MTL - Princess too Young, Prince too Old-Chapter 1139 Meet Mrs. Right

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Lu Minglan was just a side wife, and Mrs. Zuo was on top of it, Mu Yuante's move. It is inevitable that people will be disturbed, and Mrs. Zuo has an adult prince. Mu Yuante gave this palace door such a name at this time. What does it mean here? Who doesn't think too much?

Song Tong pressed his lips and did not speak. At this time the guards had come to lead the horse. Song Tong entered the palace gate side by side with auspiciousness.

On this day, Lu Minglan summoned auspiciously into the palace and Mu Yuante also summoned Song Tong. So Song Tong entered the palace together with Jixiang, first sent Jixiang to Jiajiyuan, and he was too busy to see Mu Yuante.



Jixiang is the first time to come to Jiajiyuan. As soon as I started, I felt dazzled. In winter, Beidi naturally has nothing to say, but there are still flowers in the courtyard. Taking a look. On the flower stand, there was a full row of various bonsai made of jade and jade. There are narcissus styles, peony styles, and green bamboos. The closest to Auspicious is a pot of narcissus bonsai. Looking auspiciously, he was suddenly stunned.

I saw the pot of daffodils. The bulbs are ivory, the petals are white jade, and the flower stamens are topaz. Even the most overlooked flowerpots are carved from sapphire, inlaid with small rubies and green glass. The most exquisite place is the green leaves dyed by ivory, which have the texture of real leaves and the materials are extravagant.

Rao was auspicious, and used to see all kinds of strange treasures in Dali Palace. At this time, facing such a pot of narcissus bonsai, he still felt stunned, secretly in his heart, afraid that it would be the most favored in the former palace of Wanguifei Such a rarity.

"Auspicious aunt, Mrs. Dazheyou call you in." The palace person came out, respectfully said to Jixiang.

"Okay." Auspicious nodded, sorted out some clothes at the moment, and then entered the main hall with the palace people, and then entered the warm court.

Lu Minglan is drinking the anti-fungal medicine in Nuoge. Since she was pregnant, she must drink a bowl of anti-fungal medicine every day. She frowned and lowered the medicine bowl. Before speaking, she watched a cup of tea delivered to her. "Princess please."

Lu Minglan froze, looking at the auspiciousness standing in front of her respectfully and respectfully, paused, she took the tea, rinsed her mouth, put down the tea cup, wiped the corner of her mouth, and said lightly to the auspiciousness: "sit down."

"Yes, Princess Xie." Auspiciously and respectfully sitting on the embroidered pier in front of the soft couch, she did not dare to look up, her eyes were slightly lowered, and her eyes naturally fell on Lu Minglan's apparently bulging belly, inadvertently. He frowned.

"I heard that your mother is very ill, what is happening now?" Lu Minglan was eating delicate candied fruits, while looking at auspiciousness, this mule who had been serving Mu Nanzhi for 20 years.

"Princess Qilu, the slave's mother suffered from incurable disease, and there was no good way to cure it. Now that the slave is back to Beidi, she can serve her mother's bed, and her mother's body is much better." Jixiang said.

Lu Minglan nodded: "With children Cheng Huan, it is naturally good."

After speaking, Lu Minglan sighed softly, as if sighing. She gently lowered the silver fork in her hand and said, "Will she be all good in Dali?"

Auspicious Shen said: "If you return to the princess, the queen and mother will be all right, please rest assured."

Lu Minglan gently stunned the sipa in his hand, and said for a long while, "Long live is already on the throne, I'm afraid it's time to enrich the harem?"