MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 130

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Go back to Gu Siyu and immediately sent a circle of friends, their shadows fell on the snow, the two of them held hands, with a paragraph of text: "Not bad."

There are not many people in the circle of friends, and she posted a news on social software commonly used abroad, and soon she received the message.

The proprietress: [How are you catching up now? 】

A classmate: [Xing, are you in love? 】

Student: [Let me see the face of the rich lady. 】

Gu Siyu looked at them one by one, happy in her heart, and also figured out how to show off the more people who envy her, the love affair is too boring to hide, she is not in a hurry to return, wait a moment Likes and comments reach 99+ before replying.

Gu Siyu replied to the proprietress: [It's done. 】

The proprietress: [I want to go back to China with my husband during the Chinese New Year. Please treat me to a wedding wine. 】

Gu Siyu: [Okay, you can call me then. I have to go see her mother with Huo Junxian in two days. If I can catch up, I will come pick you up. 】

The proprietress: [It's really yours, just say a few words and leave a few words, it's stinky. 】

Gu Siyu took the mobile phone for fun.

Before going to Huo Junxian's mother, Gu Siyu went back to the house where she lived. She basically revolved around Huo Junxian when she returned to China. Some miss.

The neighborhood is tattered and crumbling at any moment.

Gu Siyu can't help but feel sorry for herself, what kind of life did I live?

Gu Siyu snorted, she carefully avoided the stones, she held Huo Junxian's hand and took Huo Junxian upstairs, at the door forgot where the key was, and was hesitating whether to smash the lock Now, Huo Junxian juggled the key and showed it to her.

"How come you have the key to my house?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian didn't answer, she pushed the room away, Gu Siyu found that she didn't need a reason, Huo Junxian leaned against the door so that she could see clearly.

The house was not as dirty as she thought, Gu Siyu prepared herself downstairs, thinking about how tattered it would be.

The house is very clean, with new sofas, new tables, chairs and stools, and the edges and corners are spotless.

"You..." Gu Siyu was speechless, she went to the bedroom, the layout of the bedroom had not changed, but the sheets and cabinets had been replaced, and the flowerpots on the windowsill had been cut. The gardenias are growing well, and there is a bird's nest below.

Gu Siyu walked to the window, she looked at the bird's nest in the basin, and asked, "Did you buy this?"

"No." Huo Junxian said: "In the spring after you left, there will be a black bird to make a nest. I don't know if it is the black thrush you picked up and raised."

Speaking, Huo Junxian took out her mobile phone and showed her the photos she took at that time.

The little black bird is very vigilant and will fly away if there is a slight sound.

The bird squatted in the nest with its wings spread and its little head lowered. They had no experience in raising birds, and it had been three or four years since they had forgotten what the bird looked like. She couldn't see it. Is it the same bird.

Gu Siyu thought it was the same bird and asked, "Is she here to hatch the eggs?"

Speaking of this, there is a chat, Huo Junxian said that the little bird gave birth to four eggs and three eggs. She showed Gu Siyu the photos of the young bird. I saw the blood vessels in the body, but one has never been born. The bird raised the young bird and flew away. Huo Junxian originally wanted to buy a set of equipment to try to hatch the bird, but the egg disappeared. .

"I don't know if it was eaten by something." Huo Junxian sighed.

"Maybe the mother bird took the eggs away." Gu Siyu said: "Birds have special egg hatching skills."



Fake, I made it up.

Gu Siyu opened the drawer under the cabinet, the drawer has not been opened, and the contents inside have passed through the years, and the surface of the fingertips feels a little sticky.


She took out a pair of pearl earrings and said she would give one to Huo Junxian.

After seeing the small broken house, Gu Siyu didn't stop, she didn't take anything with her, she locked the door and started planning, one day she could get a sum of money for the demolition here.

Gu Siyu drove and circled around the neighborhood, Huo Junxian analyzed for her how much Gu Siyu could get if it was sold and rebuilt.

"Has Gu Jianxiong ever been back?" Gu Siyu asked.

"I came back, and I called someone to run away."

"Thank you." Gu Siyu said seriously.

Thank you Huo Junxian for guarding her small broken house.

She said it was broken, but in fact she took it very seriously.

This is the small shabby house where she has lived for a long time, and her 20 years of good and bad have been witnessed by it.

The car stopped at the entrance of Huo Junxian's company, and Gu Siyu ran into an acquaintance as soon as he got off the car.

Duan Jiayang also got off the bus, wearing a dark green coat.

Gu Siyu recognized Duan Jiayang at a glance. Duan Jiayang still has short hair and ruby ​​earrings on her ears. Gu Siyu subconsciously stood in, she and Huo Junxian changed seats, not wanting to be seen.

As soon as she changed, Duan Jiayang noticed.

"Gu Siyu?" Duan Jiayang shouted at her.

Gu Siyu hesitated for a moment when she lifted her footsteps, but soon she fell, and she followed Huo Junxian to speed up her steps into the company without any hesitation.

"What's wrong?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu put her hand on Huo Junxian's waist, urging her to leave quickly.

Duan Jiayang stood on the spot and was slightly stunned. She struggled and did not recognize the wrong person. The way she walked, the curve of her side face, no matter how she looked at it, she was Gu Siyu.

Duan Jiayang originally planned to chase in, because she could only temporarily stop outside the company because of the access control. She called Huo Junxian, but Huo Junxian didn't answer. She sent a text message and asked: [Sister Huo, Is Gu Siyu back? 】

When the phone lit up, Gu Siyu saw the message and took her phone over, but Huo Junxian didn't let Huo Junxian return it. Huo Junxian said, "If you want to return the message, just return it, I won't..."

"No." Gu Siyu exhaled, waited for Secretary Huo Junxian to push the door open, she sat down and said softly, "It's just...I don't want to see them."

Not quite ready.

I don't know what to say, it's better not to see it yet.

"It's been so long, I don't know what to say."

Gu Siyu entered her office and directly occupied her office chair, put her hand on the armrest and turned it gently for half a circle, and touched Huo Junxian's computer mouse again, feeling the overbearing president's office a feeling of.

"Not bad."

Huo Junxian raised the curtains, the light from outside the window came in, and the small vase on the desk cast a small shadow, Huo Junxian walked over to the desk and said, "Why, are you afraid ?"

"I have nothing to fear." Gu Siyu fiddled with the flowers in the bottle.

"I am afraid that time will change and I will not be able to face my former friends, so I have become a coward." Huo Junxian whispered.

Gu Siyu turned the chair around and faced the wall behind, she didn't think there was anything beautiful when she saw it, and said: "You usually turn the chair around and stare at it for a few hours, What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking of going to bed quickly." Huo Junxian said, "Occasionally, I'm also acting handsome."

"...OK, when I ask for nothing."

Huo Junxian took care of the day's work. They went to the manor and came back to the end of the year. They will be very busy. We can spend a good New Year together.

Huo Junxian did not plan to stay in the manor for long.

She went to a meeting, Gu Siyu read a book in the office, watched a movie with her tablet, and had dinner, the two went to the staff restaurant below to eat.

Mainly, Gu Siyu is curious about what they have to eat here. Usually, she scans videos and often sees company meals taken by bloggers.

The master's craftsmanship is good. The two of them have a good meal and sit face to face to eat. There are a lot of people in the restaurant, and they are all talking.

Gu Siyu asked, "What is Duan Jiayang doing in your company?"

"To talk about the project, there is a piece of land to talk to them about." Huo Junxian talked about the situation of the piece of land, but Gu Siyu couldn't understand what she was talking about, and asked: "Her sister is not there now. Target her."

"Her sister? At a party, I saw her and her sister kissing."

"...Ah?" Gu Siyu's pork loin fell off the chopsticks, "No, isn't this?"

"They are not sisters, you forget, Lin Ke is the child of her stepmother and ex-husband."

"Yes." Gu Siyu asked again, still not quite convinced, "Are you really right?"

Huo Junxian nodded vigorously.

Gu Siyu clicked her tongue, said admiration, and gossip: "Tell me carefully, what happened that day, how they kissed."

"That day, it was a small party, Duan Jiayang has a blind date, you know, her father always wanted his daughter to marry, the other party is the eldest son of a real estate company, it looks quite right, her father always let Duan Jiayang go Chat with others. I went to the past and walked through the scene. When I went to the bathroom, I saw the two were arguing, pulling and pulling, and then Lin Ke pressed Duan Jiayang against the wall. You two push me, and I push you. kiss..."

"Tsk...the world is down."

Although Huo Junxian has never responded to Duan Jiayang's news, Duan Jiayang has always insisted on sending messages to Huo Junxian. Duan Jiayang misunderstood a little, thinking that Huo Junxian had captured the person, and then used the previous trick to imprison Gu Siyu , I was thinking about inquiring about the situation and whether I could be of any help to determine whether Gu Siyu was safe.

Huo Junxian replied with a message: [After arranging for you to meet, she is fine. 】

The company's business was over, Huo Junxian took Gu Siyu to the manor, and the two of them bought air tickets to fly there directly. You will feel uncomfortable in the car.

When they got to the place, the manor came to pick them up. The evergreen trees were planted nearby, and they looked green. Gu Siyu came last at this time. It seems that there is only one season here, forever. Stay green in spring.

Gu Siyu looked up, time has changed, and her mood is different, she now feels that it is not very scary here.

The helper came to carry the suitcase, and the aunt came over, panting to tell Huo Junxian the situation, "Madam's condition is not very good today, she has just given her medicine, and it is time now. I heard that yesterday. You are coming, she is very happy and asked me to choose clothes for her."

Sighed deeply, "I don't know what happened today..."

Huo Junxian hummed.

Gu Siyu was still thinking about how bad it was when she heard the maid in the courtyard shouting, "Don't run away, madam, the lady will be here later."

And then there is the cry of hee hee.

Huo Junxian's so-called bad completely surprised Gu Siyu.

Gu Siyu thought that Huo Junxian's mother was lying on the bed, caught a cold or something else, and her face might be worse, and she didn't see what was going on until she got there.

Her mother was running around on the ground in slippers, her hair was disheveled, she jumped and ran while clutching the sheets in her hand, she muttered strange words, noticed the person outside the door, and immediately moved towards the door He shouted loudly, "The bad guys are coming, the bad guys are coming, I'm so scared, fly, take me to fly! I'm dancing, you can see if it's the butterfly dance in spring, fly."

Like a child and a lunatic.

Soon the maid ran over and grabbed her. The last time I met her, she was in a wheelchair. Now she is very nimble. She rushed to the gate and grabbed the fence and climbed up. The door, the knuckles protruded, the iron door was rattled, and several maids worked together to pull her down.

When the woman was pulled down, she sat on the ground and twitched. She was facing Gu Siyu. Under her messy hair was a face that looked like Huo Junxian.

She looked at Gu Siyu's empty eyes, she couldn't see any light, and moved her chapped lips in despair, as if saying: "Save me, please."

The maids pulled her together, she was motionless, her body was not as energetic as before, and finally another nurse came over and pushed her in a wheelchair to carry her up.

"Ms. Huo, Ms. Chen, she was fine yesterday, and it was like this early in the morning. I'll take her in immediately and ask the doctor to come and see her."

Huo Junxian nodded and she was used to it, but Gu Siyu moved her feet back a little, just now Huo Junxian's mother was only one meter away from her.

The weather is nice here, they will get hot if they wear too thick clothes, Huo Junxian unbuttons the coat, she asks Gu Siyu if it is hot, Gu Siyu was shocked, and said fine.

The two entered the room together, Huo Junxian hung her coat on the hanger, and found that the hanger was missing, the aunt said, "Last time, my wife took the hanger and smashed things everywhere, I was afraid of hurting people and put it away. "

Huo Junxian nodded, didn't say much, put her coat on her arm, looked around, went to the kitchen to check again, "What did she eat in the morning."

"She eats nutritious cereals, and she doesn't eat anything else. She said that this is suitable for dancers. She wants to keep her figure, and she also asked me to pick some flowers to make some flowers to expose."

Upstairs was quiet for a while and became restless again, Huo Junxian raised her head to look upstairs, aunt ran up to see, Huo Junxian asked Gu Siyu if she was tired.

Gu Siyu was a little tired, she followed Huo Junxian upstairs, and heard the cry on the second floor, the voice was trembling, it was from Huo Junxian's mother, she begged, "Aunt Zhang , you tell Jun Xian, let her let me go, I don't want to stay here, you tell her, don't let her keep me like her father, I'm really tired, all my youth is wasted in this house."


"You are with her, do you help her talk? Aunt Zhang, I have money, as long as you let me out, I will definitely repay you, I was locked up by her for many years, I've forgotten how long, so tired..."

The voice was interrupted, Huo Junxian closed the door.

Gu Siyu stood in front of her, her mood was a bit complicated, she swallowed.

"Is your mother..."

"I'm mentally ill." Huo Junxian responded, afraid of being misunderstood in the next second.

"Oh, I see." Gu Siyu tried to calm down and asked Ye Qinghe to help check it before, but she was afraid at that time. Huo Junxian was not in a good condition because of Teddy's death. I didn't open it, I was afraid I couldn't bear it.

Huo Junxian sat on the bed and tapped her feet gently on the ground, looking at the wind and clouds, she seemed to be used to it, she exhaled with a tired expression.

Gu Siyu was dazed, she walked to the bed, Huo Junxian held her hand tightly, holding her hand hot, "So I said I can't bring you here now , I can only wait for her condition to get better. She is mentally ill, sometimes good and sometimes bad, and it is better than anyone else, and it is like this when it is bad. "

"Then did your father treat her..." Gu Siyu paused, she was indeed a little skeptical, because of the harm her father had caused her, when she looked at her mother, In an instant, fear swept through her whole body. Her mother's eyes were too real, and she was completely desperate to ask her for help.

"No." Huo Junxian affirmed: "My mother was a dancer before marriage, and she is good at various styles. She dances ballet and folk dance, and has a very elegant temperament. My father said she It's a fairy who descended into the world."

"When I fell in love, my father knew that she had some mental problems, but he still fell in love with her resolutely, and the two fell in love with her and got married. After marriage, she was also very normal, and her career was very good. It went well, my father took good care of her, until after she gave birth to me, she started to get sick on and off. At first, she was neurotic and asked if my father had cheated. In good times, she didn't remember anything and continued to love my father deeply. In bad times, she asked for a divorce. All kinds of troubles. She doesn't even remember that she has a daughter, she thinks that I am a child of a junior, and that people all over the world are hurting her."

Gu Siyu listened quietly, unable to say anything comforting.

Huo Junxian continued: "At first, my father insisted on keeping her by his side to take care of her, but later she became more serious, thinking that my father had imprisoned her. So she was sent to the hospital, but she thought it was My father deliberately sent her to the hospital, and people all over the world didn't believe her. She believed this, to what extent, she called the police, packed her things and climbed over the wall in the middle of the night, and she couldn't stand on the stage with her legs. She even climbed to the rooftop to force my father to let her go by jumping off the building, and at one point I wondered if my father was really different."

"Then your father still insists on taking care of her?"

"Take care, otherwise what should I do, where can she go, who would want to accept a neuropathy, my grandfather's family broke up with this place after she fell ill, and my grandmother was giving birth to my mother. He passed away not long after that. My grandfather married a new wife, and they have a new life. Sometimes when she wakes up, she will tell me, Jun Xian, your father is the person who loves me the most in the world."

"She has three states, she is graceful and gentle, and the bad thing is the state you see now, madness, madness, and no sense. There is another state you have not seen, she Self-abuse, jumping off buildings, cutting wrists, and swallowing medicine."

Gu Siyu recalled, "Maybe I have seen it."

The last time she came here, she saw Ms. Yun pull the window and jump down, and then was pulled back by the maid.

After finishing speaking, Huo Junxian suddenly asked, "Do you believe me?"

The house is not quiet, occasionally I can hear the sound of things falling upstairs.

"Jin Yuansen came here once, and saw her sick at night, she ran away like a ghost, and it didn't take long for him to see me like a ghost." Huo Junxian said again, "He I feel like I'm mentally ill."

Gu Siyu leaned over and touched the tip of her nose, "I believe you, you are a little crazy at best, I think you are quite healthy, and you don't have anything to do with those."

"Are you tired?" Gu Siyu asked her, the eyes of the two were too close, and it would hurt to see too much.

Huo Junxian blinked and said, "Does it not fit my character when I say tired?"

Gu Siyu was silent.

Huo Junxian turned her face away a little, she pulled the quilt on the bed and said, "I'm not my father, I don't love her that much."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether she is sober or not. My father is gone, and no one will care about her sobriety." Huo Junxian chuckled lightly, but she could not taste anything. "As long as she doesn't hurt herself when she's crazy, even if she just lives in her imaginary world, everyone is happy. It's good for everyone. If it wasn't for my father who asked me to take care of her, I would definitely..." She stopped and fell silent.

Gu Siyu thinks about it, what Huo Junxian said is not unreasonable, the state of hurting herself in this way is much worse than the peaceful state.

She just felt that Huo Junxian was a little sad.

"Your father's death?"

"She pushed it." Huo Junxian said coldly, and then lowered her voice: "She may have pushed it accidentally, my dad gave her medicine, and she pushed hard if she didn't want to take it. After a while, she was horrified when she saw my father bleeding from the head, and suddenly became ill, and instantly regarded my father as an enemy. She felt that she could finally escape, and ran out while my father was in a coma, and my father lost blood. Too many died there, lip-mouthing the surveillance over and over again before he died."

Huo Junxian said, "Junxian, take care of your mother."


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-2921:02:17~2022-05-3019:56:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: scavenger chubby paper, fearless _ but sane, 1 dumbfounded;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Sister Huo killed me, jesssoo, crops, Ji Qiuqiu, AngelBeats, utsuriki1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: wangtongzhi, Sue_8887788830 bottles; Shen Ci 24 bottles; no sentimental newspaper sellers, Nianchuliang, little ignorance, 10 bottles of small symbols; occasionally arrogant 8 bottles; AngelBeats 6 bottles; must go ashore, 5 bottles in the cloud; Yiganzai, Caicai, fearless_but Yiqi, L&X4 bottles; Mumuziyuan 3 bottles; Chunhua Qiushi, 2 bottles of Dainian; Shen Liuzhen's wife , salted fish, huo luck, zojesis 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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