MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 490 the light of justice

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Today, Dr.'s black technology has been upgraded, and functions such as bugs and senders have been combined.

After Conan heard the sound of the bug in his glasses, he didn't turn it off immediately.

Because since there are footsteps, it means that the chewing gum may have been stepped on by Mizunari, and the bug is following her.

At this time, if I go to her house again, I can't get back the bug, so I still need to turn on the detection device, so that I can easily grasp the real-time location of Sui Wu Riannai.

So very soon, Conan heard a great movement.

After a burst of cell phone chimes, the bugs picked up a series of keystrokes that, together, sounded like a children's rhyme—the "Seven Children" Conan had heard at Belmod recently.

...Mizuna Rina entered the email number of the organization boss on her phone!

There was a buzzing sound in Conan's head. He never thought that the people of the organization would be hiding beside him. Even yesterday, he and Shiraishi stayed at someone's house for one night.

This kind of "ordinary person" who has just come into contact with suddenly becomes the villain's bridge, which will always make people's heart skip a beat.

Conan's face was extremely ugly. Before he could digest the news that "Shui Wulianai may be a member of the organization", a series of bells rang from the opposite side of the bug, and there was a call from Shui Wulianai.

"Hello? I'm sorry, something happened just now, I turned off the phone." Shui Wu Liannai's voice came.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to ask a question. She paused for a moment and replied, "It's not a big deal. I have already reported to that gentleman... Gin, you are a little too cautious sometimes."

The name "Gin" jumped out. Conan's breathing stopped for a moment.

He has met several members of the organization. Although he has not been able to find out the status and relationship between those people, he is most afraid of gin.

It may be the intuition of the protagonist that makes him feel the danger of gin, or it may be because gin once gave him a blow, causing direct and effective damage to him, while others have not done anything to him for the time being. It's too much, so in Conan's subconscious, Gin is the absolute bad guy...

In short, Mizuna Rina's phone call made Conan confirm that Mizuna Rina is definitely related to the organization, and even a more important member of it.

After hearing Mizuna Liannai say "No problem, let's meet at the agreed 10 o'clock", Conan realized that the organization might take action today.

He immediately made an iron-clad decision that suits his character - to secretly track Minami Rina and wait for an opportunity to operate.

Although the black cat is suspected to be undercover in the organization now, Conan has never been the kind of teammate who will honestly "lie down and win".

And he has not been able to confirm the purpose and position of the black cat.

From Conan's point of view, although the black cat would help Shiraishi save people, he would occasionally choose not to save lives.

Judging from the fact that the black cat never told Shiraishi about his connection with the organization, maybe what he wants to do is something that has a violent disagreement with Shiraishi, and his opinion with Shiraishi, the righteous light... It's not a big deal if you think about it. good thing.

Also, all along, the black cat's attitude towards the black organization has been relatively vague.

He would stop the black-clothed organization from killing Hui Yuanai, but he didn't seem to have any intention of arresting members of the organization. Especially now, the relationship between him and Belmod is unknown, in case he will be dazzled by beauty in the future and be turned against by Belmod...

Conan breathed a sigh of relief at the terrible consequences, thinking that he had to rely on himself.

In my impression, Shui Wulianai drove to the banquet yesterday. She went to see Jinjiu, and she would probably drive there, so she couldn't follow her with her legs.

After thinking about this, Conan turned around and ran to the parking lot, planning to find Shiraishi, who also drove over today.

But after running two steps, Conan regained his senses, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Dr. Agsa.

Shiraishi still didn't know much about the organization, and if he wanted him to help, he had to take a little risk and spend a lot of time explaining to him.

If the explanation is not clear, Shiraishi will not be able to have enough awareness of the danger level of the organization. In case the black cat is also in this mission, and Shiraishi greets him after seeing him, this scene is seen by Shui Wulianai again. ...Three people may have to pack and cool.

And even if Shiraishi could immediately straighten out the situation and understand the current situation very wisely, he himself is not suitable for tracking.

As a good detective who cares about his neighbors and is full of curiosity, Conan has also investigated a lot of things related to narcolepsy after getting to know Shiraishi.

The disease seems to be very emotionally affected, and excessive tension, excitement, anger, etc. can lead to sudden drowsiness and occasional risk of cataplexy.

Cataplexy is a symptom that causes general weakness in the patient, and it does not last long, usually less than a minute.

But tracking the black-clothed organization is so tense, let alone a minute, it may jump to the finale with one click—they will be destroyed.

...Simply put, in this situation, even if Shiraishi dared to chase, Conan wouldn't dare to get into his car.

It's still up to the doctor.

Dr. A Li was also very upbeat, and the phone call was quickly connected.

Conan just wanted to tell him the situation, and added "Don't let Haiyuan know", but before he could speak, Haiyuan's sad voice came from the other end of the phone.

She asked nervously: "What's the matter?! Is Belmod eyeing you? Where is Shiraishi?"

"..." If she hadn't mentioned it again, Conan would have almost forgotten what happened at Shiraishi's door yesterday.

Unexpectedly, Hai Yuanai still thinks about this matter. What exactly did Belmode do to her before, to see that it scared the child...

"No, it's something else, let the doctor answer the phone, hurry up." Conan urged.

At this time, his glasses were in the tracking state, and in the picture, the small dot representing the position of Mizuno Reina had already begun to move. Judging by the speed, she must have gotten into the car.

Although Haibara Ai was very puzzled, she could hear the anxiety in Conan's voice.

She handed the phone to the doctor, then took out her mobile phone and called Shiraishi worriedly.

Shiraishi never answered the phone.

Hai Yuanai listened to the beeping sound in the receiver, UU reading unconsciously circled in place, and after walking a few circles, she saw the doctor put down the phone, and immediately leaned over and asked, "What's out? What's up?"

"Conan accidentally discovered an accomplice of the Black Organization. He wanted to catch up and have a look, but he didn't have a car, so he asked me to drive him."

Dr. A Li hurriedly put on his coat, he glanced at Haibara Ai, and knew what she was worried about: "Don't worry, Shiraishi still doesn't know about this, Conan just told him that he forgot to take something, Shiraishi now Should be waiting for him in the car."

"But he doesn't answer the phone." Haiyuan Ai frowned, still unable to forget the smell of the organization she smelled yesterday, and she always had a bad premonition, "Did Belmod kidnap someone."

"..." Dr. A Li didn't know why there was anything about Belmod here, but Conan didn't mention it, and the doctor thought it should be fine.

He comforted Haihara Ai: "Isn't it normal that Shiraishi doesn't answer the phone? Maybe he fell asleep in the car while waiting. In short, I'll pick up Conan first, you..."

"I'll go too." Haibara Ai picked up her little jacket decisively.

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