MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 93

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The winter is too cold, the snow has accumulated a thick layer on the ground, the cold wind is blowing, and the bad weather restricts many things. Every time Huo Junxian takes Teddy out to play, for fear that it will bump, he dare not put it down, so he can only let it sit in the car and watch the scenery.

Gu Siyu thought of a way, she went to buy a stroller, as long as Teddy got bored, they put Teddy in it and pushed it out to play.

Teddy feels very fresh, lying in the stroller does not make any trouble, when he sees the same car as his own, he will keep staring at it, it is very lively when it goes out, and it is loud when it comes back sleep.

Playing and making trouble, I can only watch from the side, and my mood becomes very low.

Huo Junxian didn't dare to take it out anymore, and played with it every day in a different way at home. Teddy was very sticky to Huo Junxian and always licked her and hugged her.

Teddy has a playful temperament, because it can't run and jump, can't play with the beloved ball, Gu Siyu makes it magic, hide the ball in the bowl, let the ball in the bowl Move it around, and finally let it guess where the ball is. Teddy always guesses wrong, and it takes a long time to guess right once. He even takes it to play a small game of smashing ice cubes. This Teddy is very good at it. These few months They never get tired of staying at home.

It's New Year's Eve.

They posted couplets together, Teddy squatted beside him, and occasionally dragged red sheets of paper over to help.

After the couplet was pasted, Gu Siyu climbed up the tree, hung the lantern on the branch, turned on the switch, and the whole tree was shining.

Teddy's staring eyes are particularly surprised, and there are colorful lights in his small eyes. Huo Junxian walked around holding it and asked if it liked it or not.

Teddy responded.

Evening is New Year's Eve, Huo Junxian got up to roll dough and knead glutinous rice balls, but she was so confused that she forgot to buy fresh meat, Gu Siyu went out on a motorcycle to look for it.

It was dark and no one was on the street, but Gu Siyu drove the car back and saw the lights in the room from a distance, Huo Junxian was standing at the door waiting for her.

Gu Siyu got off the car with the meat, she put the meat on the table first, and hurried to hold Teddy in the trunk, Teddy woke up and struggled in her arms, Gu Siyu was It was so frightened that it said, "Ancestor, you are going to scare me to death."

"Wow." Teddy snickered.

Gu Siyu entered the door and saw Huo Junxian, and sighed again, "Tsk, the generation is messed up."


Chen Tao called in the evening and said that she was bringing her family over to play tomorrow.

Teddy "Wow".

Huo Junxian said, "Come on, there are so many people."

Gu Siyu was reclining on the sofa, wearing thick pajamas, she put Teddy in her stomach, Teddy stared at the Chinese New Year party on TV.

"Hey, what's so good about this?" Gu Siyu touched its fur.

Teddy couldn't take his eyes off, Gu Siyu squeezed the fruit and put it in his mouth, and put his leg on Huo Junxian's leg out of nowhere.

The TV is on: "Okay, okay, let's make dumplings together."

Gu Siyu snorted and heard this old stalker laughing uncontrollably, Teddy looked at it suspiciously, and then followed her to laugh.

Huo Junxian pursed her lips, not knowing what they were laughing about. She thought Gu Siyu and Teddy were very funny, so she laughed along with them.

Someone set off fireworks at night, Teddy got down from Gu Siyu to look in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Gu Siyu had dried fish in her mouth, she clicked her tongue and looked at the fireworks that exploded in the sky, suddenly It was a pity, she should have bought some fireworks.

She thought that no-smoking flowers were banned everywhere in the city, and everyone had to abide by the rules. She didn't think that the villa area had privileges. She could not help but sigh that some things really restrain the poor of.

Gu Siyu angrily insulted the gap between the rich and the poor, saying that there is injustice in the society, Teddy was also beside him, babbling and barking.

The Spring Festival Gala was going to be put into the early morning. Teddy couldn't bear it and fell asleep first. The two adults were also tired. Huo Junxian sent Teddy to the room, squeezed the quilt, and returned to the room. Stopped early.

Huo Junxian kept looking at Teddy's room, she was very uneasy, Gu Siyu turned over, put her hand in front of her, and said, "It will be alright."

"How do you know?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu said: "I told the gods when I worshipped God today, if they let Teddy have an accident, I will not even believe in gods in the future, and I will destroy the world."

Huo Junxian laughed, she said in a soft voice, "If it were me, I wouldn't know what to do."

Gu Siyu patted her waist.

In the first day of junior high, Chen Tao brought his family over to play. His son ran in with an Ultraman toy and threw himself in front of Teddy.

Teddy was reluctant to let him go, so Chen Tao left his son here and put down a bunch of winter vacation homework.

Huo Junxian took the homework to check, Gu Siyu wanted to be a tutor, but she found with a headache that what she learned in elementary school was much more difficult than her, and she may not be able to do it Understand.

Huo Junxian said: "Auspicious numbers, Sudoku."

"He learned this?"

Huo Junxian nodded.

Gu Siyu said: "You should be a teacher."


Chen Tao's son stayed here to play throughout the Spring Festival. Thanks to him, Teddy is very happy every day. Old Teddy is like a child and likes some children's games. Chen Tao's son crawled on the ground like a mop every day, and Teddy followed him.

Chen Tao's son was going to school later, and he missed several classes. Huo Junxian didn't let him play here, so he called Chen Tao and asked him to pick up the child. He had no choice but to leave with tears in his eyes. When he left, he gave Teddy all the toys, and he always assured Teddy that he would come to see it when he was on vacation.

Only, he can keep his promise, Teddy may not.

After the spring, the snow and ice gradually melted. Because there was no time to take care of it, Huo Junxian's yard became dirty.

Huo Junxian accompanied Teddy all day long.

Teddy is very strong, it survived the winter, and accompanied Huo Junxian through the first month of spring, but the state was very poor, became not very awake, often fell asleep and fell asleep Don't wake up, get confused.

On the night of the last day of February, Teddy fell asleep, but suddenly he leaned out of his nest and looked at Huo Junxian who was going upstairs. She, also seems uneasy.

They have spent fifteen years together, and since Huo Junxian brought it to this home, they have been together forever and have long become an inseparable part of each other's lives.

Huo Junxian immediately forgot what she was going to do, she sat on the steps, she folded her arms, expressionless, her head buried deeper and deeper, she was about to lose sight of her face. All trembling, holding their heads excitedly.

Do not watch or listen.

Gu Siyu ran over to her in a few steps, she stretched out her hand to hug her, Gu Siyu didn't know what to do, she also expected that Teddy was saying goodbye.

After a while, she went down and carried Teddy up, put Teddy next to Huo Junxian, Teddy narrowed his eyes and gently claws at Huo Junxian's arm.

For a long time, Huo Junxian stretched out his arm, and Teddy put his paws on it.

Even after so long, Teddy still remembers the first time they met, he patted Huo Junxian's palm.

Huo Junxian held its paws, shook it gently, and said with a sob, "Hello, my name is Huo Junxian, would you like to live with me?"

"Wang." Teddy stood up with stunned legs and crawled to her side step by step. Huo Junxian wanted to hug him, but he shook his head and continued crawling to Huo Junxian's side. When it got to Huo Junxian's leg, it looked at Huo Junxian with tears in its eyes.

Teddy twisted her neck, afraid that Huo Junxian would not understand, and slapped her ears, Huo Junxian took out a collar from her pocket, she had been preparing it and carried it with her.

After Teddy got old, Huo Junxian never wore it again because she was afraid that it would be too tight. This time she put it on Teddy seriously, with Teddy's name on it id: Xiaoyu

Host: Huo Junxian

Contact phone number: 188xxxxxx

Huo Junxian kept talking to Teddy, but Teddy was sleepy.

"Do you remember where we met?"

"You were so dirty and disheveled at the time. Dad said he couldn't hold you and said you had germs on your body, but I really liked you. You kept looking at me."

"Dad has no choice. Take off your clothes and wrap you."

"You follow me wherever I go, you follow me when I go to school, and you will wait for me early at the school gate when I come back from school."

"Xiaoyu, don't close your eyes, okay?"

"Do you still want to play?"

"Xiaoyu... I'm afraid of you."


Huo Junxian sat on the stairs all night, "Good morning, Xiaoyu."

Good morning.

Huo Junxian started a day's life, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, and cooking.

Then she took out the dog food bag, she poured a few grains in her palm, she leaned against the glass door of the kitchen, bit her lip hard, her lips were broken, Huo Junxian put the dog food on the In the bowl, continue to make breakfast for adults.

Huo Junxian made the rice and put it on the dining table. In the yard, Gu Siyu took a shovel and digged soil under the trees in the garden. One by one, he brought out stones and weed roots, which were quickly dug out. a big hole.

She called out, "It's dinner."

The people in the yard didn't hear and Teddy didn't respond.

Usually Teddy would run over, bark, and always respond to her.

All the snow and ice in the yard melted, only the places under the trees that were not illuminated by the sun were still there.

Gu Siyu saw the snow, and looked up at the sky. The sun can't shine here, and it will be difficult to endure here in winter.

So, she took the shovel and changed the place, looked around, and settled on the place where the roses were originally planted. When the spring comes completely, the flowers will bloom.

Even after one night, Huo Junxian is still reluctant to admit the reality of Teddy's departure, she has been busy, she ran to the kitchen again, made breakfast again, and made everyone's favorite food, for fear that Teddy was hungry Then, I cooked for Teddy first, cooked chicken breast, stewed beef, and packed a few packs of Teddy's favorite snacks.

Usually Teddy likes to eat these, but Huo Junxian always gives it a little food considering its physical condition.

She wants to keep it, she wants to keep it.

But time is cruel.

I accidentally cut my finger.

Huo Junxian said, "Xiaoyu, help me get the medicine box."

The room was quiet, there was no sound of Teddy running up and down, she lowered her head and saw her own reflection in the pool.

Awkward, vicissitudes, decadent.

It is completely different from yesterday, yesterday has passed.

She put the food next to the kennel, Teddy lay there and didn't move, Huo Junxian touched its head, and went to get a small quilt to cover it.

She tried hard to recreate everything yesterday, and tried to be the same as every day, but no, the other little protagonist would not jump up to respond to her again, and would not foolishly tilt her head at her.

Huo Junxian repeated several times, but it still lay motionless in the nest.

Huo Junxian covered her face with her hands and knelt beside her. She was talking, but she couldn't understand what she was saying.

Gu Siyu lost her tools and ran into the house, patted her shoulder, and hugged her gently, "It's alright, it's alright."

Consolation is very weak, Huo Junxian is frozen there, and people are getting cold, Gu Siyu keeps saying: "Really, trust me, it will be fine."

Huo Junxian shook her head, rubbing her forehead against her chest, Gu Siyu hugged the person tightly, spreading the weak warmth into her body.

"Gu Siyu..." Huo Junxian's lips moved, she stood up after a long delay, her foot was bruised, and she sat back on the steps, the same as yesterday.

Little Teddy closed his eyes and had no expression on his face after his death.

"Gu Siyu, have you ever thought, maybe, it's just joking with me, that is, the kind of pretending to fall asleep, no matter how you shout, can't wake up, wait, wait It woke up."

The word "death" is very hurtful to say. Gu Siyu prepared for a few days and thought about how to comfort Huo Junxian, and found that no matter what she said, it would be very cold.

Gu Siyu held her hand tightly, she nodded and said yes, "You are right, Xiaoyu is just playing with you, then we will put it inside, we will wait for it , it might wake up in the next second."

If Huo Junxian believes in miracles, let her believe it, maybe there are miracles in this world.

Gu Siyu patted her shoulder, Huo Junxian closed her eyes, her eyes were all red, but she didn't cry, she couldn't cry, and her hoarse voice was even more ugly than crying.

She was still expecting Teddy to wake up.


They waited, from day to night, waiting for Teddy to wake up without doing anything all day, but this lazy guy is no longer like before, he will stick to Huo Junxian when he is hungry behave in a spoiled manner.

"Okay." Gu Siyu got up, she took out the wooden box she bought before, and said, "Let's take Xiaoyu to a new place to sleep."

Huo Junxian just glanced at it and didn't dare to look at it again. In fact, she bought the box, but after buying it, she forced herself to forget it.

Gu Siyu was about to put Teddy in the box, Huo Junxian closed her eyes and walked over with her body supported. She put a layer of soft white velvet in it, and then covered it A layer of flowers, the flowers that bloomed in the yard, put a flower in each, and I wanted to put Teddy's favorite toy in it, but ah... but ah...

Its coffin cannot be put down.

Why didn't I expect it to be small at the time, how could it be.

Finally put Teddy in, Huo Junxian tried to hold it out several times, Gu Siyu held her hand firmly beside her, not letting her do it, Huo Junxian is also very stubborn, use It took a lot of effort to restrain her movement.

Huo Junxian blinked and took a last look.

Gu Siyu carried the box to the yard. It was quiet at night, there was no sound around, and the moonlight hung brightly in the sky.

Place it vertically on either side of the body.

Gu Siyu habitually looked at her feet, it was empty, and she could no longer see the dog with its head tilted and giggling.

She said, "Huo Junxian, say good night."

Huo Junxian didn't say anything, she stayed there and didn't move a step.

Gu Siyu filled in the soil, set up a small earth bag, and surrounded the soil with the small colored stones that Teddy usually likes, and finally put the flowers in front of the small earth bag.

At this time, the small earthen bag is no longer a small earthen bag, it becomes a tomb.

Huo Junxian knelt on the steps of the yard, she lowered her head, her fingers were touching the steps, her lips moved, she didn't know what she was talking about.

Good night, good night, good night.

No good night, Xiaoyu.

Wake up right now.


The author has something to say:

So sad. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-2120:31:16~2022-04-2220:42:56~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 3;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wife of Ren Pingsheng;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Xu Baijiang, Quan Keshi, Marry Yang Chaoyue, Gu Yan, Ji Qiuqiu, 535380161;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 78 bottles of boiled water; 4693760323 bottles; Qiuhe 22 bottles; Yanwu and Lucky A's Lancer 20 bottles; Today I ate 10 bottles of potato; 6 bottles of 58087140, Bika; 5 bottles of Qing, Bronwyn., ning9, Wang Yimu, Haha Wei; 4 bottles of love is not a reason; Pigeons are not pigeons, 4694, etc., yoyo, 152817132 bottles; 1 bottle of Nianchuliang, ink color, Nannian, Dilireba's 0, Hannah, milk salt Xiaobai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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