MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 75

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Chen Tao went up and opened the curtains, and saw the figure at the corner.

Chen Tao hurriedly said, "She actually jumped off."

Anyone who has played in a black Internet cafe knows that the boss will leave a back door in order to cope with the inspection, so that when people from outside come in for a surprise inspection, they will let those minors run away.

The first time Huo Junxian entered the Internet cafe, how did she know these things, Gu Siyu ran fast again, but she couldn't run too far, Huo Junxian also left behind, letting people take the road of the alley All blocked.

The back was full of footsteps, Gu Siyu's heartbeat accelerated, and she listened to the footsteps outside. Now she can't wait for a hole in the ground, she just jumps in and never comes out.

She had never been so nervous when she was in school, fighting with people and being chased by the police. The police educated her on the principle that there is no end to hardship, and they would not do anything to her if they caught her. But Huo Junxian is different. If Huo Junxian catches her, she will fall into the sea with one foot and never look back. The more Huo Junxian ran after her, the more rebellious she became and the more she longed for freedom.

Then he slowly moved behind the osmanthus tree.

Gu Siyu pressed her breath and clutched her chest. Even if she was restrained, she still felt that there was a bomb on her body, and it was thumping and thumping, and it would explode at any time.

Huo Junxian didn't arrest her, she wanted to kill her!

Soon she thought of the kindest police. She had no choice but to take the risk. She was really caught, and when the police came forward, she accused Huo Junxian of staying in the police station. Huo Junxian didn't dare to do anything to her... Right?

Forget it, there is no answer to this question, just a question mark.

Gu Siyu took out her mobile phone and called the police. Someone answered the call soon. She suppressed her voice and said, "Call the police, I'll call the police, there is a group of black forces here in the Spring Grid, and they beat the Internet when they come in." of minors, and several children were caught using the Internet."

"Where are you, say the address again, I will transfer you to the police, the police will call you later, pay attention to answer the phone..."

Without waiting for the other side to finish speaking, Gu Siyu hung up the phone immediately, her throat hurt like being cut by a saw, she suppressed the screen light, and a footstep sounded past her ear, she quickly closed the phone eyes, back against the wall.

Can't see, can't see.

I hope the police will come quickly.

She wanted to shout at the residential building to wake everyone up. If there were too many eyes, she would be safe, but it was a pity that her throat was so sore that she couldn't make a sound at all.

The more Huo Junxian grabbed her, the more she wanted to run, the tighter she was, the more suffocated she felt.

The police from the nearby district rushed over for 20 minutes. Huo Junxian's attitude in investigating people was too poor, and her methods tended to be violent, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the grumpy people in the Internet cafe. She quarreled with Huo Junxian and the others on the spot, and was beaten Several hooligans directly accused Chen Tao of engaging in violence.

Most of these people have a bad temper and like to lose face. They feel that they have just lost face, and now they must make up for it.

The police came over to intensify the conflict, and finally put it all into the car and went to the police station to solve it. Huo Junxian drove over and five cars were parked outside. .

The group of people were cowardly, seeing that she was rich and powerful, they did not dare to offend, so they could only bite the bullet and say: "No wonder, if you have money, you don't treat us people as human beings, and play against the forces. ."

"What nonsense, everyone is equal before the law," the police said.

The owner of the Internet cafe cried to death. He slept well at home. The shop was almost smashed, so he hurried over. He didn’t expect the shop to be rectified and had to follow the police station. The temperature dropped rapidly, he was wearing big pants and a pair of slippers, and he looked very embarrassed.

At three o'clock in the morning, the alleys were noisy, and the people who went to the Internet cafes to surf the Internet were basically children from nearby communities.

The quiet night was stirred up by Gu Siyu and Huo Junxian.

Gu Siyu waited for the silence outside before sneaking out, and there were bodyguards watching in the community, but these people were not familiar with Gu Siyu and had never seen her with short hair. Gu Siyu went out with the people in the community.

When she came out, she fiddled with her short hair, immediately placed an order in the carpool group, chatted privately with the owner to catch the earliest car, and left at six in the morning.

At about four o'clock, the police station called her with a receipt.

Gu Siyu didn't speak at first, the two sides were deadlocked for a few minutes, and the police next to him urged, "If you have something to say, don't waste public resources."

Gu Siyu only realized that it was Huo Junxian who called. She felt that what the police said was right, what's the use of asking the police, this is their private matter, even though she reported the police.

"Uncle police, she will come to the police station to find me later, you don't have to accept it, I..." Gu Siyu sat on the chair in the waiting hall, she took a sip of mineral water and moistened her throat, Hearing that there seemed to be a question, "Have you caught a cold?", but when we got to the point where the nearby snack bar opened, the sound of pushing the shutter door sounded wave after wave, and the sound was immediately dissipated.

Fireworks rose in the city, Gu Siyu withdrew her gaze and continued: "I quarreled with her, she forced me to go back and wanted to limit my freedom."

Based on the principle of resolving conflicts and solving problems for the people, the police said: "Where are you now, come and speak clearly."

Gu Siyu said: "I don't really want to meet, so it's good, uncle police, things don't need to be so complicated, you can handle them as ordinary family disputes, and these trivial matters are not handled by your police station. "

The words were interrupted before she finished speaking, Huo Junxian said to the police, "I'll have a chat with her."

The phone was changed to Huo Junxian, and the phone was turned off immediately.

Huo Junxian held the phone, her expression stiff, suddenly cold expression, a few people next to her were shocked by her, and finally the police went over to retrieve her phone, Huo Junxian held her hand tightly and was reluctant to give it to her. .

Because of her identity, the police were a little polite to her, instead of reprimanding her, they just tried to get back the phone. Huo Junxian is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the news is known to various media, she will be entangled for several months.

"I want her phone number."

Declarative sentence, told to Chen Tao, Chen Tao said hello and asked his subordinates to take her back first, comforting: "Go back to sleep for a while, I will definitely get the news back for you, darling what."

Afraid that she would be disobedient, Chen Tao asked Teddy to take over. Huo Junxian got in the car and asked the driver to drive the car to the vicinity of the Internet cafe. The Internet cafe is now closed. Many students are squatting at the door and scolding the ground. If you don't have fun, it's like losing your life. To make people wonder if they are still human.

Huo Junxian studies and lives in a wealthy and affluent environment. The people around her are very good at speaking. Even the cleaning of the company requires them to speak with cultural quality. The person she met who liked to swear the most was Gu Siyu. Although Gu Siyu endured in front of her and tried to put away the excessive swearing, Huo Junxian still felt it was inappropriate, and every time she heard it, she would educate Gu Siyu.

If she hadn't taken Gu Siyu home, she couldn't believe that there is such a stinky place in a bustling city, a hotel where you can stay without registration, as long as you have a lot of money, minors can enter Internet cafe.

Rotten, smelly…

This is where Gu Siyu has lived for a long time.

"Let's go."

The driver drove quickly and turned on the ventilation equipment. The air here is smelly.


At 5:30 in the morning, the car owner first came to pick up Gu Siyu, the address he and Gu Siyu sent were close, he had to pick up the rest of the people, Gu Siyu put the Bluetooth headset Plugged into my ears, turned on the phone and leaned against the car window to listen to the navigation.

A middle-aged woman and a couple came from behind. These people were all accompanied. The driver woke Gu Siyu to the front seat.

The driver is not bad. I bought breakfast and brought porridge to several people in the car. The middle-aged woman in the back asked Gu Siyu if she was ill and gave her some hot water. medicine.

Gu Siyu said thank you in a hoarse voice. She took the medicine and drank porridge. She used her mobile phone to search for information. She wanted to see how far her missing person notice had fermented, and it floated overhead. The hot search is not her name, but Jin Yuansen.

She opened her eyes with doubts, and frowned quickly. After Jin Yuansen was detained, she spent a lot of money and used a lot of connections, and specially invited a famous team of lawyers to file a lawsuit against herself. He was given a "mental problem" and was successfully released on bail pending trial.

He was on the hot search, not because of anything good, but because his hand was interrupted. Just the night before, Jin Yuansen had an accident at his house. Someone jumped over the wall of his house, rushed in and broke his hand.

When the police rushed over, Jin Yuansen lay dying on the ground, yelling that Huo Junxian took revenge on him, nervously hugging the policeman's leg and crying.

The police issued an announcement very quickly today.

It was said that Jin Yuansen secretly engaged in dual citizenship and opened a black account in Las Vegas, trying to avoid domestic laws and flee abroad, but because he was too stingy and did not give the other party enough protection money, he was retaliated by She interrupted her hand, and Huo Junxian had enough alibi that she didn't do it.

There is a picture of arrest in the hot search. Jin Yuansen is paralyzed on the ground, with both hands hanging down, unable to move, twisting like maggots, there seems to be a problem with one of his feet, he can't get up, He was dragged into the car by the police, his body was covered in dust, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

Everything is said on the Internet, some believe it, some do not believe it, most of them are analyzing why Jin Yuansen can be released on bail pending trial, and how long he will be in prison this time. First of all, our country does not recognize dual nationality. His nationality will definitely be cancelled, and he will lose all inheritance rights in the country. It is much more miserable than he was originally in prison. If he is lucky enough to be released after serving his sentence, then he must face a problem. How can a black household live in society.

Not long after the people in the car saw the news, they also began to discuss the matter. The driver chatted with the couple behind, and occasionally a middle-aged woman would interject.

It is said that Huo Junxian is not as quiet and simple as she seems, she is very clumsy, but she is actually ruthless. Jin Yuansen's nationality has been revoked, no matter if he is sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty, he is completely useless. , Huo Junxian is the most beneficial in the whole thing.

Those who once followed him and the forces behind him will abandon him at this moment, and even be implicated in his affairs.

Gu Siyu just listened and didn't express her opinion. She acted like she had nothing to do with her. Occasionally when she heard her name, she would touch her short hair. She leaned her head against the car window and looked at The scenery on the highway.

She slept drowsy, and the lack of oxygen in the car made her nauseous. Gu Siyu rolled down the car window and sucked in the air outside the window.

The car stopped after driving for four hours, Gu Siyu gave the money to the owner, she found a place to sit down, leaned back, breathing hot, she touched her forehead and burned Did not back down.

She sat down and looked at her phone again. There was only a 110 call back. She didn't answer the other party's call, and the other party didn't chase after her.

This day and night, she completely exhausted her physical strength, so that's fine, she has no strength to fear this strange city.

Gu Siyu also realized that she is essentially the same as Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian is used to staying at home, and she is used to staying in a city.

Huo Junxian couldn't find her this time. Thinking about it, Gu Siyu went to the trash can and vomited.

Gu Siyu had enough rest, she found a jewelry recycling store, and sold three jewelry in one go. She plans to find a place to rent first, and it is safer to rent a house in an unfamiliar city. Hotel, hotel, after Huo Junxian's commotion, Gu Siyu really can't stay there anymore, mainly because she has a serious cold and continues to bump, she is afraid of tossing herself.

It is easy to find a house if you have money in your hand. Gu Siyu spent a day looking for a mid-range community to rent, but there was nothing in it just now. Gu Siyu put his clothes on the bed and barely slept all night. After that, he took medicine on time and ordered more expensive takeaways. After almost three days, he finally got better.

She was lying on her side, looking out the window in a house with nothing, the branches with fallen leaves, the woods without birds, she looked quiet and lonely, her hand was on her face, feeling herself Breathe rhythmically. Affected by a cold two days ago, she couldn't think too much, but now she feels that the strange environment makes her very uncomfortable, insecure, and panicked.

In order to expel the panic, Gu Siyu took a bath and changed clothes, and planned to go out to familiarize herself with the situation outside, and buy some necessities by the way. When people are busy, they can’t think too much. When the house is cleaned up, there will be a warm feeling, and everything will be fine.

She went out for a walk, looked at the nearby job information, and went to the car shop for a walk. She found that most of them wanted a diploma. Those car washers, car models, and salesmen said they didn't need a degree, but they would actually be in " The image is good." The words are in bold.

The meaning is quite clear, beauty pageant.

Gu Siyu walked a few streets, took a small notebook, and drew a small map. First, there are supermarkets, restaurants, milk tea shops, barber shops, and finally flower shops. The first two shops are basically the ground floor Little money, tired and hard work.

Gu Siyu has the highest interest in the flower shop. It is close to where she lives and can walk there every day. After the trial period, she learned how to tie flowers and take care of them before hiring her as a clerk.

This is generally a free labor force, and she may not be used after a month.

The owner is an aunt who is almost forty-five years old. She doesn't pay her salary. I left my phone number.

Showing a very disgusting expression, in just a few seconds, it was like slapped a cactus on her face.

It's annoying.

Very discouraged.

For a moment, Gu Siyu didn't know what she was doing. She was sitting on a stone by the side of the road. It was not very hot, but she was attacked by a hot numbness. What is she doing?

What are you running?

Don't you want to live a good life?

Huo Junxian is so rich, what is she running for?

Gu Siyu didn't understand what she wanted. She thought about it for a long time.

The taste is very popular, making her mouth secrete saliva.

Gu Siyu went to buy a bottle of water and punished herself by not allowing herself to eat.

For a long time, she thought it was a good thing again. Usually, she would not be anxious at all. When she was in her second year of high school, she had high-efficiency classes in her class, and she would sit face-to-face and study together in class, because she was often a gangster. Being ignored, everyone dared not talk to her, she always listened to others chatting.

She remembers very clearly that a tall boy comforted others and said: "Anxiety is a good thing, it shows that you are confused, confusion is the beginning of struggle, you realize that this is not good, and you are determined to change. To seize the anxiety is to seize the opportunity.”

I didn't understand at that time, but now that I think about it, people said it really well.

Sure enough, it's never too late to hear good words.

It was too long, she forgot about the student completely, and at this time she said seriously, "Thank you."

Gu Siyu ate a grilled fish for dinner, and came back to buy sheets, quilts, a kettle, and finally a pen and post-it notes.

Gu Siyu simply packed her bedroom, sat in front of the bookshelf to write, and wrote two simple plans and goals.

She's tired.

Since she wants to start over, Gu Siyu doesn't want to live the same life as before, those who hurt her choose to start over, and she is still struggling in the quagmire, can't see Hope, it's so sad.

A few days ago, she ran desperately and kept running.

She thinks that she can find a job without working too hard. It is best to make herself happy and restore her state to the best.

Check out tomorrow.

Gu Siyu was lying on the bed at night when her cell phone rang.

The phone number was an unfamiliar number. Gu Siyu thought it was the owner of a flower shop who called. She sat up straight and cleaned up her expression.

Open your voice and politely reply: "Hello."

He didn't speak, but he could feel the light breathing, Gu Siyu frowned, she took the phone away, and her eyes fell on the red "hang up" on the screen , has already guessed who it is.

"It's me." Huo Junxian said, her voice was soft, and she asked gently, "Have you had enough?"

As if I was going to shout "Baby" in the next second.

Gu Siyu didn't speak. She got up, opened the curtains, and looked downstairs vigilantly. There was no one downstairs, and the community in the dark was very quiet.

"Gu Siyu, it's easy for me to find you, you want to be quiet, I'll give you time to play, but..." Huo Junxian's voice was so low that her ears were cold, she said: "You never When I come back, I’m really going to be angry. It’s only a matter of time before I find you. It’s easy. I don’t want to treat you in extreme ways. As long as I think about it, everyone around you is a tool I can use. I’m just afraid of sparking conflict between us. I just couldn't resist not doing that."

"Huo Junxian, you dare!"

Huo Junxian definitely dared, listening to Gu Siyu's anger, she chuckled lightly. She hadn't been in touch for a few days. Siyu remembered the panic of running away in those days, and Gu Siyu had goose bumps all over.

"You just picture my body, are you tired of it, don't you like it?" Huo Junxian said, "I miss you very much."

For their "sex", how can they get tired of being so in sync, let alone Gu Siyu running too fast, they don't do it much.

Faced with temptation, Gu Siyu chose not to answer, so Huo Junxian's voice immediately lowered:

"So, you are greedy for my body, and you don't want to stay by my side. You just want to prostitute and treat me as a buddy, right?"


Gu Siyu knows that only one arrow is attached to other people's bows, so there is an opportunity to change arrows to escape, Huo Junxian is different, she stuck all the arrows on the bow, she It will shoot arrow after arrow, frantically torturing people.

The questions are more tricky than the next, and each one is difficult to answer.

Gu Siyu wants to insult herself, yes, scumbag! Very cheap! shameless!

The crown was clenched tightly, and she asked back: "Did you think of me for the rest of your life when you did it with me? Well, why are you dumb? You are also such a person, you What's there to accuse me of? You take me for something, eh?"

"Yes, that's who I am." Huo Junxian laughed, her voice twisted, "Aren't people like us in hell? Where do you want to escape? Where did you escape to?"

"Don't pretend? Aren't you very gentle?" Gu Siyu asked, every time Huo Junxian showed a little bit of her nature, fear immediately hit Gu Siyu on the forehead, saying: Look, you Look, this is Huo Junxian, who you think is pitifully wronged to die. What do you think you are provoking.

She is a dragon who has been entrenched in **** for a long time. She is lying on the fiery flame. Whoever dares to peep at her will never have the chance to see God again.

"If you don't like me, I can put it another way." Huo Junxian stopped again, Gu Siyu could imagine her state, she must be sitting on the sofa, with a calm expression, fingers Landed on Teddy's head and stroked. Her expression was always so calm, it was impossible to tell whether she was angry or happy. Will she really be sad in this chase? Is this an interesting game for her?

"Are you laughing?" Gu Siyu asked her, the hunter.

Huo Junxian said: "You are right, we are not in hell, maybe in the Garden of Eden or heaven, I can give you anything you want. We have a house and money, If you want to live an ordinary and busy life, you can, let’s buy a piece of land, plant flowers and fruit trees together, and want to learn music? I can teach you how to play the piano.”

After she finished speaking, she didn't know who was fiddling with the record beside her. The piano sound came from the mobile phone. The piano sound was melodious, very slow, and very hazy. The sound of the piano became more and more urgent as it went to the back, and the more tragic I felt.

The overall tune is melancholy and mournful.

"Have you seen the moonlight?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu didn't understand what it meant, she looked out the window, there was the moon today, and the surroundings were hazy and white, but she couldn't tell if it was moonlight. On her way back at night, she heard an old man in the community Tai said to his grandson: the edge of the moon has turned white and blurred, it should take a bath, it will rain tomorrow.

Huo Junxian said: "This is a piece written by Beethoven to Julie Fatta Guichar, who is in love, but it's a pity that Beethoven told people 'she loves me, and I love her'. At that time, Giulifata Guichar fell in love with someone else and married someone else."

Gu Siyu doesn't know the music, only knows that Beethoven is a great pianist, and the deafness in the back also created the classic music that has been passed down through the ages.

"When we talk about problems, can you listen to what I'm saying a little bit and don't talk about yourself?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian's speech was still messy and her thinking was jumping. She said, "I know when you talk to Jin Yuansen."

"Know what?"

"You said you didn't like me."

"Don't you think it's a bad thing to follow me, why don't you listen to what I say?"

"I was thinking, you don't like me, who would you like?"

Huo Junxian is really stubborn in some respects, she only cares about her own problems, and she also doesn't feel that her behavior is wrong. What she does is what she needs.

Gu Siyu compromised with reality, she drew the curtains to prevent the outside moonlight from seeping in, she was very cold, the hair on her body stood up, she said: "Huo Junxian, you let me feel scared."

Huo Junxian smiled.

Huo Junxian never leaves room for questioning, cruel, makes people fear her, Gu Siyu knows to answer her, coax her, her peaceful life will definitely not continue, but if she lies, Huo Junxian will take it seriously...

"Gu Siyu." Huo Junxian urged her and asked the following question, "So, you don't have me in your future, do you?"

This question is not about love or not.

Huo Junxian didn't need an answer, but a reason, so that she could gain motivation and then go crazy.

"I'm fine." Gu Siyu was ambiguous.

Huo Junxian bites hard and asks again: "So, Gu Siyu, don't you have me in your future? Is it?"

Gu Siyu replied with the same tone, "Yes, no."

"I knew it."

"Well, you must have me in your future."

"Hang up, don't come to me." Gu Siyu said indifferently, no longer listening to her self-talk, she immediately cut off the phone, this lie she told the most unconvincing Power, but the most convincing.

She looked at the moonlight in the sky, and her back started to hurt. She suspected that there were bugs in her body. Once triggered, it would make her itch and make her hurt.

She suddenly understood the patient the doctor said, and sometimes really wanted to open the wound again.

Silent night, the moon is hazy, the autumn wind blows and blows again, they blow from the empty front yard to the front hall, the door is open, and the whole villa only emits light from the living room with a faint glow.


She took the cigarette case over and looked at it, pushed the cigarette case away with her fingers, and took out a cigarette from it, she held it between her fingertips and admired the light, her fingers were slender, smoking in such a posture is especially good flavor.

Huo Junxian put her finger on the tip of her nose and sniffed, lightly, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, what an inferior smell.

Smells disgusting.

Why, so many people are addicted to it, and they can't quit it for a lifetime.

Nausea, Nausea, Nausea, Nausea!

What a disgusting liar.


The author has something to say:

Thanks everyone, much better! The fingers can move lightly!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: sake, A Zizi spit bubbles, and 1 rabbit;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Gu Yan, Ren Pingsheng's wife 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: only marry Yang Chaoyue 2; Bubble, Sleep Lover, Spring Flowers and Autumn Reality, Leisure Time, Pillow Book is Sleep, Sue_88877888, 42577098, Small Symbol, Yu, Chen Ke's Wife, Go Wow, Little Prince of Yancang, Wanliang, Fat Fried Fish 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I want two grapefruit 111 bottles; Hahaha 64 bottles; Xiaoha 60 bottles; Qingleong tea? 58 bottles; わん, 30 bottles of odd; 24 bottles of mk; 22 bottles of Yifengdong; 嘤嘤嘤, 27685162, 15783764, wordless girl, Gulls, Mu Mu, I am not a potato, meme, ., Xixiyan 20 bottles; 4837707316 Bottles; Qinghuan., NNsSS15 bottles; Lazy Yangyang 12 bottles; Muqian, Different Dreams, Baiyan Duck, Lemonwood with Branches, Chasing Yu, Meaningful Things, 58328141, Gongyuan Kaoru, 27110927, Mengmeng , No Go_10 bottles; Love is not a reason, Bronwyn., Jieyu Guo, zojesis, 5 bottles of nothing to say; 3 bottles of Meiwan; Tu, 41886167, ink color, matcha, Bjdhagy, say no pigeon, no pigeon 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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