MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1303 】 Story and accident

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[Sorry, I haven't slept much in the past two days, and have to travel today, so I had to make up for it immediately when I came back yesterday, and started to code at midnight. . . 】

As for the details of eating with Min Rou last night, Tassel, Murphy and Ziyuan were very tacit to say more.

Aunt Cheng only explained lightly the poor condition today, because the meal with Min Rou last night was more formal and too restrictive, so that she did n’t eat enough wine and drink well, but she also I ca n’t see that a table of good wine and food was wasted so much, so Xiao Qi ’s family packed it back, and pulled Ziyuan to Murphy ’s house to enjoy it beautifully. As a result, the three women were in a show, and they were in a hurry. A few bottles of good wine kept by Fei's mother, Wu Xueqing, were also wiped out. It goes without saying that all three drank and drank, getting drunk and unconscious. Therefore, I was late for work today, so I did n’t say, and my face was also a match. Poor, misunderstood by Viagra and turned into a terrible mood ...

But is it really Viagra misunderstanding?

With a bitter smile in my belly, I didn't believe in the words of tassel, and I didn't dare to believe it.

Pay attention to the meaning of the form. Inconsistent, right? Besides, go to Murphy's house for a drink, or pull the asters together? I really ca n’t think of it. In addition to trying to get the word out of Ziyuan ’s mouth, what other reason is Murphy willing to be close to Ziyuan with the words “love rival” and “spy” on the forehead? Ziyuan, who is in a similar situation as Dong Xiaoye, why should he actively or obediently approach Tassel and Murphy ...

All three drank? Yeah, tassel drunk oneself and wanted to get drunk; Ziyuan drunk oneself to concentrate on escape; and Murphy drunk himself ... was it really intoxicating? I estimate that either she was intoxicated with Ziyuan and she was intoxicated with it, or she was intoxicated with Ziyuan.

The three women have their own concerns and their own worries. They will not tell me what they have talked about when they are together, and I will not ask them, because they have no answer, and I cannot give them. They answer.

All I know is that now they still can't accept each other, but they all accepted Dong Xiaoye. As a fancy man, I don't have the qualifications to ask for perfection, so I'm no longer content, but a special surprise, although this surprise made me I despise myself even more-false saints, real villains ...

Ziyuan said that idiots were full of houses, and Viagra, who felt that he had been shot innocently, wanted to quietly exit the office. Auntie Cheng had already seen his swollen and rounded chin, and suddenly his sharp eyes implied inexplicable hostility. Tianyou scratched her face, causing Tianyou to unconsciously fight a cold war and go to Viagra, but replaced with a gloating look of gloating, saying: "Mr. Yang, who is married and concealed, said that Jiangshan is easy to change. It ’s hard to change your nature, so you ca n’t take the time to give Lan Lan a good breath? Let people see, her man can change her **** for her dogs, huh, let me guess, do you see young The pretty girl is frivolous? I have told you long ago that do n’t take boring as a humor. You ca n’t understand anyone ’s humor. Besides, you ’re serious and have no skill at all. Lie to a frivolous girl like you or a **** who desires dissatisfaction, that is, a miserable marriage, a disharmonious **** life, and a wicked woman who desires to give her husband a green hat, will not bite your hook, because it will make you Her husband She can not afford to taste. "

The tassel is so poisonous that even Tianyou, who has been ruthless to Viagra, can't hear it, but Viagra doesn't think it is embarrassing, and smiles bitterly: "My good aunt, don't take you like this, you are not disguised. Refuse me to say that even if your marriage is unfortunate and you want Hongxing out, will you not consider me? "

Tassel cursed with a smile: "Go! You curse me?"

Viagra sneered: "How dare you be a kid? Isn't this beating Nan for you?"

The conversation between them seemed to be ridiculous to each other, but they could be chewed carefully, and they seemed to be told to the other people in the room, and with a few words, the wind turned and burned the fire on me.

Fortunately, I have become accustomed to this.

There is always a tacit understanding between real friends. This is true of Viagra and me, as is Tassel and Viagra.

I can clearly see that Murphy with blindfolds and Ziyuan with closed eyes moved their eyes at the same time and glared at the tassel, and I really saw that after Dong Xiaoye's burning face and sweet yelled a **** I went to the edge of Chu behind Tassel. I was punching a combination punch against her back, and I tried to imitate the brutal killings of Tianyou Shiwei Viagra ...

The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing again. I coughed. When Tassel noticed the sound of wind behind his head, he was turning back and blamed Tianyou: "Did you understand? Viagra just wants to make a joke with you, you are too sensitive, The reaction was too exaggerated. "

Tianyou said nothing, looking at Viagra, with apology in his eyes, but more, it was an aversion that he couldn't hide.

Viagra is broad-minded and thick-skinned. He doesn't mind Tianyou's stinking face. He looked at her and asked me, "Nang, you haven't introduced it yet, this little ... hey, my little sister is-- "Unconsciously, I turned to Dong Xiaoye," Isn't it your cousin, your relative? "

Obviously, the reason why Viagra has such a misunderstanding is because of Tianyou's skill and her strong intention to defend Dongxiaoye.

Before I answered, I heard Tassel asked: "Do you really want to know?"

When Viagra froze, she was weird when she met, and asked carefully: "A story?"

Murphy, lying on the sofa, said lightly, "Now I tell you, it is a story, but if it turns into an accident, no one dares to tell."

It seems that Murphy's answer is very incisive. She always laughed aloud with Ziyuan Yan who was not very good at her. Viagra shook his cleverness and was very resourceful: "Don't tell me that."

I know that the three women are helping me to make a clearance, and that Viagra is not really afraid of anything, but I just realized that my curiosity would make me embarrassed, so I gave up.

I thought about it and said, "She's not the last name, the last name is Xu ... the Xu who caused Beitian to storm."

Viagra's eyes flashed in shock, his thumb and index finger were in eight characters, and he gestured towards my thigh. He nodded when he saw me, and at the same time found that Tianyou understood his gesture, and stared fiercely. He hurried to say "I'm going to make tea", and a flash of flashing people disappeared-the sister of Xu Bo Heng who appeared in the company, he needs a little time to digest this reality.

I turned around and looked at the three women. I asked, "Looking at your reaction, I don't even need to introduce her, do you?"


"You're taking her to Shanghai + Shanghai?" Murphy, who had been killing someone on the sofa calmly, heard that I had brought Tianyou to the company for this purpose, and suddenly the corpse sat up and thought Almost pressed on Wan'er's chin, "Why ?!"

Asking why in the mouth, the skeptical eyes told everyone that she already had the answer in her heart, and her eyes turned from Tianyou's face to Dong Xiaoye, and before I answered, she said, "You insist on going to Shanghai + I don't stop Yes, but you want to take a woman with you, there is no door, I don't agree! Cheng Liusu wo n’t work, Dongxiao Ye wo n’t work, Xue Ziyuan wo n’t work, she wo n’t work too! ”

Tassel frowned, Ziyuan continued to pretend to sleep, Dong Xiaoye's face flushed, and said lightly, "You can rest assured, I won't go."

Murphy had a headache and a sore head. It was more than incoherent. It was nonsense and messy. "Then I don't worry about it! No one looks at him. He is more reluctant to think about it, and he isn't born there yet. Little Chunan Little Chuyuan? "

Should n’t she be referring to Tianyou? Did Chu Yuan lay the gun because of a slip? A joke that was quite ridiculous, but it is surprising that everyone except Weier covered her mouth and laughed eccentrically ...

Dong Xiaoye looked at Murphy in surprise, only when Chu Yuan and I were also seen through by her; Ziyuan opened her eyes and pointed at Tassel to observe her reaction; Tassel turned her face to see Chu Yuan, and Chu Yuan stared down. Touching his own belly, he touched with both hands, and his slightly tender face suddenly shone with some great light, gentle and beautiful, then looked up at me, and was smiling with a smile. The child caught her, and the little girl's smile suddenly froze on her face.

Buddy just want to find a slot to drill in ...

"Don't think about it, I want her to go to Shanghai with me for a reason. There are two now," I looked at the time, and smiled pretentiously: "Maybe, there will be a third soon. "

Read The Duke's Passion