MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 509 Matsuda stopped thinking

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In the elevator, Shiraishi's action to defuse the bomb stopped.

After he found the place before, he sent the Q-version assistant into another fake account and asked her to open it on his behalf, and acted according to the situation-fbi couldn't fully believe it. Going for a checkup is a hassle.

So as soon as Akai Hideyoshi entered his ward, Shiraishi received relevant news.

In this way, the black cat has an "alibi", and in the eyes of some red squares, the mask will become two people.

In case the police or whoever plans to settle accounts in the future, they can blame all the illegal things on one of them, and the other is innocent.

After all, the mask's crime left almost no evidence, only a bunch of witnesses, and in the case of two people who looked the same, the witnesses' testimony could not prove his guilt.

In this way, when it comes time to use a mask in the future, you don't have to avoid the police, and you don't have to be targeted and interfered by enthusiastic citizens because you are on a wanted notice...

"What's wrong?" Sato's voice came from the elevator below.

Although she couldn't climb to the top, she had been paying attention to the movement here, and the sound of disassembly stopped.

Shiraishi waved to her to indicate that it was all right, then picked up the bolt cutter and clicked the wire that had been cut just now.

At this time, the explosives disposal team was still using the communication equipment just sent to conduct remote guidance on his bomb disposal.

Shiraishi was distracted and dismantled too quickly just now, and it didn't match their progress, so he could only stop and wait.

When Sato heard the sound of the bomb being defused, she felt relieved, and continued to flip through the album of bombs she just got... Although she didn't really understand it, if she didn't do anything, she couldn't feel at ease.

However, minutes passed by, and when there were nearly ten minutes before the explosion, what she was most worried about happened.

Above, Matsuda stopped again and said in a hoarse voice, "There are words."

Maybe it's because his voice is not good today, he didn't say much.

But Sato immediately understood what he meant. After being stunned for a while, his whole body became cold, and he asked calmly: "...What word?"

"Brave police..." Matsuda didn't finish reading it all, but after a few seconds of pause, he just picked the keywords with great effort, "3 seconds before the explosion, there will be other prompts."

Since listening to Matsuda Jinhei read this passage three years ago, Sato has almost had a psychological shadow on the "brave police".

Now Matsuda Kuroba danced and recited, which made her feel a little better, but she still understood the meaning of the string of words immediately - the bomber really used the same method again.

Her mind was blank, but she was still able to think, and seemed more focused than usual.

With the calmness that should not appear in this situation, Sato asked about the remaining countdown to Shiraishi Bomb, and he had an idea immediately after learning that there were still a few minutes left.

The communication equipment was taken by Shiraishi, and Sato did not have the contact information of the rescue team. She said to the top:

"Have them send a few mirrors and corresponding fixtures down to reflect the contents of the bomb display to me, and then you climb up the rope. As long as you go up against the wall, it won't trigger the vibration, there is no need for two people stay in…”

"Beep" sound.

Sato paused.

She was horrified at first thinking that the bomb was about to explode, but it took a moment to realize that it was Matsuda who cut off the communication with the rescue team.


... cut off? ? ?

"You..." Sato looked puzzled, not knowing what this operation was.

She thought that Matsuda might make the same sacrifice as his brother, or he might disregard the threat and defuse the bomb indifferently... But either way, there's no need to cut off the call.

She raised her head slightly in a daze, and found that Matsuda was propping her knees above her head, leaning over to look at her with a relaxed posture.

Looking at each other for a moment, he asked in that tearing voice, "How do you feel now?" do you feel?

This question was inexplicable, and Matsuda's actions were also inexplicable.

But this sentence seemed to flip the gate hidden in her head, and the thoughts that Sato had forcibly suppressed just now backfired in an instant, and she unconsciously pondered along the question.

Since three years ago, every time Sato thinks of the person who is capable of dismantling the bomb, but can only see himself being killed, he has not dared to speculate on his mood. The pain engulfed her immediately.

However, now, actually standing in the same situation, Sato found that although he was unwilling and hated the bomber, everything was not as unbearable as he imagined.

In the eyes of others, it is very painful and very difficult, but when it is placed on the person concerned, it is a step-by-step and traceable result. At this time, she seemed to suddenly understand those heroes who voluntarily sacrificed. When those people die, they may not die with pure hatred. They still have hope and relief in their hearts, and they will think of those who can survive because of their sacrifices.

...she understands the truth.

But that didn't stop Sato from suddenly wanting to cry. Tears were already in the corners of her eyes, but she remembered that there was a junior in front of her, and tried her best to endure it.

"At the moment of making a choice, the positive emotions will overwhelm the negative, and if the reverse is true, they are really afraid of death, and they will not choose this path."

Matsuda Heiye looked down at her, and said in his hoarse voice that was not healing at all but rather depressing: "You should miss them, and you can avenge them, but you don't need to feel extra pain for them, they will probably Hope those who survive are better off."

"...That's right." Sato Miwako lowered her head, wiped her eyes fiercely, and raised her head viciously:

"So you crawl out for me first! The problem that can be solved by one person has to be compensated by one more person. My negative emotions definitely overwhelm the positive ones, and I'm dying! You can't count!"

After being pointed and scolded by her, Matsuda, who had been sitting steadily on it, finally moved.

But instead of connecting to the rescue team, he grabbed the top of the elevator car with one hand and flipped it down very lightly.

By the time Sato recovered from his intense emotions, he had fallen silently into the elevator.

"?" Sato was shocked.

Was that call just a no-brainer?

Or did Matsuda Kuroba mean those words, not to comfort her, but to experience the feeling of sacrifice? ?

...This script is wrong. Normally, shouldn't he live with humiliation, avenge his brother and his brother's colleagues, catch the bomber and send people to prison?

"There is a bug next to the If I leave, the bomber hears that something is wrong and may detonate directly." Matsuda explained briefly.

Sato lost his voice in shock and said after a while, "You're not a policeman, he shouldn't target you... And now that you've come down, who's going to look for tips?!"

Isn't this dead in vain!

At this time, Sato thought to himself, Matsuda Kuroba might not be as calm as he appeared, maybe he had already lost his ability to think, but he never found out...

Maybe her regretful eyes were too straightforward.

Matsuda Kuroba was silent for a moment, then took out his own mobile phone and pressed it a few times: "I can flip it up once without triggering the mercury rod, and I can flip it twice or three times, in short..."

As he spoke, he turned the screen of his mobile phone over, and in the memo there was a line of words:

[do not worry,

Everything you worry about will be resolved]

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