MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 488 Weird Inspiration Added

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Under the watchful eyes of Hai Yuanai, Shiraishi took out the disinfectant wipes and wiped his face in confusion, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Hai Yuanai didn't speak. She hesitated for a moment, then she mustered up her courage and raised her hand to squeeze. After failing to tear off Yi Rong, she touched it carefully. No matter how she studied it, it was like real leather.

...really Shiraishi.

Baishi still looked like the good-tempered Baishi, but was somehow pinched by the two bear children, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he raised his hand and touched her head, and said with concern, "Why is her face so ugly and uncomfortable?"

"No." Hai Yuanai breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled his wrist and looked around vigilantly.

Since Shiraishi is the real Shiraishi, it must be someone else's breath, and that person must not have gone far, so I have that feeling...

She thought for a while and asked in a low voice, "Did anyone come here just now?" After a pause, she added, "Including acquaintances."

Shiraishi thought for a while, then shook his head: "No, I fell asleep before and just woke up. If someone came to me, the staff would definitely say."

"...Really." Haibara Ai has not studied the breath of the organization, and I don't know if this thing can stick to others like pollen.

Although Conan said a few days ago that Belmod would not continue to shoot at her, Haibara Ai always felt that Belmod would not give up easily.

Maybe that Thousand-faced Witch will pretend to be someone without giving up and start with Shiraishi, and in the process, Shiraishi accidentally rubbed her breath...

Haibara Ai fell into chaos, and for the first time realized that he should study how he sensed the members of the organization.

Conan looked at Haibara Ai who was no longer firm, and suddenly became unsteady. After all, he couldn't feel the "breath of the organization" so clearly.

However, if Shiraishi is still himself, then what is the difference between him? I have written too many papers and I am immersed in the ocean of knowledge, so the temperament of the whole person has also changed?

Indeed, I haven't seen each other for several days, and it's normal to see a little strangeness again...

Conan temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart.

Shiraishi discovered the abnormality of the two children, especially Conan's scrutiny.

But this doesn't get in the way. As usual, although Conan has a person who knows people, it will take a certain amount of time for it to take effect.

Generally speaking, Conan will label a suspicious person with a "suspicious" label the first time he sees it, and then verify it through various details and coincidences, gradually realize the truth, and take off the other party's vest.

But at present, after getting along for so long, the image of "Shiraishi" is basically fixed in Conan's eyes.

In the case that Shiraishi does not take the initiative to do something, it will take a certain amount of time for Conan to break the established impression.

And that time was enough for him to operate.

Seeing that the two children were lost in thought, Shiraishi looked at the time and began to abduct the toolman: "I received a request, and it's almost time for the appointment. Do you want to go see it together? The requester is said to be very popular with children. celebrity."

As soon as Conan heard the "entrustment", he said without hesitation, "I'm going."

He was interested in the commission, and he was also interested in the current Shiraishi. Now, it would be wonderful to see both of them at the same time.

Huiyuan Ai is still in a state of wandering.

Shiraishi raised his hand and touched the top of her head, and Haiyuan Ai was shocked and looked at them in confusion.

Looking at it like this, it seems that the mind wanders too much, and even the question is not heard clearly.

Shiraishi repeated it again.

Haiyuan Ai struggled for a moment, then shook her head: "I won't go, I... suddenly have a new idea, I have to go back and write it down first."

The three were temporarily separated. Shiraishi took the lunch box brought by Huiyuan Ai and put it back home, saying that it was going to be a late-night snack.

The agreed location was in Cupido Town, a little distance from here, so Shiraishi chose to drive there.

On the road, Conan sat nervously in the passenger seat, ready to rush over to help Shiraishi hit the brakes while he was asleep, while he took the letter of entrustment from Shiraishi and checked the contents.

Arriving at the restaurant, Shiraishi parked the car, took Conan into the restaurant, and found the reserved box.

The door opened, and the people on both sides looked at each other. Shiraishi saw Kabori the new name, who was smiling happily at the table, and Rena Mizuno, who was obviously startled beside her.

As a friend of the new name Kabori, Mizuna Rina of course has heard of Shiraishi, a well-known detective who has indeed solved many difficult and miscellaneous items.

But even though Mizuna Rina was harassed by the doorbell, she actually didn't want to invite a detective to investigate, especially a detective with real skills.

As a lasagna, it's not easy to deal with detectives - after all, she has a lot of secrets on her body. If those keen detectives find out, not only she is in trouble, but the detectives will also face the risk of being silenced.

Shui Wu Liannai is not afraid of thieves or stalkers. She cares about the doorbell, and she is also worried that someone will pay too much attention to her, which will lead to leaking secrets and causing people to die.

This matter cannot but be resolved, and before, because another friend of Mizuno Rinai, Yoko Okino, also experienced a similar thing, Mizurani suspected that a colleague who disliked her was playing a prank. So she brought it up and talked about it from time to time, trying to see who looked different.

As a result, the suspect was never found. Instead, the new name, Xiang Baoli, pondered for a moment and said that he would give her a "surprise".

Seeing her mysterious appearance at the time, Mizuna Rina had a bad premonition.

She declined several times but and the new name Kabori was very worried about her personal safety, and Mizuno Rina couldn't find a suitable reason for rejection. If she resisted the detective too much, it would be weird. So she couldn't stop it in the end.

Now it seems... this "surprise" is indeed a "scare".

Mizuna Lianna sighed deeply in her heart, she could only pretend to be afraid of an ordinary woman when faced with harassment, and briefly described what she experienced every Saturday.

This kind of thing can't be solved just by listening, and tomorrow is Saturday, Conan quickly began to ask the address of Mizuno Rena's house, and planned to go to the field to see the situation.

Shui Wu Liannai did not refuse, anyway, the detectives are here, if you can take the opportunity to solve the matter, it will be a good thing.

After dinner, several people went to her house.

Shiraishi pretended not to know the truth of the incident. He followed the steps of a normal detective to make inquiries, and together with Mizuna Rinai, did the experiment of "there is no time to escape when the door is opened."

During this period, Shiraishi saw Conan take out a piece of chewing gum, and then the child sneaked towards the door.