MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 60

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Huo Junxian said she liked her.

She heard it.

Huo Junxian asked her how she felt, but Gu Siyu pretended not to hear.

"Why don't you talk?" Huo Junxian asked Gu Siyu with a smile, her voice was a little tuneful, she said: "You asked me for a long time, and I asked you a question, and you didn't want to answer. "

She must have done it on purpose, Gu Siyu squinted at her, Huo Junxian looked at Gu Siyu's side face, rubbed her fingers on Gu Siyu's cheek, and then rubbed Gu Siyu's side face again She kissed her, and brushed her lips across her face, softly.

The master did this, the teddy below had a good look, and also licked on Gu Siyu's leg, Gu Siyu shivered, she thought Teddy was disgusting, lifted it up The legs took Teddy aside.

Huo Junxian straightened up with a smile, and said in a sad tone, "Xiaoyu, what should I do, we are hated together."

"Wang!" Teddy followed Huo Junxian to the kitchen aggrievedly, while walking and watching Gu Siyu, Teddy stayed inside for a while, came out and pushed a small plastic stool, pushed it to the Next to Gu Siyu, she was lying at her feet, foolishly pretending to be pitiful at Gu Siyu.

However, Gu Siyu was hard-hearted. She put her legs on the bench and looked like a grandfather. She pretended not to see Teddy, so she would not eat this set.

Teddy sold badly for a while, and kept pretending to be cute, Gu Siyu was a little helpless, "You are a little male dog, can you be a little masculine?"

Teddy didn't understand, and tilted her head to "wow" at her.

"Really..." Gu Siyu exhaled, she cares about something with a sand sculpture dog, "Wait."

Gu Siyu got up and tidied up the table, dumped all the unbearable dishes into the trash can, and took the dishes into the kitchen to wash.

Huo Junxian just fried a plate of shrimp, she called Gu Siyu to hand over a plate, Gu Siyu rinsed the plate and handed it over.

The cooperation is quite tacit, Gu Siyu is not good at cooking, he can still do what he can do, the dishes are done, Gu Siyu brings them out one by one, Huo Junxian cooks well After eating, the sense of taste that she had tortured just now slowly recovered, and she ate an extra bowl of rice as if she had been reborn.

During the period, the two of them didn't talk much, they didn't mention what happened just now, and they didn't have any red faces.

The two faced each other in muffled voices, and they were not too cold. Gu Siyu stayed at Huo Junxian's house all day, she had nothing to do, and her eyes were on Huo Junxian. It's very simple, play with Teddy, sit on the grass and rub Teddy's big ears after playing, and smile at Gu Siyu.

What should I do?

Gu Siyu bit her lip, unable to think of a way out.

What can I do? Hard on your head.

She sneered, unable to tell what she was laughing at.

The timid will starve to death.

Gu Siyu stayed at night, she washed herself, raised her arm and sniffed the smell, looked up and saw the oil painting on the wall, the sky was burning with clouds, Huo Junxian was holding one under the tree dog.

Think about it, if Huo Junxian kills Jin Yuansen, and all the scum around her will be cleaned up, she only has this dog, right?

"Fuck." Gu Siyu shook his head, what did he think? Huo Junxian also has a company, a sum of money that can't be spent in a few lifetimes, drinking cold water and eating rice porridge.

"Do you?" Huo Junxian knelt beside her, her voice soft.

Gu Siyu came back to her senses and smelled the fragrant milk rose fragrance, Huo Junxian got close, nodded slightly, the gap exposed at the neckline was huge, she pressed her voice and said, "It's hard to stay. down."

Gu Siyu was unable to resist the temptation, swallowed a breath, she wanted to think about things in peace, and said rationally, "Take a break, I'm not in the mood."

"But I want it." Huo Junxian put her finger on her shoulder and peeled off her nightdress.

Then leaned in and kissed her lips.

"Well..." Gu Siyu squinted, Huo Junxian kissed her lips, her chin, and finally her neck.

Gu Siyu is no match for her, she spreads her limbs, let her come.

My mind was dizzy, like a dream, she was thinking about what Huo Junxian said at dinner.

I love you.

What is the weight ratio of this favorite?

Under the impact of memories, Gu Siyu breathed rapidly, as if she heard Huo Junxian ask in her ear, "Do you like it?"

"What do you like..." Gu Siyu closed his eyes.

Huo Junxian said: "Do you like me?" She asked repeatedly in Gu Siyu's ear, she was never tired of it, it was like nailing a nail, I must nail this sentence into Gu Siyu In his bones, Gu Siyu almost let out a sound several times, and almost said um.

Fortunately, Gu Siyu has a hard mouth.

The question is too repeated, Gu Siyu had nightmares at night, a huge beast ran after her, chased her and asked, "Do you like me?"

Split open, trees set on fire by lightning.

"Why do I like you like you?" Gu Siyu said to the beast, the beast tilted his head and looked at her in confusion, his golden vertical pupils filled with wonder. Gu Siyu's cursing words stuck in her throat, she thought for a while, and said, " look cute?"

Then, the beast rolled on the ground and rolled in front of Gu Siyu. Gu Siyu was struggling to touch its head. The next second, the beast opened its **** mouth at her. .

"…ah, fuck."

Gu Siyu opened her eyes, the room was dark, only half of her body felt numb, she struggled for a while, struggled from her sleepiness, and then moved her body, and found that Huo Junxian was pressing on her , pinched her waist, Gu Siyu pushed Huo Junxian away, and kicked her thigh again, not feeling relieved.

She went to the bathroom to wash her face, then turned on the shower to the maximum, trying to wash away the strange feeling that Huo Junxian pressed out.

Waking up early, Gu Siyu had her toothbrush in her hand, and she answered the phone while brushing her teeth.

"Idiot." Jin Yuansen scolded Gu Siyu angrily on the other end of the phone, "You will be killed by her sooner or later, bastard, bastard, what do you believe in what she says? You forgive me so easily. her?"

Jin Yuansen definitely didn't hate Gu Siyu so much because he didn't unite with him. Gu Siyu still explained the situation to him, "Jin Yuansen, my conditions are there, don't bargain with me, if you want to cooperate with me, you will pay for it, if you don't want to cooperate, forget it, I will continue to fool around with Huo Junxian. One day is another day, anyway, I am a vulgar person, shameless and shameless, I can be rotten to the end. Don't worry about the bodhisattva heart, how come between me and her is my and her business. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Siyu hung up the phone directly.

Of course, he can't delay this time. Huo Junxian has already filed a lawsuit, and the result should be released within six months. If he can find Huo Junxian's property within six months, it would be hell.

Huo Junxian was next to Gu Siyu. After washing her face, she said, "Don't scold yourself like that."

Gu Siyu rinsed his mouth with water, but did not reply.

"Really, you don't need to humiliate yourself that much. If others scold you, scold you back. You don't have to follow others to scold you. If you don't win, I can scold you for you." Huo Junxian said.

"Just you, what swear words would you say?" Gu Siyu raised her eyes, so she despised her.

Huo Junxian leaned over a little and said, "Fuck. Damn you. Sao. Something."


Gu Siyu covered her mouth and coughed, almost swallowed the mouthwash, and the water came out of her nose, "Try scolding Jin Yuansen with these words."

"It doesn't seem appropriate." Huo Junxian frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I can ask Uncle Chen to hire a group of people to scold Jin Yuansen, and scold him day and night."

"I see, you are a rich woman." Gu Siyu wiped her mouth, came out of the bathroom, changed her clothes and prepared to go out.

I've been busy lately, so they definitely don't have time to go to the beach. They compromised and went to the aquarium.

Gu Siyu drove a motorcycle and drove out along the road, Huo Junxian suddenly thought that there was something she didn't take, Gu Siyu stopped the car, Huo Junxian got out of the car and ran back to get something. It happened that the house next to her opened the door, You Wanyue took her husband's hand and walked out, and soon they met, You Wanyue saw Gu Siyu and immediately looked at her back seat.

Then her husband shook off her hand.

The two came out one after the other, Gu Siyu said meanly: "If you shake your hand, you will vent your dissatisfaction? Simply, you divorce her, she can have an affair with Jin Yuansen again. Running to seduce other people's wives, love but not stalking, can have some affection for you."

"Are you embarrassed to talk about me?" You Wanyue glanced at Gu Siyu with a look of contempt. She was dressed gorgeously and looked like a noble lady, "What kind of thing are you?"

Gu Siyu is a simple short-sleeved pair of wide-leg trousers. If you dig into the crowd, you are ordinary people. Gu Siyu said: "I have a bad personality.

Gu Siyu let her scolding, turned to look at Shao Baiming, and said, "Mr. Shao, you are not as good as Jin Yuansen in some respects, Jin Yuansen knows that he will not talk about his true feelings in time. Your wife is like this, why don't you mention divorce? I advise you to look at her and see where she deserves your love? What kind of bad things are you looking for at a young age, why bother each other. "

"Gu Siyu! What do you want?" You Wanyue was in a hurry, her high heels made a thud, and she walked over with her bag and smashed people.

Shao Baiming glanced at Gu Siyu and said, "Miss Gu, please pay attention to the way you speak."

Gu Siyu said: Lick the dog.

The green hats on her head were one after another, and they were so happy that she raised her hand and pushed You Wanyue away.

You Wanyue heard someone give her a chance, the corner of her mouth raised, and she went back to hold her husband's arm, a picture of love. However, the love didn't last long, and Shao Baiming quickly pulled his hand back, "She's right."

"Shao Bo's name!" You Wanyue called him in dissatisfaction, with a coquettish tone, "Who are you helping, or am I not your wife?"

The couple stumped and quarreled. When their driver came over, Shao Baiming got in the car first, and slammed the door like no money.

Huo Junxian hurriedly ran over, Gu Siyu curiously looked at what she was holding, and found that she had a camera hanging around her neck, the camera was just on her chest, Gu Siyu exclaimed He breathed and said, "Give me the camera."


"Can you ride a motorcycle like this, the superimposed altitude is too high." Gu Siyu said.

"Oh, that's right." Huo Junxian took down the camera and hung it around Gu Siyu's neck. She sat in the back seat and pinched Gu Siyu's waist. Gu Siyu felt her Soft, so close to her back, Huo Junxian said, "Let's drive."

I don't know who is torturing, Gu Siyu deliberately drove fast in the car to catch up with Yu Wanyue and the others, and walked with them, just in time for You Wanyue to see Huo Junxian.

You Wanyue couldn't resist the temptation at all, she kept her eyes on the motorcycle, Shao Baiming beside her was calm, she took a newspaper and read it, I really don't know whether to praise him for his daily management or the performance of the luxury car , sit on it and read the newspaper without shaking.

You Wanyue grabbed the window of the car, trying to see it was inconvenient, and trying to hit Gu Siyu but couldn't. The situation of the four people is very deadlocked, but Gu Siyu feels strangely, just twist it like this, twist the world into a deformed body, even if it is simply going downstairs, it will make you dizzy.

"There is a red light ahead, pay attention." Huo Junxian said in Gu Siyu's ear.

She hummed.

When crossing the red light, two forks, two cars staggered, Gu Siyu took Huo Junxian to the aquarium.

Huo Junxian tore a piece of mint candy and put it in her mouth, and took another piece to Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu didn't open her mouth, Huo Junxian pressed the mint candy into her mouth and said, "This delicious."

"Huh?" Gu Siyu straightened out the candy, and it tasted cool. It's good to eat it now.

Huo Junxian said: "Relieving fatigue, queuing is very boring."

When Gu Siyu retracted her leg, she couldn't help laughing at herself, Huo Junxian held her hand, "Go in."

"What's the rush." ​​Gu Siyu wanted to take a breath, Huo Junxian held her wrist, and pulled her in in one breath, pulling her in for fun, Gu Siyu smiled and bumped into He fell into her arms and pinched her with both hands on her waist. Gu Si embarrassedly touched his nose and distanced himself from her, "What are you doing?"

The tunnel glass is full of fish, big and small, on the left and right sides, overhead, the colorful fish swimming past is more beautiful than the rainbow, they seem to fall into the ocean, there is a sense of weightlessness, Walking is like stepping in water. Huo Junxian looked at it very seriously, and would study what kind of fish was swimming in front of her.

"I'll take a picture of you." Huo Junxian tilted her head and said.

"What to shoot?" Gu Siyu licked the corner of her lower lip, took off the camera for her, put her hands in her pockets, and her posture was ready. The pants she wears casually today are black wide-leg pants and white short-sleeved tops.

"You are very beautiful." Huo Junxian took the camera to find an angle.

"Isn't this recognized, do you want to say it?" Gu Siyu is very arrogant and full of narcissism.

When the photo was taken, Gu Siyu went over to see that a big fish was swimming behind her and opened its mouth. Huo Junxian quickly captured this scene.

There are very few fish they can recognize here. Huo Junxian took the app and took the seat.

"I also know it's a jellyfish, a glowing jellyfish..." Gu Siyu also nodded seriously, who doesn't know jellyfish?

After exiting the tunnel, they went to another place. Huo Junxian wanted to see penguins. The temperature in the polar pavilion was low. Watch from the audience. The big and small penguins swayed, walked, went into the water, and their clumsy appearance became the cuteness of bloggers.

Hearing that it was possible to take a photo with the penguin, Huo Junxian hurried to the line, and the two of them stood with the penguin under the guidance of the staff to compare scissors hands, shouting yay.

The best way to express a cute species is to compare it. After taking a photo, you can pay for it and take it away immediately.

Gu Siyu had an oblique bag collapsed on her chest. She put Huo Junxian's photo in the bag and saw the souvenir, Huo Junxian did not hesitate to buy it, a bag was about to be stuffed and exploded, so It was embarrassing to carry it, so she changed it to one shoulder.

They went to a few more restaurants to watch the fish, and they visited the third floor, their legs were a little sore, Gu Siyu put his hand on Huo Junxian's shoulder and could not walk, with a wave of his arm, the whole body hung up on her.

"Why aren't you tired?" Gu Siyu looked at her curiously.

Huo Junxian said, "Aren't you tired?"


"If I'm tired, then we'll have to stop in the hallway, and I'll insist that we'll be able to walk to the front restaurant soon."

Gu Siyu moved deliberately and stiffened, Huo Junxian led her forward.

"I'm so tired." Huo Junxian gasped, she turned her head to look at Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu reached out and pushed her face away, not allowing her to look at herself.

Gu Siyu relaxed a little, and they reached the corner of the triangle, looking up at the introduction above.

“Undersea restaurant, go in and have a look?”

"Okay, I don't know if it tastes good or not, generally this style is flashy." Gu Siyu first pressed the score to 5.

A love, Gu Siyu propped her chin up, the corners of her lips hooked up, and followed others to applaud.

To enjoy such a performance, no matter what the taste of the dish can be, Huo Junxian fiddled with the camera, and Gu Siyu reached out to her and asked her to give her the camera.

Gu Siyu asked: "How to use?"

Huo Junxian raised her body and taught her where to press.

Gu Siyu pointed the camera at her, Huo Junxian hurriedly shouted and stopped, and said, "Wait for me to pose a little more sexy."

"Yeah." Gu Siyu wanted to laugh.

Huo Junxian tucked her hair behind her ears. She sat upright, quietly, and looked very ladylike. When the camera took a picture, she changed her posture and looked at Gu Siyu with her chin in one hand.

The eyes are full of emotion.

Gu Siyu took a few pictures and pointed the camera at the ceiling above to take pictures of the fish. After the waiter served the food, she stopped taking pictures. The food was not delicious, she could only say On the pass line.

Huo Junxian said: "The food at the seaside restaurant is good. When I went to play earlier, I saw that they received a Michelin rating."

Gu Siyu cut the steak and brought it to his mouth with a fork, Huo Junxian said: "The seaside is more fun than here, you can step on the beach with bare feet, lie on the beach in the afternoon and enjoy the sun, you can also Go diving and get up close to the fish, this season is just right to take pictures underwater.”

Gu Siyu chewed.

A person repeatedly talks about the beauty of a certain place, mostly because he really wants to see it. Gu Siyu can hear what Huo Junxian means. How long to say.

Huo Junxian did not stop, talking in various ways, and after talking, she went to talk about eating. She always commented that other people were cute. In fact, the expressions she occasionally showed could also be... very cute.

After eating the steak, Gu Siyu took out his mobile phone and read the information inside, and said, "Look, Jin Yuansen is talking to me again, we have to solve the Jin Yuansen matter first, in case If something goes wrong, it's annoying for him to call."

Gu Siyu said: "He made more than ten calls again." Afraid that Huo Junxian would not believe it, she gave the phone to Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian turned it over and asked her: "Then you want to accompany me Are you going to the beach?"

Gu Siyu drank the juice, sweet and sour, she hummed lightly.

Huo Junxian heard it, smiled and returned the phone to her, saying: "Then you tell him directly, you will trade tomorrow and show him my property directly, he will definitely be unable to resist talking to him. You traded."

"Huh?" Gu Siyu said: "Is it necessary to be so impulsive? What should I do if I fall for his trap? Don't wait for the court summons to come to him?"

Huo Junxian said: "The date we will go to the beach is set first, and then I will book a cruise..." She paused and said solemnly, "You must not go back."

Gu Siyu asked: "Show him directly, you are not afraid that he will take your money away, this wave will be very bad."

Huo Junxian smiled, "I don't care, I can't wait."

The two are not on the same channel at all.

Huo Junxian was very addicted to her fantasies and said, "I have to take Xiaoyu."

Gu Siyu dried the juice and said helplessly: "As you wish."

Huo Junxian asked: "What do you want to play at the beach? Let's do a strategy together."

Gu Siyu said without thinking, "If I want to see you in a bikini, the cloth on your body is the size of your fingertips."

Huo Junxian paused.

Eating steak slowly, she also said, "As you like."


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wife of Ren Pingsheng;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 33834032, Jie Yuguo, Ji Qiuqiu, fearless _ but yiqi, 58544858, Rilakkuma, Wangzai, Yunyanyan, sweet potato leaf 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2768516250 bottles; Sister Qin's little follower 30 bottles; What to say 26 bottles; 5652298219 bottles; , Love is not a reason, playing games on Sunday, 5 bottles of succulent structure of the human body; 3 bottles of Qingxu and Yujian; 2 bottles of no; Tonight is unknown, Nianchuliang, Yu Beibei, Bo Lulu, fearless_but Yiqi, xhpz 1 bottle ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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