MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v7 Chapter 15 I treat you like a daughter, but you want me to be cannon fodder

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In the endless void sea, a huge and incomparable river of heaven traverses the deep and silent boundless darkness. The turbulent energy forms a gorgeous light and brings light to this darkness full of endless fear.

At the end of this huge Milky Way, there is an ocean-like "huge lake".

The turbulent energy in the Milky Way finally flows into this lake, day after day, year after year.

I don't know how many years have passed, this huge lake has gathered an unknown amount of Tianhe energy, the vast soup, it seems that you can't see the edge at a glance, the lake is even more colorful, magnificent like a fantasy, incomparably spectacular, and also It's heartbreaking.

In the lower reaches of the "depression" of the [Void Sky Lake], there are several smaller Tianhe rivers winding nine turns, stretching towards the distant Void Sea, bringing light and vitality to the dark Void Sea.

And just adjacent to the Void Sky Lake, there are many demon buildings built. Those buildings are round and big, as if they are hoarding a lot of supplies.

That's right, this is one of the logistics warehouses of this demon army, but this warehouse base is a large warehouse base.

Around this huge warehouse area, there are demon army camps suspended. Teams of demon soldiers are patrolling the camps, alert to any troubles to prevent and destroy any existence that dares to break into the warehouse.


It's "not far" from the warehouse base.

In the middle of the void sky lake, in a hidden and twisted space.

Wang Lici, who was wearing a battle armor, was holding the shattered God Emperor's Token that had no energy in his hand. Looking at the projection that had condensed into a solid body in front of him, his eyes widened and he looked very surprised.

Wang Lici is very familiar with this projection and this appearance.

"Old Man!?" Wang Lici's eyes were full of mistakes, "You, you, why are you here? No, why is it you?!

The person in front of me, apart from the clothes he is wearing, isn’t he just an “old man”?

The Emperor Cangping, who had just condensed into shape, didn't care about her surprise and surprise. As early as when sending out the Divine Emperor's Token, he knew that once the Divine Emperor's Token was used, his vest would not be able to cover it. Naturally, he was mentally prepared for this.

What's more, even if you want to explain, you have to wait until the crisis is resolved.

"Li Ci, don't be afraid, come to Ben, no, come behind me."

He didn't care about explaining too much, he greeted Wang Lici first, and his spiritual thoughts spread like ripples in all directions.

Almost in between breaths, Emperor Cangping observed the surrounding environment clearly through his spiritual thoughts, and the vigilant look in his eyes also dissipated, and changed to bewilderment.

This is a hidden spatial fold, as if it is in a certain sky lake.

Beside Wang Lici was a big gray mouse with a slick coat, the familiar Lan Wan'er, Ant Wushou, and the less familiar Wang Yingxuan and others.

At the same time, there is an elite army hidden in the space folds, all of them have a strong aura, and the leader is a giant whose strength has reached the late stage of Da Luo Shengzun.

This is...Gambadish Stone Hammer? The patriarch of the Giant Stone Hammer?

"Lici, what happened to you? You even summoned me." Emperor Cangping looked at Wang Lici suspiciously.

With an elite army of giants guarding her, Li Ci is not in danger at all, so why did she crush the Emperor's Order?

"Old man, you'd better talk about it first, why did I recruit you when I crushed this token?" Wang Lici also looked suspiciously at him.

Hundreds of years have passed, and she still has that delicate appearance. The years have hardly left traces on her body, and even the cruelty and chill on the battlefield seem to have failed to affect her mentality.

It was only because she had been on the battlefield all year round that the battle armor on her body was already mottled, which made people really feel the cruelty and chill of the battlefield.

She blinked a pair of round almond eyes: "I heard from the patriarch of Gangbadish that my token is very likely to be the legendary token of the God Emperor. After crushing, it can summon the projection of the God Emperor! Old man, I remember You are also surnamed Xuanyuan, could it be that you are one of the descendants of that old Shenque?


Is it okay to be reborn by your ancestors?


Emperor Cangping was so lucky that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

That old man Shenque, no, is he so evil?

He immediately gave her an annoyed look: What are you thinking about? Things have come to this point, and I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I am Emperor Cangping.

As if to prove it, he raised his head and chest out to highlight his majesty and momentum.

"Scared?" Wang Lici was terribly frightened, and looked suspiciously at the Cangping Divine Emperor, "Old Man, are you kidding me? Just you? Cangping Divine Emperor?

Wang Yingxuan, who was waiting beside Shenhuang Cangping, was getting impatient.

She grabbed Wang Lici and stopped her from continuing: "Okay, okay, you don't care if he is old or old, anyway, this time we are just looking for a cannon fodder bait.

Hundreds of years have passed, Wang Yingxuan's appearance has not changed, she still has the appearance of a heroic girl general, only her fierce fighting spirit, as if tempered by wind, rain and frost, has become more and more fierce and fierce. pressing.


These words frightened Emperor Cangping quite a bit.

Is this a joke?

How precious is the Divine Emperor's Token of his majestic Cangping Emperor? It was something he left for Li Ci to save his life, and he used this to summon him to be cannon fodder?

For a moment, Emperor Cangping had the urge to beat someone up.

"Ying Xuan, don't scare the old man." Wang Lici patted Ying Xuan's shoulder and said, "The old man is always timid, what if you scare him away?

As she said that, she looked at the smiling face of Emperor Cangping again: "Old Man, in fact, we are just performing a small task, and it is not too difficult.

I do not believe. There is no difficulty, why do you have to call me here?" Emperor Cangping shook his head again and again, "Don't even think about such things as cannon fodder. This emperor came consciously. Once the projection is lost, the main body will also be greatly affected Yes, maybe you will be traumatized.”

After finishing speaking, he added suspiciously, "And Li Ci, you haven't told me yet, what the **** is this place? When the emperor's consciousness came down, it felt very far away, and he almost failed.

It seems to be called [Yongning Tianhu], which is the rear base of the World Exterminating Demon Army. "Wang Lici explained.

"Uh... Yongning Tianhu!?" Cangping Shenhuang's face turned bitter, "Wang Lici, are you making me happy? This Yongning Tianhu is the rear of the demon clan in the Void Sea Battlefield. Not to mention that the front line is very far away, there are many demon bases around, and the guards are extremely strict.

How is it possible for you to pass through the layers of demon defense levels and reach the rear all the way?

"This is Yingxuan's idea." Wang Lici explained, "She said that she has been doing some painless work. Watching the two armies continue to confront each other, they can't tell the winner. It's really uncomfortable. It's better to play a game Those with big tickets will lead the elite to a big interspersed tactic, digging out the rear of the demon army.

"Wang Yingxuan! So this is your ghost idea." Emperor Cangping glared at Wang Yingxuan.

Of course he has seen this girl before, and he has often seen her name in reports in recent hundreds of years.

On the Void Sea battlefield, Wang Yingxuan was just playing around in the beginning, leading a small team to harass the enemy army around and support the main army.

This kind of battle doesn't reflect her true level, but she doesn't care at all, and still enjoys fighting on the battlefield, completing every tactical task very outstandingly. Because of her extraordinary strategic vision, she can even occasionally help the general to check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

Gradually, with the passage of time, she gained more and more prestige in the army based on her meritorious service. She was able to command more and more giant troops, and she made more and more contributions.

Just one hundred and fifty years ago, she, Wang Lici, and the Man Giant Department made a great contribution to the sky. He used the strategy of "luting the enemy to go deep", and finally cooperated with the friendly army to destroy a demon lord under the command of the world-destroying commander!

which makes

Wang Yingxuan's reputation as the Goddess of War is becoming more and more resounding, and even if she looks at our camp in the entire Void Sea Battlefield, she belongs to the number one figure.

In the official list of Dongxia's military, her title has reached the level of army commander, so she can definitely be regarded as a big shot.

Emperor Cangping also heard that Ji Taichang, the commander-in-chief of the Void Sea Battlefield, is the famous King of Pingtian, and he is also very optimistic about Wang Yingxuan's intention to take her as a confidant to train.

"This is not a ghost idea." Wang Xuan retorted plausibly after hearing the tone of the Emperor Cangping, "Our Dongxia Dynasty and the Mieshi Great Commander fought for so long, although we did hold the territory. But the consumption is getting bigger and bigger, and even the military salaries of many tribes can hardly be paid out.

As time goes by, morale will inevitably become weaker and weaker.

"As the saying goes, if you are rich, you can cover firepower, and if you are poor, you can use tactical penetration. We are currently financially tight, and we can't afford firepower coverage. Only by relying on this kind of battlefield penetration technique can we reverse the unfavorable situation. And I, Wang Yingxuan, am the best at A commander who interspersed with tactics.”

The emperor admits that your words do have some truth. But..." Emperor Cangping looked at her suspiciously, "Aren't you really eager to make meritorious deeds, and want to rely on surprise attacks to promote your War Immortal Scripture?"

He had already heard that Wang Yingxuan possessed a very peculiar set of laws, which didn't improve her personal combat power much, but it was extremely useful for fighting, and could absorb the "Victory Light" after victory on the battlefield to continuously improve her quality.

Wang Yingxuan called this "light of victory" "experience value".

Over the years, Wang Yingxuan has raised the [War Treasure], which was only close to the advanced level, to the half-step immortal scripture by virtue of continuous victories. Later, relying on a big victory that wiped out an army of demon lords, she abruptly brought the war to an end. The tome has been upgraded to [War Immortal Scripture].

This is really a very peculiar treasure book, which is rare in ancient and modern times. When he heard it for the first time, he was surprised for a while, so he was very impressed.

"It is indeed my wish to upgrade the Immortal Scripture." Wang Yingxuan sighed, "Since Wu was promoted to become the Immortal Scripture, her leveling up has become very slow. Relying on those trivial victories, I am afraid that I will not be able to advance until I die. Santo. I feel only really great victories, only some brilliant victories,

Only in this way can the War Immortal Scripture be moved towards the holy map.

Emperor Cangping rolled his eyes.

The emperor knew that this must be Wang Yingxuan's idea.

It was a big matter, so he hurriedly asked for all the details.

Sure enough, this was the private action of Wang Yingxuan and the others, and even the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, King Pingtian, was kept in the dark.

She led a small group of elites, and with the help of the war fairy scriptures, she completed a major crossing, shuttled all the way from the endless void sea, and finally arrived at the rear of the demon army after going through great risks.

After listening to it, Emperor Cangping was also shocked: "You guys are really brave enough to travel a long distance in the dark sea of ​​void, aren't you afraid of losing your way and being trapped in the dark sea of ​​void forever?

Normally, when navigating in the void sea, you follow the Tianhe River, which is fast and not easy to get lost.

If you insist on traveling directly through the dark and deep sea of ​​void, it's not impossible, but it will take a huge risk.

For one thing, the Void Sea is vast and vast, and few people set foot in places without Tianhe, so there is no particularly reliable Void Sea Chart to use as a reference, and it is easy to get lost.

Second, the Void Sea area is not often visited by people, and it is easy to encounter unpredictable risks, such as energy tides, void sea storms, unpredictable monsters, or even falling directly into the Void Sea vortex and being swept away to nowhere. It is possible.

Its difficulty is no less than that in the early days of human navigation on earth. Without a clear and clear navigation chart as a basis, it is definitely a feat to directly cross the Atlantic Ocean.

It is also for this reason that most of the major dynasties of the Dongxia God Dynasty and Middle Earth rely on various Tianhe rivers for links and migrations. Occasionally, it is necessary to shuttle through a large section of the void sea, which is also a familiar place that has been explored for a long time. Generally do not rush around rashly.

After all, the existing waterways are the ancestors who have suffered a lot,

And paid a lot of sacrifices as a price to explore it.

"Relax~" Wang Yingxuan patted Emperor Cangping on the shoulder, with an expression of "you're making a fuss", "It's not difficult to have this girl and Lici traveling through the void and dark sea. Besides, we don't always Staying in the void sea will often sneak into Tianhe, which is within the sphere of influence of the demons.

Old Man, don’t worry too much, haven’t we already come here?”

Old man...haha!

Cangping Shenhuang's mouth twitched.

He actually already knew now that Xuan and Li Ci, as well as Wang Baoguang who "had risen to fame" in the Taoist Palace, and Wang Baosheng who saved Ying Lingzhu, etc., were all from the Shenwu Wang family.

He is really very curious, what kind of strange family is it that can cultivate so many "wizards"?

But this is the end of the matter, it's all here, I can't just go back without doing anything.

Cangping Shenhuang barely cheered up, "Since you have all sneaked into the enemy's rear without anyone noticing, do you have any tactics to attack the target?"

"Yes!" Wang Yingxuan said with bright eyes, "Li Ci and Zha Zhashu have detected information. A large amount of military supplies and supplies have just been shipped to this demon base. The quantity is very large, enough for a millennium Used. We decided to dig it out.

They have already determined in advance that among the many bases behind the Demon Clan, this base has the most important strategic position, and the materials stored in the base are also the largest and the highest level.

"Okay!" Cangping Shenhuang became energetic after hearing this, "Once successful, this is an unworldly achievement~"

As the Emperor of God, he is the God of Dinghai in the entire Dongxia Dynasty, and it is not easy to come to the Void Sea Battlefield to point fingers on weekdays.

But now that he is the summoned projection, if he can cooperate to make great achievements, then his prestige as the Emperor of Cangping will also increase sharply, and his words will have more weight in the future. Marshal Ji dare not fight with him at will Joe is gone.

"The only problem now is that for some reason, three demon lords and some of their troops have gathered in this rear base." Wang Yingxuan's eyes were slightly dignified.

Three demon masters? This shouldn't be the case. "Emperor Cangping was also puzzled, "Our human troops have never reached [Yongning Tianhu]. For the demons, this is a safe place where there will be no war for tens of thousands of years. Arrange three demons It is a waste of resources for the Lord to sit here.

"Maybe it's the demon lord passing by to rest." Wang Yingxuan's eyes were sharp, "but this is a huge opportunity for us anyway. Since the two extra demon lords are not in our plan, we are short of manpower. Therefore, I asked Li Ci to try to project the God Emperor

Called over to cooperate with the battle. Old Man, are you willing to cooperate with us?"

"No problem, although this emperor finds it unbelievable, he is also a person who knows the overall situation." Divine Emperor Cangping said solemnly, "Since you have a plan, Xuan, follow your plan. Just tell me what you want me to do.

Unexpectedly, when it came to the distance plan, Wang Yingxuan hesitated instead: "This... let Li Ci talk about it, Li Ci and you should be closer.

As she spoke, she shrank back and pushed Wang Lici to the front row.

Just when Cangping Shenhuang was wondering, Wang Lici explained to him with a smile that our plan is like this. Yingxuan will lead the barbarian elites and Uncle Gangbadish to attack the supply line behind the logistics base in a surprise attack.

"As for me and the people from the headquarters, my Master Yunhai, and you, our small number of super elites took the opportunity to sneak into the base warehouse and plunder the resources wantonly. But considering that there are too many resources, we can't take them all away, so Before we leave, we have to destroy the remaining resources.

The plan sounds reasonable.

Emperor Cangping nodded again and again, but there were still some things that he didn't want to understand: "Lici, I have a small problem. The military supplies that can be used by the Great Commander of Mieshi for thousands of years are an extremely large amount, and there are two warehouses in one. But it won't fit, and the warehouse area is so big,

There is such a distance between warehouses and warehouses. How do you make sure you walk away with destruction


We had considered this before we came, so Yingxuan took the opportunity to visit Marshal Ji and listen to his teachings, and took the scumbag to steal a [Chaos Destroyer Bead] from our army headquarters. "Speaking, Wang Lici took out the [Chaos Destruction Bead] heartlessly.

A devastating aura escaped from it.

Cangping Shenhuang's body tightened, and the projection trembled in fright.

"Put it up, put it away quickly!" He quickly waved his hand to signal Wang Lici to put it away, with a bit of fear and shock on his face, "Wang Lici, are you crazy, even dare to steal the World Extinguishing Orb of Marshal Ji? That's an army One of the hole cards, very precious and rare.

Aren't you afraid that Marshal Ji will punish you with military law after he finds out?"

[Chaos Destroyer Bead] is called this name because its explosive power can sweep the entire world. Once it explodes, it will really destroy the world, even the saint-level powerhouse will probably not be able to carry it head-on. have to hang up.

If the Emperor Cangping is here, he can resist it, but now it is just a projection, how can he resist it?

"Isn't the hole card just to be used at the most critical moment?" Wang Lici put away the Chaos Destroyer Bead with a smile.

"Having said that, it seems that you can't make much money by using the Chaos Destroyer Orb to blow up a lot of supplies. The Emperor Cangping quickly calculated the price-performance ratio, and felt a little distressed about the Chaos World Destroyer Orb.

These things were all brought out by the ancestors when they fled from the Immortal League. If you use one less, the value is far higher than the holy map. Before the critical moment, you will never use it lightly.

More than 100,000 years ago, a Chaos Destroyer Orb was stolen from the Taichu Dao Palace, and the loss can be described as heavy. The Taoist master of the previous generation in the early days also made a big fuss about this.

"It's true that we don't make much money by just bombing supplies, so we decided to blow up the three demon lords, part of the army, and supplies together." Only then did Wang Lici say the ultimate goal, "Let's send the logistics base and the two demons passing by to rest. Together in one pot.

If it works, it's a big hit. Emperor Cangping took the lead again and again.

But as soon as the words fell, he became a little confused again: "If the attacking demon masters want to return to defense and contain them in a short time, there must be a powerful person staying in the warehouse to attract firepower and delay time... ...Could it be.

In an instant, UU Reading Cangping Emperor's eyes were dull.

So that's the case~ No wonder, Li Ci crushed the God Emperor's order and summoned the God Emperor's projection. It's just that Lici probably didn't think that Emperor Cangping is Lao Cang."

"Old man~" Wang Lici patted him on the shoulder encouragingly with wide eyes full of eager anticipation, "The person who can complete this task is either my master Yunhai or Uncle Gangbadish. However, after all, they are all real people. The only person in the world is you, just a mere projection.

Specific projection?

Emperor Cangping was about to cry.

What is a mere projection? After his death, his loss is also very great!

Li Ci, Li Ci, my old man treats you like a daughter in my heart, but you want me to be cannon fodder?

How cruel is this?
