MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1224 ] Three things that offend Miss Three

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[Silly sleep for the past two days, dark and dark, from one sleep at noon on the 29th to the morning on the 30th, twenty hours, **** went away, two chapters and one chapter, 6000 words chapter, just finished coding And then sleep ...]

"Three years and eight months" How did this time come in a fraction? Who are your ‘absolutely unbeatable and impossible rivals’? Doesn't sound like Ziyuan, is it Miss Three? But three years and eight months ago, I was just an ordinary college student. Before the internship, I lived a life of 2 to 1 line, but it was monotonous but full-not to be tossed by Chu Yuan at home, I was tossed by Grandma Cheng at school ... because of my personality, I only like to hold an ancient masterpiece whose cover is "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Jin Ping Mei" on the campus bench, even if I get quiet occasionally, or Resentfully licking an old ice lolly worth 0.5 yuan but excellent de-fire effect squatting under my building, using my mature and vicissitudes to deceive Xiao Yi Ke, this goblin's deep and deep eyes, extremely The content and patience calculate the probability of passing a beautiful woman in a skirt from the front and blowing a naughty and cute wind at the same time, picking up her skirt and revealing the small pants inside, in order to make me lonely or boring or angry The feelings of humiliation gradually became comfortable and pleasant ... so I only know the 'Feng Chang' of 'Feng Er Blows Out', and as for the Feng Chang Group working today, at that time, don't say that its head is the surnamed Mo. The surname is Zhang. I do n’t even know where the door is open. It ’s not the ideal and goal of my struggle at all. Even the interview was dragged by tassel. I didn't expect that I would actually be hired, especially me. On the day of the interview, I also ran into tension for Yao Waner's death ...

There is no doubt that Miss San knew that there was a Chunan person in Beitian. It must be before the Qianlong Manor Case, otherwise she would not use Guo Xiang, who had not known she had been used, to get acquainted with me and throw me away. On a gorgeous stage like Long Xiaotian Dashou ... but I never thought of it, even if I thought of it ... no, even if Zheng Yuqiu now told me personally, Miss Three knew that I was very pitted in every sense. The name of "son" is three years and eight months, and I have no reason to believe it-even if Zheng Yuqiu said that she was because I was far from being a wave in the interview process. The nosy affairs that attracted her or Miss Three's attention, I could barely accept it. After all, that was the first thing I could have to do with Feng Chang. Before that, I couldn't be with any one. People related to Miss Three have a little relationship, how could she know me and want to know me? unless...

"You and Shiyuan are classmates?"

"No," Zheng Yuqiu took just 0.1 second, and rejected the only reasonable answer I thought. "You have a quick response. What's more rare is that when I continue to stimulate you, when you are very surprised, and still Under the premise that it is difficult to recover, your logical thinking is still so clear and fast. My sister is right, this is a natural talent, and you are destined to be a natural winner. "

"First, this answer is not difficult to guess. Second, it is difficult to guess. I did not guess. You said that your sister's evaluation of me was correct. I can only understand that you are ironic that I am not smart enough to be smart. , Destined to be a natural loser. "

Zheng Yuqiu shook his head. "My sister praises you for your genius, not for how smart you are. There are more smart people in this world than you, but by no means just pick out one who is a winner. The one who is mixed is not as good as you are now. It must account for the vast majority, but on the contrary, among the successful ones, there are many people who are not as smart as you. What do people rely on? Not necessarily a successful father and mother? Only those who are unwilling to work hard and are not content with The status quo therefore thinks that cynicism is actually only a small anger of red + naked + naked hatred rich can be killed with a single stick. No matter who is the same, wanting to be a successful person may be difficult and requires you to have many elements, but smart is not the most Importantly, as long as people are willing to work hard and study hard, they do n’t need to be too smart to catch or create opportunities to become successful. Even if they ca n’t achieve their ideals in the end, the rewards in return are enough for you to become The winner in most people's minds, but for a successful person who is recognized as very smart, it is too easy to become a mediocre or loser, just lazy And squandered enough to last the rest can be left to their own, just ... just so clever, clever is not your talent is bound to be successful, but not everyone is destined to be successful talent. "

"Then you still say that I am a born successer?" Buddy thinks this is narcissistic, as if he does not deny that he is clever, and she is not convinced that her clever set may not succeed.

"My sister said it, I just agreed," Zheng Yuqiu laughed. "She said that the most terrible part of you is not that you have a smart head, but that you also have a copy that you will never lose at any time. Calmness-even in Qianlong Manor, where life and death are tied to the front line, even she who thinks she is the best in this area has lost her ability to think normally, and her head is blank, but you ... "

I didn't wait for her to finish, and interrupted impatiently, "If you don't think that because there is only a blank space in the head, would any fool stick out his head to shoot the murderer's muzzle? Isn't there in the foreigner's dictionary ' Is the word 'impulsive' or do you fail to understand the meaning of the word? "

Zheng Yuqiu laughed: "It's not that we didn't understand the word correctly, but that you didn't understand you correctly."

I'm not accustomed to her eyes. Those eyes that are both resentful and exasperated are more like asking and answering yourself: You don't even understand yourself, how can you understand why I like you?

"What are you two doing?" Duanmu Liushui, who had already reached the door of the private room, yelled at the two of us who fell behind.

I was taken aback because I suddenly realized that I was treating Zheng Yuqiu so rudely. If she was seen by Mrs. Duanmu, maybe she would strengthen her determination to shelter the old man ... I carefully designed the meal and finally could n’t eat it It is ridiculous that the person leaving is myself.

I quickly let go of Zheng Yuqiu, took two steps back, but looked back. Although Madam Duanmu was looking at us, there was only surprise in her expression. I could not see the anger like Duanmu flowing water, and Lao Zhang was not gloating. With a look of despair coming to the end of the world ... until Zheng Yuqiu held my arm generously again, I reacted violently, while listening to Zheng Yuqiu whispering: "They think we are just in love ..."

The pose just now is really ambiguous, and under normal circumstances, no one would think that a big man dare to bully a weak woman, let alone her sister in front, not to mention that the big man is me-a super flowery carrot.

"Why don't you think I'm insulting you?" Emphasizing the strength of the genius is a must. That's a warning, not a joke.

Zheng Yuqiu blinked those eyes that would discharge when Murphy complained, "Because my sister is holding you happily now."

"You are sick."

"If **** is a disease."

I am speechless, why do I always run into this kind of problematic woman? Am I really committing a 'problem child robbery'?

Zheng Yuqiu saw that I was eating maggots, and was very proud. He laughed for a while, and converged his expression like turning the book again. He said, "The idiot does not affect IQ. You and I are both adults. I should all understand. In fact, it is not pleasing, but it will make you feel that I am a frivolous woman, but you should also understand that even if you play with me in the field, use me and act, that kind of result is what you want and most What you need, if you really feel sick, I can teach you a way, and you think about it the other way--is it worth offending Zheng Xuedong for a mean woman like me? "

I froze and sighed, "I thought you dare to say that I don't understand myself, because you think you understand me better than me. Now it seems that you are not even yourself Understand? I don't like you, but I don't hate you, you are not as bad as you think. "

"I know I'm a good woman. I say this because I understand you so well. The woman who knows you the most is either humble or considerate or weak and pitiful."

"... You are sincere." I really don't know how to evaluate this girl.

"Because your favorite thing is honesty and lack of mind, such as your current girlfriend Miss Cheng."


In front of Ms. Zheng, my sloppy kung fu is all clouds, all his mother's clouds ...

When Zheng Yuqiu walked by, no one continued the topic just now, but did n’t lower his voice deliberately as he did just now. It seemed that he wanted everyone to hear it. "Min Rou and I have asked my sister, because both of us and Xiao Ziyuan, Even everyone who has been by your side does not think that you are a person who will never lose your calmness, as she said, but without exception, you are usually gentle and seemingly forbearing, especially Willing to suffer, it ’s actually very easy to be impulsive, or the impulse of recklessness, not to mention that you are in a hurry to die in Qianlong Manor, just say it just now, I just teased two or three sentences, you forget Did you entertain me for dinner today? You did it manually ... "

Is it that the words are so ambiguous? It seems that the two of us were really doing something ashamed just now.

Staring at Mrs. Duanmu, I didn't dare to take any chances. I just felt that her eyes were a little sharper than the eyes of the invigilator on cheating students when I took the college entrance examination.

I went to the private room and went into the private room. Naturally, I asked Zhang Duanmu and Zhang Li to sit in the main seat. Duanmu Liushui had to sit next to his mother. Zheng Yuqiu was unintentional, but he was specifically targeted for him. It ’s because she almost apologized for something that was almost hands-on. She pulled a chair and asked her to take a seat ...

But this time Duanmu Liushui said nothing, glared at her, glanced at me, and walked to the other side, sitting next to tension, everyone thought he was converging in front of Mrs. Duanmu, but I knew, He saw the fleeting rejoicing in his mother's eyes ...

"My sister said that what she calls" calmness "you have is not that you are not impulsive, but that you are not out of control."

Mrs. Duanmu didn't speak, and she didn't dare to say anything. Duanmu had nothing to say. Sima Yang, who ran errands, didn't dare to say. Everyone was silent, as if they were interested in Zheng Yuqiu's words. To leave the topic is like to pierce the minds of everyone. It is tantamount to using the wrong place cleverly. It is too unpleasant. Moreover, Duanmu Liushui and Zheng Yuqiu have just happened less quickly. For the time being, there is a topic to ease the atmosphere. It was so demanding, so I had to bite the bullet and asked, "Isn't impulsivity out of control?"

"I think it's worth it, but my sister thinks it's not worth it, because she is more impulsive than you, but she always says that she is a very calm person, and I can't understand how a calm person can be for me such a non-relative person. Poor girl, she left her job and ignored it. She stayed in the hospital for fifteen days? How many important meetings did she miss, how much money did she lose, how much complained and how much scolding did she suffer? Do n’t say me Is it a wolf-eyed wolf, would you be grateful to Dade for saying that she was good to me, what if I die? She is so tired of money and suffers more than nothing, and I ’m not afraid that some cold-blooded people may pretend to be my sister or any animal She put on the skin and told me it was my nephew who came to beat her? "

The sweat in my head was sloshing down, Miss Zheng's two lips looked soft, but they were one and the same, they were flying knives.

Duanmu Liushui couldn't hear it anymore, and said angrily, "Zheng Yuqiu, if you want to talk, talk about people, or leave me out and don't make noise here."

"Don't I speak human words?" Miss Zheng was shocked. "How do you understand not human words?"

"You, his mother and mom scold me and want me to be confused ?!"

"I didn't ask you to take the right seat. You are honest and I praise you."

"I **** you!"

Buddy finally understood why Zheng Yuqiu and Duanmu Liushui would hit each other once they had an argument—Duanmu Liushui's temper was really bad, and his heart was not proportional to his volume, but Miss Zheng's mouth was too damaged. .. If Chu Yuan had such a mouth, even if I was a self-proclaimed inferior and invincible, I could not guarantee how much better I could be than Master Duanmu ...

Looking at Zheng Yuqiu at this time, I thought of the oriental lady with the same poisonous tongue ... I do n’t know if they knew each other. If they knew each other, it would be expected that they would be very fateful ...

Zhang Li and Sima Yang pulled the Duanmu flowing water from the left to the right and persuaded him to sit down. Zhang Li also urged the waiter to quickly put on a glass of ice water to help the young master extinguish the fire. Zheng Yuqiu was cheap. The time was, no Ignore him and then said to me: "My sister said that calmness that does not get out of control means that at any time, whether you are impulsive, angry, fearful, surprised or at a loss, your mind is extremely clear. Your principles and your values ​​will not change because of changes in the situation. That is to say, you always have and stick to your position. Therefore, at Qianlong Manor, my sister has forgotten that moment. It was you who was involved because of her. When only 'I don't want to die' is left in your mind, you stood there with the murderers to pull out words and calculate their psychology, forcing them to put Murphy and Dong Xiaoye, and succeeded in doing it, my sister felt that she was severely humiliated by you. When she was like everyone else to strive for perfection, forcing herself to forget the dignity that is usually more important than life, you used precious Defend your insignificant dignity, is that impulsive? Obviously not, everyone is usually like that or advertised or demanded, but only you remain calm and did not forget your principles ... My sister never lost I ’ve given it to anyone, not to mention that in the most confident aspect, she lost to a person she was least willing to lose. She originally wanted to sell you a favor, but she did n’t want to accept it. You ca n’t afford it, you said, she ’s not going to entangle you, but who is going to entangle it? ”

I frowned. "What do you mean by" entanglement "? I want to get revenge or do I want to show my respect?"

Zheng Yuqiu played with the taste: "Neither ... I want you to show your respects. Only by turning you into a soft rice can you make up for her spiritual and spiritual trauma."

If Mrs. Duanmu wasn't there, I would have sprayed her with a 'grass' character and held back, saying, "Sending Xiao Zi back to me is to thank me for saving her life?"

"Half and half."

With that said, Mrs. Duanmu and Zhang Li, including Duanmu Liushui and Sima Yang, are really starting to be interested-who doesn't want to know why Miss Three favors me as an ordinary silly boy?

"Why half and half?"

Zheng Yuqiu is still a joke, "Half of it is to thank you for your life-saving grace, and half of it is to turn you into a soft rice-if you don't even have a woman, you will be okay with her. Your hero rescued Meiluo and won her heart, letting people know that she was crazy for twenty-seven years, never put a man in her eyes, but fell in love with a little person like you, how shameful? So this is The second thing you offend her, is what Min Rou told you-you meandered and devalued her ... "

"You stop me—" I interrupted in time without letting Zheng Yuqiu perfunctory. "What you said about Qianlong Manor earlier should be the first thing that Min Rou calls me offending your sister." Had shamed her, right? "

Zheng Yuqiu nodded. "Yeah."

I collapsed, very collapsed, "Min Rou told me before, although it sounds similar to what you said, but ... how do I feel that the nature is completely different ?!"

Zheng Yuqiu took her face for granted, "Because I'm more honest, she's smoother ..."

"But don't you think your honesty is too far-fetched to me?" I was angry, so angry, "Co-authored me and humiliated her in the public court, but she just thought she lost to me? It's a shame in front of the public at the court? Well, I'm reluctant to accept it. Although I don't think that I emphasize my dignity is a hindrance to her affair, but the second thing you said, I 'turned down and downplayed her.' .. If you say that I have scolded her in the back and said bad things about her, I will recognize it ... "

Zheng Yuqiu said: "You can't scold her for turning around, don't say that you've been scolding in private in a very direct way, just in front of her, aren't you also a slap with a cursed face?"

The tension on the opposite side took a sigh of coolness, and the ice water that was handed to Duanmu was almost drunk. It was not unusual to dare to curse Ms. San in the face, and it was strange that Ms. San did not straighten me up. What does it mean?

I guess Lao Zhang's thoughts are rich, but I don't have the fun to ponder him,

"Then how did I make a derogatory derogation over her?" I was angry. "How do I hear it? It looks like she is self-harming and self-harm. She has any thoughts about me and is afraid that others will know. A little white face eating soft rice? "

"You were forced to do all these things by her?"

"I begged her to do it ?!"

"So, she said that you were demeaning to her, and where did you wrong? If you begged her, wouldn't she have to please you all the time?"

"Why ?! Yeah starves to death and doesn't make a small white face!" In fact, this rule is not in my principle-if I didn't realize the small white face, I would have been embarrassed to have a crush on Murphy ...

Zheng Yuqiu sighed: "You see, you would rather starve to disdain her such a proud and self-confident genius beauty. You let everyone here comment on it, do you mean to debase her?"

I looked around the round table, Mrs. Duanmu's blind obedience was expected, but even Duanmu Liushui, who did not deal with Zheng Yuqiu, looked at me like an idiot ...

"You are speaking from the perspective of Miss Three. Could you please think from my perspective, and then tell me, what am I doing wrong?"

"You're right. No matter who you stand on, you can't tell where you are wrong. You must give your thumbs up, but ..." Zheng Yuqiu shrugged and said, "Only stand at my sister's point of view, You ’re wrong, you ’re totally wrong—you may understand it easily when I say that, I like you, I do n’t think I ’m wrong, but you may think I ’m wrong, but the other way around? You do n’t like me, You may think you are right, but I think you must be wrong ... Oh, the reason is simple, you are thinking again. "

She said it was simple, and I admit that she said it was simple, but I just can't figure out why a thing that is obviously not easy, she can summarize so simple ...

"Even if your fallacy is true, my third thing that offends her is‘ blatantly snatching her things ’. What did I rob her of? Xiaozi?”

"No," Zheng Yuqiu shook her head, rarely earnestly, and said, "You robbed her of something, I can't say, but I can tell you that the person who robbed her was not you originally, but she did cause you If you are interested, then you will start to contact Xiao Ziyuan slowly. It can also be said that most of our understanding of you comes from Xiao Ziyuan. Later, I went to contact the teacher who taught you, but it was objective verification. We confirmed Xiao Ziyuan sent her back because she was not wishful of you ... "

Compared to what she wanted to express, I paid more attention to the words 'originally' and 'slowly'. 'Originally' meant that the person who had taken her things was not me, but implied that things had been taken by me now Then, "slowly" to contact Xiao Zi, intriguing, is the way of contact ... Why is it slowly? Is it necessary to be so cautious?

"In order to shape me into a small white face?" I really shouldn't be entangled with the subject on this occasion, but when it comes to Ziyuan, I can't let it go.

Zheng Yuqiu laughed a little bit complicated, seeming to have distress, saying: "My sister and Xiao Ziyuan hope to tell you personally when the time is right, so I ca n’t explain it to you in detail, I can only tell you that it is like this That ’s right, because apart from that, my sister had no other way to persuade Xiao Ziyuan to come back. The sisters ’love was not working, so they solved it in the form of a shopping mall. The Qianlong Manor just happened to be an opportunity. Thinking of you, you become the central character of Beitian Storm. She misses you, and it is even harder to return home, and my sister will take revenge on you and shape you into a little white face, and use it as a bargaining chip. There is a condition that she can't refuse to return to Beitian ... Actually, I can feel it without telling you? The relationship between Xiao Ziyuan and my sister and Min Rou is not inferior to that of my sister and Min Rou. Relationship, this kind of feeling can't be cultivated in one day or two. Besides, do you think she will believe in a woman who will not only harm her, but also your wife? "

Of course not believe it ... but I still have questions.

"You said that you were interested in me first, and then you came into contact with Xiao Zi, and asked the teacher who taught me to" prove ", and only after this year decided to send Xiao Zi back ..." I asked: "Then where did you hear about Chunan three years and eight months ago?"

Zheng Yuqiu's expression was suffocated, and there was a gleam in her eyes. She clearly regretted that she had said too many things that should not be said. What was the key to my arrest ...

Read The Duke's Passion