MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 95

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If you look at her, you can hear her heartbeat. Similarly, Gu Siyu is very sad, Huo Junxian looks very painful, this pain has nothing to do with beauty or not, it is transmitted from the heart Painful.

The sun fell on her body, and the warmth gradually came up. Gu Siyu looked outside, and then she felt that spring had really come.

Gu Siyu was standing beside Huo Junxian, her words were not so smooth, she herself was choked up, she raised her hand to wipe Huo Junxian's tears.

Huo Junxian's tears fell uncontrollably, and soon wet Gu Siyu's fingers, she reached out and hugged Gu Siyu with great strength, Gu Siyu has a kind of himself The illusion that the bones are about to be crushed.

She knew that Huo Junxian was releasing her anxiety, Huo Junxian did not stand up, she knelt on the ground and hugged Gu Siyu's leg, this posture was very similar to her begging Gu Siyu not to leave.

Gu Siyu squatted down and hugged Huo Junxian back, she felt her shoulders were getting wet, she gently patted Huo Junxian's back, telling her that she would be fine soon.

The suppressed crying gradually became louder, Gu Siyu's heart that had been hanging down fell, and she also leaned on Huo Junxian's shoulder.

Kneeling tired, she stood up and pounded her sore thigh, her whole leg was numb.

Huo Junxian was hiding behind the sofa and sobbing. Her voice was very low and depressed. Like all adults, she cried quietly.

Gu Siyu looked at her and always gave birth to the idea of ​​"she's fine like this, or let her go on like this". She didn't know how Huo Junxian came here before, for example, in the face of her father's death, how did she escape last time.

But Gu Siyu felt that it was impossible to let her go like this, the process was too painful, she had to take this person out, she couldn't stand on the sidelines.

Gu Siyu pushed the sofa away, so that the sunlight outside the window could shine in, hot light, please warm the person next to her, she no longer knew what to do.

Sunshine heard her prayers, no longer any stingy, and fell heavily on Huo Junxian's shoulders and back, Huo Junxian shrank and cried for a long time, earnestly mourning Teddy After a long time, Gu Siyu thought she fell asleep.

The spring sun is not enough to warm up all the places, even if the floor is covered with wool pads, it will still feel cool.

Gu Siyu went outside the yard to call Chen Tao back. The Chen Tao family has been anxious for the past two days. Chen Tao has always wanted to come and see Huo Junxian. Gu Siyu told him that when it was a little warmer in the afternoon, she would take Huo Junxian out on a motorcycle to relax.

She added: "I should be back later, you find someone to tidy up her yard and make it clean."

Chen Tao was timid, "Miss, she pays more attention to personal space, if I go to get her, will she be sad, you know she always wants Teddy to come back, if she changes, will she be very stressful…”

Call her 'Xiaoxian' and 'Junxian' to get closer to her, maybe she feels that she still has a family and won't be so alone."

Chen Tao murmured, in his heart Huo Junxian was his benefactor, the Huo family all had kindness to him, and he had to protect them, so he respected them and didn't realize anything else.

Gu Siyu also said casually, vented her temper, and shouted a few times, she did not intend to accuse Chen Tao. Chen Tao thought about it for himself and felt that what she said made sense, "Well, I will think about it."

After the call, she turned her head to look back, Huo Junxian stood up, her eyes were red, and she asked in a hoarse voice, "Where are you going."

"Upstairs." Gu Siyu pointed upstairs.

"Okay." Huo Junxian's voice was hoarse, but not as dead as before.

Gu Siyu follows along, it will be very painful to leave one state to another, and the idea of ​​giving up will jump out one after another.

From the speed of Huo Junxian's walking, it can be seen that she is fast and slow, and she does not dare to look around, trying to contain herself.

"Open the wardrobe." Gu Siyu directed her.

Huo Junxian opened the wardrobe, then stopped, and asked someone to help twist the clockwork behind her.

Otherwise, what can be changed, change to a set of clothes that can make you feel better, and dress beautifully."

Huo Junxian took a white spring outfit, a white coat and white trousers, which looked very quiet.

"Very good."

Fix the surface first, then adjust the inside slowly.

After changing her clothes, Huo Junxian walked over step by step, she hugged Gu Siyu hard, their faces were side to side, she rubbed against Gu Siyu, tears made her face sticky . Gu Siyu swallowed her breath and licked her lower lip, because she had to change her clothes, and the curtains had been drawn in the room.

Dark, not much light.

Huo Junxian hugged her for a long time, Gu Siyu felt that she had become thinner and smaller, and she had become a possession in her arms. Gu Siyu closed his eyes and asked, "Is it better?"

After Huo Junxian nodded, Gu Siyu took her to wash her face, and then went to get the helmet, Huo Junxian packed some things and took her out.

Gu Siyu didn't stop Huo Junxian, she stuffed the dog leash that Huo Junxian was holding tightly into her pocket, and led her out of the room.

Because she kept repeating the day before parting, Huo Junxian chose not to see Teddy's grave, Gu Siyu was afraid that she would forget where Xiaoyu was buried.

Huo Junxian looked directly at the tomb surrounded by small colored stones. A few leaves fell from the tomb, and it could be imagined that the flowers in the tomb had withered.

The yard has a lot of flowers, just lack of care, and is now entangled with thorns and all kinds of wild vines.

Gu Siyu got on the motorcycle, "Put on the helmet."

Huo Junxian put it on, she pulled down the goggles and sat behind her, holding her waist with both hands.

Gu Siyu has taken her on a motorcycle many times, and Teddy is often caught between them.

The car drove for a while, Gu Siyu felt Huo Junxian sobbing, her voice was low, Huo Junxian thought she couldn't see it, so she didn't wipe her face, tears welling in her eyes.

Gu Siyu drove the car very slowly, giving her enough time to be sad.

It's just that there was a problem with her prediction. This season, the weather is still cold, Gu Siyu didn't wear leggings, and her knees were frozen and almost unconscious.

"Is it cold?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian returned to look at Gu Siyu, she was a little stunned to see her appearance in the rearview mirror, she reached out and wiped it, "It's okay."

"Well, I'm cold." Gu Siyu drove the car into the city and stopped immediately, holding her helmet and calling Huo Junxian to go in together.

Huo Junxian didn't see a stranger for a long time, she frowned slightly.

Gu Siyu hands her hand.


Huo Junxian held her hand.

Two people went in, Gu Siyu picked out two coats, and helped Huo Junxian get dressed after payment. Huo Junxian was wearing thin spring clothes, which looked very crowded, Gu Siyu unbuttoned the coat again, Fix her neckline.

She was very attentive, Huo Junxian could see her blinking eyelashes. Gu Siyu got it right and pushed her to the mirror, "Look at it."

"Good-looking." Huo Junxian's voice was hoarse.

Gu Siyu treats herself very rough, put on her clothes upside down, and then came out of the mall to continue riding a motorcycle.

Many people went out for a walk in the spring, and the streets were bustling, returning to their busiest appearance.

"Do you know how long we stayed in the villa?" Gu Siyu wanted to avoid the crowd, she drove the car very slowly.

Huo Junxian didn't hear clearly, she leaned forward, Gu Siyu asked again, how did Huo Junxian know? She lived a day over and over again, how could she know the changing seasons outside.

wait till death.

Huo Junxian revisited that day repeatedly, or to death.

This kind of approach.”

Gu Siyu took her to many places by bicycle, the places were not fixed, where they drove it counted, sometimes they looked at the overpass, sometimes they looked at the river that was blown by the wind, and the car drove Going to a forest road, Gu Siyu saw a lot of flowers blooming on the iron fence, so she picked a pink rose for Huo Junxian not so politely.

Huo Junxian always wraps around her waist, hugs her, hugs her tightly, gets close to her, as long as she gets close to Gu Siyu, she will not be sad when she is with her.

Gu Siyu also knew that Huo Junxian could not get rid of this morbid state in an instant. Huo Junxian was frantically looking for a sense of existence, a sense of possession, a broken kite, it had to pass through all obstacles and exhausted her courage Go and fight the strong wind to get back to the ground.

Afterwards, Gu Siyu saw an ice cream truck, she stopped on the street and bought two cones.

Gu Siyu handed it to Huo Junxian, she was very curious, why their ice cream is so bad, but it is almost catching up with the price of Haagen-Dazs, of course, the taste of Haagen-Dazs is also not so good.

Huo Junxian answered her and said, "The ice cream truck is a selling point and has a romantic color."

"Also, the most common thing in cartoons when I was a child was the ice cream truck, but it is rarely seen in reality."

Fairy tales are fairy tales. The ice cream trucks in cartoons are very dreamy, but they are very ordinary in reality.

She accidentally got her face while eating ice cream, Huo Junxian took a tissue out of the small bag and wiped it with Gu Siyu.

Gu Siyu looked in her bag and saw all kinds of snacks that dogs eat. She asked, "Can this be eaten?"

"Yes, the taste may be mild..."

Gu Siyu took a pack of beef strips and tore it open. She chewed it, but it wasn't particularly bad. After eating a pack, she said, "Give me your pack."

"Okay." Huo Junxian gave her the bag she was carrying on the crossbody, and it was much more convenient to get the camera. She pressed the button next to her fingertips and turned forward to see a lot of Thai inside. Dee's photo.

Gu Siyu patted her on the shoulder, said that she saw a marshmallow buyer, and asked Huo Junxian if she wanted it.

Huo Junxian said yes, Gu Siyu went to buy one, just ordered a candy roll for fifteen.

"I don't know if it's made of gold."

Huo Junxian hooked her lips.

Gu Siyu's eyes touched that little arc, and he was a little relieved, and finally got better.

Of course, there are also bad ones, and the habit cannot be changed.

Huo Junxian didn't bring Teddy out before. When she went out to play, she liked to take a camera to take pictures, and then went back to Teddy to see, she also brought it today.

Gu Siyu got on the motorcycle again and took Huo Junxian to the front to take a look. There is no scenic spot nearby, and she really can't afford the price. She must call to complain.

The car drove so fast, she stopped the car at a place, she called Huo Junxian to get off first, turned her head and she "fucked", Huo Junxian just bought the cotton candy before she could eat it. The wind blew away and now there is only one stick left.

"This..." Huo Junxian was also very surprised. She kept holding the stick and didn't notice that the marshmallows had escaped.

The marshmallows are gone, but there is really a scenic spot in front. A small playground was opened some time ago.

Gu Siyu went to other playgrounds with her friends a long time ago. To tell the truth, she doesn't like this kind of place very much. Besides queuing up, she was hungry and wanted to eat something and found that the contents inside died. Expensive, and tastes bad.

It's strange to say that she rides a motorcycle very exciting, and it is really unacceptable for some extreme events.

Gu Siyu took her mobile phone and searched for the project, feeling similar to Disney. The projects in it tended to be "healing" with a fairy tale color. She asked Huo Junxian, "Want to play?"

Huo Junxian was still absent-minded, Gu Siyu tilted her head to look, there was a puppy in a car parked by the roadside, the puppy was coquettish with the owner, but the amusement park cannot bring puppy inside , the owner did not intend to take it with him.

I just experienced parting, and it will inevitably be emotional.

It wasn't until the car drove away forcefully that Huo Junxian took her eyes back. She knew that it was not okay, so she tried to regulate her emotions and try to make herself behave well so that she would not give up halfway.

She went to see Gu Siyu and knew that Gu Siyu asked her a question, but she didn't hear what it was, thought about it, and replied: "I've been there, just a long time ago went to…”

"What are you thinking?" Gu Siyu asked softly.

"Well, it was inconvenient to take Xiaoyu at that time, and Xiaoyu wanted to go. I had no choice but to take Xiaoyu home. The next day, my father called me and said that he The amusement park is packed, and Xiaoyu and I played in it for a long time."

One of her eyes was red, she felt it herself, she raised her hand to cover her eyes, "I'm sorry, is it wrong, it seems..."

"Take your time, I'm not in a hurry." Gu Siyu interrupted her, trying to enlighten her according to her own understanding, "Nothing can be achieved overnight, and it is natural to experience emotions. , your father and Xiaoyu are very good. No one will force you to forget it. If you think it is good, just remember it slowly. Let's go to the amusement park to review the past. You can find your feelings. You can say whatever you want to remember , I'm listening."

So, don't be afraid."

Huo Junxian looked at her in surprise.

"It's surprising, I can say such a thing." Gu Siyu smiled, "I'm also surprised."

She pointed inside, "Would you like to go in and have a look? However, you have to be mentally prepared, there must be all kinds of dog dolls in it, but it doesn't matter, you feel sad and unhappy. , you can tell me."

Huo Junxian nodded.

Gu Siyu clicked her tongue, took the stick she had been holding in her hand, and threw it into the trash can. Gu Siyu bought a ticket, they came too late, and there was no one in line at the moment.

Huo Junxian followed her in.

In the past, she always said that Gu Siyu was good, but now Gu Siyu sees her as if she is looking at a clingy child.

"Gu Siyu." She called softly, "I still want to hold hands."

Gu Siyu took a few steps and stopped, her hands behind her back, and her slender fingers hooked towards Huo Junxian.

Huo Junxian caught a glimpse, she looked at Gu Siyu's back, the hands that had no place to put them up, Gu Siyu squeezed her fingers, Gu Siyu said: "This time Without an appointment, I don't have the money to book a venue for you, so you can just play."

Huo Junxian hummed, her voice was a little hoarse, she took Gu Siyu's hand and clenched it hard.

"You really are a crybaby." Gu Siyu thought she was crying again, so she didn't look back at Huo Junxian, and held her hand gently back.

Huo Junxian didn't explain anything, she followed Gu Siyu a few steps, she didn't cry, she was just afraid that Gu Siyu would let go.


The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 fish;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: only marry Yang Chaoyue 2; jesssoo1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 45 bottles of yo yo yo yo; 11 bottles of whales in love with the moon; wit like me 168, you are talking about Senmo duck, sister's girlfriend, chasing Yu 10 bottles of , Jie, Tang carp; 8 bottles of Zhang Nima; 6 bottles of Iris; pretending to be a human, prostitute, this year's sixth grade must pass, 48454119, 0175 bottles; Ruoruo's exclusive accident 4 bottles; matcha, 4694, etc., zojesis, chanting 1 bottle of Chuliang, R., yayidengzi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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