MTL - Princess too Young, Prince too Old-Chapter 1185 Would you like a cup of tea

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"You have been with your mother for 20 years in Dali, and your mother is kind to you." Song Tong said with emotion.

"My mother-in-law doesn't just treat me kindly. My mother-in-law still remembers my father. I can't help telling me to take good care of my father in the letter," Jixiang said to Song Tong, as she remembered something. "By the way, the mother-in-law also said. Someone has sent some tonics and rewards. Mo will be here in about ten days."

"Mother-in-law is really close," Song Tong said with a smile, and then he said auspiciously. "Should you have a cup of tea?"

Auspicious glanced at the black cricket outside, and then looked at the wet piece of palm on his hand, and then nodded and said: "Okay."

Song Tong led auspiciously to the study in the front yard. After auspicious sitting. He made auspicious tea for himself.

This is the first time that Auspicious entered Song Tong's study. For a scholar, the study is undoubtedly the most hidden and private place. Auspiciously served Lu Zhishan and Mu Nanzhi for a long time. Naturally know. In the former Prince Ning Mansion, no one can enter Luzhishan Study. Many years of non-duties like Du Heng Zheng Zuoyang cannot enter. So Song Tong took her to the study on her own initiative. She said nothing on the auspicious face, but she was very happy.

"This Bashan Yinya was delivered along with the sausage." Song Tong came over with a tea cup and sat opposite the auspicious, "I used to take this sip, Sister Zhou Ran kept remembering and would bring me something every year. "

Auspicious is not an unseen person, but it was the first time I heard about Bashan Yinya, but her mind was no longer on this tea, and now she was holding a tea bowl, and said "um" lightly.

Song Tong was also holding a tea bowl, sitting on the other side of the little table, and secretly glanced at the auspicious, a pair of things to say, and sure enough, he put down the tea cup and took out a delicate brocade box Delivered to Auspicious.

"What is it?" Auspicious stared at the brocade box, nervous for a while. She had actually guessed what it was, but still couldn't believe it.

Growing up like this, she has never received a gift, especially from Song Tong.

"It's nothing, I just bought you a bitch," Song Tong tried to conceal his embarrassment, put the box on the table, sipped his tea, and when he spoke again, his tone was much smoother, and he said, "You now It is the lady of Songfu. It is reasonable to say that the costumes and dresses should be different from before, but this process has a lot of things at home, I forgot, and I will make up for you in the future. "

The auspicious heart that was auspicious originally seemed to be pouring a basin of cold water. She looked coldly at the brocade box, and then said to Song Tong: "My brother is interested, but my aunt is used to it, I really do Do n’t come to Miss Qianjin, I ’m afraid I have to live up to my brother ’s painstaking loneliness, this sister-in-law, let ’s take it back. ”

Without waiting for Song Tong to speak, Auspicious had already stood up and walked out. Song Tong hastily put down the tea bowl in his hand and pulled auspicious sleeves: "Auspicious!"

Auspicious didn't turn his back and ignored him, standing rigidly, her eyes staring at a set of "Han Meitu" hanging on the wall, but Kerr told her that Bai's is a good character , Is best at painting plum, but she rarely enters the backyard and has never seen Bai's paintings in person. This is the first time she has seen Bai's paintings. Rao is the painting without any famous inscriptions. Guess this is Bai's big handwriting.

Bai's painting style is quite different from her usual Dali paintings. The colors are bold and bright, which looks a bit indecent, but it is even eye-catching, especially the little red plum on the painting, which is as red as fire. It was so red that Auspicious looked at the "Han Mei Tu" on the wall without blinking.