MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 120

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During class, Gu Siyu was touching the gloves all the time, the outer fur was very slippery to the touch, her whole hand was hot, she pinched and rubbed gently.

When writing, her whole hand was warm.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or some other reason, Gu Siyu feels that she has learned more in class today than before, and she can't wait to write more sets of papers.

Because she has been playing with gloves, a classmate ran over to ask her where she bought them after class. Gu Siyu deliberately stretched out her hand, and she said with a little pretense, "Send it."

"Oh, it was given by the rich lady who sent you to school every day." The classmates nodded understandingly.

Gu Siyu nodded and put her hand on the desk for everyone to observe.

The students' comments on her gloves were unanimous, all saying: "It looks good, it must be expensive."

The highest evaluation of the object, she got all of them.

Gu Siyu touched the top of his head again, and the hat is also very expensive and beautiful.

Because she was dressed warmly, Gu Siyu listened and listened very carefully. After class, she sent a message to Huo Junxian, asking if Huo Junxian was feeling better.

Huo Junxian has returned to the hotel now, maybe the effect of the drug has come up, she was sleepy and lay on the bed, covered the quilt and prepared to sleep.

Gu Siyu sent a message: [When you wake up, remember to check your temperature, and remember to send it to me. If you have a fever, I will take you to the hospital. 】

Huo Junxian: [OK. 】

Gu Siyu: [If you need anything, please call me. 】

Gu Siyu continued to play with gloves, and when she turned her head, she saw a hot girl sitting on the lap of the classmate next door, and the two blonde hot girls hugged and started kissing.

I have to say.

Young kids are really nice.

Gu Siyu is envious, she is 27, no, to be tender, she is only almost 27, and she is still 26 years old, she is also very tender.

Similar to these students.

The two hot girls kissed for a long time. During class, Gu Siyu turned her head to see that the seat next door was empty. The hot girl’s best friend asked Smith for leave, saying that the hot girl was not feeling well, and now she went to the infirmary to check her body .

The kiss just now was so fanatical, can this make me sick...

While the teacher was talking, a boy in the class said, "Just in time, I also want to catch a cold."

"You can catch a cold even if you have a girlfriend when you are eighteen." Another said.

Foreign girls are so open.

Gu Siyu also wants to open up.


After school in the afternoon, Huo Junxian's driver came to pick her up.

Gu Siyu hadn't gotten into the car yet, so he called to the driver from a distance to ask about Huo Junxian's condition, and got in the car in a hurry. It was not easy to go up and ask, he asked Gu Siyu to take a look later, and if the situation was serious, he would send Huo Junxian to the hospital.

The car drove fast, and Gu Siyu went to the hotel to grab the elevator.

When she opened the door, Huo Junxian had already woken up, Huo Junxian was wearing a robe, the hot red on her cheeks, Huo Junxian supported the table with one hand, holding a cup Drink water.

Gu Siyu frowned and said, "Why are you still wearing so much?"

Huo Junxian drank water first and spoke, "It's still quite hot in the room, I'll dissipate the air." Maybe it was the blush on her face that made Gu Siyu feel that she was still catching a cold and her body the weakest state.

Gu Siyu said: "You go in first, if you need anything I need for you, don't come out again."

Looking at Huo Junxian's feet again, she found that she was not wearing socks, so her brows furrowed even tighter.

"You hurry up." Gu Siyu urged, watching her not move, she was very angry.

Huo Junxian had to go in, Gu Siyu poured another glass of water and took it in, she asked Huo Junxian, "Have you taken cold medicine."

"Just woke up, not yet." Huo Junxian said.

No matter how she usually takes care of others, when she is sick, she is as clumsy as everyone else, especially clumsy.

This contrast makes Gu Siyu think she is cute too.

"Why don't you know how to take medicine, are you so stupid?"

Si Yu called her to lie down on the bed, and said, "Why can't you be honest, hurry up and lie down on the bed."


Huo Junxian wanted to laugh when she saw her serious look. It was the first time Gu Siyu spoke to her in such a tone.

"Okay." Huo Junxian pursed her lips and sat on the bed, Gu Siyu played a movie with the remote control, and put the medicine in her palm, "Drink it."

Huo Junxian took the medicine with the water cup, Gu Siyu patted her head, "Isn't it very hot, does your throat still hurt."

Huo Junxian shook her head, Gu Siyu's fingers changed direction, and pinched Huo Junxian's cheek, it was really hot, she pinched it a little harder, Gu Siyu thought it was more fun After pinching it twice, she raised her head and met Huo Junxian's gaze.

"I've taken all the medicine." Huo Junxian said softly, "You asked me if my throat hurts, and if I'm sick, so you're not afraid of poisoning me?"

Gu Siyu was slightly stunned, she should confirm Huo Junxian's condition before going to take medicine for Huo Junxian, what she did just now was too reckless, Gu Siyu hurriedly took the temperature gun she bought for her test The temperature showed her normal body temperature.

Gu Siyu panicked.

Huo Junxian deliberately joked, she said seriously to Gu Siyu: "Even if you give poison, I will eat it, I am willing."


Listening to this, Gu Siyu was a little embarrassed. She went to get Huo Junxian's clothes and let Huo Junxian put them on, "Let's go to the hospital to see, it's a three-point drug..."

Huo Junxian didn't hold back, she burst out laughing: "It's alright, my throat is a little sore, I'll definitely tell you if it's okay, thank you for taking care of me."

This politeness was a bit sudden, and Gu Siyu was overwhelmed. She didn't take much care of Huo Junxian, but after such a compliment, she became a little swollen and felt that she had the talent to take care of people.

Gu Siyu sat down again and asked, "Is there anything you want to eat, are you hungry?"

Huo Junxian said it was fine.

Gu Siyu gritted his teeth, why didn't he say he was hungry?

She put the bag on her lap, patted the bulging area with her fingers, and took out a box of snacks from it, "Here."

"Did you buy it?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu originally wanted to be okay, but after thinking about it, he still told the truth, "I made it in school, the taste should be average, just try a small piece of it."

Afraid that she would dry her throat from eating, Gu Siyu simply brought the kettle in, Huo Junxian ate the biscuits and Gu Siyu gave them to her and asked her, "Is it hot?"

Gu Siyu knew she was laughing at herself, she put the cup on the bedside, "I don't know good people."

Huo Junxian said: "Thank you." And praised her, "It's delicious, really."

A few cups of boiling water, Huo Junxian's throat was much more comfortable, but her stomach was swelled by Gu Siyu, so she got up and went to the bathroom.

Gu Siyu thought about helping her, her legs followed into the bathroom, Huo Junxian went in by herself, and said, "You don't need to take your place in the toilet. If you want to come with are welcome."

Gu Siyu knew she was teasing herself, and immediately retracted her outstretched legs, rubbed her fingers against the fabric of the clothes, she stood for a while and went to the bedroom, Huo Junxian's cell phone kept ringing in the bedroom.

Gu Siyu doesn't usually touch Huo Junxian's cell phone, but Huo Junxian's phone keeps vibrating, she took it over to look at the name, it was called by Ning Xianzhi, she was about to speak to Huo Junxian Talk, the phone hangs up.

Ning Xianzhi is Huo Junxian's doctor, right?

Gu Siyu took one more look, the information above, the words that made her breath tight, and her heart became very uncomfortable.

She put down her phone and didn't look at it, and couldn't help but take a second look.

There is a lot of information on the screen that Huo Junxian has not had time to read.

Ning Xianzhi: [Call me when you come back, I can pick you up, and check your current state by the way. 】

And Chen Tao's information.

It reads: [I have booked a ticket for the 20th, and I will pick you up at the hotel in the morning. 】

[I have almost arranged the domestic affairs, how are you there? Do you need me to buy something for you? 】

Gu Siyu's fingers trembled slightly, she quickly pulled down the screen, and saw today's date: the 19th.

That is.

Is Huo Junxian leaving tomorrow?

But now it is 18 o'clock, Huo Junxian has not packed her clothes, the room is still the same as the previous days, it is not obvious that she is leaving, and she has not mentioned it.

Did she think too much? Maybe Huo Junxian didn't think these pieces of information were important, or she didn't want to go back, so she didn't read the information.

It is entirely possible.

The doorbell rang, and the customer service who delivered the meal arrived.

Gu Siyu went to open the door, and the customer service pushed a dining cart in and introduced her to the special food in the hotel. Gu Siyu just glanced at it. Although she ordered the meal, there was no appetite at this meeting. , her ears hurt from the noisy customer service.

When the customer service was about to push the dining car in, Gu Siyu looked back, thinking that Huo Junxian hadn't changed her clothes yet, she took the dining car over and asked the customer service to go back first and wait until they finished eating Call for customer service.

The customer service left, Huo Junxian came out of the bathroom and smiled at her, "What's the matter, what are you staring at me?"

"Looking at your beauty, you are a fairy." Gu Siyu's mouth is poor, Huo Junxian was amused by her, and continued, "You are right, why am I so good-looking."

Gu Siyu ordered soup and water. She thought very simply. If her throat hurts, drink more water to moisten her throat. .

She set all the meals, and Huo Junxian thought of that message again.

[I booked a ticket on the 20th, I will pick you up at the hotel in the morning. 】

Gu Siyu filled the porridge for her, scooped it up twice with a spoon, blew it, and brought it to her lips, "Come, eat."

Huo Junxian can't help laughing, especially when Gu Siyu feeds her food, she always looks a little embarrassed.

Gu Siyu put down the spoon, sat back on the rattan chair, put his face on his hands, and was quite embarrassed, and said, "I don't know what to do, then eat it yourself."

"Well." Huo Junxian took a spoon and blew it into her mouth, "It tastes good."

Gu Siyu swept her small movements and said dryly: "I don't take much care of people, anyway, just, then you can do it..."

"You eat quickly, it will be cold later." Huo Junxian said softly, "You took good care of you, thank you."

Gu Siyu hasn't eaten anything yet, her mouth is full of sweetness, she nodded and stuffed a spoonful of soup into her mouth, which soon burned her tongue, Huo Junxian sipped She smiled and choked with laughter. She hurriedly took out a tissue to cover her mouth. She reminded Gu Siyu, "Be careful."

Gu Siyu didn't go back at night, she kept observing Huo Junxian, for fear that Huo Junxian would leave without saying goodbye, Huo Junxian didn't really want to leave, she turned around and was slightly relieved.

Because they have a cold, they can't go out to play, so they watch TV in the room.

There is a small table in the bedroom by the floor-to-ceiling window, Gu Siyu sits there and writes with her textbook, and turns her head to read for a while.

Huo Junxian sometimes looks down at her phone.

Gu Siyu bit the corner of her lips, looked to the left, and then to the other side, she was sitting very ill, her legs were always on the chair.

Once Huo Junxian noticed it, looked at her, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Can't you do it?"

Gu Siyu didn't know what to say, and she didn't think of a good word. She didn't dare to show her all the completed topics in the workbook, for fear that she would have to go back after writing.

She looked at the foggy window, leaned forward and reached out to wipe it twice, when the glass was clear, she looked at the city outside the window.

Then, she said abruptly, "I don't know when it will snow."

"Huh?" Huo Junxian wondered.

Gu Siyu looked out the window and whispered, "I don't know when it will snow."


I really want to see snow, with you.

A little deeper, I miss you.

When a person suddenly said: "I really want to snow."

Digging deeper, there may be hidden requests

: Let's watch the snow together.

"You should be able to see two snows this year." Huo Junxian said.


The phone screen flickered, and the message was sent again.

Chen Tao: [If you come back the day before Mr.'s death day too much, you have to go to the cemetery when you get off the plane. Can your body handle it? 】

Huo Junxian: [I can bear it, I can sleep on the plane. 】

Afraid that Chen Tao would say more, Huo Junxian added another message: [I have a cold in the past two days, and I am in a hurry to go back, which may aggravate my condition. 】

Chen Tao: [Alright, did you go to the hospital, is it serious? Otherwise, my aunt and I will take care of you? 】

Huo Junxian: [No need, someone takes care of me, don't worry. 】

Ending the chat, Huo Junxian lay on her side and looked at Gu Siyu who was sitting by the window. Gu Siyu did not take her homework seriously and would always stop for a while. Si Yu will definitely turn his head to look at her.

"Is it better?"

"It's much better." Huo Junxian said.

Gu Siyu continued to write and draw.

Huo Junxian knew that she was running out of time, and originally planned to go back today, but the words got stuck in her throat and she didn't want to go back. For her, the cold came just right, she could stay here recklessly and enjoy Gu Siyu's care here.

She couldn't even tell whether she was really sick or pretending to be sick.

It is really bad to have such an idea, because it is her father's death anniversary, and it is also mixed with her careful scheming, but the plot is stuck and can't go on here.

Dad, I am really unfilial.

Huo Junxian said guiltily in her heart.

She used her father's death day to repeatedly test, and repeatedly indulged in this constant entanglement of separation, which she liked very much.

Thinking about it, a thought appeared in her mind, was Gu Siyu the same at the beginning? I knew I was going to leave, but I was reluctant to torment myself over and over again and again, and finally left with a body.

It's hard.

The heart is stuffy, it's really not very good.

Huo Junxian coughed.

Gu Siyu immediately turned her head and said, "Be tighter."


Gu Siyu pulled the quilt for her in the past, Huo Junxian covered her very tightly, so let's pull up a centimeter,

Huo Junxian closed her eyes, Gu Siyu wrote her name on the scratch paper for half a minute, then turned her head thinking that Huo Junxian was asleep, and called her name softly, Huo Junxian did not say anything, Gu Siyu Yu put down his pen and went to the bathroom to take a shower, but he didn't go back, he just lifted the quilt and lay in.

Huo Junxian opened her eyes slightly, Gu Siyu leaned her forehead forward, and felt her forehead, "It's not uncomfortable."

If you turn off the lights, you will be more rambunctious.

Gu Siyu finished speaking, Huo Junxian turned sideways.

Gu Siyu raised her body, not knowing what she meant, she leaned over cautiously and asked, "What's the matter? Don't you want to do it?"

Huo Junxian smiled and said, "I'll wait for you to hug me."

Gu Siyu snorted and became more cautious. She put her hands in the quilt and waited for her arms to be hot and pressed on Huo Junxian's waist. It may be the cause of the cold. Huo Junxian's body temperature is slightly higher, Gu Si Even through a layer of clothes, Yu could feel the heat on her body.

Gu Siyu squeezed forward, and the two were very close.

Almost inseparable.

Huo Junxian is hot, and her heart is also hot.

Gu Siyu hugged her, lifted the hem of her pajamas, kissed her ear and said, "Then hold back and don't make a sound later."


Gu Siyu bit her earlobe and said, "I'm afraid you'll hoarse your voice."


The author has something to say:

520, 520 today.

It's 520 today, do you have anything to say [wink hint.jpg]

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-1920:28:16~2022-05-2020:59:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Wufang Juvenile Tour, kaylor, Abba, utsuriki, 594453801;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Y? x? L108 bottles; 59445380101 bottles; Youxiange 50 bottles; 33109957, dorayoki 20 bottles; Li Sao Songge, Xu Baijiang, ET, what to use to save me, scavenger chubby paper, cancelled, 10 bottles of Sigui; snoring~, Small group, iiiw, 57764557, Ji Qiuqiu, 5 bottles of vernacular; Xinji pajamas, 3 bottles of I love my family; 20988961, 2 bottles of Nanjing; 1 bottle of Nianchuliang, Xiao Xumei, Moshe, fearless_but Yiqi 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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