MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 111

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Gu Siyu was sitting on the chair, she was writing and drawing on the scratch paper with a pen, Huo Junxian sat beside her and watched, sometimes standing up, she supported the table with her hands and spoke lightly Teach her gently and patiently.

In a whole paper, the questions Gu Siyu can understand are basically the first three or four multiple-choice questions. Don't worry, it won't be normal, it's just that the foundation is a little bit worse and you can make it up later."

Gu Siyu was very guilty.

I am too stupid?

The sun is just right today and will fall on Huo Junxian's shoulders.

Suddenly, the pen fell on Gu Siyu's head.

"Go back and listen carefully."


"If you don't learn, I will kiss you."

Do you need to learn this?


Gu Siyu wanted to find Huo Junxian to go out for a walk, but she didn't expect to write a day's homework in the hotel, and it was already afternoon when a paper was finished.

Math is too hard.

Seeing the newly filled content above, her heart is numb and she is very proud. Gu Siyu held the test paper back and forth to appreciate it. She could use it to blow it. She told her classmates that Xueba teaches, and there is no wrong question.

"Huo Junxian, you are very talented as a teacher."

Huo Junxian is really good-natured, no matter how stupid Gu Siyu is, no matter how hard she can't understand the question, she will patiently teach her, never get angry with Gu Siyu, always comfort her and say it's okay, It won't be normal.

"Are you tired? Would you like something to eat?" Huo Junxian asked.

And fruit.

Gu Siyu felt very sweet, like falling into a honey pot.

"I'll go wash the fruit." Gu Siyu got up and said.

She listened to a day's class, and then asked Huo Junxian to take care of her, it was a bit unreasonable.

"Okay." Huo Junxian didn't stop her.

Gu Siyu went to cut the iced cantaloupe, she first put a piece in her mouth, sweet and fragrant.

Huo Junxian sat next to her, Gu Siyu also handed her a piece, Huo Junxian didn't pick it up with her hands, leaned over to eat it, she bit it and put it in her mouth, "Thank you."

The two ate half a cantaloupe, Huo Junxian asked Gu Siyu, "Did you learn anything today?"

Gu Siyu nodded earnestly, Huo Junxian likes to draw inferences from one case and give her the same type of questions on the spot to consolidate her knowledge.

"Good teaching, Mr. Huo." Gu Siyu took a look.

Huo Junxian liked this title very much, she tasted the honeydew melon in her mouth and said, "I regret it, I shouldn't teach you."

Gu Siyu knew what she was talking about, the corners of her mouth moved slightly, of course she also thought about that, but it was boring to stay in the hotel all the time.

"Congratulations on your escape."

Gu Siyu hummed, she wiped her fingers and said, "Mr. Huo, take you out for a walk."

"Are you going to play at your school?" Huo Junxian asked.

Since Gu Siyu carried the name "student" on her back, Huo Junxian has always deliberately provoked her bottom line and excavated the excitement of teachers and students.

"Pack up and take you out."

“On a motorcycle?”

"No motorcycle, lend me your car to drive." Gu Siyu said.

Get out of the hotel and fasten your seat belt.

Gu Siyu took the steering wheel and took Huo Junxian to the place where she often goes, where the environment is more beautiful.

Huo Junxian said, "It's a pity that you don't ride a motorcycle."

"I don't usually have time." Gu Siyu said.

Huo Junxian sighed and said, "After you left, I often went to see the games over there. Now the stadium is closed, and I'm going to start a school."

Gu Siyu didn't speak, the car drove into the traffic, and when she met the red light, Gu Siyu held the steering wheel and rubbed the lines on it with her fingertips.

“Private or public?”

"What?" Huo Junxian didn't understand.

“Private school or public school.”

"It's not clear yet, but it should be a private school." Huo Junxian said.


"The original plan was to build Hope Primary School." Huo Junxian said, "It is planned to provide out-of-school children so that they can study for free."

After waiting for a while, Huo Junxian continued, "I bought the land."

Gu Siyu clenched her hands, saw the green light, and drove out.

"Do you still want to play racing?" Huo Junxian asked.

"I don't want it anymore." Gu Siyu said seriously: "I don't have that kind of enthusiasm for the game anymore, there are more important things to do."

Afterwards, Huo Junxian was looking at the scenery outside. Time not only changed people, but also the surrounding environment.

Go to the place, Gu Siyu parked the car.

There is a rose garden in front of you, and the pergola is full of flowers.

You can smell the flowers when you walk in, and the smell is very strong.

Huo Junxian looked at her chin with her hand, and the meals were all ordered by Gu Siyu.

The last time I took her to a buffet was not very good, the preparation was rushed, and it was not pleasant to say it out.

I officially invited her to dinner today, thanking her for teaching me and wanting to take her out to play.

They ate until seven o'clock, and when it was dark, the waiter brought a candlestick and lit it.


Meals are served slowly, so you have to wait while you eat.

Finally, a pot of thick soup made me feel full.

When the time was getting late, Gu Siyu sent Huo Junxian to the hotel first, Huo Junxian unfastened her seat belt, she pushed the car door and went around to Gu Siyu's side, leaned down slightly and looked at Gu Siyu Si Yu.

Gu Siyu said: "I will go to the hotel tomorrow to find you."

"Okay." Huo Junxian didn't force her to stay, she walked with her head down, sniffing the fragrance of roses.

Gu Siyu didn't break her promise, she got up early, changed her clothes, threw her schoolbag on her shoulders, and went to the hotel to find someone at about seven o'clock.

The office worker hadn't woken up yet at this point, Gu Siyu went early, knocked on the door and stood outside for a while before Huo Junxian pushed the door open.

Huo Junxian didn't wake up, her eyes fell on her shoulders first, and when she saw the black schoolbag, she tilted her head and rubbed her eyes, feeling unbelievable.

Gu Siyu threw her bag back and said, "Don't you want to go to school?"

"Can I go?" Huo Junxian looked worried and didn't sleep well, but she asked so quickly, but she moved quickly.

She turned around and went to the closet in the room to find clothes to wear. She asked Gu Siyu outside by the way, "Are you going to hold a parent-teacher meeting?"

The school held a parent-teacher meeting, but during the school year, Gu Siyu was in her twenties. She would definitely not call a parent. She waited for every parent-teacher meeting. Talk to the teacher later.

"What are you thinking about, I'm just taking you in to see." Gu Siyu said.

Huo Junxian sighed, feeling a pity.

Soon she changed her clothes. The top was a white French chiffon shirt with a diagonal neck, and the bottom was coffee-colored trousers. She put away her long hair, leaving a small strand of hair on her forehead, looking dignified and elegant.

"Let's go." Huo Junxian said with Gu Siyu.

Gu Siyu was wearing a relatively simple, white shirt and a school-colored tie. I have to say that the two of them matched very well.

Gu Siyu was carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, and the feeling of the two came up instantly. Without any explanation, it could be seen that Gu Siyu was a student and Huo Junxian was a parent.

Huo Junxian's driver drove the car. The two of them sat in the back seat. When they drove to the door, a guard stopped the car. The two got out of the car. Gu Siyu took out the student ID card from his pocket and showed it to the guard. After confirming that she put the student ID card in, that is, before taking Huo Junxian in, she had to explain their relationship.

What is the relationship, friends are definitely not allowed, and the school is not allowed to bring strangers into it.

Saying that Huo Junxian is a parent and parent, Gu Siyu can't say much. She lied and said that she is a teacher, and the guard has to look at the teacher's certificate.

At first, Gu Siyu chose this school for a special investigation. She heard that it was strictly controlled.

Sometimes strict control is also a kind of trouble.

Gu Siyu can only talk about parents, teachers find parents.

The guard asked Gu Siyu to register his name before he was willing to let people go. Gu Siyu complained: "It's troublesome to grow too young, and no one will believe the parents."

"If you say sister, he will definitely believe it." Huo Junxian pursed her lips and smiled, and felt that Gu Siyu was praising herself, that young women are very attractive.

Gu Siyu thought to herself, you are amazing, I brought you in to play, and you actually wanted to take advantage of me.

The school is very famous here. Most of the children who enter this kind of school are from rich families, and the teachers and management are very strict.

Gu Siyu is a serious subject, and the others are good, barely stuck at the end of the class. Every time I think about it, I feel ashamed. eight-year-old student.

The two were walking on the playground. Huo Junxian always had a smile on her face. Someone was playing on the basketball court next to them. Several tall men were running around. The two stopped to watch for a few minutes. I don't think there's any point in going back.

"What did you study in the past?" Gu Siyu asked.

"I have no friends, I do everything alone, and my dad will find bodyguards to accompany me." Huo Junxian said, "There is basically no exercise, I told you before."

Gu Siyu sighed.

Gu Siyu took her around. There was no fun in high school, she just took a walk in the playground to chat and reminisce about the past, but Huo Junxian's campus life was really boring and there were not many topics.

Half an hour later, the two were sitting on the playground, and the teacher called.

It so happened that she called her math teacher. The math teacher told Gu Siyu seriously that she wanted to meet her parents and discuss with her parents how to solve the 25 points.

"Should I go?" Huo Junxian asked, she was very excited, and her eyes kept blinking at Gu Siyu.

"What's there to go to?" Gu Siyu felt outrageous, she was almost 27 years old, and she called her parents with a score of 25. The parents really went...

Whenever she takes the test of 27, she also has a little face.

This can be the laughing stock of a lifetime.

Gu Siyu walked forward, took Huo Junxian to the office, and whispered, "You can just listen to what she says later, don't worry about it."

"Okay." Huo Junxian spoke very well.

The two went up the stairs, the office was a little far from the classroom, it was class time, the school was very quiet inside and outside, and they were not afraid of meeting acquaintances.

If Huo Junxian hadn't been so eager, she would definitely have survived, at most, she would be called to the office once or twice by the teacher.

The face of adults is so fragile sometimes.

Gu Siyu took Huo Junxian to the third floor and knocked on the door. There was only the teacher Gu Siyu in the office. The teacher was in his 40s and his complexion was slightly darker. The teacher was flipping through the answer sheet and saw Huo Junxian came in, still not convinced that she was Gu Siyu's parent, and stared at her for a long time.

Then tell Gu Siyu to wait outside.

Huo Junxian nodded, reassuring Gu Siyu.

The teacher asked Huo Junxian, "Are you Xing's parent?"

The speed of speech is really fast, no wonder Gu Siyu can't understand, Huo Junxian also didn't understand what she was saying, and replied in English: "What xing, sorry, I didn't understand, can you say more? once."

The teacher pointed to Gu Siyu who was eavesdropping on the corner of the door, "xing!"

Seeing that Huo Junxian didn't understand, the teacher was also puzzled, "Are you really Xing's parent? Did she invite you to play the parent?"

Huo Junxian thought about it for a while, and finally understood, and asked: "Is the xing you said is Gu Siyu's name, isn't it, is this her name?"

Huo Junxian pointed to the outside, the teacher nodded, and the two matched the numbers. The teacher took the answer sheet to Huo Junxian and pointed to the letter behind the Name. Huo Junxian just leaned over to look and saw the name clearly.

Gu Siyu paused outside, understood what they were saying, and suddenly remembered that her new name was about to be revealed, she quickly opened the door.

The 100m sprint ran in, but it was too late, Huo Junxian had already spelled out her new name.

"XingYunHuo... Lucky, Huo, Huo, Huo lucky?"

The successive death of the society made Gu Siyu's mentality collapse directly. Facing Huo Junxian's shocked expression, she bit her lips and buckled her feet.

Then, pretending to be calm: "Yes, isn't it very interesting?"


The author has something to say:

Continue sweet.

If you want to read the teacher's text, go to my column, there is a pre-collection.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rabbit, Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Quan Keshi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Cui Ziyang, Ji Qiuqiu, 46432263, Sue_88877888, only marry Yang Chaoyue, Lin Zilielang, utsuriki1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Mickey, Little Superman, Tang carp, 10 bottles of quack quack; 8 bottles of Han Dong Taotao; bottle; 3 bottles of Ufa; 2 bottles of Hua Cong; 1 bottle of 15281713, Cui Ziyang, a grass by the roadside, arashramni, Midnight, milk salt Xiaobai, Nianchuliang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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