MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1248 】 Warm bed in winter, seductive in summer

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In this way, I did not explain the problem that I would not satisfy Lao Mo or Long Shan no matter how I explained it-how did I convince Mrs. Duanmu to support me again. With their two IQs and their understanding of Mrs. Duanmu, the moment she raised me a senior to become her prospective brother-in-law, it was enough to speculate why she had gone to Lao Zhang's camp before.

Like I said, for a really smart person, if the process is too dog-blooded and disturbing, then knowing the cause and seeing the results is enough. Silly + forcing will find troubles and nauseate itself.

I just drank a cup of tea in Lao Mo's office and came out. During the period Lao Mo was only half curious and half tentatively asked me what the text message of 'sports car' is. I answered angrily, the car was The friend gave it instead of eating Zheng Yuqiu's soft rice. Old Mo Yan smiled. Long Shan heard that, but her face was better, but her curiosity was even heavier. So she asked which friend was so generous, and I smiled cheaply. Laugh and say, Zhang Dong's friend ...


Office of the General Manager of the Thirteen Cities Transformation Project Group, which has not yet been listed.

This lady Miss Mo who was turned into a lady by the closed door was regarded as the ** forbidden place to release her nature, but at this moment it was like a cool place under the thickest and lush sycamore tree in my neighborhood at 18.30. It was overcrowded. Except for the Ziyuan, which is becoming more and more powerful, everyone in the new department is focused on this. If not from a crowd of people who saw a chessboard on the coffee table, I would also call Murphy an emergency meeting. Yet.

So many people don't work hard, come here to watch chess?

Free eggs hurt-this is my first reaction without thinking.

It really hurts-this is my second reaction after thinking about it.

After the high-level meeting, the comprehensive group was banned, and a new department was established. Murphy's series of measures can be described as extremely popular. In fact, this change is not required at the working level. Even in the eyes of many people, Murphy's move It is too anxious, too arbitrary and too risky. After all, the cooperation negotiations with the Valley of the Moon have not yet officially started. Once the talks collapse, the 13 cities reconstruction project will undoubtedly become a joke. Murphy will definitely pay for his impatience and clumsiness. The price is unknown, Murphy also grasped their mentality, so she was bold enough to 'advance'.

Maybe some people may think that this girl is so high-profile that she was dazzled by the victory of the high-level meeting and was ecstatic, but soon they will find that Murphy's step is actually very exciting-what she wants is At the moment when others were confined by conservative thinking, during the buffer period when Zhang faction was the weakest, Mohist faction was the strongest, neutral faction was watching and re-evaluating, and would never say 'no' to her, she completed the comprehensive group direction The transition of the Thirteen City Group.

How complicated is the 13 cities plan? With the original integrated group, and the manpower behind the integrated group is obviously unmanageable, otherwise it will not be possible to prepare two floors and two large office areas in the Fengchang head office alone. It's good in terms of wind, and in the Valley of the Moon. It's impossible to let Murphy and Tassel take full control. The Thirteen-City Group was established. In the fresh blood injected, there must be a cat and a dog from various factions and various departments. Murphy took this step by taking a risk, not only beating them by surprise, but first fully controlling the core departments in his own hands, forming the power tower of the former integrated group's confidante as the skeleton, the largest degree of centralized control, and also an overbearing statement-she It is an absolute ** oss, and cooperation projects must win!

The former is confident in myself, and the latter is confident in me. As a handsome man, I expressed great pressure and I cannot deny that the blind trust of the idiot woman is the best catalyst to force me to motivate and burn my will.

Murphy's madness is more like an uncle Mo, not her father Mo, which is probably why Madam Duanmu was easily persuaded by tension.

Closer to home, when the new department is not fully staffed and the project has not been started, in fact, only some trivial handover tasks need to be completed, because the miscellaneous group is only responsible for the role of a turnover hub among the six groups of the investment department, except for its beautiful name Except for the information reserve of the supervision and inspection, it was originally criticized as an extra department with pants off and farting. The transfer work is simple and conceivable. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the idle egg hurts. It is nothing to do on a hot day. Sitting on a chair for a day, she can cover up her sister-in-law. The really busy person is only Miss Mo, because what she is going to transfer is all the work of the investment department. Some of the backlog of work needs to be completed as soon as possible. At the same time, the preparations for the implementation of the Thirteen-City Plan are urgent, and she has not seduced me badly recently, just because she is too busy.

So when I came in to see the scene, I was a little surprised and felt reasonable.

"Brother, you are here just right. Come and watch Sister Xiaoye and Sister Tassel playing chess."

Seeing Chu Yuan squeezed out from the crowd of Yao Wan'er and Qin Lan who were watching, I ran over, and I suddenly sweated—I did n’t forget about Chu Yuan and tassel gambling. In fact, I ran down Lou, did not go to wait for the elevator, but was afraid that as soon as Dong Xiaoye returned, Chu Yuan pulled her to be a gunman and tassel to fight.

I thought this kind of jealousy was either a shy and timid Chu Yuan or a thick-skinned tassel or a Murphy who was going to be an iceberg beauty. No matter how hard it is, there is no way to stand on the sidelines and be watched. Courage and courage, but when Chu Yuan was so forgotten that he could ignore everyone ’s eyes, and one or nine were not there, but I could see the furry fox tail running into my arms, I knew I was wrong-I underestimated Got my dear, sly fox girl ...

Knowing yourself, knowing one another, and fighting one after another——the smelly girl regards tassel as the number one enemy, how can she not know the truth about her weakness? !!

Before, I was heartless and heartless, and I felt like an egg. I did n’t know that my grandmother and stepmother always moved a gossip heart to induce me to talk about grandma Cheng. Chu Yuan did n’t like to listen, but it did n’t mean she did n’t listen carefully:

I said that tassel learned chess as a kid?

I said that tassel has talent but it is easy to be nervous.

I said that the tassel has an unforgettable ability, and the pi can be backed up to three or five thousand digits after the decimal point. But once you enter the examination room, you have no confidence. The addition and subtraction of less than one hundred need to be verified.

I said that tassel is a 100% wheat tyrant at ktv, and you can sing a passionate desert while eating flatbread steak in a western restaurant, but the class chose her to participate in a singing competition. She was hiding in a men's restroom and was afraid of being announced. She was found by her classmates before she abstained, but it caused me to sit on the toilet for two full hours without putting on my pants? She almost cried and shed tears. I almost pulled the bleeding.

I said, there is no pressure, as long as it is what the tassel wants to do, she can do better than me. I also said that if you give her a little pressure, even if she is good at something, she will make a mess. Is there wood?

The tassel state may not be played in the winter Xiaoye who is capable of becoming a professional chess player, let alone under the circumstance of being watched and the atmosphere of the victory is very depressed. I don't need to look at the chess game at all. Just looking at Chu Yuan's sly little face now, I know that tassel is definitely in a disadvantage.

"It's so nice to have a girl. It's even better to have a beautiful girl. When I saw Xiaoyuanyuan drowning South Brother, I couldn't help resentment against my parents. Why didn't I have a nice and cute girl?" Viagra does n’t play chess at all, and the crowd looks like a lively scene. Obviously, he thinks that the chessboard is not as good as Chu Yuan ’s face. Seeing the most beautiful girl in this room, he does n’t shy away from physical contact. She plunged into my arms unguarded, and let me feel the scale and progress of her growth. Little blushing filled with happiness, and he did not hesitate his sour envy and envy.

"A man who can't even take care of himself, what do you want your sister to do?" Qin Lan is also chess-blind, not as engaged as Yao Waner sees, and she turns around when she hears the words, looking at me and Chu Yuan with a smile. Meaningful.

"I can't take care of her, can she take care of me, then what the **** is that? Sister, you are my brother's intimate cotton jacket ~" Viagra took a face that is usually handsome now and very stingy, and blinked at me, He threw an eighteen + forbidden eyes that seemed to be tacitly understandable only by men, and laughed: "Warm bed in winter, seductive eyes in summer, girlfriend can't care, how good ~"

I jumped in my heart.

Viagra, wouldn't you notice anything again?

Read The Duke's Passion