MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1258 】compromise

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After the catharsis, the tassel with red eyes was very embarrassing. Although she was accustomed to relying on me, this dependence was very different from the Chu-style dependence. It ’s almost blind obedience and trust, but aside from my position or when it does not contradict my position, there is no lack of self-confidence and strong side in her character. As now, the tear glands and the psychological defense line collapse at the same time. In the history of our interaction, it rarely occurs. The only few times, without exception, are from my stupid and clumsy choices that are either slow or indecisive or self-righteous in my feelings—

In this case, I really do n’t know how to enlighten and comfort her ...

Fortunately, the two of us have never lacked tacit understanding. Even if we do not speak, we can perceive the sensitive slenderness in each other's hearts.

Tassel knew why I was silent, and I also knew that she tolerated embarrassment and didn't go upstairs, because she was afraid that Murphy and Sister Tiger saw that she had just cried.

We are leaning side by side on the side of the sports car like this, I'm on the left, she's on the right, I look at the left, she looks at the right, it's close, it seems like it's far away, as if we were holding tightly The hair ring that is not loosened in my hand is bound by it regardless of distance, the tighter it is, the greater the force that pulls us closer ...

The atmosphere is very subtle and wonderful. With the passage of time, the magical attraction becomes clearer and stronger ...

But just when I was gradually calm and started to enjoy this delicate and wonderful special atmosphere from the beginning, I just tasseled with each other and no longer avoided each other's eyes and gazed at each other with a bit of bad taste trying to dig When the content in the other person's eyes appeared, a rather shameful guy appeared, and he did not have the eyesight to intervene in the two-person world where I and Tassel are tacit because of the tacit understanding. It feels as if you find it in a noisy city I got a quiet and elegant gallery, I just forgot to admire a beautiful and fascinating beautiful painting. Suddenly, a rude man with a fat body and a greasy face exuding a burst of upstart feels that a confidant appears beside you. Pointing at the painting, unfamiliar pretending to keep whining in your ears, the scenery is as bad as you want to kill people.

Of course, Zhang Dongdong has a round body fat, but it is neither rude nor offensive like the upstart. On the contrary, his gentle and elegant smile can hardly make people feel offensive. Comparatively speaking, Even me, I feel that at least on the surface, he is approachable, and he is far less abominable than the dark-hearted old ink, but he does n’t appear sooner or later, so he has to choose to pretend to not understand the atmosphere at this time. Speaking, it makes me feel sick--

The young couple held hands side by side, staring affectionately and not speaking, even if Mrs. Lolly of Twelve and Thirty could almost guess what was happening or what was happening, she would hold her breath and watch the plot develop. He was so windy and sexual when he was young Can people fail to understand the situation when the functions have already declined in advance? I don't believe it!

"Xiao Chu, the car is good, huh, have you tried it? Is it still easy to drive?" The Mercedes-Benz S600 coming slowly stopped in front of us, and the window at the back dropped, revealing a round face with a smile full of tension. On his face, he could not see the traces of unhappy negotiations at noon, and it turned out to be a ginger.

I do n’t know the purpose of what he said, so he asked whether the question was extremely clever or stupid, and I could n’t judge—it seemed to be a chance encounter in the parking lot, but as soon as he came up, he showed that he knew me and Tassel behind him. The origin of this Porsche sports car is tantamount to indirectly acknowledging the fact that he knows Xing Siyi! And this enthusiastic opening remarks also revealed an undisguised hint more or less, Xing Siyi, he intentionally introduced to me ...

Although I had this suspicion in my heart, I heard he was so frank, but I still made a sudden rush ... what do you mean? And the fox who actively tucked his tail into the hands of the hunter?

I deliberately expressed my suspicions. After a moment of fringing, I could feel abnormal stagnation, and I pretended to ask in surprise: "Vice Vice President Zhang knows President Xing?"

Tension's vigilance hidden in softness and wise eyes suddenly subsided a few points, and uttered a haha, "Unfamiliar, is a friend of Mingjie."

I frowned—the tassel was unknown, so I thought I was too revealing, and borrowing the hair-returning motion gave me some warnings, and I pretended to ignore them.

Where does Tassel know, if I'm too calm, I have no response to Lao Zhang's abrupt straightforwardness, but it will provoke him. This old fox is indeed cautious by nature. He's "coincided" with me here and now. The purpose is definitely not to test me, but from the first sentence, he has been hiding the pitfalls of temptation. It can be seen, he is suspicious, it is completely his one This instinct.

"Does Vice President Zhang want to hint at me?" I was so angry that I was not old enough, and I was unhappy and questioned: "For example, the encounter between President Xing and me was actually a coincidence of a human director, not a fate. , But the script? "

Tension was unconcerned, and I didn't care about my less polite tone, and said with a smile, "The important thing is not the process, but the result, are you right?"

I shook my head and took the car key out of my pocket, throwing it one by one, disapproving with a look, both for the temptation of a sports car and for the sermon that tension thinks of itself. "If you don't understand the process, sometimes you don't see it. As a result, I was sold and I was foolishly helping the people with money. This is the most typical negative teaching material. Do you think I'm like this fool? "

Zhang Li's face changed, and he recovered quickly as usual. He laughed and said, "Xiao Chu, you are a smart person. It ’s good if you don't sell. Who can sell you?"

This remark came from Zhang Li ’s mouth, it seemed to be self-deprecating, but it penetrated into my ears, which was the mockery of Chiguo, Lao Zhang was Lao Zhang, and his speech really had a level—whether it was selling or selling, to sell people. Forms in exchange for benefits are shameful behaviors cast aside by people. Tension seems to beg. In fact, it is ironic that I am not bright enough. It is purely an indecent way of speculation, bluffing, and empty gloves.

"Selling people is not selling beasts. There is a bottom line for being a man. I ’m a hypocrite, and a real villain. I ca n’t do anything illegal, because I ’m too timid. The old animal who protects the calf is muddy or bites crazy, and feels ashamed, so ashamed, so it is not a good thing to say that people are too smart, because the more you think, the more you worry, the more you worry, the less courageous you are, the less afraid you are. More, Deputy Director Zhang, are you right? "

Tensing a fat face and trembling with a smile, but not because of how funny my words are, but because of being so funny, or it proves that he understands and enters the seat-playing tricks with me? Don't watch you live 30 years longer than me, I can still spit dirty words and scold you for reincarnation and re-cultivation!

The tassel is not deep enough in the city, and he fluttered a laugh, although it was a bit anachronistic, as if I had just pulled off Zhang Dong's left face, she pulled back his right face, neither respecting the elderly nor the boss, but Seeing her feeling better, I was still happier than anything else, but I didn't care if Lao Zhang would become embarrassed into anger and then tore her face completely with me.

Lao Zhang didn't look at the tassel from the beginning to the end, just because this heartless and heartless girl who was not worthy of entering his eyeball was actually the reason why I insisted on tripping him-Lao Zhang thought he was covering it up. Very good, I don't know, this overly calm performance has betrayed his inner care and anger. It can be seen that no one is perfect, and you can be as smart as a demon and as cunning as a fox. You also have untouchable weaknesses.

When Tassel gets a 7% stake in Lao Zhang, people who do n’t know the truth wo n’t say whether he fell in the hands of Mo Yizhi, Madam Duanmu, or me, but generally think that he lost to everything Without knowing it, Cheng Liusu who harvested the fruits of victory.

"People just like to scare themselves, so they often make mistakes that are too late. A very simple thing that doesn't need to be considered too complicated at all," the old Zhang said intently and unexpectedly. "Xiao Chu, Xing always insisted on introducing him to you. I wanted to introduce you to me after I turned Gan Ge into jade. By the way, I would like to introduce you to him. By the way, I would earn him a favor, but I did n’t expect that we would break up. I ’m afraid you may have ulterior motives. I deliberately avoided it. After all, in the final analysis, Xing always asks for you. It is good or trouble for you. I have no idea at the same time. At the same time, I also prevent you from intentionally making friends, but because of my relationship, I have to cause him to Thousands of miles away. "

He was too frank, but I couldn't believe it. "I can't help Xing Sihuan. What are the pros and cons with you and Zhang Shao?"

Zhang Li glanced at me and the Porsche behind Tassel and smiled, "You can help Xing Siyi, it's all good for me, but it's good for you, isn't it?"

I'm not stupid, I understand what he said, and only said half of it, saying: "Don't say a sports car, it's Xing Sihuan, which is not worth 7% of Fengchang shares, let alone a master Zhang? "

Old Zhang's smile remained unchanged, but he gathered a seven-point smile, sincere, and very sincere: "It's not worth seven percent of Fengchang shares is not fake, but why is it worth a Zhang Mingjie?"

When I was stunned, I heard Lao Zhang sighed and said, "It's not that I believe in you, but that the person is old, has no energy, is physically and mentally exhausted, and the greatest pride and dependence is that there is another person who is not very sensible at the knee but is not bad. Filial son ... "

Before I could understand his emotions, I saw that his eyes turned to tassel for the first time, and then he said amazing words, "Xiao Cheng, you have great vision, and met a man who is smart and loves you. Congratulations. , And since then it has been Fang Chang's fifth largest shareholder ... "

Tension ... compromised? !!

Read The Duke's Passion