MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 11 A little scent, a little sweat ...

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Chapter 011 A little scent, a little sweat ... ()

Chu Yuan blushed like blood and lost her voice: "Wipe face ?!"

"Yeah, why are you so surprised?"

"No, not surprised," Chu Yuanmei flashed a anger in her eyes, but it didn't happen, but she felt a little timid with a guilty conscience, and whispered, "That towel is mine ..."

Girls pay attention to hygiene, I immediately realized my mistake, and my hands were combined: "I'm sorry, I took the wrong one, my one is also white, I don't know clearly, I will buy a new one for you tomorrow."

This is probably the case for men. It is inevitable to feel inferiority in front of beautiful girls. This psychology is puzzling. In fact, I take a shower almost every day ...

"No, I didn't mean that," Chu Yuan murmured, "that ... that towel is not very clean. The red one is for wiping your face. Don't take it wrong next time."

Not clean? Seeing Chu Yuan's ashamedness turned and walked out of the bathroom, I suddenly realized that I followed her and laughed: "I know, that towel is for you to wipe your feet? Oh, it's okay, it's clean, I don't care." I don't care, but I feel awkward even after saying this, as if I have a foot fetish.

"It wasn't rubbing your feet! That's ..." Chu Yuan neglected me in a huff, and he stopped talking and walked faster.

"It's not the feet or the face, it's the shackles of the body," I was confused, "what can be shy about this?"

"Are you looking for a cricket?" Chu Yuan was ashamed and yelled at me, "Why is it useful for a girl to wipe her face ?! Also ask me what is ashamed, are you stupid ?!"

Is it better to wipe your body than your feet? The mist of water on my head really couldn't figure out how to offend Grandma Aunt, "How am I stupid?"

"You ... forget it," Chu Yuan saw that I wasn't pretending to be a garlic, shook her head and sighed, and turned into her room. "It's so slow, no wonder you can't make a girlfriend today."

Are you itchy? Does my relationship with my girlfriend have the wrong towel? !! I have the urge to press Chu Yuan on my thigh and spank, so that you can uncover my scars without thinking about it ... the thought of President Mo's ruthlessness, my man is sore and aching, as if the naughty Cupid hit me with an arrow of love , But ironically shot the arrow of resistance at Murphy, playing me fiercely.

Who knows my mind, Chu Yuan said lightly: "Be careful under your feet."

"Huh?" I entered the door and looked down. There was a broken glass on the ground. It should be Chu Yuan who suddenly thought that the underwear changed in the bathroom might be seen by me. I rushed out and accidentally broke it.

"I'll pick up the broom."

"No," Chu Yuan held me, pushing me on her bed with a playful face like a red apple, and went straight to the desk and turned the drawer. "I'll give you medicine first."

Although still indifferent, whispering softly is like a warm current flowing in my body. After all, it is my sister. She didn't hurt her, but still cared about me.

Yu Li Tingting's delicate body stood in front of me, and she unknowingly raised a lot. Her tiny hand grabbed and pressed my bangs, and a cotton swab soaked in medicine was wiped carefully on my forehead and beeped. The cherry's small mouth gently blows the Buddha, cool, itchy, fragrant, ...

Once upon a time, I fantasized about such a cozy scene between brothers and sisters. When the usual things in the eyes of others really happened between me and Chu Yuan, the sweet and sour touch actually made my eyes a bit moist, I do n’t know How to describe the mood at the moment, because I myself feel somehow.

"What's wrong? Is it painful?" Chu Yuan found my weirdness. Panic moves and apologetic tone made me feel embarrassed, but captured by this warmth.

"No, the potion is a little squinting, it doesn't matter."

"Is it okay," Chu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, continued wiping, and said gently: "Keep on for a while, just wipe it again."

"Yes." My mouth responded, but I really hope she can wipe it a few more times, so that I can enjoy the feeling of my brother and the thoughtfulness of my sister. If Chu Yuan can often be so obedient and docile, I will definitely not dislike her Living in my house, it's too late for such a lovely sister ...

"Brother, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Well, take it before taking it."

"Oh ... are my dishes delicious?"

"It's delicious, haha, a taste made with mom."

"Really, hee hee, you like it, right ... does my underwear smell?"

"A little scent, a little sweaty, but not bad ..." The buddy was drunk with closed eyes, blurted out without thinking, I suddenly woke up without feeling the movement of Chu Yuan, my mother What did I just say? !!

Opening his eyes tremblingly, the devil's soul-eaten momentum came to his face. Grandma's grandmother's eyes were blood-red, and two rows of snow-white teeth crunched. Seeing this meant that she wanted to put something in the middle, such as Say, my neck ...

"Fate, fate, listen to me ..."

"Say your head!" Chu Yuanqi's tears flew out, and he didn't listen to me at all, and kicked on my calf fiercely, "Go to death, you're a pervert !!!"



Two painful sounds sounded at the same time, my leg hurts, and Chu Yuan, my feet hurt ...

"Brother Chunan, can you rub your feet?"

Looking at the tassel with two calves resting on my thigh just sitting on the chair, I smiled bitterly: "Do n’t I buy a car, you just make this every day?"

Tassel refreshed, "You decided to buy ?!"

"Surely don't buy it," I pushed her long legs away, and saw the ambiguous eyes cast by many colleagues, frowning slightly: "Rings, don't do this in the future, it is easy to misunderstand."

"Who misunderstood? What did you misunderstand?" Liu Suman looked around left and right, smirking and said to me: "Nannan, are you afraid of being misunderstood by President Mo? Hey, by the way, go out with President Mo yesterday, what happened, any progress?"

This unavoidable problem is too depressing for me. Yang Wei, who happened to pass by, is also very interested in this. He came over with a cup of tea and said, "Yeah, Nan, a rare opportunity for you to create, No waste? "

I shook my head weakly like a balloon being stung. "Sorry, it's wasted."

"No, right?" Yang Wei looked at me in disappointment, and hated iron and steel. "That is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How many people are looking forward to it, are you ruined ?!"

It is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the chance is not necessarily, the accident is true! Damn, I took President Mo's mother's mouth. Is it a rare accident?

"Don't listen to him, pure nonsense," tassel turned his eyes, chilly sneer in his mouth, suspicious tone is more like a reminder or a hint, "Nan Nan, dare you say yesterday Nothing really happened? "

I was shocked, and the affirmation in Gein's tassel expression, did she know what happened yesterday? impossible...