MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 140 Sister Huo's perspective 2

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Huo Junxian didn't know if the woman below was seducing her, but her swimming posture was very vigorous, from head to tail, she stood up and wiped the water with a handkerchief.

My feet stepped back and forth two times on the shore.

Xiaoyu couldn't take it anymore, it kept raising its head up to see it carefully, and even wanted to go down to play in the water, Huo Junxian pinched its ears and said, "No, you did yesterday. I've been playing with water all day."

Of course, Huo Junxian knew that she wouldn't listen to her, and she would definitely run to play in the water while she wasn't paying attention.

Xiaoyu was lying in her arms to watch the people swimming below, and the two eyes moved to Gu Siyu, who wanted to ignore it but could not ignore it, Gu Siyu swam ashore, holding the pool shelf.

The neck was slightly raised, even though it was far away, she could see that she was flirting, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and smiled at Huo Junxian.

The finger touched the back of the neck, and the water at the tip of the hair bounced.

Send autumn waves with Huo Junxian across the distance.

There have been many people who have done a lot of seductive actions with Huo Junxian, Gu Siyu is not the most special one.

Huo Junxian took back her eyes and touched Teddy's head. She thought about the reason, it should be that her life alone is too boring, Gu Siyu's publicity attracted her attention.

Is this called loneliness?

Sexual suggestion.

Even if the little guy is castrated, he can't hold back when he encounters beautiful women.

Huo Junxian rubbed its head and said, "What do you want to eat in the morning? I'll make something for you to digest, or else you'll start eating snacks when you're hungry, and you won't be able to eat anything in the afternoon."

Huo Junxian couldn't hold it, she put the little Teddy on the ground, she squatted and teased the little Teddy, the little Teddy couldn't see the beauty was depressed, Huo Junxian touched its head, Little Teddy moved closer to her.

Huo Junxian asked: "Do you really want to play?"

Little Teddy looked at Huo Junxian, sat on the ground with her buttocks, and looked at Huo Junxian with eyes slightly bigger than Dou, she blinked to express her thoughts.


"Then go and play with her." Huo Junxian picked up the dog, the woman below stared at a pool of water, and slowly probed into the pool with her feet.

Soon she retracted her legs and looked very cautious. The sultry day made her very uncomfortable, and she was very tired after swimming for a while. She could only walk around the pool, coveting this pool of water of icy cold.

Huo Junxian pinched its ears, "Be good, don't bite anyone casually."

Teddy ran downstairs, Huo Junxian walked slowly behind it, Teddy ran to the second floor and stopped and turned to look at Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian didn't follow, and winked at her to imply that it was herself play,

Little Teddy ran back and was seen by Gu Siyu at the entrance of the swimming pool. Gu Siyu wanted to touch the dog for a long time, tilted his head and glanced at it, but didn't see it The owner of the puppy squatted and hooked his fingers, "Come here."

Teddy turned his head and didn't move much, squatted on the ground and looked at her.

"Let you come over, what are you doing." Gu Siyu continued to call it, and Teddy stretched out a small paw to touch it, very conservative.

It makes me angry.

Gu Siyu raised her leg and took a step forward, Teddy moved this time, and took a step forward like her, playing with Gu Siyu.

She ignored Teddy, and Teddy leaned up and followed her feet.

Huo Junxian got up early and had a lot of things to do, she watered the flowers, stood on the balcony to collect clothes, Gu Siyu stood at the bottom and looked at her, Gu Siyu whispered: "...Huo Junxian ."

Teddy barked softly when he heard his master's name.

Gu Siyu deliberately teased Teddy and kept shouting the words "Huo Junxian", Teddy kept shouting, and quickly attracted Huo Junxian's attention.

When Huo Junxian looked over again, Gu Siyu poured into the water.

Water splashed all over, Gu Siyu's body soaked in the water, Gu Siyu lay and swam around, his body floated on the water, and Teddy also went into the water, it only soaked on the shore. Gu Siyu was afraid that the little thing would drown and swam to support it with his hands.

Huo Junxian turned around and entered the room, looking very hopeless.

Gu Siyu complained to Teddy: "I am so nice to you, and your master doesn't thank me." She swam around, and when she swam back to the shore, she put Teddy on the On the shore, Huo Junxian opened the courtyard door and came over.

Huo Junxian came over and hugged the puppy.

Gu Siyu lay on the bank and took off the swimming cap on her head. When her hair fell, she was soaked wet... The water flowed down the ditch. Although her body was not as full as Huo Junxian, she Very interesting.

Gu Siyu wiped it with a towel, then threw it on his shoulders.

She stood up, the water dripped down her legs, she squatted down beside Huo Junxian, watching Huo Junxian wipe the water on Teddy's hair.

Teddy immediately came out of Huo Junxian's arms, hugged Gu Siyu's legs, and looked up to please her.

Gu Siyu's long legs were still hanging with water, Teddy hugged her legs and started to rub. Gu Siyu didn't know what happened to Teddy. When the puppy had a good relationship with her and felt that she could get close to the owner when she was close to the pet, she patted Teddy's head and clicked, "You really like me, your master. It's good to like me that much."

The more Gu Siyu sighed, the faster Teddy rubbed, Gu Siyu felt uncomfortable, "...what is your dog doing?"

"I'm in heat." Huo Junxian said.

Yeah, Gu Siyu is in heat like this.


Gu Siyu's eyes widened slightly, she lowered her head to look at the dog, her legs turned back, and Teddy stuck to her like glue.

"Come on, what about that?"

Huo Junxian did not speak or stop her, as if to let her bear it and wait until Teddy rubbed it.

Gu Siyu is in a complicated mood.

Damn, that dog is rubbing against her, and is still rubbing against her.

Teddy was in heat with her and couldn't stop.

And Huo Junxian did not pull it back, touched its head, as if praising it, which made Gu Siyu feel angry, she pushed Teddy aside, Teddy Baba lean over.

When Teddy was done, Huo Junxian picked up the dog and went to the living room without saying a word.

Gu Siyu was very angry, and whispered: "Since your dog is in heat with me, don't blame me for being rude to you."

She wiped her legs with a tissue, feeling that it was not clean, and swam in the pool again.

She came in from the yard, holding two of her clothes in her hands, Huo Junxian glanced casually, and saw a scar on her lower abdomen, she grabbed the hem of the clothes and pulled it down, Covered up that little scar.

Gu Siyu seemed to have something to say when he came in, but he didn't say a word at the moment, Gu Siyu went directly to the sofa to play with his mobile phone, and then went to the second floor to take a shower to change clothing.

In recent years, Jin Yuansen has found many lovers. Most of his lovers are ambiguous with him, and they regard Huo Junxian as a thorn in their eyes. The two always want to drive Huo Junxian away and occupy her property.

Huo Junxian knew clearly in her heart that even if someone fell in love with her, she would not break up with Jin Yuansen quickly. These people like to pedal two boats very much.

This is human nature, greedy for money and lust.

Gu Siyu is also one of them.

The only difference is that only Gu Siyu is very straightforward.

She was burnt out to give up.

Young young, really doesn't know how to restrain at all.

Whenever, anytime, her eyes always follow Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian has a feeling of being violated by her, and occasionally feels very troubled.

When Huo Junxian felt uncomfortable, she immediately looked back at her, her eyes fell coldly on her face, and she cooled her "immorality" first.

Gu Siyu greeted her gaze with arms in her arms, took a step towards her, and then stopped in the next step. Jin Yuansen thought they were going to fight, so he coughed upstairs, abruptly inserted between the two.

Gu Siyu hated Jin Yuansen, Huo Junxian hated Jin Yuansen even more, Gu Siyu always had guns and guns when talking to him.

Just don't say anything, hold back, hold back.

Gu Siyu doesn't like getting along with Jin Yuansen very much, but she is very curious about Huo Junxian. Every time she runs into a wall with Huo Junxian, she will ask Jin Yuansen.

"Why does your wife only talk to the dog and she ignores me? Is it..."

"She's ill, neurotic."

Gu Siyu frowned, "How can you describe your wife like that?"

Jin Yuansen is still scolding, she is a little different from the previous lovers, she will not go along with Jin Yuansen, but is very protective of Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian especially wants to ask her, Xiaoyu, you know you are here what?

Those who cheat money, don't forget your original intention.

Sometimes even the other Xiaoyu couldn't understand, and squatted on the ground listening to Gu Siyu and Jin Yuansen quarreling. It bit Huo Junxian's trouser leg, showing some fear, and its eyes were saying: "Master, did you raise another dog behind my back?"

Huo Junxian reassured it, "No, I only have a baby like Xiaoyu, and I only keep a puppy like you."

After arguing with Jin Yuansen, Gu Siyu came in from the yard with a stomach full of fire. She was very short-tempered, and she was hot like a hot pepper.

Suddenly, Huo Junxian understood why Jin Yuansen chose her to seduce her.

Because, such a person can really attract her attention.


At noon, it was even hotter. Although the temperature at home was comfortable, the floating air made her feel stuffy. Huo Junxian planned to make some refreshing and refreshing desserts. , Gu Siyu opened the glass door, walked in slowly, and then ate a piece of orange beside him.

The oranges were originally cut by Huo Junxian to eat for herself, but she couldn't finish one of them, and Teddy couldn't eat them. Huo Junxian put the oranges in the refrigerator. She took it out and ate it.

She turned on the faucet and flushed.

Gu Siyu glanced over, she stared at Huo Junxian's finger and said, "Disgusting?"

Huo Junxian did not respond to her, she pressed the switch and continued to cut her vegetables.

Gu Siyu was not convinced, she held another half of an orange, and deliberately put the skin on Huo Junxian's face, when the cold was stimulated, Huo Junxian instinctively turned her head away.

She seemed to have found the pleasure of playing with Huo Junxian, and continued to crush the skin on Huo Junxian's face, sticking it on her left face, and then changing it to her right face.

Unscrupulous, not afraid that Huo Junxian is still holding a knife in her hand.

She ate the orange cleanly.

When she looked at Huo Junxian's hand, her eyes were serious.

The orange peel was thrown into the trash can softly, Gu Siyu got closer to Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian knew that a young man like her couldn't control her desire at all Find a way to get it all out.

Gu Siyu's hand wrapped around her waist, Huo Junxian's waist was thin, because her chest was full, and she felt full when hugged.

Then, her breath fell on Huo Junxian's neck.

Huo Junxian felt hot and could feel the strength on her arm. When she was encircling people, it was like a lock. Because of poor control, Huo Junxian's waist was pinched and hurt. Gu Siyu leaned against her. She sniffed the scent lightly around her neck.

From this moment on, she fell in love with the sweet milky fragrance.


Similarly, Huo Junxian can smell her body.

She is really good, she smells of orange.

Every time Huo Junxian feeds Xiaoyu, Teddy is always a picky eater. Riton, it will spoil things.

Gu Siyu made her eat everything, and was not picky at all, and there was a smell of orange on her body.

Smells good.


The girl is soft and fleshy, with the sweetness of orange on her body.

Huo Junxian did not respond to her, Gu Siyu hugged her tighter and tighter, Huo Junxian thought she was about to call her sister when she got so close, but her lips moved slightly, and she said, "You call Huo Junxian?"

This is an odd question.

Did she not know it for so long?

"The name is so nice, it's a perfect match for you." Gu Siyu praised and continued to smell her scent, "You are so fragrant, I like your scent very much."

"Like a wife." She muttered.

Xiaoyu put her head on the armrest of the sofa and looked.

"Aren't you refusing me...Is it interesting?" Gu Siyu blew in her ear, Huo Junxian used some strength to take her hand away.

The day in June is relatively hot, Huo Junxian does not like to stay downstairs after dinner.

Because Xiaoyu was guarding, Gu Siyu did not dare to go upstairs to play with Huo Junxian.

Two people are always one upstairs and one downstairs, looking at each other from a distance. Gu Siyu will recall that hug in her heart, and Huo Junxian did not reject her.

What does this mean?

Damn, I really want to **** this woman.

It feels so good to hold her.

The emotion in her eyes was very direct.

How does Huo Junxian feel about her?

Huo Junxian thinks she is hot in sex, but she is actually very cold. In Huo Junxian's eyes, Gu Siyu was probably the actor Jin Yuansen brought to accompany her. She performed a little better than Jin Yuansen, so Huo Junxian got tired of watching Jin Yuansen, and her eyes would fall on her for a while.

Huo Junxian is very quiet, so quiet that it is difficult to detect, but Gu Siyu finds it very quickly, always immediately aware of her sight, and gives her a smile.

Teddy likes to play games, and Huo Junxian also likes it. You come and go these days, they are playing a game of cat and mouse, you chase me.

Gu Siyu was sitting downstairs playing with her mobile phone, playing games for a while and making voice calls for a while, Huo Junxian was making clothes for Little Teddy on the other side, she heard the message in Gu Siyu's voice, The person over there asked Gu Siyu: "Your birthday is coming, what do you want?"

Gu Siyu said bluntly: "I want money."

Face: "...I'll give you fifty cents. I'll pass the breakfast money I saved to you if you want."

Gu Siyu replied: "Then leave it to you, it's not enough for me to match my teeth."

Huo Junxian knows the purpose of her coming here, for money.

The strange thing is that Gu Siyu and Jin Yuansen came together, not her money, but Jin Yuansen's money, which is really curious.

Gu Siyu's performance is obvious, Huo Junxian is very doubtful of her judgment, theoretically it doesn't make sense, will Gu Siyu pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Huo Junxian was still worried about what to eat at night, so she made a cold mousse cake at night.

After Gu Siyu found out, she narrowed her eyes slightly, took it in her hand and cut it with a small fork and sent it to her mouth, the thick chocolate and milky aroma instantly melted on the tip of her tongue.

The temperature dropped a little at night, Huo Junxian came back after walking the dog, sent Teddy to the pet room to sleep, she filled the bathtub with water, and unconsciously thought of the swimming picture, Young body, so energetic.

She closed her eyes, the desire came, and she wanted to calm down.

She is a mature woman after all, she always has some ways to please her, Huo Junxian went to the drawer to get a box naked, and then she soaked in the water and put her fingers under the surface of the water .

She leaned her back against the pool, rested her head on her arms, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

At this time, there was a sound of dong dong dong outside.

Someone seems to be knocking on the door.

Huo Junxian's breathing was a little hurried, and she knew who it was by hearing her voice.

The voice didn't go away, she patted and patted again, as if she had to come to open the door.

Huo Junxian's red lips parted slightly, "Well..."


The author has something to say:

Tomorrow's last episode (???〃)

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 rabbit;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: fearless _ but 1 zeal;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: only marry Yang Chaoyue 8; 55308204, Duan Nian, just Xiaobai L, Chen Xi, Ji Qiuqiu, utsuriki, Bubble Devil 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: burial 60 bottles; 5482693235 bottles; Bubble Demon King 30 bottles; Qiqiqi Lz 15 bottles; 10 bottles of vicious baba, stinky, deflated monsters; 5 bottles of durian, no sugar, 5 bottles of longing; 4 bottles of drunkenness; 467327072 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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