MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 108

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The night party in October was relatively cool, the heat in the hotel room did not decrease but increased, and the two spent until three or four in the night.

In the early morning, the alarm clock of the mobile phone that fell on the ground rang.

Gu Siyu first lay down for a while, then she quickly got up and turned off the alarm on the mobile phone, she went to find clothes on the ground to wear, the clothes were messed up all night, Gu Siyu was not easy to go to Putting on her body, she looked at Huo Junxian's suitcase.

Huo Junxian was awakened by her movement, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes after struggling for a while.

"Where are you going?" she asked in a hoarse voice.

Huo Junxian stepped over her long legs and pressed her waist, and quickly sat on her, Gu Siyu still grabbed her clothes and stared blankly at Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian pressed her shoulders with both hands, she occupied In the upper position, his eyes were fixed on her.

The waist lifted her aside.

Gu Siyu is also very energetic, Huo Junxian can't hold her down.

Gu Siyu got out of bed to look for clothes to wear, Huo Junxian looked at her with her body leaning on her side, she was very dissatisfied with Gu Siyu's departure, after all, it was only a warm night, she sat up again and hugged her arms Gu Siyu's waist, "No..."

I was going to say "don't go", Gu Siyu turned to look at her, she suppressed the words, and said seriously to Gu Siyu: "Don't leave me."

The tone is slightly cold and cannot be refused.

Gu Siyu's movement stopped, obviously, the vigilance raised by Gu Siyu was suppressed at this moment, her eyebrows moved slightly, and she said in a gentle tone: "I don't want to Run, I have something urgent to do."


"This..." Gu Siyu didn't tell her very well, "it's very complicated."

"How long are you going?"

"It should be done at three or four in the afternoon, if there are problems, it will be later."

Huo Junxian leaned against the head of the bed, her expression slightly gloomy, Gu Siyu buttoned up and turned to look at her, Huo Junxian looked like she was sulking.

They used to get along a lot like this before, Gu Siyu seems to have a lot of things to do, and she can't always bring herself.

"Can I wait for you?" Huo Junxian asked, her long legs twisting Gu Siyu's waist again.

"I really have something to do." Gu Siyu said seriously.


Gu Siyu was embarrassed to say, "You let me go first."

Huo Junxian hugged her naked, wrapped her waist, rested her chin on her shoulder, and passed their body sensations back and forth.

I feel wet and sticky because of exercise.

"Are you pushing me away again?"

"No... I try my best." Gu Siyu said, "I really have something to do today."

Huo Junxian said, "I don't want you to fulfill all your promises."

"I... I'll be back after I finish my work today." Gu Siyu said.

"It's not good, don't do it." Gu Siyu pushed her backhand, sometimes she felt that Huo Junxian was the same as before, still strong, but sometimes it was a little different, Huo Junxian became docile .

For example, now, she thought that Huo Junxian was going to drag her to the bed, but Huo Junxian couldn't move her, and she didn't insist. She got off the bed herself, and gently unbuttoned her with her fingers.

Gu Siyu was half-lying and pushed Huo Junxian, "I'm in a hurry."

Listen, Huo Junxian put her hand on her lips.

"Just a moment."

"You look like a uniform in this dress."

Huo Junxian bit her shoulder and squatted down.

Gu Siyu wanted to say that she should have been wearing a uniform today.

In the past two years, Gu Siyu has also thought a lot about what to do if she encounters her again, and how to deal with Huo Junxian's encroachment. Look at Huo Junxian a little.

Gu Siyu cooperated with her, her mouth was stern, and she did not struggle.

"Don't make trouble with me, I'll be back sooner, for sure."

When Gu Siyu came out of the hotel, it was an hour and a half later, she didn't care what to rush out of the hotel, she had to catch the bus outside.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face without even taking a shower. When she came out, she tied her hair and said, "If there is enough time, I can come earlier."

Huo Junxian didn't answer, she originally wanted to come out with Gu Siyu, but Gu Siyu ran quickly and disappeared.

She packed her clothes, got into her car and drove around the city. She sat inside and looked out the window. The architecture style in the strange city was different, and it was uncomfortable to look anywhere. There were too many people coming and going. , people of all skin colors passed by her car, but it was too difficult for her to find a certain person here.

Huo Junxian has experienced too many times of loss, gain and loss. She wants to think about it happily, but she can't control it.

My heart gradually fell to the bottom and was almost submerged by the tide, but if Gu Siyu stayed by her side today, she might not be so irritable.


Gu Siyu ran all the way, she ran into the classroom at a very high speed.

Today is the monthly exam. She has been studying for two years, and she was not used to it at first. After all, others are teenage girls. She is already an adult, but after a long time, she also I got thick-skinned at school.

Later she found out that this is not surprising in a foreign school. Many people are reluctant to contact the outside world, and they are still in school in their twenties.

It has been fifty minutes since the exam started. Gu Siyu went to the classroom and chatted with the teacher for a while before being put in. She sat down and looked at the clock on the wall.

She licked her lower lip and continued to write with a pen. Her mouth was bitten by Huo Junxian, and there was a small scab on it.

After a few glances of the people around, when she looked back, she found the invigilator sitting above her staring at her.

It feels weird.

It is a serious thing, but she feels that she is rotten.

Gu Siyu worked very **** the questions, gritted her teeth a few times to adjust her body, and her legs were marked on the side, so they could not be touched. The invigilator came down and knocked on her desk and asked her very gently where she was. uncomfortable.

Gu Siyu shook her head to indicate that she could persevere.

She put her hand on her chin, suppressed the feeling and continued to answer the question, putting all her mind into it.

When she encounters difficult questions, she will think of Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian is very smart, and she feels that she should know all these questions, but...she wants to face.

Let Huo Junxian know that she is studying. Damn, her face is gone.

She didn't tell anyone about her going to school except her and Ye Qinghe's grandfather.

Huo Junxian did not tore her uniform, but the clothes inside were broken here and there, and she couldn't do anything about it, and the clothes inside were also Huo Junxian's clothes.

Answer questions.

Gu Siyu tries her best not to think wildly.

It’s so **** difficult, I feel like I’ve spent two years learning.

Huo Junxian wandered around the city, too aimlessly. She drove the car to the vicinity of Gu Siyu's house. She found a shop and sat down, enjoying the long afternoon depressingly.

Wait until four o'clock in the afternoon, she received the doctor, it is four in the morning in China, the doctor called her yesterday, because she had been entangled with Gu Siyu yesterday, and did not receive this Telephone. Ning Xian was very worried about their state, and suddenly woke up in the middle of sleep. During the period, she had a nightmare. She dreamed that Huo Junxian did not follow the doctor's orders, and completely broke up with Gu Siyu, and the two fought directly abroad.

Huo Junxian replied: [I haven't thought about it yet, we haven't mentioned the past, and we haven't thought about it too much. 】

Ning Xianzhi asked: [Then how did you talk about it? 】

She immediately retracted the message after sending it, and she knew what they did without asking.

The rhythm of modern people is fast, they just add a little more to the fast.

Ning Xianzhi asked: [What do you plan to do, and what do you want to do in the future? 】

Huo Junxian definitely wanted to bring Gu Siyu home, but if Gu Siyu didn't want to... She was also confused about this result for a long time and didn't know what to do. She asked Ning Xianzhi, [ Is there anything you can do? 】

Ning Xianzhi: [Still that suggestion, don't be quick, do it slowly, she is willing to have a relationship with you and she must still miss you, don't you feel it? 】

Recalling their affairs, they are very cooperative here. I like to take the initiative at the beginning, it is always like a fight, and I will cooperate with each other later.

Huo Junxian bit her lower lip.


Huo Junxian: [But I want to hear her take the initiative to tell me to go home and take the initiative. 】

Ning Xianzhi: [Then you just wait and persuade, not persecute]

Sometimes talking to a psychiatrist about these things that can't reach a peaceful state, will be stimulated even more deeply by the doctor, making her anxious again and again.

Huo Junxian replied: [If you have work, go to sleep, do you have any gifts you want, I will bring you when I return to China...]

Very gentle reply, come here first before sending the doctor's information.

Ning Xianzhi: [Actually, your current state is easy to understand. 】

The breeding of possessiveness wants her to bloom beautifully only for you. So you will feel pain. You have compared losing her and being close to her. Losing makes you more sad. You are willing to torture each other, hug her in pain, and don't want to let go, right? 】

Separation is a thousand swords piercing the heart, and it can cost a life, but they are entangled, and even a thousand arrows piercing the heart can hug this person.

Huo Junxian will choose the latter.

So what's the big deal about pain.

Losing is much, much more sad than pain.

This is what Huo Junxian summed up. No matter what the doctor says, there are a lot of truths.

Ning Xianzhi said: [You don't rule out the option of 'being together, hugs can't be hurt', you can try to fall in love with her, as long as you enjoy every step, You will feel that nothing is slow. 】

Huo Junxian: [She left again in the morning. 】

A few words can tell the loss, the doctor replied: [Did she say when she will come back? 】

Huo Junxian: [Late, no specific time. 】

Ning Xianzhi: [That should be late within a day. 】

Huo Junxian: [Wait? 】

Ning Xianzhi just woke up, her eyelids were still fighting, she should have replied "wait", but the word "wait" was a sharp sword in Huo Junxian's chest.

She said: [You have your own thoughts, I will not control your thoughts, these are just the advice I give you as a doctor and as a person who has been in love. 】

Huo Junxian needed time to think about it, Ning Xianzhi was also sleepy, and the two ended their chat.

Huo Junxian looked at the information, she was thinking very realistic, and she was more inclined to Gu Siyu and ran away again, and they repeated this many times.

Waiting for a person is very tiring, who knows if it will come, the opportunity needs to be seized by oneself.

Gu Siyu does not take anything with him every time he runs, and guarding here is also white guard, Huo Junxian ordered a better tea to take away, the bodyguard asked her if she wanted to squat, Huo Junxian looked back She took a look, her eyes were deep in the courtyard, she didn't speak when she turned around, she sat back in the car again, she went back to the hotel to take a shower, her hair was wet and hanging down, she hadn't dried her hair, just Reaching out and pinching it, there is a rectangular swimming pool downstairs, and many people living in the hotel are swimming below.

The guest room came to deliver a meal, and said enthusiastically: "Miss, the swimming pool will be replaced with new water later, do you want to go down and have a look."

Huo Junxian just thought of one thing. She and Gu Siyu made an agreement to go to the beach and planned to take Teddy with him, but Teddy became ill later, and Huo Junxian didn't dare to take it everywhere. Walk around, it will be winter and I can only stay at home all the time, which is a bit regrettable now.

If I had been bolder at the time and had some confidence in myself, maybe... maybe there would be no regrets.

"No, thank you." Huo Junxian refused.

About six o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Siyu arrived at the hotel, what lectures were held in the school, the teacher babbled about a bunch of school history, she was too lazy to listen and slipped away.

She went to the hotel lobby with the exam paper she just finished in her hand.

The lobby on the first floor is often filled with tourists who check in with luggage, all in suits and leather shoes, and even the children are dressed cutely, holding small toys in their hands.

Gu Siyu originally wanted to store the things in her hands on the first floor, but she specially opened a box to store the things in her hands, and the psychological effect came up, and she felt like a mentally retarded.

She threw the handbag away, left a pen and eraser, and folded the test papers and stuffed them in her pocket.

After doing this, she felt like a fool.

It's so stupid.

After taking the elevator up, Gu Siyu looked at the closed door and was very scared. She left for the exam in the morning, and Huo Junxian was not very happy.

Looking at the door, he raised his hand, not daring to print his fingers.

Gu Siyu stood outside, her feet slipped on the ground, she adjusted her clothes and smoothed the collar, and finally took off the student ID card on her chest.

Gu Siyu pushed her feet back, Huo Junxian tilted her head and looked out. Her face was originally calm, but her eyes fell on her, her eyes blinking slightly.

She raised her eyes, but she was not quite sure, so she blinked more times.

At this time, Gu Siyu found that her smile was not only warm, but also exciting.

Smiling, her eyes filled with her appearance.

One forgot to go in, and one forgot to open the door while holding the doorknob.

Gu Siyu stood at the door for a long time, she didn't know whether Huo Junxian said or not, she put her finger in her pocket and took it out and knocked gently on the door.

"Well, I really have something to do, so I delayed it for a while."



The author has something to say:


I heard that you all want to see Xiaogu take the college entrance examination. Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2022-05-0622:21:06~2022-05-0721:54:24~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rabbit, Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Dugumi's father's wife, Quan Keshi, utsuriki, fearless_but Yiqi, Ji Qiuqiu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: only marry Yang Chaoyue, kaylor, Azizi spit bubbles 2; 27125591, sake, akgang, little dirty dog ​​hook, -98, 59239858, boss Only sells 1 braised rabbit head;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Little Dirty Dog Hook; 35 bottles of July; 230 bottles of Mno; 28 bottles of Su Muzhe; 20 bottles of Sigui, CE1303, and Temporary Rain; Zhige 18 bottles; Song Yi 12 bottles; Yanzhizhizhi, Dizun deity, silly v5, Xiaotian cake, NPC, I am a waste 10 bottles; 2.water 8 bottles; Xinji pajamas, Huacong 6 bottles; Halo, Cui Zi Yang, 47425350, lbxx, 5 bottles of a milk white sugar; Nanjing, 3 bottles of sin; Chai Yu, Li Xiaobai, 152817132 bottles; Nianchuliang, Qingxu, fearless_but Yiqi, Tiám? , ink color, natural stay in the house for a long time, Lilili, Maybee, have you eaten, get a bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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