MTL - Princess too Young, Prince too Old-Chapter 1183 Auntie, do you agree?

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"Aunt isn't born with anything, but learned a little bit." Jixiang said softly, and put the wrapped dumplings on a plate.

"Then I will also learn from my aunt! I will be as good as my aunt in the future. I can do everything!" Ke Er said with a look of arrogance.

"But I don't want Kerr to learn." Jixiang said, taking the parcel and gently rubbing Kerer's rice particles.

After hearing this, Ke'er immediately cried and said, "Why wouldn't my aunt be willing to teach Ker? Isn't her aunt really thinking that Ker is so stupid. So she doesn't want to teach?"

"No, it's not stupid. It's very clever." Jixiang smiled at Ke'er's nose, and said to the little girl with a smile, "but my aunt is very distressed. I don't want Kerr to learn this screwdriver. I do n’t want to let Kerr drill into the kitchen all the time, whether it ’s smoking Kerer or tired. The little aunt will be distressed. As long as there is an aunt, Kerr can make clothes all his life. Come and stretch out your mouth. "

But Ke Er's eyes were red, and he hurriedly reached out and hugged Auspicious. Little head got into her arms. He whispered, "Little aunt. Little aunt ..."

"What's wrong?" Jixiang was startled, so busy that he put down the papa in his hand and coaxed him. "Why? What's wrong with the undead aunt? Are you upset?"

"No," Kerr twitched. Wo crying in auspicious arms, "My aunt is the best to me, and my aunt hurts me the most. I also like my aunt ..."

Jixiang heard her say this, and followed a little bit of sadness. Now she reached out and held Kerr directly on her lap, and then wiped her tears, while coaxing Kerr, "No more crying, Kerr. No more crying, my aunt was crying, and her aunt was distressed. "

"Well, Keer is obedient, but Keer doesn't cry," Keer agreed, but the tears fell down "slammingly", she looked at the auspicious face, and said carefully, "Little aunt, Will you be my mother-in-law? "

Jixiang suddenly froze, and she looked at Ke'er stupidly: "Does Kerer really want me to be a mother?"

"Think! Thought! Special thoughts!" Keer kept nodding like rubbing garlic, muttering while ringing his auspicious neck, "the aunt is the best to me, and it ’s better for me than all the others." OK, I have long wanted my aunt to be my mother-in-law, and I'm afraid ... I'm afraid that my aunt is unwilling ... "

How could she be unwilling?

The auspicious eyes warmed up, holding Kerr tightly in his arms.

"Aunt Aunt, do you agree?" Keer lay on his auspicious shoulder and asked a little unwillingly again. "Aunt Aunt, would you agree with me? I'm afraid the aunt doesn't want me."

Auspicious smiled, with a slight choke in his voice: "Why wouldn't my aunt be okay?"

"But Zhang Ye's granddaughter also likes her aunt very much. She also said yesterday that she wanted to recognize her aunt as a mother-in-law," Ke Er said flatly, his face was clearly indignant, "She is so ugly , I also want to be the aunt's daughter, huh! Thanks to her kindness! Then I beat her! "

Jixiang couldn't laugh or cry: "I said why Zhang Ma said something was wrong and she couldn't come to help. It turned out that you hit someone's young granddaughter."

"Who wants her to grab the little aunt with me," said Ke Er fiercely, without any guilt. "She will dare to pester the little aunt in the future, and I will see it once and once!"

Auspicious really feels angry and funny: "It's not allowed to hit anyone! If you let me know that you hit someone by hand, I will let your dad discipline you!"