body into the goal, and Kidd hid it casually, but he felt a little dangerous.

Kidd's anesthetic will probably take a while to dissipate. If you hide people in the woods, in case there are beasts around, Kidd may be cold, and the pot will definitely be counted on his head, and he will also be deducted. points.

And if Kidd is hidden in the villa, in case those detectives find out, the identity of the phantom thief will definitely be exposed, and maybe he will be sent to a place like the Juvenile Administration for more than a year.

This person is very useful whether saving people or riding thunder, I feel a little reluctant to think about it.

And once the news of Kaitou Kidd's arrest spreads, if some big villains who hate him to the bone want to kill him, I don't know if the supervision facilities in this world can withstand it.

Shiraishi really didn't want to break into there to save people. These state agencies were fairly well informed about each other. If An Shitou happened to see it again, he didn't know what he would come up with.

Moreover, Shiraishi felt that Amuro Toru seemed to have always had the idea of ​​catching his waistcoat in and transforming it.

It's okay to only save it once, the police may not be able to react.

But according to the number of people Kidd has offended, I am afraid this will become a daily task. Even if Kidd is rescued from prison, it is not worth it. One of the reasons why Kidd is difficult to catch is his mystery, but if his true identity is exposed, in this information age, especially the speed of information evolution seems to be knocked out. In the age of medicine, he may not be able to escape for a long time and will go back again...

This series of consequences caused Shiraishi to silently stop his hand that wanted to open the Poke Ball.

...Forget it, let's take it in a bag.

Then Shiraishi opened the cabinet and looked at the main body. He struggled a bit between "hiding by himself" and "meeting with other detectives and getting out of the police vehicle", and decided to choose the latter. He remembered that the White Horse Detective would notify the police with an eagle.

The road leading to this place from the outside world has been blown up. If you don’t rub against the police helicopter, if you want to go out on two legs, you have to go to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

There is no signal here either, so maybe in the end I have to ask Hongye for help by private chat. But if Hongye finds a helicopter, he may be noticed by the face of the passerby who runs around every day.

...whatever you think, it's better for the police and the kinder detectives to deal with it.

But mixing in the crowd also requires skill.

Shiraishi thought for a while, but did not directly cut back to the main body. Instead, following Kidd's habit of dealing with other people who were replaced, he pulled out a rope, tied it around the main body twice, and reluctantly took out the clean napkin under him. .

After that, Shiraishi looked at the bottom of the cabinet, and secretly decided that if it was not necessary, he would sleep in a place with a bathtub.

The female detective was brought down early, and all the other detectives went to the bridge, but they didn't have time to search the bedroom.

And according to the habits of those detectives, even if the police arrive immediately, they will insist on searching the annex.

This group of people searched for things, and they would not let go of the corners, and opening the cabinet door was a basic operation. At that time, the main body will be discovered, and he will be regarded as the victim replaced by Kidd.

I only need to go back to sleep all the way, not only can I rub against the helicopter, but I only need to make a record of "encountering a bad driver who put anesthesia bombs in a taxi" without making up excuses.

As for why Kidd deliberately brought him over and stuffed it in the closet... Then ask Kidd, he's just an innocent detective forced to sleep all night, he doesn't know anything.

And the car Kidd drove when he came over had been blown into an iron frame, so there was no need to put the body in the trunk and roll it twice to leave traces. The police will also not carefully identify the remains of a car with no body...

It took a long time for Detective White Horse and Detective Strong Man to return to the annex.

When they arrived at the bridge just now, when they got off the car to check the damage to the bridge, Qianjian Koyo groaned and stayed in the car.

The two began to doubt her as early as when Qianjian Jiang replaced the coins. At this time, they were even more aware of it. They also took the initiative to help her find a good excuse to split up and let her stay to help adjust the lights so that they could check the situation. .

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the car behind him to The two guessed that Qianjian Yodai had fled outside the car and hid in the grass.

Without the means of transportation, Detective White Horse and Detective Strong Man could only walk all the way back to the annex.

The anaesthetic gun with Dulin's standard belt does not have a long ammunition effect. It is not because the quality is urgent, but it is more in line with his needs. If he needs to control it for a long time, he can wait for it to hit and then go to make up a shot. The information needs to be tortured immediately, and he has no time to wait for a person to wake up slowly.

Although there were still Kiddbu's anesthesia bombs, the gas anesthesia without a sufficient amount of black technology would not be able to take effect for long, so when the white horse detectives arrived, the female detective had already woken up.

She touched her aching waist, opened her eyes and looked around, stunned. did the door collapse?

In addition, there are some curved broken shells on the ground, and a "U"-shaped thing that looks like a lifebuoy has fallen by the window.

The female detective slowly recalled what happened before she fainted, and felt that the situation had become complicated. She walked to the window suspiciously and vigilantly, looked out, and saw two people walking into the annex one after the other. door.

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