MTL - Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning-Chapter 2 into the abyss

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Where did this come from?

The empty Lu Ren thought hard, and finally remembered that the person who fell here two days ago was passing through a passage similar to an underwater environment. Someone suddenly hit the back of the head with a sap. Before fainting, he faintly heard that the system was successfully loaded. Loading information... Current progress... A whole bunch of stuff like that.

"Biological data monitoring panel?"

Just as he was about to go deeper and try to recall his memories, the three mouths of the fire that were almost scorched by the fire suddenly roared in pain.

"Lu Ren... Lu Ren, I'm in so much pain! Come and help me, help me! I gave you cover when you skipped class. Have you forgotten?!"

This is Wang Gang's voice. When he was in college, Wang Gang was very forthright, and he really took good care of Lu Ren.

Lu Ren couldn't help sighing when he heard the sound. Just now, Wang Gang's image had completely collapsed in his eyes, and this guy spoke ill of him behind his back, saying that he was suspected of having a broken back, and that he hooked up with him every day... It's complete nonsense!

Now it's useless to shout too much, especially in the face of such a voice shouted by a monster composed of human bodies, if he could be moved, he would really be a little mentally distorted.

Seeing that Lu Ren was indifferent, China's voice changed to another voice, which was clear and pleasant, especially harsh.

"Lu Ren, Lu Ren! Come and save me, please, didn't you like me before? I promise you, as long as you can save me, I will do anything!"

The voice is very charming, and the tone is very resentful, like a resentful woman who has been thirsty for ten years and has not been nourished.

Lu Ren liked Zhang Qingya before, but others are still more rational. After finding out that Zhang Qingya is a proper green tea scheming bitch, and at the same time steps on eight boats to form a chain of iron chains, his heart is already on the ground. Da Ruifa is as cold as a fish that has been killed for ten years. What is going on?

Seeing that Lu Ren didn't buy it, a voice came out.

"Lu Ren, have you forgotten the days when we drove a supercar together, when I took you for a ride and took you to pick up a girl!"

Lu Ren pinched his ears, but Luo Zixuan's voice was still so harsh. As a rich second-generation he, he was looking for fun on weekdays, believing that money could buy everything, and the most important thing was that Zhang Qingya was used a lot by him. of banknotes to take away in a wave.

As Luo Zixuan was seduced by Zhang Qingya in his university life, his concept changed rapidly and became the person described above, so that the relationship between the two has changed from being friendly at first to now being dull.

Well, generally speaking, Zhang Qingya, the green tea bitch, manipulated it, but after Lu Ren licked the dog and found out that the other party was a scheming bitch, he decisively braked and stopped the loss. Even Wang Gang was fascinated.

After discovering that Lu Ren was indifferent, China couldn't help roaring, and rolled directly towards him, wrapped in flaming fireworks.

This is to come with him to kill the fish and the net, and perish together? !

Lu Ren, who was already ready to run away, did not panic at all. He, who was already retreating quietly, turned around and ran towards the dense forest without hesitation, constantly rolling and rushing towards the depths.

After galloping all the way for less than three minutes, Lu Ren was panting like a bellows, and he felt like his chest was about to explode.

As a person in modern society, he basically seldom exercises to maintain his full strength to run for 3 minutes at this level, which is already supported by a strong will to survive.

"Ding, you keep running, your agility proficiency +1"

"Ding, you keep running, your physical proficiency +1"

The only thing that comforted Lu Ren was that, as the proficiency prompt sounded in his mind, his body seemed to be relieved from fatigue to a certain extent under the flow of some warm breath, which gave him the strength to maintain the speed.

The cueing effect of this proficiency seems to directly link the strengthening process of physical exercise.

But no matter how to improve, it is impossible to achieve qualitative changes in a short period of time, and long-term work has turned his physique into a sub-healthy state.

At this moment, Lu Ren didn't pay any attention to the sound that came out of his mind. He didn't blink, staring straight ahead, not daring to make any mistakes at all.

The Chinese behind him was tumbling wildly, and the dense forest and thickets broke apart under his rampage, but it also greatly slowed down the pursuit speed.

With the broken branches behind him, the heat wave looking back, and the roaring and howling of the Chinese, Lu Ren did not turn his head at all. After confirming that the mucus secreted by the Chinese was flammable, the last Chinese will definitely be burnt to death, but Before that...

Suddenly, the dense forest in front of him suddenly became clear, and what Lu Ren saw was a sheer cliff, only seven or eight meters away from him.

right here!

Lu Ren didn't hesitate at all, using his hands and feet together, he rolled to one side and dodged.

And after being burned with rage by the flames, Shinaha suddenly saw the dark abyss that seemed to devour everything after he rushed out of the jungle.

However, the speed of stopping cannot be stopped, UU reading www.uukanshu. com rushed out of the cliff at a distance of four or five meters, with seven or eight hands and feet dancing, trying to grab the climbing object on the edge of the cliff, even if two people came in, there was no way to hook up at a distance of four or five meters.

"You are so cruel, you are so cruel!!"

"Lu Ren, you are so cruel!!"

Accompanied by the resentful roar, Shina fell straight into the abyss until it was invisible.

Lu Ren, who didn't hear the sound of the landing at all, took a deep breath, then slowly, his body finally lay on the ground and took a deep breath.

"Ding, in the process of chasing you passionately, China Aung fell off a cliff and was killed by the ripples formed by the interweaving points of space below the cliff. At the critical moment, China Aung split and saved himself. You have received China's deep greetings, and you have received His praise. Your physical attributes are +1 in all directions."

"Ding, you got the evil god's attention, the other party tried to talk to you, do you answer?"

Answer the wool!

The sudden increase in attributes caused some pain all over his body, and Lu Ren, who felt inexplicably whispering in his ears, hurriedly shouted: "Reject! Block me!!"

After the prompt sound finally quieted down, Lu Ren, who had an idea, began to ponder the series of prompt messages that popped up in his mind just now.



Thinking of this, Lu Ren's waist no longer hurts and his legs are no longer sore. He glanced left and right, and after confirming that there was no danger, he quickly turned around and entered the jungle, returned to the starting point where he fell into this space, and opened the door. The abandoned car got in.

This car was Lu Ren, Luo Zixuan and the other four. When they were riding through the tunnel together, they suddenly came here, and then completely lay down. No matter what, there was no way to start it.

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction