MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1296 Three years and eight months

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"The key to whether she can meet the conditions of the family is me?" I wanted to laugh, because I couldn't think of even the slightest relationship between me and Miss Three's family, but I couldn't laugh because Lin Zhi was serious and solemn. His expression was also mixed with confusion and confusion.

"It's you," he said.

"why me?"

Lin Zhi grinned his mouth wide, "I also want to know why it is you."

"Can't you say? Or don't you know?" In fact, I knew very well that he didn't know 100%, not that he couldn't say, but he couldn't hold back that innocent expectation.

Sure enough, disappointed, Lin Zhichi smiled and shook his head. "If they would tell me, would the Miss Oriental stay in your house for so long?"

This old fritter does not reveal the responsibility of being the “hostage” of Dongfang to Miss Three, but this remark really reminds me that if there is no secret, how can the two mother-in-laws be willing to let their daughters involved? Risk, the next best thing? Or ... is that why the East could get rid of the two clever "Miss Three"?

I still can't help laughing-if the two young ladies deliberately condone the willful behavior of the East, as well as freezing her credit card, trying to force her to go home in a clumsy way that simply insults her own IQ?

In the East, as a 'hostage', Lin Zhi is 'helpless' and let it go, but the two young ladies are not helpless, 'let it go'?

Lin Zhi didn't know why I laughed and looked at me with anticipation, as if I thought I figured something out. I was embarrassed, but pretending to smile deeply, without any explanation, asked coldly: "You don't know What is she trying to do with me and dare to work with her? "

"The pursuit of the truth is my job, not my interest. Curiosity is purely an instinct, but it is not a necessity." Lin Zhi laughed a little bit, but the words are not unreasonable. "Standing in my work position I do n’t need to know what Miss Three is trying to do to you. I just need to make sure that she does have an attempt on you. We have the same interests in ensuring your safety. ”

"Why is your self-confidence? I have saved her life? Or is Dongfang being a 'hostage' around me?"

"Both," Lin Zhi smiled. "But I prefer to believe in Miss Xue, who grew up with your childhood friend."

"Asters?" I frowned, muttering.

Lin Zhi nodded and smiled: "She helped Miss Three to harm you, do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it!" I subconsciously denied it, and then reacted violently. He meowed and got fooled by Lin Zhi, a thief—wasn't this blocking Xiao Zi with my mouth?

I was disgusted in my heart, but I didn't ask for it. If I continued to ask him why he believed in Xiaozi, he would probably ask me why he believed in Xiaozi, and who did it?

With a little thought, I asked, "What is the relationship between Miss Three and Ziyuan?"


"Friend?" I looked at the rippling light tea in the cup and squeezed a sneer out of my teeth. I didn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it, "Is Miss Three really a friend of Ziyuan?"

"According to what I know, she doesn't need to be indifferent."

"Then why did Xiao Zi and her both say, come back to me, is it a deal between them?"

"Because they did make a deal."

"What deal?"

"Can't say ..." Lin Zhi paused, and then said, "But it's not Miss Three who won't let it go, but Miss Xue doesn't want you to know for the time being, so if you insist, I can also share some of the inside information I know. Tell you."

I was disappointed. "Why doesn't she want me to know?"

Lin Zhi smiled: "Because she wants to wait for a suitable time, tell you personally."

I sighed with a bitter smile, Miss Three said so, Lin Zhi said so, and Ziyuan once said that, it seems that it really is Ziyuan's own insistence.

I drank and drank three cups of tea before I said, "Director Lin Dai, you didn't wait for one today, but I seemed to come here for nothing, didn't I?"

Lin Zhi thought for a while, fist slammed his palms, and owed a lot of inspiration: "Really, what you want to know is either what I don't know or what I can't say. You don't want to know what trouble Miss Three has encountered. Rushing to explain in detail ... Xiao Chu, you will not doubt that I just pushed out important conferences in the city for this purpose, are you waiting here? "

I laughed and twitched, "What do you say?"

"Really not," Lin Zhi gathered his smile, a little serious, and looked at Tianyou first, then turned his head and said to me, "I didn't wait in vain, you didn't come in vain because you didn't come by yourself Yes, hehe, you brought Xu Xiaoyou together, wasn't it just for her to see with her own eyes and hear that I had the same interests as Miss Three? Now I can tell her frankly: If Miss Three did not encounter this trouble, Or today's acting director is not me, and I did not catch Xu Heng myself. I am really unwilling. Even now, I am not very willing. Compared to sitting in this seat and getting a strong backer, it is nothing. . I admit that I have a lust, but I must also face the reality, otherwise any great ideal is a nonsense of him + mother-without the backing of Miss Three, I just caught Xu Heng, and I may not be able to settle on my buttocks. Below this chair, because Beitian always needs someone to pay for this turmoil. "

Tianyou still seems to understand, but it doesn't matter. Xu Heng understands enough.

"The last two questions," I said, "First, Miss Three knew that there was a person named Chunan in Beitian three years and eight months ago, and knew me that before she knew Ziyuan, that How did she know me? "

In fact, I just wanted to verify, and it was Miss Three or Miss Three's family that followed me, but considering that Lin Zhi was not sure why I became the key to whether Miss Three could inherit the family business, I did not expect it. He can answer my question.

But I didn't expect that Lin Zhi wiped his eyebrows with his thumb, and seemed to be covering up the two unconscious beatings of the straight eyebrows, because it was like an aversion to something. It was a subconscious rejection. See me His face was different, and he drank a cup of tea awkwardly, avoiding my eyes, and gently asked, "Three years and eight months ago, your sister just went to junior high school?"

I froze, I don't know why he suddenly dragged the subject to Chu Yuan, but he still counted his fingers and said, "Yes, the first day, it was not long before I entered school."

"Well," Lin Zhi sighed, and said, "It was then that there was a bloodshed in the school where she was studying. A girl cut through the face of another girl with a paper knife and forced her to kneel. beg for mercy..."

My heart trembled suddenly, remembering the story that Lu Siqi once told me-I always thought that it was a story, but now it sounds like an accident.

"It hurts the East?"

Lin Zhi said uneasily, "It is said that her motive for hurting people was because the injured girl had said to the people around her more than once that she planned to use the same method to hurt another girl, because she had a crush on her. As soon as the boys entered school, they fell in love with that girl, and the unsuspecting girl was the first friend of the hurt girl to make in Beitian. "

I have no doubt-that the boy is Lu Siqi, and the girl he likes as soon as he enters school can only be the little idiot of Chu Yuan.

"The girl who was injured was really just talking?" I asked, completely in the tone of the calf--don't say that I was cold-blooded, thinking that it might be my sister who was forced to kneel and beg for mercy when disfigured. I can't get up too much. It's the evaluation of others that I've abused. I never flaunted myself.

"Whether she just talks on her mouth or really has a hurtful plan, the little girl's means to stop her is difficult to get rid of the word" spicy "," Lin Zhisu Rong asked, "Xiao Chu, if that girl was It's not about scratching your sister's face and forcing her to kneel down and kick her, but to kill her ... you said, would she die for this? "

I shuddered, but I felt that this seemingly absurd question was actually very real and serious.

"The East was still small ..." I tried to justify the East, but the explanation was so pale, Lu Siqi's words lingered in my mind clearly-the girl kneeling with blood on her feet at the pity of the East, crying for mercy, and The poor man in the east just looked at her with a sneer, holding a blood-tipped paper cutter in his hand, and the cold eyes felt creepy to this day ...

I don't think Dongfang, who is not like a child, can't tell whether the girl is serious, or just talk about it, so I dare not say that if that girl is serious and wants to kill Chu Yuan, it ’s not like a child. What the East will do ...

Her mother isn't really innocent of her mother--that Ran Yibai, who loves to play with swords, how did she educate her daughter? !!

Lin Zhi seemed to see through my mind and laughed: "Miss Oriental is not a child who can be reassured easily. She is good with Lingmei. Is it strange that the" Miss Three "know you for this? "

Then I realized, three years and eight months, it turned out that it had no direct relationship with me, but the time when Chu Yuan met the East ...

But I'm even more confused about this--Ms. San knew Chu Yuan because of the East, because Chu Yuan knew Chu Nan, and proved that the connection between us only originated from that accident, so how could I be Is it the key to meeting her family conditions and inheriting a huge family business?