MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 62

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Gu Siyu was lying on the bed, half asleep and half awake when she heard the sound of rain, she had never been so quiet for a moment, listening to Qiu Yu thinking about the future subconsciously.

What should she do when she wants to get money, should she go to the entertainment industry to buy roles and become female stars, she thought about it seriously, there are very few **** dramas in this market now, she is serious about filming dramas , Maybe one day the market will rise, she will be able to get a prize or something.

If it becomes popular, it will be easier for her to become a star and make money.

She dropped out of high school before finishing her sophomore year. Out of society, I found that although reading is difficult and boring, it is the easiest thing to do.

At that time she was seventeen, at the most beautiful age in Girls' Generation, she was too beautiful to describe, with a height of 172, a thin waist and long legs, she was so narcissistic that she thought she could enter the entertainment industry .

Naturally she was surrounded by a lot of people who were obsessed with beauty. There was a rich second generation who chased after her aggressively, sent her flowers and money, and stalked her, Gu Siyu It would be crazy to be chased and swear to warn others. The rich second generation can't love it. There is a problem with his brain and he fantasizes about being a tyrant. He feels that Gu Siyu is trying to refuse and welcome her. Gu Siyu can't bear it anymore. The wine bottle smashed into the opponent's head.

Later in the game, the rich second generation retaliated against her, specially bought a few people to besiege her, hit her on the field, and what was even more disgusting was to report her underage riding a motorcycle, the police came Confiscated her motorcycle.

In the summer when the birds chirped, she went from having a little bit to nothing again. At night she lay on the bed, all the bones of her body were dislocated and painful.

Most of the time, she looked at the window and thought, she should have done it.

Some people are not suitable for this world by nature, she does not match this world, she should die.

But where should she go?

The night is dark, the moon hangs in the sky, the stars are all dots, go to the moon? Or to the stars?

But, but ah.

Wherever she goes, she is a complete stranger and will be rejected again.

She didn't dare to touch the moon when she saw the moon, she didn't dare to touch the stars when she saw the stars, she looked at her own reflection in the glass window, closed her eyes hard and said: It's better to die than to live, it's better to die Lai live, it is better to die than to live!

High school is not in compulsory education, and half a year's tuition costs 2,500. No one is willing to help her, which is astronomical to her. Gu Siyu dragged her body and forced herself to drop out of school. Her grades were not among the best at that time, but she was definitely not at the bottom. She felt that she worked so hard to earn money and study, and she was really sorry for her legs. Every time she was in class Can be a medium.

No one felt sorry for her when she left, and the head teacher didn't say anything about keeping her. She was notorious for fighting.

Gu Siyu turned over and turned her back to the window. She didn't want to hear the rain anymore, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and she didn't mean to stop.

After falling asleep, she began to dream.

When she was very young, Gu Siyu was sent to a child psychiatrist for counseling. The psychiatrist told her that it is not because of thinking every day that dreams at night, because the brain is always At work, it will write down all the most profound points that it has seen and heard in daily life, and then these points will be pieced together in the dream, which will become a very strange dream. There are no instructions in the dream, and the uncontrolled behavior in the dream is that the brain captures the thoughts that I didn’t notice, but flashed subconsciously.

That is, those neglected routines will be relived in dreams.

Gu Siyu was too young to understand her words, but she always remembered this statement when she grew up.

It rained for a long time in the dream, the wall made of adobe, the bricks were stacked on top of each other, leading directly to the sky, she dragged a slipper and walked forward, The rain was so heavy that it almost covered her eyes.

, the nameplate on the chest reveals three words: Duan Xiqian.

Gu Siyu ran faster, she walked forward very hard, wanted to say hello to her, but the distance between her and the wall would never shorten, Gu Siyu tapped **** the glass, her fingers hurt , she continued to knock, startling the **** the other side of the wall.

Under the rain curtain, the girl was wearing a white dress with colorful oil paint on her body. She squatted on the ground and raised her palms high to shield the dog from the rain.

Inexplicably, Gu Siyu felt a lot more at ease. Every time she dreamed of Duan Xiqian, she would be very sad, and her whole body would be in pain. Dreaming of her means it was a nightmare. This time, she slowed down and continued to tap on the glass gently, and kept knocking, the surroundings were gray, misty and white like water vapor.

Finally, she smashed the glass and her palms began to bleed, but she was so happy, she also found a place to learn from others, hugging herself under the corner of the wall, and everyone In the same way, she finally found the comfort zone of coexistence, she snickered. She was buried tighter and tighter. She lay on her arms and looked to the left. The row on the left was full of children, and the row on the right was full of children. Back and forth, she stared at it for a long time. A child like her.

Happy and sad.

Tick, tick, tick.

It was raining.

Gu Siyu woke up from the dream briefly, the phone on the bed rang, Gu Siyu stretched her arms to answer the phone, Huo Junxian sent her a message asking where she was, Gu Siyu Yu slowed down for a while and replied with a voice, "I'm sleeping in my house today, and I'll go to your place tomorrow if I have nothing to do."

"I'm in the hospital now." Huo Junxian answered her, listening carefully to find that her voice was hoarse.

Gu Siyu sat up with her arms supported, and her consciousness was still a little vague. She rubbed her face and asked, "What happened to you? What happened?"

Huo Junxian said: "It's not me, it's Xiaoyu. Her arthritis has recurred. I just brought her for anti-inflammatory injections."

"Hmm..." Gu Siyu exhaled and turned around now. She looked out the window. Is there anyone still receiving treatment? Is it serious?"

Huo Junxian hummed.

Gu Siyu got up from the bed to change clothes, found her coat and put it on, she was much more energetic, she went to the bathroom to wash her face, and rummaged through the cabinet with mouthwash to find an umbrella.

When she got downstairs, she opened the umbrella, and the handle of the umbrella was actually divided into two halves. There were no cars at this point. After more than ten minutes, she waited for the night bus, and she got off at the parking spot in front of the veterinary hospital. , go step by step.

The lights of the hospital were dimly lit in the rainy night, and in the rainy weather there was no one to be seen on the road.

Gu Siyu ran in quickly, she called Huo Junxian in the lobby, "I'm here, where are you?"

"The third floor." Huo Junxian's voice was hoarse.

Gu Siyu put out the umbrella and threw off the rainwater from the umbrella. She hurried upstairs to find someone, Huo Junxian was standing in the corridor, the corridor was not lighted, and it was dark behind her, Huo Junxian said: "Still in acupuncture and physiotherapy."

Gu Siyu snorted, the door of the clinic was closed, she was about to push the door to go in, Huo Junxian stopped her and said, "Xiaoyu doesn't like others watching it heal her legs, we'll wait outside Bar."

Gu Siyu withdrew his hand and could hear one or two barks.

The two stood in the corridor for a while, Gu Siyu crossed her arms, she took two steps and leaned back against the railing, saying, "It's okay, it will get better soon. "

"En." Huo Junxian's voice was very soft, as if she could only say this one word.

After glancing at the time, she went to see Huo Junxian again.

"You came alone?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian nodded, how did she come, what happened to little Teddy, she didn't say, she was wearing a pink nightdress, she looked very thin, she shrank her arms and hugged herself .

A knot."

It will be a little cold when you take off your clothes. Fortunately, the breath of summer is not exaggerated. Gu Siyu couldn't hold back. She put on Huo Junxian's clothes and stepped aside. She wanted to say something. How to comfort Huo Junxian, but he didn't say a few words, and finally looked at the door of the clinic that was still closed.

Huo Junxian pressed her hand on the jacket and absorbed the warmth from it.

Gu Siyu's peripheral vision swept her movement, hesitated for a while, then walked to Huo Junxian's side, hugged her shoulders, patted her fingers lightly on it, and said to her: "It's really okay, it'll get better soon, really, trust me?"

Huo Junxian lowered her head and snorted, her voice was hoarse, and a sad expression appeared on her face, she only raised her eyes and lowered her eyes again, sad as if she could cry in the next second .

Gu Siyu patted her.

Half an hour later, the door opened, and the doctor took off his gloves and came out to talk to Huo Junxian. Little Teddy was lying on the table, looking much sluggish, not as lively as picking up branches yesterday.

Huo Junxian came in and it called at Huo Junxian, Gu Siyu went in to comfort it, told it that Huo Junxian would come to hug it after talking, Teddy still barked, in a low voice, looking very Sick.

Gu Siyu picked Teddy up, she walked over and stood beside Huo Junxian, Teddy stretched his head to touch Huo Junxian's shoulder.

The doctor said: "You have taken good care of it, but at this age, some problems are unavoidable. Now the seasons change, and the temperature is fickle, so pay more attention after that, and do it several times a week. Physiotherapy, I'll get you some more medicine, now let it slow down."

Gu Siyu said to Teddy, "Did you hear, your mother is giving you medicine."

Teddy continued to rub Huo Junxian's arm, Huo Junxian held Teddy in her arms, Teddy went to pick her up, but the leg hurt only a moment, they took the medicine and went downstairs, Teddy was quiet lying down.

Huo Junxian drove by herself, Gu Siyu was in the driver's seat, the autumn rain was still pouring, the car drove to the road, and the light of the traffic lights fell on the window glass.

This set is like a dream.

The car was parked downstairs, Gu Siyu came over with an umbrella to open the door for Huo Junxian, and she took Huo Junxian to her home.

Entering the room, she turned on the light and took Teddy from Huo Junxian's arms, put Teddy on the sofa, and said to Huo Junxian, "Go take a shower, pajamas are in the bedroom."

Huo Junxian took out the clothes and asked, "Is the bird still at your house?"

Gu Siyu hummed.

"Have you decided to adopt?"

Gu Siyu paused, Huo Junxian also stood at the door of the bathroom for a while, Gu Siyu didn't speak, Huo Junxian went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Teddy may have been sleepy after taking medicine, lying on the sofa quickly dozed off, Gu Siyu rubbed its head, people will feel depressed for a while when they are sick, let alone hairy children.

The autumn rain should stop soon, it will be a little annoying.

Gu Siyu leaned on the sofa, searched "the lifespan of black thrush" on her mobile phone, looked at the numbers above, she did a little arithmetic problem, and when Huo Junxian came out, she said: "I After the hot water is boiled, drink the cup of Banlangen."

Huo Junxian said good, but her voice was still hoarse, Gu Siyu urged, "Don't be in a hurry, drink and go to bed." Gu Siyu went to the bathroom to take a shower, fortunately she I changed the water heater before, otherwise taking a cold shower is choking now.

Gu Siyu pinched her brows and took the shower to her neck. She was a little dizzy, and she had to make herself a cup of Banlangen when she went out.

She took a shower, rubbed her face, and came out to drink hot water. Huo Junxian was already lying down in the room.

Huo Junxian put her head on the pillow and slept on her side, Gu Siyu slept on the other side, she didn't lie down, she sat tilted to look at Huo Junxian, pulled the quilt on Huo Junxian's body up, asked : "Did you cry last time because of this?"

Huo Junxian did not speak.

In fact, it can be seen that Teddy is very old, and their age changes faster than humans. It works hard to jump around, lively and wild, and the years that cannot be avoided will make it gradually old. It's just that they choose to ignore this point, don't mention death, and ask the hairy child's age in front of the master, which is to ask knowingly, that is, gouging out people's hearts.

Gu Siyu doesn't talk about this anymore, she lay down, it was too unexpected, but taking this unexpected part apart and putting it on the bright side, it became an unbearable pain .

Gu Siyu turned over, put her hand on Huo Junxian's waist, and said softly, "Sleep, I'll hold you to sleep."

She patted her hands gently, coaxing her like a child, the bed shook slightly, Huo Junxian turned over and came into her arms, her voice was so small and weak that she could hardly hear "I'm afraid."

Gu Siyu didn't speak, just moved forward. In this rainy night, she hugged Huo Junxian tighter.


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More of these today.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-2021:22:04~2022-03-2120:44:29

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ji Qiuqiu and Ren Pingsheng's wife;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 469376032; A Zizi spit bubbles, utsuriki 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 22.20 bottles; I pit myself 10 bottles; Mail Sunrise 6 bottles; Love is not a reason 5 bottles; 3 bottles of hard-working students tortured by science; 2 bottles of matcha, 21927328, Ajiu, and instant noodles; 1 bottle of Nianchuliang, Sanwen Qian, the boss only sells braised rabbit heads, 47720056, Bronwyn., zojesis;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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