MTL - Princess too Young, Prince too Old-Chapter 5 Young Prince 5

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Lu Minglan didn't dare to stay in Luzhishan. He was very valuable, and he could n’t even get out of it. Luzhishan knew the importance. When leaving, he kept the twenty-two gold and two clove sachets he had with him. It was given to Lu Minglan. When he came to the door, Lu Zhishan paused, and then untied the concentric knot from his waist and put it in Lu Minglan's hand: "This concentric knot was left to me by my mother and concubine. I have been wearing it personally. The goat fat jade above is said to have been invited by the master to have been exposed. The princess, if she likes it, will leave her a peace symbol. "

Lu Minglan didn't quit, and thanked the little princess for Lu Zhishan. Lu Zhishan only returned to the post hall with Dai Xing. Beidi's post hall couldn't compare with Dali, but it was also considered to be clean and clear. Lu Zhishan Looking at the white porcelain tea set on the table, as well as a few dishes of delicate snacks, his eyes were dark. He wanted to smash the white porcelain tea set and crush it, and he wanted to paste the cheese cakes and pastries on the charming faces.

However, he didn't do anything. He lay quietly on the large spacious bed, covered with thick and soft mattresses, and smelled the faint smell of cashmere carpet. Lu Zhishan didn't close his eyes overnight, and the next day dawned He followed Dali's gift-giving team back to Chaktu.

"Princess Heshuo is also very blessed. There are no fewer than dozens of servants in the sweaty tent. She was born to have twin children. I heard that Khan intentionally promoted her to be Mrs. Right. Hee hee, even Mrs. Zuo refused to nod. "Someone in the team said.

"The old man from Beidi, how did Chengri face the sturdy and sturdy Beidi woman, how could she bear the beautiful Chinese girl? And I heard that Princess Heshuo ’s mother is also a fox, otherwise how could she be so lucky that Emperor Linxi was so lucky? Hey, I later ignored her mother's persuasion, and promoted her to become a grandmother? Alas, Princess Heshuo is also inherited from family school. "Another man chuckled.


That day, Lu Zhishan killed the man for the first time, and he was fierce. He saw all the soldiers who were accustomed to the battlefield iron and blood were creepy. He kept his horse whip, and then whip the two gift officers with a whip. Flying horizontally, his bones can be seen. If General Dragon and Tiger did not come in time, he would siphon the two into a mess.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" Zhao Jingting's dark face was frightened, how could he not lose his horsewhip, but he was also drawn to the back of his hand, and the skin flew open, blood poured out, and the angry boy was even more brutal than the tiger and leopard. Zhao Jingting sucked Air-conditioned, kneeling to the ground, "His Highness is angry! Your Highness is angry!"

At this time, a group of officers and men knew that the young man who had been with them for half a year was actually the most sacred prince, and all the officers and men panicked and knelt down at Lu Zhishan, who was stained with blood.

"We are all Dali Shachangerlang. The plan is nothing more than extermination of the captives. Anguo Dingbang, if even his wife, children, and young people are not well protected, it is better to die!" Lu Zhishan was facing the soldiers kneeling in the pressure, and his roar was dumb. "Don't forget it! You all rely on women to live a stable life. You don't have to be ashamed. You are eating soft rice and smearing slander behind your back, tarnishing people's festivals. This is the end!"

After the hysterics, Lu Zhishan came to Zhao Jingting's account.

"General Zhao, I want to go with you to the southwest border next spring." Lu Zhishan said calmly and unquestionably.

Zhao Jingting looked at the young prince who was only fourteen years old, remembering before his departure, the long lived urged again and again, exclaiming, "The great prince is a treasure, how can the emperor be willing to let the great prince go to the southwest battlefield?"

"I have a way to ask the father and the emperor for approval," Lu Zhishan still looked calm. "Just General Zhao, you need to promise me first, from now on, treat me like yours and yours."

Zhao Jingting looked around the young man, and slowly nodded slowly: "Okay, I promise you, Lu Yongzhan."

Yongzhan is the name of Lu Zhishan.


In the second year, Lu Zhishan followed Zhao Jingting to the southwest. Long lived the Lord praised him for defending the country and serving as a soldier. He made an exception to enclose his so young prince as Prince Ning. Everyone went to the border with Prince Ning. , Coming back must be the Prince's plus.

Before leaving, Lu Zhishan went to Shoukang Palace to resign to the empress Xu Shumin. After leaving Shoukang Palace, he did not rush back, but went to Jingfu Palace. There are not many leftovers left by the emperor. There are only four. Today, They all lived there, but Lu Zhishan didn't go in, but stood at the door for a while, and looked at the old man with closed eyes and eyes closed under the flower stand in the courtyard. Although the man is old, his face is still there. It's Rongse Qingcheng.

Lu Zhishan watched for a while, then invited the **** leader of Gyeongbokgung Palace, ordered him to serve the four concubines, and rewarded the **** with a golden melon seed. The **** was hoeing his head on the stone floor. more than.

Later, Lu Zhishan has been following the movements of Beidi's royal family. He knew that in the fourth year, in order to show Beidi's sincerity to Dali, he sent Lu Minglan's only five-year-old princess Mu Nanzhi to Dali Royal Palace and raised him in Dali. Below the queen queen's knees, long lived grace gave her the title of landlord. In the sixth year, Lu Minglan was promoted to Mrs. Dazheyou.

At that time, Lu Zhishan had been stationed in the southwest for seven years. Tubo and Siam joined forces to declare war on Dali. For a while, he was purged from the southwestern adult. Lu Zhishan repeatedly urged him to return to Beijing despite the imperatives. His Prince Ning always rushed with his troops. On the front line, Lu Zhishan never thought about it. He stayed in the southwest for twelve years and only returned to Beijing during the period. He never even thought about fighting this battle for more than ten years, and finally ended with a fiasco defeat in Dali.

Lu Zhishan remembers clearly that the last battle was in Hue. He led a **** battle for three days and nights. The soldiers around him fell down one by one. He watched the blood converge into a river, and his eyes became red. Lu Zhishan could not even distinguish between the living and the dead. At that time, they never waited for reinforcements. In the end, he fell down, an arrow fell into his knees, he fell off the horse, and then the whole person was gone. Perception, falling into darkness.

When he woke up again, the Luzhishan people were already in Yunnan. He was unconscious for four days and four nights. He was dug out of the dead by the soldiers and escorted him to the city of Kunming. The arrow fell into him deeply. His knees, coupled with the hot and humid weather in the southwest, made the entire knees red and swollen, and the wound was stinking pus. Lu Zhishan looked at his swollen knees twice as big, but he didn't notice any pain.

Hue was defeated, and the Southwest Army under Lu Zhishan was damaged by 40,000 people. It will not be possible to form a combat force in a short time. Moreover, the voices of war and debate in North Korea were higher than one year, a battle that dragged on for ten years. It is impossible to keep dragging on. The people complained and the courtiers were dissatisfied. They were complaining that they had been fighting for a long time, not to mention the situation as it is now. Inevitably.

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