MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 128

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Gu Siyu was very moved when she heard these words. For her, she left Huo Junxian again and again because she felt pain, and she was afraid that Huo Junxian would hurt her.

She took a step forward and took Huo Junxian in her arms, Huo Junxian put her hands down, the gloved hand lifted up, and then she clenched it very hard, and held it well The corners of his clothes were wrinkled.

In love, there are always many factors that make people very small.

Can't see their own shining point, and the other party is more and more hot and bright in their own eyes, causing them to walk more and more away from light.

"Are you afraid that I will get hurt?" Gu Siyu asked softly.

"I'm afraid." Huo Junxian said.

"Then I'm not afraid." Gu Siyu said, "I used to be very desperate, I felt that you liked me while caring only about your own feelings. Love yourself. Now you say you're afraid of me getting hurt, I think I can trust you and you won't hurt me anymore."

Huo Junxian was silent.

"I learned everything from Ning Xianzhi, you are just looking for help to find me, I am very moved to hear me here." Gu Siyu's departure also means something She was unwilling to love herself even though she fled from above. Huo Junxian still insisted on looking for her. She could not help being moved by loving her so seriously.

Gu Siyu said: "I am an abandoned child. I never believe that anyone would be reluctant to part with someone like me."

Gu Siyu said the psychological words, dissected herself to her, "Thank you for always loving me and giving me a miracle, if this was in my childhood, I would think it was a fairy tale."

Her words were hot and powerful, as if they had been rehearsed specially. She knew which words would warm Huo Junxian's heart and her hair was deliberately sweet.

Huo Junxian's heart throbbed for no reason, she breathed, and all she inhaled was cold air, and her heart throbbed suddenly.

Gu Siyu said: "To be honest, I never thought about how good I would make you. When I like you, you are not so perfect, and I am also a very bad person. , In the past two years, the place where I have not progressed the most is to convince myself to accept you like this."

Gu Siyu is also reflecting on what she said. She found that it is not a terrible thing to recognize her own shortcomings. horrible.

She is not a very good person, but Huo Junxian is showing cowardice now, and she has grown up with the trend.

After Gu Siyu said these words, she was surprised.

Huo Junxian's eyes moved slightly, as if relying on her.

Gu Siyu is very distressed and fortunate that Huo Junxian is finally willing to open up her closed heart. When you are with a person, the most fearful thing is not knowing what the other person is thinking.

It's no use talking with her mouth, Gu Siyu took her hand, and the two crossed the road in front of the hospital to the opposite side.

Going around in various twists and turns, it has been noisy for five years.

In the days when they didn't meet, Gu Siyu couldn't let Huo Junxian go, thinking about Huo Junxian all the time, she didn't dare to take leaving as something worth showing off.

Because every time she thought of Huo Junxian during that time, she felt that her departure was wrong, even if all the facts told her that leaving in the past two years was the most correct choice, they all settled down and changed. Extremely restrained.

But the right choice made her regret.

In the dead of night, Huo Junxian was not by her side.


When they got home, they cooked and laughed as usual.

Gu Siyu doesn't like this kind of superficial peace, because when it breaks out, both sides will suffer.

When the food was served, the tableware was set, and Gu Siyu spoke.

"Then let me see your worst side." Gu Siyu looked at Huo Junxian seriously, "I also want to see if I can accept it, and where is the ability to accept it. "

Huo Junxian was silent, Gu Siyu's proposal was very good, but if Gu Siyu can't accept it, will their relationship end? Let's talk about it."

"I'm ready, you can't just cut me into pieces." Gu Siyu looked at her tentatively.

Huo Junxian shook her head and said, "I don't have a necrophilia, I won't be like that. I like your fresh appearance, and I like watching you run around and do all kinds of interesting things. will feel happy.”

It’s not serious to talk about this while eating, Gu Siyu took a sip.

"Didn't you not do it? And you have forced me to suppress so many things that hurt me. Have some confidence in yourself."

Huo Junxian smiled, maybe she didn't know how to respond to her, so she could only perfunctory.

Gu Siyu added: "I was studying there before, and I read a very philosophical saying in the book." She thought about it and said: "It is best to know what your lover has before marriage. Perfect, otherwise one day you will find that she is full of flaws, then two people together will be a disaster."

"Who said this, why haven't I heard of it." Huo Junxian was a little curious.

"Foreign libraries may be relatively niche. It's normal if you haven't heard of it. I don't remember the name now." Gu Siyu said this, but she thought to herself, you I haven't heard of it because the philosopher is myself.

"How is it?" Gu Siyu asked again, "Let's talk openly and honestly."

Huo Junxian did not promise her directly.

Until dinner.

Gu Siyu cleans up the tableware, Huo Junxian scoops the table.

In daily life, the two of them cooperated very well. Gu Siyu stood in the kitchen watching the snowflakes still falling outside the window. Huo Junxian may have fallen into some kind of difficult problem.

I want to have love, but I am afraid of hurt.

Huo Junxian used to ignore the consequences.

Is that a good thing?

Huo Junxian went upstairs to take a bath first. She was wearing a long-sleeved pajamas with a low V lace on her chest, and she could faintly see the attractive arc.

The two washed up and lay on the bed, Huo Junxian turned her body, the body was lightly scented with bathing, her hand moved from her side to Gu Siyu's side, she touched it first Gu Siyu's arm, and then turned his body to find Gu Siyu's specific direction.

Gu Siyu looked thin, but she had everything she should have when she lay down. It was not Gu Siyu's heart that Huo Junxian touched with one hand.

Gu Siyu tilted her head, slightly puzzled.

"What do you want to do?"

Huo Junxian moved her hand to the left, "I just listen to the heartbeat."


Gu Siyu didn't understand what she meant.

Huo Junxian asked, "Is what you said today true?"

Gu Siyu asked her back, "Can you detect whether what others say is true or false by heartbeat?"

Huo Junxian blinked slightly.

"Actually, I'm afraid you're scared to death, Huo Junxian." Gu Siyu said in a biting tone.

Huo Junxian said softly, "You just lied."

A rhythmic ups and downs.

"Kiss me." Gu Siyu said.

Huo Junxian is still looking at her chest, she may want to kiss Gu Siyu's heart, Gu Siyu urged her, saying: "Hurry up, I will turn over later and I will press you down. ."

Huo Junxian leaned over and touched her lips, probably because of the night, Gu Siyu always thought of the night when she ran away for the first time and was captured by Huo Junxian.

Neither of the two would let the other go.

Gu Siyu's hand pinched Huo Junxian's face, Huo Junxian leaned down and bit her lip, Gu Siyu restrained her neck and tried her best to cooperate with her, the two of them were like night The beasts that came out for food tried their best to bite and let the prey die under its own mouth.

Huo Junxian was quickly back pressured by Gu Siyu, she was not convinced, she folded Gu Siyu directly, the two knelt on the bed and kissed, tearing each other's clothes.

Gu Siyu couldn't bear it any longer. A woman like Huo Junxian couldn't watch it at night. It was a crime of temptation. She tore the black lace in the middle with both hands.

Gu Siyu is very ingenious, she can always stand on the top of the fight, whether it is on the ground or on the bed, as expected of a gangster born, she subdued Huo Junxian in a few minutes, she sat in Huo Junxian On her waist, Huo Junxian was leaning against the bed.

She was panting, hot.

Gu Siyu leaned forward and kissed her chest, and touched Huo Junxian's clothes. The new ones she bought two days ago were really unbearable.

She said, "Start now and see who stops first."

Huo Junxian looked up at her.

Gu Siyu touched her lips, meaning that Huo Junxian can say anything, she can kiss anything, and whoever can't help it will lose.

"After you leave, I plan to go to the police, I want to catch you and send you to prison." Huo Junxian panted, while Gu Siyu tore the black fabric, she also tore Opened the dark place in his heart, "Then, send yourself in again, we will never be separated."

Gu Siyu shuddered.

She went to see Huo Junxian, and she shivered with fright,

Huo Junxian is very serious, she is not joking, looking at her with deep eyes, her expression is very cold, completely different from the way she usually smiles.

Gu Siyu exhaled, her heartbeat kept getting heavier, she took a bite on Huo Junxian's shoulder and bit down a row of teeth marks.

Huo Junxian added, "But I didn't do that, I don't think it's worth it, and the two of us have less time to meet, so the gains outweigh the losses."

Gu Siyu's temper was a little smoother, and her face was hot. She thought that Huo Junxian would send her to prison when she was so angry, but she never thought that Huo Junxian was so crazy and wanted to send her too Going in, Gu Siyu said angrily: "Then let's go to the prison together? See you every day when you come out to let the wind out?"

Huo Junxian said warmly, "I thought that the prison meal would definitely not be delicious. I couldn't live in a double room, so I didn't think about it."

Gu Siyu's teeth trembled, "You are really realistic, the reality is terrifying, Huo Junxian, you won't go to investigate, will you?"

Huo Junxian was silent.

Gu Siyu continued to ask: "What else?"

"And..." Huo Junxian opened her mouth.

"You still have?"

Huo Junxian pursed her lips.

Gu Siyu said: "You speak, I will listen."

"Never mind."

Huo Junxian thought, some words are still rotten in the bones, it is better never to say them, once they are said, it may be the fuse of the quarrel.

"Is it scary?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu didn't reply, she was still kissing.

That is: she can accept it.

Huo Junxian's eyes were red like mist. She raised her chin and grabbed Gu Siyu's hair, "Gu Siyu, you are provoking a lunatic."

Gu Siyu exhaled, bit her, one by one, not letting go of any part.

biting the "slut" she tattooed on Huo Junxian back then, Gu Siyu raised her head and stroked her fingers carefully. After so many years, the words were clearly left on Huo Junxian's legs. Si Yu felt that what she felt at the time was too right. She saw Huo Junxian thoroughly. These two words were Huo Junxian's label.

"You're a cheap and dangerous woman."

Gu Siyu pretended to comfort her gently during the day, thinking that they might not be suitable for such a conversation. Sometimes the relationship between her and Huo Junxian is to be rough, and the delicateness of the wind is just a sweet concoction.

Gu Siyu took a deep breath, she touched the tattoo and used a lot of strength, almost biting off Huo Junxian's flesh, Huo Junxian narrowed her eyes in pain.

Gu Siyu did not let go, and when Huo Junxian was trembling with pain, Gu Siyu held her face to let her see more clearly, Gu Siyu said: "Don't worry, if one day you If you do this, then don't think about it, I know what will happen to you, but you have to remember, you make me feel what is the end of the pain."

"I hurt, I will make you hurt, just like when I slapped you, you will definitely slap me back, in the future you will hurt me, and I will make you feel unbearable. If you don't want to suffer, don't let me hurt, never. You remember, you torture me, and I will torture you."

Gu Siyu gave Huo Junxian his key, and then wrapped Huo Junxian tightly with a lock.

"What about the bed? Don't you want pain?"

"This is fine."


The author has something to say:

Today less, I am guilty. Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2022-05-2721:33:05~2022-05-2821:42:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: fearless _ but the spirit, only married Yang Chaoyue, Sigui 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: only married Yang Chaoyue 6; 39888223, Andayou 2; 46432263, akgang, fugfhfjhjgj, Wufang Juvenile Tour, Opportunity Comes ah, -98, 2.water, Sister Huo Kills Me, A Mao Xian Sen, Uranus Gravity, SL& Water Will Paste, Noon, 55127804, Orange Tree ? , Lin Zilielang, Xu Baijiang, Ji Qiuqiu, scavenger chubby paper, Jieyu Guo, A Zizi spit bubbles, utsuriki, jesssoo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: the scum who wants to do math, 2483593950 bottles; 49 bottles out of time; 40 bottles of Shito my wife, XYG. flaws; Xishen, crackling, blackvelvet , Silver Three - Jianghai 30 bottles for this life; 28 bottles for the Arctic adults; 20 bottles for meeting Ping, Xiao Wuzhi, Luo Shi's Meow, Nai Zi, Sensitive, Che, LPRD; 7, 13 bottles after dry; 3516284412 bottles; 50943251, the moon has Am I Bend, HEY, Chu Yang, Sister's Girlfriend, Taro Ball, Qing Huan., 39888223, 48377073, a tree with dead vines, QFZP, I will really love Huo Junxian, jesssoo, dorayoki, short ferret 10 bottle; heartless. 9 bottles; Fearless_ but 7 bottles of spirit; 6 bottles of Shanhai, Shi Jian; strayed to explore the road, Yi Meng, Sanwen Qian, Wang Yimu, Yuyu, An, 57890692, K, Zhiyun, Jinghong is hard to reach the dream Heavy weight, 5 bottles of safety; hard-working students tortured by science, where is my girlfriend, shit, Maybee 2 bottles; ink color, 47195152, 55127804, read the first cold, did you eat, Xiao Xu sister, Shen Liuzhen's wife 1 bottle ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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