MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v7 Chapter 10 Wang's hero! Princess Yuhe

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The leisurely time always seemed very short, and before he knew it, Ying Lingzhu had already stayed in Guiyuan Bieyuan for more than two months.

Before that, Wang Baosheng was preparing a plan to deal with Ji Kunlun, but because of the accident in Endless Abyss, the plan was temporarily shelved.

However, considering the possible follow-up reaction of Pingtian Shenwang Palace, this plan did not stop completely, but turned from light to darkness, and the people in charge from all walks of life slowly prepared in secret to deal with various possible follow-up situations.

As for Wang Baosheng himself, there is still one very important thing to accomplish.

This matter is also one of the main purposes of their trip to the sanctuary.

That is - recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors.

Two months later, the [Tianxu Yunzhou] that had been staying in Guiyuan Bieyuan pierced the sky, sailed out of the territory of the Tianrui Holy Dynasty, and followed the path to other holy dynasties.

The sacred world is ancient and huge. The Tianrui and Tianxing dynasties are both young pioneering dynasties, with a total history of only 100,000 to 200,000 years. There are many other holy dynasties in the direction of Dongxia God towards Middle Earth.

The direction and goal of the Tianxu Yunzhou this time is another long-distance and somewhat ancient pilgrimage—the Yuhe pilgrimage.

This way, you have to go through the void sea, and even shuttle through some official hyperspace teleportation arrays, the distance is extremely long.

It took a total of more than two years before Tianxu Yunzhou sailed into the sphere of influence of the Yuhe Holy Dynasty according to the waterway.

Unlike the Tianrui Holy Dynasty and the Tianxing Holy Dynasty, which are remote and small, the Yuhe Holy Dynasty has a long history and strong strength. The Holy Dynasty itself has occupied several worlds.

There is still some distance from the Yuhe Holy Dynasty. From a distance, everyone on the Tianxu Yunzhou saw a huge and winding Tianhe in the vast and endless void sea ahead.

This Tianhe is like a link, passing through the middle of a large world, meandering and circling, bringing a steady stream of energy and resources to this large world, and also endowing this large world with exuberant vitality.

This magnificent Milky Way is named [Jade River].

And this vast world is the [Yuhe Holy Dynasty].

It is said that the Yuhe Holy Dynasty has a history of more than 500,000 years since the ancestors of the human race came to open up wasteland and establish a breeding habitat.

With the Yuhe Dynasty as the center, there are many small worlds like islands in the sea around them. They form a half-independent and half-dependent fairy dynasty, guarding the huge Yuhe Dynasty like stars.

If the angle of view is more macroscopic, the entire sphere of influence of the Yuhe Holy Dynasty can be regarded as an "isolated island" in the vast Dongxia Divine Continent. Together with other holy dynasties scattered all over the place, it guards the even larger and vast Dongxia Middle-earth world in the distance.

"It's really magnificent~"

On the cloud boat in the sky, Wang Anye and a group of people from the Wang family branch from the world of Shenwu looked at the magnificent Tianhe tie in the distance, and their hearts were surging.

That's right, the people who came to the Yuhe Holy Dynasty this time are not only the [Changning Wang Clan], but also the Longzuo Wang Clan, Monan Wang Clan, Dagan Wang Clan, Hanyue Wang Clan, etc.~~~

Back then, the ancestors of the Hanyue Wang Clan were the descendants of the Yuhe Wang Clan and some members of the Zhimai clan. And over the years, the Wang family has flourished in the world of martial arts, and has multiplied and developed many branches of the Wang family.

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The Dagan Wang family is just one of the many branch families separated from the Hanyue Wang family.

In fact, in the world of Shenwu, there are far more families from the Hanyue Wang family than the Dagan Wang family, but some have developed well, some have not developed well, and some have even been completely annihilated in the vast history.

The Dagan Wang Clan had also branched out into many branches, and the Longzuo Wang Clan was just one of them.

As for the ancestor Zhouxuan who went south to open up wasteland and established the Ping'an Wang family, he was naturally not the first family separated from the Longzuo Wang family. It's just that the Wang family of Ping'an finally survived and multiplied more and more prosperously, forming the current pattern just now.

This is like a big tree. In the process of constantly opening branches and spreading leaves, some branches wither and fall, while some branches become more and more vigorous.

"Anye~" A tall, gray-bearded elder said excitedly, "This time, our lineage of the Shenwu Wang family was able to come to the Yuhe Wang family to recognize our ancestors, and we relied on the prestige of the Changning Wang family. During the ancestral ceremony, you should stand up more often, lest people look down upon our Shenwu Wang family."

The name of this old man is [Wang Dinghong], he is the current number one patriarch of the Hanyue Wang Clan, and he is over 3,800 years old.

His life has come to the end of his life, and the treasure book has already been passed down to the younger generation of the family. His greatest hope in life is to see the Shenwu Wang family recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, see the genealogy on both sides renew, and complete the Wang family history. Ancestral wishes.

Wang Anye was not as excited as Wang Dinghong, but the addition of the entire family tree of the Shenwu Wang family and the Sanctuary Wang family was the main strategy of the Shenwu Shengmeng, so the Wang family also gave their full support.

"Don't worry, Ancestor Dinghong." Wang Anye replied respectfully, "Anye will definitely not embarrass Shenwu Wang. However, our Hanyue Wang's [Baotian] is also a top genius, and he can also support it. scene."

Wang Anye's age is about the same as Ying Lingzhu's. He has just entered the seventh level of Lingxu Realm, which is one level behind Ying Lingzhu. , is much stronger.

Even if you look at the younger generation of the Sanctuary, there are very few who can match it.

"Compared to Anye's ancestor, Baotian is too far behind." Hearing Wang Anye's words, Wang Baotian, who was standing by the side, quickly said modestly.

As an outstanding hero of the younger generation of the Hanyue Wang family, his age is almost the same as Wang Fugui's, he is less than nine hundred years old, and his cultivation has reached the first level of the Lingxu Realm. He is currently working in the Chuannan Princess Mansion.

He's caught up with the best of times.

Over the years, the Hanyue Wang family has made money with the Changning Wang family, and their wealth has become richer and richer. Naturally, they are willing to spend more resources on future generations.

Therefore, Wang Baotian's current bloodline has reached the level of Tianzi B.

It's just that there is no fairy scripture, so the Hanyue Wang family took the next best thing, and spent a corresponding price to get a [13th-order Atana inheritance crystal core] from the Changning Wang family. Although this inheritance crystal nucleus is slightly inferior to the fairy scriptures, it can support him to walk out of his own path of true immortality.

Wang Baotian can be regarded as bearing the biggest ambition of the Hanyue Wang family at present, and the future goal is directly aimed at the fairy clan!

"Bao Tian is not bad, and he worked very hard." Wang Anye patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Go back and get close to your brother Bao Sheng Duoduo, and help him give advice."

His precious great-grandson is very good, but this marriage is a big problem, and everyone in the Wang family is almost worried to death~

"Yes, Patriarch Anye." Wang Baotian hurriedly agreed, "Our family has written to Tianhe Wang before, mentioning Baosheng's situation, and asked them to make preparations in advance."

Not far away, Wang Baosheng, who was drinking tea with a young man in white, couldn't help showing distress when he heard their conversation.

He hasn't even made it to the Tianhe Holy Dynasty yet, yet his family has already arranged various blind dates for him.

The young man in white sitting opposite him was naturally Ying Lingzhu disguised as a man.

Hearing that Wang Baosheng wanted to go on a blind date, she didn't take it seriously, instead she smiled and sipped her tea and said, "It seems that Brother Baosheng cannot escape the blind date, do you want brother Yu to help you as a consultant?"

She was going back to the Taoist Palace of the First Beginning, and she was going to pass the Tianhe Holy Dynasty anyway, so Baosheng invited her to go with her.

It's just that Ying Lingzhu's identity was too shocking, so he still faked Ying Yu'an's name and joined the team as Wang Baosheng's friend.

Seeing her laughing and teasing appearance, it was obvious that she didn't believe that Wang Baosheng could have a successful blind date at all, but found it quite interesting.

"Brother Yu'an." Wang Baosheng sighed heavily, "It's hard enough for me, so don't laugh at me~"

"What's the problem, just prepare some more questions for the intelligence test." Ying Lingzhu said with a smile, "The custody scared those Yingyingyanyans away."

A group of people chatted and laughed, Tianxu Yunzhou had entered the territory of the Yuhe Dynasty, and began to head towards the capital of the Yuhe Dynasty [Yuhe City].

After another month of effort, Tianxu Yunzhou finally arrived at the airport of Yuhe Holy City. The Yuhe Wang Clan, who had heard the news a long time ago, had already sent their clansmen to welcome the clansmen.

This time it was the official visit of the Shenwu Wang family, and the Yuhe Wang family showed great importance to it. The person who led the team to greet him was the second ancestor of the family [Xuanming Xianjun], who happened to be of the "Zhou" generation , whose real name is Wang Zhouxuan, but it has the same pronunciation as the ancestor Zhouxuan of the Changning Wang family.

Accompanying him is the contemporary patriarch of the Yuhe Wang clan.

However, the two families have reproduced for more than 100,000 years, and it is difficult to tell the seniority according to the order of characters. Therefore, the two parties had already agreed upon contacting each other that they would each find a benchmark figure to anchor their seniority, and those before and after would follow this anchor.

And Wang Shouzhe, who didn't come this time, is just the benchmark figure used to anchor, the word "Shou" for seniority. It just so happens that the current patriarch of the Yuhe Wang Clan is also of the "Shou" generation, named [Wang Shoude], who is three hundred years older than Shouzhe.

But no matter how you calculate it, Xianjun Xuanming, who is more than six thousand years old, is a real ancestor with a very high seniority.

The main representative of the Shenwu Wang family is the highly respected Wang Dinghong, who is currently the oldest elder in the entire Shenwu Wang family.

"Dinghong pays homage to Patriarch Xuanming." Wang Dinghong saluted excitedly, "We are so tired that Patriarch came to welcome us in person. It's really shameful."

"Dinghong, please forgive me."

The ancestor of Xuan Ming looks like a man in his fifties or sixties, with a rather fairy-like appearance and an elegant temperament.

He greeted everyone with a smile: "It's the first time for the distinguished guests of the Shenwu Wang family to come to the Yuhe Wang family to worship their ancestors. Naturally, we must not lose our courtesy. By the way, you and I can introduce your Shenwu Wang family's Anye."

Wang Dinghong understood. Patriarch Xuanming came here for the Changning Wang family.

Obviously, the two parties had already gotten to know each other a little bit during the previous contacts, and they had also heard about Wang Anye's name and background!

Wang Dinghong hurriedly pulled Wang Anye forward, and introduced: "Anye, this is Patriarch Xuanming, and this is Patriarch Shoude."

Wang Anye stepped forward to salute respectfully: "Shenwu Changning Wang's Anye, I have met the ancestor Xuanming and Grandpa Shoude."

Patriarch Xuanming hastily and politely helped Wang Anye up.

He looked Wang Anye up and down, smiling as if he had eaten honey: "Anye hasn't reached a thousand years, has he? His cultivation is already at the late stage of the Lingxu Realm! It's really scary for younger generations, awesome for younger generations~ I heard from you before When Senior Tian Ge mentioned you, I still didn't believe it, but I never thought that you are even more powerful than Senior Tian Ge."


The Immortal Sovereign of the Hanyue Immortal Dynasty also took advantage of the wave of sanctuary development to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan, and got in touch with the clan of the sanctuary.

However, the background of the Yan family is bigger than that of the Wang family.

In the mighty Yuhe Dynasty, the surname of the royal family is exactly the surname.

At the beginning, the ancestor of the Yu family was a direct descendant of a certain fairy king's mansion of the Yuhe Yu family. At that time, the ancestors of the Yan family failed to win the qualification to inherit the fairy scriptures for some reason, so they were fooled by the Shenwu Sage Emperor and went to the Shenwu World to open up wasteland.

Now the Yan family's Hanyue Immortal Scripture is the spoils obtained by the Shenwu Sage Emperor in the process of opening up wasteland, and it is distributed to the Yan family, and this is how the later Xianhuang lineage of the Yan family came into being.

"Ancestor Xuanming, our Majesty Mu Yun has also come to the Yuhe Holy Dynasty?" Wang Anye said with a little surprise.

"Senior Tiange is now a celebrity of the Yuhe Sacred Dynasty." The ancestor Xuanming smiled very happily and was very kind, "She is extremely talented. Princess Yuhe is called a sister, and she has been living in the residence of Princess Yuhe for decades."

Afterwards, Patriarch Xuanming introduced Princess Yuhe.

That is the legendary princess of the Yuhe Sacred Dynasty. She is not yet seven thousand years old, but she has already cultivated to the level of Da Luo Shengzun, and she is the third ancestor of the Yuhe royal family.

Some time ago, Yan Tiange heard that the Wang family was coming to the Yuhe pilgrimage, so she mentioned some outstanding talents of the Changning Wang family to Princess Yuhe. That's why Princess Yuhe specially summoned Immortal Xuanming and asked about the reception.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this situation that the ancestor Xuanming personally led the team during the reception, for fear of neglecting Shenwu Wang.

While Patriarch Xuan Ming was speaking, he introduced patriarch Wang Shoude to everyone. The Shoude Patriarch looks to be thirteen or four hundred years old, but his cultivation has just reached the first level of the Lingxu Realm.

In the process of exchanging greetings with Wang Anye, his posture was also very polite, and he didn't put on any pretensions of being an elder with the word "Shou". It's no wonder that the Shoude patriarch is not even a true fairy, and the greatest achievement in the future may be the appearance of the late Lingxu Realm.

But at such a young age, Wang Anye is already at the seventh level of the Lingxu Realm, with such potential, he can be said to have a bright future.

Naturally, Wang Anye is not a person who can maintain his own cultivation. He has always been respectful to the Shoude patriarch from the beginning to the end.

"An Ye, this is your family uncle [Wang Shixing]." The patriarch Shoude pulled a handsome young man over and introduced to everyone, "Your family uncle Xing's family is dozens of years younger than you. It is the true immortal species of our Yuhe Wang family who have inherited the immortal scriptures of our [Old Ancestor Yuanjing]."

Wang Anye hastily bowed his hands to the young man and saluted: "Anye has met Uncle Shi Xing."

"An Ye, don't be polite." Wang Shixing hastily supported Wang An Ye, "My family's real fairy species is really inferior to An Ye's, the difference is too great."

Wang Shixing, as a true immortal of Yuhe Wang's generation, can be regarded as a young talent, but at the age of 900, his cultivation has just reached the second level of Lingxu Realm. Calculated according to the progress of his cultivation, the degree of awakening of his bloodline is probably only like that of Tianzi Ding, which is the level after inheriting the fairy scriptures.

However, with Wang Anye's upbringing, naturally he would not look down on others because of this, and he still treated Wang Shixing, the family uncle, very respectfully, and introduced Wang Baosheng, who was accompanying him, to everyone.

Wang Baosheng is only about 700 years old, but he is already at the sixth level of the Lingxu Realm, which naturally aroused the amazement of the Yuhe Wang family.

This is indeed a bit exaggerated. I am afraid that when Princess Yuhe was young, she was inferior to him, right?

Just as everyone from the Yuhe Wang family greeted the Shenwu Wang family.

【The Mansion of Princess Yuhe】.

As the eldest princess with the most honorable status in the Yuhe Sacred Dynasty, the location of the eldest princess mansion is naturally located in the core area of ​​the Yuhe Sacred City, not too far from the Sacred Palace.

Its main building is built on an eighth-rank sacred vein, not only the concentration of aura is astonishingly high, but also the architectural style is even more luxurious.

It is said that in order to build this Princess Mansion, the Sacred Emperor Yuhe specially invited tens of thousands of top craftsmen in the Holy Dynasty, and found the best materials. It took hundreds of years to finally build this palace. The renovation of the princess mansion is completed.

It is said that even the formation in this princess mansion was designed by the most famous formation sage in Dongxia Shenzhou, Qianzheng, who spent no less than ten chaotic spirit stones.

All these kinds of things really showed Yuhe Shenghuang's love for the eldest princess.

In the back garden of the Princess Chang's mansion, there is a platform for picking stars.

The platform for picking stars is high above, standing on the platform, it seems that you can touch the misty and mysterious winding Yuhe at your fingertips.

Looking along the meandering direction of the Yuhe River, in the hazy light, it seems that you can see one independent world after another, magnificent and dreamy.


On the star picking platform, two women with extraordinary auras were sitting opposite each other, drinking the rare wine brewed from eight-grade Lingmi.

The eighth-grade holy wine was as strong as fire, and the two women had been drinking here for an unknown amount of time, and they seemed to be a little tipsy, with a blush on their snowy jade-like cheeks.

Of these two women, the one on the right is wearing a golden red fairy dress with wide sleeves. They have bright looks and graceful temperament. There is a touch of dignity and majesty in their eyebrows and eyes. An instantly noticeable beauty.

This beauty is Yu Tiange.

At this moment, she was leaning casually on a soft chair, holding a wine jug in one hand, gulping down the wine, with a carefree and indulgent attitude.

After drinking half of the pot, she just wiped her lips, and glanced at the woman opposite with her phoenix eyes: "Sister Yuhe, although your cultivation level is high, you can't drink, so you have to sharpen it. Take a sip quickly. What about raising fish?"

The woman she was looking at was Yu Yuhe!

This woman named after the Yuhe Sacred Dynasty, even in the entire history of the Yuhe Sacred Dynasty, is also a stunningly talented woman. In the history of the Yuhe Sacred Dynasty, there has never been a princess who can have the same honor as her.

It can be seen how high Yuhe's status in the Yuhe royal family is.

Her appearance is different from Yan Tiange's, but her aura is more or less similar. They are both noble and awe-inspiring, with a strong aura. It's just that compared to Yu Tiange, who is like a peony in the prosperous age, she is a little less domineering and ostentatious, and a little more dignified.

She looks younger than Yan Tiange, and she looks only in her mid-twenties, but she has the calm charm of a mature woman.

After taking a sip of the wine, the blush on Princess Yuhe's cheeks had spread down her cheeks to the base of her ears.

There was a glimmer of light in her misty eyes: "Sister Tiange, although I have already cultivated to be the Daluo Shengzun, the splendor of this life is far inferior to yours. That's right. Tell me again, In the story about the last time you lured the enemy to encircle and suppress the Demon Lord of Shura, the commander seems to be Wang Fugui? He is really cunning."

"The cunning of the rich boy is indeed a bit exaggerated. He commanded wars when he was a teenager, and he has become a master." Yan Tiange said with a smile, "Even in the talented Wang family, he can be regarded as top-notch. However, he In those few times, most of them were inherited from Shou Zhe. That guy Shou Zhe is the real hidden boss. Don’t look at him. He doesn’t show his face on weekdays, but the Wang family can have what it is today, and the Shenwu world can have what it is now. It’s really up to him to strategize.”

"Tonight, you have mentioned Wang Shouzhe's name seventeen times..." Princess Yuhe's eyes were a little erratic, and she looked at her with a bit of teasing, "Sister Tiange, looking at you, you really want to eat him!" appearance."

Yan Tiange rolled her eyes with the strength of the wine: "You think I haven't thought about it? That kid Shouzhe is not good at oil and salt. I have taken advantage of him once and ate a little bit of tofu. That's all."

"And this thing? Sister Tiange, tell me quickly, how do you eat his tofu?" Princess Yuhe also became interested, she still likes to listen to Tiange playing hooligans. UU reading

"Let me tell you, hehe..." Yu Tiange began to talk about the events of that night vividly, and seemed to have some aftertaste and regret, "It's a pity that Shouzhe started to be vigilant after suffering a loss. .If I want to do it later, the chances will not be many. By the way, I will go to the Shenbao Temple to buy some medicine later..."

"I know the Master of the Divine Treasure Hall, and I will ask my sister if there is such a medicine later."

"Really? Shou Zhe has a strong anti-toxin ability if you take a little medicine."

"Then order a few more copies."

"Sister Yuhe, it seems that you are also quite naughty."

The two magnificent women with temperaments like immortals and saints, when there is no one around, every word they say can be called "words of tigers and wolves". If those who admire Princess Yuhe in the Yuhe Holy Dynasty hear it, they will be shocked and ruin their three views.

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