MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 114

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Gu Siyu tossed and turned again at night, she always wondered why Huo Junxian didn't accept her proposal to live in today, thinking about it, people lost self-confidence, and began to think about Huo Junxian's intention to come abroad .

To catch her?

Indeed, as soon as they met, Huo Junxian said that she wanted to arrest her, and also said that the police wanted to arrest her.

Gu Siyu was really scared and panicked at that time, but now she feels strangely happy, which shows that Huo Junxian has her in her heart.

Gu Siyu lay down with her arms resting on the back of her head, she exhaled heavily: "Hey."

What does it mean?

Gu Siyu held the mobile phone, thinking about sending a message to Huo Junxian, but found that she did not save Huo Junxian's number, every time she went to the hotel to find Huo Junxian, she didn't want to say anything this night contact information.

The inexplicable Gu Siyu felt uncomfortable, and the uncomfortable feeling of being pressed on her chest began to feel anxious.

I'm afraid Huo Junxian won't want her anymore.

Gu Siyu wanted to tell others about this feeling, but found that no one could say that, all her classmates were much younger than her. Children of that age like to dance and go clubbing to meet the senior students. Gu Siyu passed the rebellious period long ago, and now his mind is much calmer, and he rarely plays with them.

She thought for a while, and went to the bookshelf to read the book, "Can I have a bite" that Huo Junxian read in the morning is still on it.

Gu Siyu turned page by page, she liked the little crocodile inside the most, and she couldn't stop looking at a small daily life on a page.

Huo Junxian didn't sleep after returning to the hotel. After putting the flowers in the vase, she took the mobile phone and sent a message to Ning Xianzhi, telling her about rejecting Gu Siyu today.

Ning Xianzhi was very surprised, and sent several "congratulations" in a row: [Very good, you have already begun to control yourself, after finishing the surface and then adjusting the inside. Generally speaking, I am reluctant to characterize your behavior as "problematic", you just don't know "how to love" someone. 】

Huo Junxian: [Thank you. 】

Ning Xianzhi is a psychiatrist, not a doctor who treats the body. She thinks that psychology is divided into "healthy" and "unhealthy", not "sick" and "not sick".

When I get sick, I will lie down and feel that I can't do anything and need to adjust well.

Even if Ning Xianzhi knew that Huo Junxian was mentally "sick", she would not let Huo Junxian think she was "sick", because once the boundaries were drawn, Huo Junxian would feel that she was sick, Then you can do whatever you want.

Ning Xianzhi said: [You have already controlled yourself. 】


Maybe it's really too much love.

There was a heavy rain on the 24th, and the whole city was beaten by the rain. Gu Siyu sat in the classroom with her chin on her hand, watching the rain outside the window.

Smith was still talking about the last test paper. Seeing her absent-mindedness, she tapped the table with a long ruler and shouted: "Xing, what are you thinking, do you know all the questions?"

People call her "Xing Yun" at school because she has to use her real name for homework and exams. In life, more people still call her "Gu Siyu". Originally, she wanted to live a new life with a new name. However, some habits are inevitable. When people ask her name, she always blurts out "Gu Siyu".

Later, she would not forcefully change what others call her.

One more point.

Gu Siyu will want to change her completely, what if no one knows her?

She always seems to be ruthless, but she is actually a little sloppy.

Gu Siyu stood up and said, "Just in time."

She went up and took the touch-screen pen in the teacher's hand to write the formula, row by row, very clearly written.

Smith was a little surprised, folded his arms and stared at the formula and said: "If you can take exams like this instead of writing 'Imissyou' on the paper, I shouldn't have such a headache for you ."

The students below burst into laughter.

Gu Siyu squeezed a piece of chalk and threw it down, then squeezed his test paper and sat back to his seat with a smile.

Smith reminded her, "Xing, you should pay attention in class."

"Okay." Gu Siyu agreed, looking at the Chinese that he couldn't help writing on the test paper, he lost his mind again.

This is not something she can control, Huo Junxian is too gentle recently, she always wants to see Huo Junxian for a while, her heart is numb, she can't do anything, just like the boss said she has lovesickness sick.

The week she was in class, Huo Junxian often came to the school to pick her up. Originally, Huo Junxian wanted to go to the school to deliver lunch boxes, but the school management was too strict, and Huo Junxian could not send her in, so she came to pick her up after school in the afternoon.

Gu Siyu thought: "Reading is so **** boring."

The rain got heavier and heavier in the afternoon. Gu Siyu didn't attend classes all day, and was always distracted by the sound of the rain outside.

Thinking about the past, and thinking about the present.

Finally made it to school, Gu Siyu was the first to rush out of the school, she ran out and forgot to take the umbrella, the rain crackled on her, and soon her clothes were soaked.

When she rushed to the door, she saw Huo Junxian's car in the distance, Gu Siyu stopped in place, a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old adolescent children walked and talked about what car it was, because the front of the car was It is the golden statue of Rolls-Royce.

Although the name of Rolls-Royce is about to be heard, but in reality, you will be surprised at the first sight of the new car.

"Xing, is that car coming to pick you up?"

Gu Siyu put his hands in his pockets, his hair was wet, and he was like a 15- or 16-year-old child pulling coolly, "Maybe."

"I'm so envious, so beautiful."

Gu Siyu's mouth was cold, and the corners of his mouth raised.

She was about to run over when an umbrella was raised above her head.

Gu Siyu retracted her outstretched foot, she set her head for a few seconds and then turned to look to the side, Huo Junxian blinked when she met her gaze, and the rain fell down the umbrella. Falling, Huo Junxian, wearing a black suit jacket, stood beside her and smiled at her, and asked her softly, "You didn't bring an umbrella in the morning, why did you make yourself so embarrassed?"

Gu Siyu looked away, "Forgot to take the umbrella."

Huo Junxian gave her a hand towel, "You wipe it first, I brought clothes in the car."

The fall of the rain in late autumn also foretells that autumn is about to end, and winter will soon come. Huo Junxian walked out of the school with Gu Siyu holding an umbrella.

The two are about the same height, Huo Junxian looks a little taller than her in the thick high heels today.

"It's Xing's sister!"

Gu Siyu seemed to hear a classmate shouting, "I don't know if you can take us for a ride."

Huo Junxian looked at Gu Siyu and asked her what she meant.

Gu Siyu pretended not to hear, that would not work.

When they got into the car, Huo Junxian took out the coat from her backpack and handed it to her. The thin yellow coat was not so cold on her body.

"Are you hungry?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu ate some snacks during class, so she wasn't very hungry. As soon as Huo Junxian opened her mouth, she felt pretty and delicious, and it was not impossible to eat at all.

"What do you want to eat?" Gu Siyu put on her clothes, and the coolness of late autumn came back, and it was not so cold.

Huo Junxian said, "I made a reservation for a restaurant. I originally wanted to take you there to eat, but you just got wet. I'll take you back to the hotel first."

Gu Siyu agreed.

You can go anywhere, she thought.

It was raining and there was a traffic problem on the road.

The car was blocked in front of me and couldn't move. The rain kept hitting the glass windows, leaving all kinds of crooked curves on the windows.

Gu Siyu lowered the car window and looked out. Some pedestrians on the road held umbrellas, while others ran with their bags on their heads.

The phone dinged twice, and several messages came from it.

She looked at and snorted, Huo Junxian turned her head to look at her, and she put the phone back again.

Huo Junxian asked curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing." Gu Siyu's mouth turned up.

Huo Junxian didn't follow up to ask, and was infected by her smile and hooked her lips. After a while, Gu Siyu picked up the phone and continued to look, and continued to laugh while watching.

Huo Junxian did not resist the temptation and leaned over to look, and found that Gu Siyu was chatting with her classmates, Gu Siyu put the phone back, embarrassed to let her see what she had posted, and said: " It's the students who saw you coming to pick me up and saw your car."

"My car?" Huo Junxian wondered, "What happened to my car?"

Nowadays high school students like to watch cars.

Gu Siyu tutted, "You don't know how much you bought the car?"

"...It seems to be 20 million." Huo Junxian said.

"It seems..." Gu Siyu gave her a finger, "My classmates envy me."

As she said, she coughed, and Gu Siyu's small, proud self-esteem suddenly ignited. She is a mortal and enjoys this kind of flattery.

She used to work outside and always met classmates. Now everyone thinks she is the kind of rich but low-key rich woman.

"If you like to open it." Huo Junxian said generously.

"No." Gu Siyu refused. She drove to school. At most, others thought she was a rich kid from a rich family. However, it is not for everyone to pick up a beautiful woman to go to and from school.

Gu Siyu was secretly having fun, looking at the envy on the phone, and seeing someone compliment Huo Junxian for being beautiful, she took the phone to Huo Junxian to see, making her happy too. The two enjoyed the praise from their classmates in the back seat.

Arrived near the hotel, Huo Junxian got off the car with an umbrella, and the two entered from the first floor.

Entering the room, Huo Junxian did not indulge her in the waves, when Gu Siyu was about to sit on the sofa, she took the bathrobe from the wardrobe and handed it to her.

"Go take a bath, don't catch a cold." Huo Junxian said warmly.

Gu Siyu stopped, listened to her words, took off her clothes at the bathroom door, took the bathrobe and went directly to the bathroom.

She flushed her hair, "Aren't you coming in?"

"My clothes are not dirty." Huo Junxian picked up the clothes she took off and put them in the laundry basket, so that someone could come and take them for dry cleaning.

"I'll take out the phone in your pocket and put it on the bar." Huo Junxian is good.

Gu Siyu rubbed the shower gel on her head, she rubbed her hand into the foam, and said ok.

Huo Junxian took out her mobile phone. During the period, the phone vibrated in her palm, and the rectangular screen flashed. Huo Junxian didn't intend to look at it, but a name popped up that she was very concerned about and always cared about— Ye Qinghe

Information is a confidential setting, only the first few words are hidden behind it.

Ye Qinghe: [I'm going back, you want ******…]

What do you want, you can't see it clearly.

Huo Junxian subconsciously tried to unlock it, her finger had touched the screen, and after a short pause, she pressed the screen back.

She stood against the edge of the bar for a while, breathing hard.

The sound in the bathroom continued, and she took back her thoughts.

Gu Siyu got out of the bathroom after half an hour. She wiped the water off her body and put on her bathrobe, but her hair was dripping all the time.

She didn't see Huo Junxian in the living room, she took two steps outside, and saw a cup of cold medicine on the bar counter, and her phone was quietly placed beside her.

"Huo Junxian." Gu Siyu went over to warm her hands with a medicine cup, she called someone, her eyelids jumped, and the room became so quiet.

She wasn't in a hurry. Before drinking this cup of cold medicine, her body felt a warm current, numb.

I just want someone to take care of her.

After waiting for two minutes, Huo Junxian replied, Huo Junxian said, "I'm in the restaurant."

On the side of the living room is the small dining room, Huo Junxian was setting food, came out to see her wet hair, and asked, "Why don't you blow your hair."

"Blow it later." Gu Siyu turned and saw the person, she took a mouthful of medicine, sweet and bitter.

Huo Junxian went to the bathroom to get a hairdryer, then walked behind her, held the ends of her hair, squeezed first to drain the water, and then dried her hair finely.

Gu Siyu dried up the medicine.

Huo Junxian stroked her hair with her fingers and pinched her back shoulder. Huo Junxian opened the small wind gear to slowly blow it to her, and Gu Siyu would not let her blow it until it was half dry, and held her hand.

Gu Siyu turned to look at her.

Huo Junxian's hair was as long as ever, hanging down to her chest, and the ends of her hair were slightly damp and curled slightly. Gu Siyu's fingers slid in from the side of her face and touched her outline. Today, she wore an earring, a large circle of red enamel, as if she was wearing a ring.

Gu Siyu pinched her earrings again.

The more she said no, the more Gu Siyu wanted, the more she leaned forward, and Huo Junxian squeezed it even tighter, Gu Siyu's cheek hurt slightly, she took a deep breath and compromised, "I rinse mouth."

Huo Junxian released her fingers, Gu Siyu went to the bar to wash her hands, rubbed her fingers clean, and then took the water to rinse off the astringency in her mouth.

Huo Junxian went to put the hair dryer.

When she came back, she walked behind Gu Siyu without stopping, went directly to the kitchen, Gu Siyu chased after a few steps, and after she arranged the meal, pressed her in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

The rain didn't stop tonight, Huo Junxian's back was pressed against the glass, Gu Siyu pressed it directly, she curled her fingers to hook the edge of Huo Junxian's chest clothes.

Today she wore a gray thin suit jacket with a low V, and you can see the undulating silhouette inside.

"What are you doing?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu pressed forward, Huo Junxian was matched with straight black trousers, her long legs were tightly tucked, her hips were very upturned, and she gently pressed against the glass.

The space was squeezed so that there was no gap, Gu Siyu twisted the button on her chest and said, "If you want something sweet, give me a bite."

When the button was about to be undone, Huo Junxian wrapped her hand again, pursed her red lips slightly, and said, "Then please beg me."

It was obvious that Gu Siyu couldn't hold back, Gu Siyu bit her lip, looked down, and her breath fell on Huo Junxian's face, blowing her hair slightly.

Huo Junxian is very talkative.

"You don't have to ask, you call me sister, and I'll give you a sweet taste."

Gu Siyu's breathing became more urgent, Huo Junxian said, "Otherwise, I'll let you get out."

Gu Siyu was in a hurry, his fingers tugged on Huo Junxian's button, and a handful of the buttons were torn off, but Huo Junxian's hand was still pressed on the lower abdomen.

"How can I just gave me medicine." Gu Siyu licked his lips, feeling a little dry.

"Maybe." Huo Junxian smiled slightly, tender and crisp to the bones.

Looking at her, today's attitude is soft and strong.

Gu Siyu tucked her hair behind her ears and leaned over with a breath, she bit Huo Junxian's earrings, and leaned over and said softly, "Sister, I'm dying of thirst, beg Give you something to drink."


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: the genius is on the left, the lunatic is on the right, fearless _ but one of the spirits;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: the genius is on the left, the lunatic is on the right, Quan Keshi, Sue_88877888, -98, utsuriki1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 63 bottles of Leng Yiyi; 30 bottles of Yao; 19 bottles of D; 10 bottles of Goose on the Tower, Ivan Yan, Qi; Wufa, 475846284 bottles; Fearless_, but 2 bottles of mood, can't understand geography; Crescent Bay, lost in the evening wind, Shanggong Yunwan, xzy, Nianchuliang, chasing Yu, Midnight, arashramni, ink color 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!