MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 122

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In the afternoon, the weather became very bad and the street was windy, even if Gu Siyu was very thickly dressed, she was still frozen.

Gu Siyu's fingers are stiff, and she has been reading the information. She clearly knows that she will not receive Huo Junxian's information in the next twelve hours, but she can't help but have nowhere to put her eyes. Look at the phone and look through the previous chat records.

She couldn't find anything to do, she was very bored, and she thought about a lot of things, paragraph by paragraph, like memories and revolving lights.


The revolving lantern can only be seen before dying.

Gu Siyu grabbed the scarf and put it on her face. Occasionally, sweet and light milky fragrance.

When I saw the time displayed on the screen, I realized that the plane took off early two hours ago.

Oh, Huo Junxian has gone back.

Which country did she fly to now?

Gu Siyu slowly folded back, the cold wind blew on her face, she opened the bag, there was a box with a ribbon in the bag, a yellow post-it note "For you one's gift".

Gu Siyu picked up the box and found a card inside.

Huo Junxian: [I always want to give you something, and I want to give it for many reasons, such as replenishing your birthday gifts for the past two years, or celebrating other festivals. When I was wrapping gifts today, I realized that It seems that there are no other good festivals except for the big day of my father's death. I really can't find a suitable reason to give it to you. In the past two years, I always think of the things you left me when you left. It's all about roses, I think about it but I don't know what you like. 】

The words are just as they are, Huo Junxian's writing is very gentle, stroke by stroke.

There is also a cute little drum at the end.

Gu Siyu opened the big box and put several small boxes inside.


Further down is a photo frame, Gu Siyu carefully tore the white paper on the photo frame, and she saw a pair of oil paintings, which was her - Gu Siyu.

She stood outside the door with an apple in her hand to deliver to the house.

The angle of view is drawn from the inside out, as if someone was standing inside looking at her, her hands are very slender, it takes a lot of strength to hold a whole red apple, and the protruding knuckles are drawn one or two points Pen highlight.

She didn't stand very straight, tilted her head and looked in, like a casual glance, residual interest, and she was particularly curious about the state of the people inside.

The eyes are brightly lit, and there are shadows in the pupils. If you look closely, it looks like a person is living inside, but the eyes drawn by the limited canvas are too small, so she can't see very clearly.

Gu Siyu likes this painting very much.

She vaguely guessed that this was when she first entered Huo Junxian's house. Seeing that Huo Junxian hadn't eaten, she ran over to please Huo Junxian, and foolishly gave her an apple to eat.

She didn't know there was a devil at the door.

Through this painting, Gu Siyu can also feel Huo Junxian's state at that time. Although she tried very hard to lure Huo Junxian with an apple, Huo Junxian's eyes fell on her face from beginning to end .

No wonder she felt moonlight in the room at that time.

It turned out that Huo Junxian's eyes were too bright.

Gu Siyu took a deep breath, she adjusted the scarf around her neck, put on the watch, put everything else in the bag, looked down again, and took out the picture frame inside , there was a rope on it, and she held the rope to take the subway and then the tram. Many people on the train looked at her picture frame.

A little brother asked her where she painted it when she got off the car.

When she got home, Gu Siyu hung the picture frame on the wall. She stared at the apple in the bedroom, bright red and attractive.

The side face is pressed against the pillow.

In the middle she got up and put the painting on the bed and saw the date on the back.

It was New Year's Eve last year.

Gu Siyu's eyes are sore. In the family reunion, she is wandering outside alone, Huo Junxian is also painting at home alone, they are all waiting for someone.

Twelve hours finally passed.

It's one o'clock in the morning on Gu Siyu's side.

Huo Junxian's side is one o'clock in the afternoon.

Huo Junxian came out of the airport, and the temperature difference came up.

The weather in China is fine, she is wearing too thick, Huo Junxian took off her gloves and hat, put her hands in the pockets of the coat, she lowered her head and took out her mobile phone.

"Careful." The bodyguard raised his hand over her head.

Huo Junxian bent over and got into the car. It took three hours to go to the cemetery. The traffic on the road was so congested that it was already dusk.

Gu Siyu: [I have received everything, it looks great, thank you. 】

A photo is also included.

Huo Junxian came back well.

Gu Siyu: [Have you seen your father, this time I don’t have time to play the piano for your father, I may regret it. 】

Huo Junxian: [You can supply him later. 】

After the chat, Huo Junxian put the phone in her coat pocket.

Chen Tao led someone to wait for her early in the morning and handed her a bouquet of roses. When they went up, Chen Tao hesitated for a few seconds before speaking.

"There is news from the manor that the lady wants to come to see Mr. Her condition seems to be much better..."

Huo Junxian squatted down, wiped the dust on the tombstone, and asked in a slightly cold voice, "Did she show any regrets?"


Huo Junxian placed the flowers and touched the tombstone like her father touched her head when she was a child. She whispered to her father and said, "I regret it."

The rest is in my heart.

When the worship was over, they came out of the cemetery, Huo Junxian walked out step by step, and said, "You don't have to tell me that she will come to see her in the future."

"Huh? Good." Chen Tao said.

Huo Junxian took a few more steps, and suddenly she squatted down.

"What's the matter, what's wrong?" Chen Tao hurriedly asked her with concern.

"I'm fine." Huo Junxian's voice was hoarse, her hands were pressed against her heart, her heartbeat was racing at a high speed, her palms were slightly itchy, and she pursed her lips.

She felt uncomfortable when she got off the plane. She was just anxious to come to the cemetery. She chose to put her feelings at the bottom, and now she has to take a big breath.

It is hard to imagine that she actually came back by herself.

Instead of dragging Gu Siyu, forcing her to coax her back with him.

I can't imagine it.

Excited and sad, every second on the plane was difficult.

It's really hard to leave a person, it's torture to leave.


One gets up and the other sleeps, the only way to have **** is to stay up late and the other get up earlier.

Occasionally, Gu Siyu also wanted to send a video to see her, and the two of them had a good video chat, but every time they called and stopped, she couldn't explain why.

Gu Siyu once thought that habit was a terrible thing, she was used to Huo Junxian, so life without Huo Junxian would be very painful.

Now she finds that her feelings have long exceeded her habit, and she has become a very simple reluctance. She goes to school alone, and she is in a daze in the school. Everyone around her can see that she is unhappy, and she feels that she has returned to the beginning. State of the school.

The classmate said to her: "Xing has become an adult again, so boring."

"It should be her sister who has returned home."

Yes, everyone found out, she couldn't hide her sadness.

Something in reality affects her, she has to find something new to numb herself, so that she can control her emotions.

Listen to the get out of class in class, stay in a daze after class, and look at the nearby car after school.

Huo Junxian did not appear as suddenly as before. Gu Siyu knew that she had left and went back, but she still looked forward to it every day.

One day her expectations failed, and the next day she looked forward to a bye. Slowly, her expectations became empty. Gu Siyu knew that Huo Junxian would not come again, and she also had something to do.

It's like looking forward to a summer in the cold winter.

I was frozen to death, but I still want to warm my heart.

November passed, and December passed very slowly.

The festivals in the two places are different, and the exam will be held in mid-December abroad.

Gu Siyu doesn't have to participate in the festival here, she can have an early holiday, she returned to the villa and started to pack her things, stuffed a few suitcases with clothes and shoes, and went to pack valuables, choose International express.

I hurriedly packed up the day and night.

At ten in the morning, Gu Siyu dragged her suitcase and ran out.

"Where are you going?" The proprietress sat at the door banging melon seeds, and today she is not opening a store, so she came out early in the morning with her husband to bask in the sun.

Gu Siyu dragged her suitcase, she stopped for a while, panting, "I... drive the car."

The boss's question hit the soul directly, she didn't reply in time, and now back, two years have been a lot of right and wrong.

Friends, house…

Gu Siyu exhaled, feeling smoked in her eyes, she said, "Go home."

The lady boss laughed and waved at her.

"Safe journey, let's say something."

"Well." Gu Siyu is not a sentimental person, this makes her nose sore, she sniffed, dragged her suitcase and walked forward with her head lowered, and she raised her head and trotted when she walked away to catch the train that is about to stop.

She has been wandering in this world from the moment she was born and landed. She never felt a sense of belonging, and was always struggling to find a place to hide.

This moment is clear.

A person who is almost 27 years old suddenly wants to go home.

This is a growth for her, and finally she is no longer like a fish drinking water, and she knows the warmth and coldness.

Gu Siyu was sitting on the tram.

She is a very extreme person. In the two years she went abroad, she never felt that she would live here for a long time, nor did she feel that she was a tourist here. She was an escaped prisoner and was afraid to go around. It is impossible to look closely at the beauty of this city.

The building outside the car window is slowly going backwards. If you look closely, it is similar to the domestic one. At most, the colors and roof settings are different.

Moreover, the shops here are not as cluttered as foreign stalls.

Gu Siyu thought of the small stalls in China. Everything was placed outside the stalls and covered with a shade cloth. No matter it was raining or windy, it would stop there.

When she was a sophomore in high school in China, she was still a little hooligan. Every day she took the lead in playing ruffians and playing handsome.

Sometimes she doesn't do anything and the boss throws her a cigarette.

Gu Siyu does not smoke in school, she has her own cognition and bottom line, others study hard in school, but she smokes in school, it is too nondescript, that is not handsome, it is naive and stupid.

Sitting on the tram, she thought about things over and over again, this time all she thought of was herself, she hoped that the tram would be faster and the journey shorter.

When she arrived at the airport, her heart was much calmer.

Xu Shi was surrounded by people almost the same as her, she exhaled forcefully.

Gu Siyu sat for a while, called Grandpa Ye Qinghe and told him that he was going back.

Grandpa Ye Qinghe was very happy, he laughed a few times on the phone and said, "It's good to go back, it's good to go back, you don't say it early, I'll ask someone to see you off, and then later I'm in better health and I'm going back home."

Old man.

I want to go back when I am old, and the leaves return to their roots.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at the airport when you feel better."

The old man said again: "Okay, I called Qinghe and the others to pick you up? You seem to have misunderstood you earlier, but I told them that you are a good boy, and you can get along well in the future. already."

Gu Siyu said nothing, thank grandpa for praising her again.

The old man thought of Huo Junxian and asked, "Did that Huo family come to pick you up last time? Give her a call, and someone will always pick you up when you get home."

Gu Siyu said: "I haven't let her know yet, but... I should go back by myself."

The old man didn't understand the love of young people, so he didn't ask any more questions, just repeatedly told him to be good, and to report safety when he went to the place.

Gu Siyu responded one by one and thanked the old man. She has been abroad for so long thanks to the old man's care, otherwise, how could she live well by herself.

Gu Siyu said: "Grandpa, I may..."

"Well, well, I'll have a place to live when I get home."

The two talked and hung up.

After sitting for about ten minutes, Gu Siyu sent a message to the proprietress: [Sister Qing, there are a few pots of flowers on the wall of my courtyard, do you want it? 】

The proprietress: [I want your fruit tree. 】

Gu Siyu: [It’s a pity, the tree can’t be taken away. 】

The proprietress: [I will pick it up when I have time. 】

Gu Siyu: [Remember to bring a ladder. 】

Just after sending it, a message popped up on the phone.

Huo Junxian: [Morning. 】

In fact, it was night on her side. Huo Junxian sent messages based on the time on Gu Siyu's side. Often Gu Siyu could not feel the time difference between the two places.

Gu Siyu replied: [Good evening. 】

They chat very simply, what they usually talk about, what to eat, what to do, whether it is cold or not.

In response to the good news, Gu Siyu put her mobile phone in her pocket, pretended it was time to go to bed, and waited until she woke up tomorrow morning to chat with Huo Junxian.

Finally, the airport informed that the returning plane was about to take off.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-2120:44:08~2022-05-2221:24:40

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Sue_88877888, Fearless _ but the spirit, lost in the evening wind 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Fusu; 28 bottles of Dawn; 20 bottles of Baiyan Duck; 5370484616 bottles; ;484541195 bottles; 3 bottles of Mumu, Chunhuaqiushi; 2 bottles of Zhuiyu, Shen Huixing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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