MTL - Princess too Young, Prince too Old-Chapter 1166 Those hands

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"Well," Ke Er was so busy holding the bowl and picking up the noodles to eat. Apparently it was spicy. While inhaling "slightly", he still couldn't stop eating. "It's delicious! It's delicious! Auntie is really amazing! But children have never eaten such delicious noodles! You dad, too!"

Song Tong rubbed Kerr's small head with a smile, and took chopsticks to eat. He is really hungry. He had no appetite for a meal at such a table, but faced the hot shabu-shabu noodles in this big bowl. He has an appetite.

Auspiciously looking at the gobbling father and son, he secretly sighed, and stood up and poured tea for the two.

A large bowl of shabu shabu goes down. Song Tong was a little bit interested. While wiping his mouth, he looked at Jixiang: "Are there any?"

Fortunately, he got up and said, "I'll cook noodles for my elder brother soon. I'll have it soon! Elder brother, wait here for you!"

"Auntie. I want to eat too!" Keer shouted after him. "I can still eat a big bowl! The biggest sea bowl!"

"Xing Xing Xing! Zhun Bao will make a big bowl for you!" Jixiang smiled and pinched Kerr's red face, and then hurriedly turned out of the side hall.


When Jixiang just cut the shreds. Just listening to the sound of footsteps from outside, she was so busy looking up. Sure enough, I saw Song Tong pushing the door into the kitchen.

Jixiang was so busy wiping his hands that he frowned and asked, "Why did the brother come in? Just look at it, brother. Go back quickly. But I'm not at ease in the house alone."

"It's okay, she's already asleep," Song Tong said, looking at the kitchen, and walking to the pot and sitting down, said to Jixiang, "I'll make you a fire."

Where would Auspicious want to make him fire? Now he was busy and waved his hand: "Brother, you get up quickly, you don't have to be soaked with the smell of soot. I'll be fine now. You can just go to the side hall and wait, just go in."

"It's okay, I didn't do this when I was a kid." Song Tong said quietly, slamming the firewood into the door of the stove, and looking at the posture, it really was a housework.

Jixiang didn't say anything anymore. Now I put the lard down and simmered the pot with onion **** garlic, pepper, and pepper noodles, then put the shredded pork into the stir-fry, added water to the inside, and covered the pot lid.

After finishing the work, Auspicious stood a little helpless in front of the stove. She rarely had the opportunity to be alone with Song Tong, especially in such a quiet late night. She was a little bit embarrassed and could n’t lift her head. After pestering for a while, she silently put the noodles and greens prepared in advance on the stove, and then she stood helpless again.

"Come here," Song Tong pointed to the small bench next to him, and said to Jixiang, "Come and bake fire."

"Oh." Auspiciously sat beside Song Tong, and then carefully extended his hand.

Song Tong looked at the red and swollen hands, and felt uncomfortable in his heart. Fortunately, in the past, the first-class red man beside Mu Nanzhi was a waitress, but he lived a life of Jin Gui that ordinary nobles could not live. Song Tong remembered that just a few months ago, when he was on his way back to Beidi, the auspicious hands were still so white and delicate. At that time, they were trapped in a blizzard. These white jade hands were making tea for their father and son. He felt unbearable at the time, but at this time, his hands were red and swollen, apparently tormented by frostbite, and even the frostbite on the little finger of his left hand cracked open, and a layer of pale yellow scabs formed on it.

She must have no experience with frostbite before? So when he arrived in Beidi, he had many frostbite.

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