MTL - Pure Love-Chapter 30

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After finishing the class, the learning rhythm became more compact. When Chu Chen discovered that Luo Yi had already set up a countdown schedule for the college entrance examination, the whole person was frightened.

He asked weakly: "A rabbit ... it's counting down now ... it's a little early ..."

Luo Yi glanced at him, kept moving his hand, and continued to write the study plan for this month. Then he said, "There is only one A in the country, and about 3,000 new students are recruited every year, among which science majors ..."

Chu Chen kissed him before he finished speaking, and blocked everything behind him, biting Luo Yi's lips with some complaints, he whispered, "I know, I will cheer well Learned."

Luo Yi's mouth was rosy by his kisses. Chu Chen couldn't help but kissed him and kissed him again, then said, "I will work hard for us to stay together ..."

Luo Yi's heart was soft and he gave a soft reply: "Okay."

After thinking about it, he added: "I have given you time to play and rest."

Chu Chen gave a vague "um", and then asked a little bit badly: "Then-what time is that?"

Where would Luo Yi not know what kind of virtue he was? After giving him a blank look, he patted his schedule to his face: "Look at yourself."

Chu Chen didn't have to look, just to see his reddened cheeks, all of a sudden he understood everything, could not help but smile and kiss him again.

Alas, in general, the combination of work and rest, the time is not difficult to boil, after the third year of high school, the legendary **** mode did not make Chu Chen feel terrible.

When the countdown to the hundred-day college entrance examination began, Chu Chen was actually numb. He had been counted down for almost a year. This one hundred days didn't feel too big.

Probably because Luo Yi has a detailed plan for everything, and Chu Chen really trusts Luo Yi.

Ah Tu is so smart and so powerful, as long as he follows his plan, there will be no problem!

It wasn't until the college entrance examination was over, and when it was time to get results, Chu Chen suddenly became nervous.

Luo Yi won the first prize in the National Bio-Olympic Games, and the guaranteed places have already come down, just to accompany Chu Chen to participate in the college entrance examination.

He checked it himself just now, his performance is very stable, there is no problem in going to A.

At the beginning, Chu Chen insisted on checking points, but he looked at the interface of the checking point website, his hands were shaking, and he was afraid to enter his personal information.

Luo Yi saw that he was shaking his hands, and reached out to help him fill in the information. As soon as he was ready to determine, Chu Chen held his hand.

Luo Yi turned to look at him, and Chu Chen's forehead was sweating. He asked, "A rabbit, what if I fail to do well?"

He wanted to ask, what if he really couldn't get to A?

Luo Yi was silent for a moment and said, "Either repeat the course or go to B, and it doesn't matter if you don't go to a university."

Chu Chen looked at Luo Yi's face and suddenly called him wrongedly: "A rabbit ..."

He was so afraid of being separated from Ah Tu, but Ah Tu didn't seem to feel at all!

Luo Yi kissed his cheek on his own initiative: "B is also very good. When we were sophomores, we could go out and rent a house together. University life was also relatively free, except that we couldn't have classes together.

Chu Chen's mouth moved, and Luo Yi directly interrupted him: "If the test is too bad, repeat it. You can still read it. If you are not in a city, you must also read it. You can usually use video and phone calls. Is transportation difficult? It's not difficult to meet, let alone winter and summer vacation. "

In the end, Luo Yi added: "Then you graduated to A University, graduate students can't do it, master students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students."

Chu Chen swallowed, and for a while it wasn't clear how many years it was going to read.

Chu Chen's tone fluttered a little: "Do you want to ... postdoc?"

Luo Yi said, "No, I just think you read more books, and we have more common topics."

Chu Chen resisted the urge to run away with tears, nodded solemnly, in order to have a common topic with A Tu, he would work hard to read!

Luo Yi looked at Chu Chen's desperate look, but suddenly smiled. He had a pair of gentle eyes smirking and said, "Fool ..."

These two words are very light, like a sigh.

Chu Chen's original uneasy heart gradually settled down. This person is Ah Tu ...

No matter what, A Tu will have a solution. He is so smart that his arrangement must be the best.

Chu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Look, anyway, you've finished the exam, and you're useless."

Luo Yi struck him with his cheek. As soon as he was ready to click the OK button, he heard Chu mother outside shouting, "Xiao Yi! Chen Chen! The results are coming out!"

Both of them were startled, and they separated quickly. Mother Chu pushed the door in, no matter how much they were in her arms, and kissed them left and right!

Chu's mother frowned: "Xiao Yi is our top pick!"

Chu Chen looked at his mother's big red lips and asked aggressively, "... what about me?"

Chu's mother immediately got stuck and said, "I just heard your class teacher say ... somehow, I'm so happy that I forgot ..."

Chu Chen thought ... I might really be holding Atu wrong ...

Then they gathered together in front of the computer and started to check Chu Chen's score. After seeing the score, Chu Chen's heart was regarded as letting go.

He turned to look at Luo Yi, his eyes brightened like a star.

Luo Yi was also watching him, and when he saw him looking at him, he smiled, and then he stretched out his fingers and pointed at Chu Chen's face.

Chu Chen was instantly unhappy, and regardless of his face, he raised his hand and wiped the lipstick marks of his mother on Luo Yi's face.

Father Chu watched their big one and two small children out there for a while before knocking on the open bedroom door. After seeing all the people in the room turned around, he said, "Let's ... go out for a good meal of?"

Chu Chen jumped up first: "Eat a meal!"

Then he turned around and asked Luo Yi, "A rabbit, what do you want to eat?"

Luo Yi doesn't picky eaters, so he asks his mother again, "I can do it, what do you want, auntie?"

Mother Chu felt that Luo Yi could not be attentive, and her grades were good and good. Of course, her son would be more perfect ...

Then she remembered: "Yes, Xiaoyi, hurry up and call your parents, you have such an important thing as the college entrance examination, they don't know to take a vacation back ..."

Chu's father was afraid that Lu's mother would be embarrassed and Luo Yi was uncomfortable. He quickly took the person away and ordered the two children to change their clothes and go out to celebrate later.

Chu Chen followed the parents to the door, and then closed the door. By the way, he locked it and turned around and hugged Luo Yimeng. If he was not afraid that his parents were waiting for a long time, he actually wanted to do something else.

Luo Yi took the phone and directed the excited Chu Chen to change his clothes. He dialed in his parents' cell phone and neither of them answered.

So he had to make another call to the legendary unit they had left before. Anyway, there was a living person. After leaving a message there, Luo Yi hung up the phone.

Chu Chen asked a little cautiously, "Anyone?"

Luo Yi was quite used to it: "Well, it's in the laboratory, I probably can call back at night, don't do this, I'm fine ..."

Chu Chen could not help but hugged Luo Yi: "My parents are your parents."

Luo Yi hugged him in a funny hug, patted him on the back, and coaxed the child like, "Well, hurry up and change clothes. Uncles and aunts have to wait."

In the evening, Luo Yi's parents returned to the phone. The voices of the two people on the phone were exhausted. After knowing Luo Yi's results, they were also very calm. It seems that this incident did not surprise them at all.

Chu Chen thought about it, and it was probably an accident that Atu crashed ...

After Luo Yi hung up the phone, he looked at Chu Chen's expression, realizing that he should not be used to this mode of getting along, only shrugging: "They just focus differently."

If it wasn't for Chu Chen, Luo Yi thought that he would probably do a good job with his parents, he could understand them.

Chu Chen bowed his head and kissed his lips: "Mine is yours, hey, I am also yours."

Then he rubbed his hands improperly on Luo Yi's buttocks and asked, especially ambiguous, "Should we celebrate too?"

Luo Yi hesitated and asked, "How do you want to celebrate?"

Chu Chen smelled shamelessly and answered, "I want to **** you ..."

Luo Yi bit her lip, then looked up and kissed Chu Chen's mouth, and replied in a very low voice: "Then **** ..."

Chu Chen hugged him with his legs around his waist, and kissed him while walking with the bed.

Chu Chen's lips sucked down Luo Yi's neck and kissed vaguely, "I will spend the summer with you in bed ..."

Luo Yi thought that Chu Chen's words were a little funny, but Chu Chen's action to make the top of his head made him laugh.

The lashes of the two were rubbing against each other across the pants, and after a while they hardened, Chu Chen put the person on the bed, and tore off Luo Yi's pants a little.

Luo Yi gasped and cooperated with Chu Chen. After the two of them were slippery, his long legs were natural, and he actively caught Chu Chen's waist.

Chu Chen's stiff **** device clung to the gap between his buttocks, the sensitive little mouth that had begun to shrink, and he couldn't help but pinch it.

"Insert ..."

Luo Yi's eyes narrowed and he invited them, and they looked almost like a fairy.

Chu Chen felt that he couldn't help shooting at a glance. He couldn't help himself, and squeezed his lashes into the hungry little mouth.

Because there is no expansion relationship, the insertion is not easy, but now none of them want to stop.

Luo Yi worked hard to relax himself and wanted Chu Chen to go deeper.

In the end, Chu Chen was reluctant to suffer from Luo Yi's pain. He didn't really harden it. After entering one of the heads, he slowly inserted it.

Luo Yi's body has been adjusted to be sensitive and sensitive. Even such a shallow jab can bring great pleasure.

But more than pleasure, it is the thirst for Chu Chen. The expectation of being severely inserted by Chu Chen, and the desire of being fiercely made by Chu Chen also increased.

He felt that the back of the acupoint was shrinking with hunger and thirst. As Chu Chen's eyelashes were pulled more and more smoothly, he finally couldn't help pinching Chu Chen's neck and asked: "Deeper ..."

Chu Chen couldn't hold back anymore, he leaned back and fought hard to the deepest.

Luo Yi's breathing stopped for a moment, and the whole person was tense. His scalp was feeling numb and his lashes stiffened. With the thrusting motion, Chu Chen's abdomen muscles were wet. A piece.

But Chu Chen still didn't feel like enough, holding his two hips apart, and then deepened his second child.

Luo Yi wanted to say that it was too deep, but he just kissed and was kissed by Chu Chen.

The tongues of the two were intertwined, and the saliva flowed down the corners of the mouth. No one cared, just trying to get more from each other almost instinctively.

The motion of His Majesty Chu Chen was a lot faster. The flickering of the flesh caused by the thrusting motion was already accompanied by the sound of water. He didn't need to look to know that Luo Yi's greedy mouth was being **** It looked wet.

As long as the thought of Luo Yi's buttocks made by herself was semen, and the **** mouth was swollen and pitiful, Chu Chen couldn't do it.

The rabbit who wants to shoot is all his **** in the ass. He wants to shoot all of him. The best thing is to pee when he **** ...

He licked Luo Yi's lips and said vaguely, "A rabbit, can you pee you out? This is the best way, right?"

Luo Yi's eyes widened for a moment, and before he could say anything, he felt Chu Chen's eyelashes pulled out of his body.

He was turned over, lying face down on the bed, but his legs were separated, his **** was raised, and he was waiting to be fucked.

Chu Chen's intestine-laden meat stick slaps on his buttocks twice and squeezes in again, without hesitating to the depths.

Because of the posture, the insertion of the eyelashes is deeper, and it is more convenient for Chu Chen to pull it in. It is simply stubborn and wants to **** Luo Yi to fuck.

Luo Yi leaned his neck, almost screaming, but thought that Chu Chen's parents were all at home, and could only hold back.

But patience seems to aggravate the acuity of the senses, and every tiny stimulus manipulated by the back point is magnified countless times.

Chuchen seemed to feel that it was not enough to get him, and he had to reach out and play with his nipples, pinching and rubbing.

Too much pleasure is accumulating, Luo Yi can't bear to cry again, and the body's reaction is even more restrained.

He couldn't help shaking his **** to cater to Chu Chen's manipulation, wondering whether he wanted more or ended soon.

The thrill of the **** is so severe that the posterior acupoints contract. The spasm of tender meat in the intestine is broken open layer by layer, and it is tightened to keep the eyelashes that you want to extract.

Luo Yi finally couldn't hold back, and was shot by Chu Chen. The violent **** made him fascinated and his hips even swung a few times more to meet Chu Chen's intensified thrusting.

However, this unreasonable catering was quickly defeated by Chu Chen's slamming meal.

Luo Yi couldn't bear his face buried in the quilt, and the whole man couldn't help but shook on the bed, and then felt more violent than the climax just now, and gradually attacked.

Luo Yi, who has been urinating many times, of course knows what this feels like. Of course, he has a momentary soberness in his mind, realizing that they are in bed.

Luo Yi turned to look at Chu Chen, but did not expect how delicious he looked like now.

Chu Chen couldn't stand kissing him fiercely, and His Majesty's sturdy action was even more fierce.

Luo Yi couldn't stand being **** and couldn't bark. He could only whisper, and Gou Chuchen could not wait to eat him like that.

By the time Luo Yi finally had the chance to say intermittently, "It's ... want to pee ... don't ... don't be in bed ...", he had been **** out of peeing.

Once the checkpoint was opened, it was difficult to close it. He murmured not to be on the bed, but the hard but not good meat stick kept pouring urine out.

The sense of incontinence is intertwined with the thrill of orgasm, making people's consciousness blank.

Luo Yi's eyes seemed to explode countless fireworks, brilliant and dizzying.

Chu Chen's movements slowed down, but he still touched Luo Yi's prostate. He kissed the corner of Luo Yi's eyes wet with tears and whispered softly, "I'll clean up ... Until you come out ... "

Luo Yi's lips were half blank, and he didn't know if he could hear Chen clearly.

But regardless of whether he heard it or not, Chu Chen did what he said. Anyway, in the end, he gave Luo Yi a toss, not to mention that he couldn't pee, and couldn't even open his eyes.

Luo Yi was staggered by him and soaked in the bathtub. The warm water was comfortable and lethargic.

Chu Chen kissed his cheek and whispered, "A rabbit ... we have to be together ..."

Luo Yi closed her eyes, and also whispered "Hmm".

Then just like they said yes, they went to college together, studied the same major, one class, and one dormitory.

In the second semester, I went out to rent a house together, and then lived together like all ordinary little lovers.

It's only four years since time passed, and unknowingly, we are about to graduate.

As a member of the Student Union, Luo Yi became the staff behind the graduation party. In this aspect of showing his personal talent, Chu Chen was much better than him, and he went straight to the stage.

Chu Chen was the finale of this graduation performance. Before the performance began, he repeatedly told Luo Yi that he must sit forward.

In the end, Luo Yi was a student council. This benefit can still be for himself, so he sat in the second row.

The sound of music is an old song, and the music of the rock arrangement is quite impressive.

Chu Chen stood in the middle of the band, searching for the audience in the audience, then locked Luo Yi sitting in the front row, and then smiled.

Chu Chen was already handsome. Four years of college time made his face fade from the youth's youthfulness, and added the charm of the man. With a smile, the feeling of being a little bit hesitant and immediately under the stage The little girls were so fascinated that they almost screamed.

But Chu Chen's gaze was tightly stuck on Luo Yi's body under the stage. Then, following the rhythm of the music, she sang, "Smile, sing praises, and frown, heartache,

I don't have time to talk to me, I just feel how you feel.

Where are you going? Take my soul away,

It's enchanted for you, what's the use of keeping it?


The hand is not the hand, it is the gentle universe,

My little planet is spinning among you ... "

Luo Yi was just off the stage, listening to him singing "Can only love you" over and over again, something in his heart had overflowed.

How can this person ...

Luo Yi recalled that many years ago, that afternoon in the summer vacation, Chu Chen stupidly asked him about the scene of a marriage proposal on TV.

Just because he said something very good, Chu Chen really went to learn guitar and learned now that he really stood on the stage and sang a love song to him.

Luo Yi's heart was full, sweet, contented, yet there was still the urge to cry.

He couldn't help but sing softly, "You are the fire, the end of my moth. I never thought of escaping, why should I escape ..."

It seems that with this person around, there is infinite courage.

So after the graduation ceremony, when Chu Chen pulled Luo Yi to come out with her parents, Luo Yi nodded and agreed.

Chu Chen glanced at Luo Yi around him before turning her head solemnly to her parents: "We are all grown up, we have met more people and experienced more things, but we still want to be together. "

"We are not immature and we like each other. We thought about it and planned it. We want to be together for a lifetime."

"We will buy a house together, commute to work together, cook together, do housework together, and live together like all those in love."

Chu Chen held Luo Yi's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that this person would slip away from her own hands.

He said, "Dad, mom, I love him."

"I will never meet anyone better than him. No one can be better in me than him."

(End of full text)

Fanwaiyi: Why I like you

Chu Chen was awakened by the vibration of the mobile phone, then he opened his eyes immediately and turned off the alarm clock as soon as possible.

Luo Yi moved uneasily in his arms, his eyes still closed, and he had not yet woke up.

Chu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Yi was very late in the lab yesterday. He really didn't want to wake him up so early.

After waiting for a while, watching the person in his arms sleep again, Chu Chen got up carefully and took the clothes lightly on the bedside table the day before, making a thief out. bedroom.

Mali changed his clothes, and Chu Chen went to the guest bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

After finishing himself, he went straight to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

Over the years, although his cooking skills are not as good as those of Luo Yi, he can basically make simple home-cooked dishes.

The breakfast class did the best because he wanted Luo Yi to sleep more when he was busy.

Xiaomi porridge was scheduled for yesterday. The aroma of porridge is already in the kitchen.

Chu Chen took the buns from the refrigerator and put them on the steamer. This bun was packed with Luo Yi. He was responsible for chopping the meat and then the flavor of Luo Yi.

Waiting for the steaming buns, Chu Chen went to the study and turned on his computer. I wanted to see if the instructor could send him an email.

In the four years of college, he and Luo Yi studied computer science. After graduation, he and Luo Yi both took the postgraduate study, but Luo Yi changed his major with his insistence and began to focus on his favorite biological engineering. I also taught myself computer ...

Chu Chen looked at a few code files that Luo Yishun changed on the computer desktop, and immediately burst into tears. QAQ Atu was too smart to keep up with the rhythm!

He licked the code changed by Luo Yi and covered the ones he had written before, then went back to the kitchen in tears.

Looking at the steaming steamer in front of her, Chu Chen felt that the family cooks who wrote and coded at home in the future might be their own development direction.

He was thinking of getting into the gods, and when he heard the movement of the door behind him, he turned his face and saw Luo Yizheng staring at the door.

Chu Chen immediately asked, "How did you get up? Didn't the experiment end?"

Luo Yi did not answer him, but squinted and looked at him, and then asked, "Where do you steam things?"

Then Chu Chen remembered that she was still steaming the buns, and quickly turned back to turn the fire off, and put the steamer down.


At the dining table, Chu Chen looked at the steamed buns and felt that she was particularly useless ...

Luo Yi slowly ate breakfast without paying any attention, but looked at Chu Chen's pitiful, and after a while, he drank only two mouthfuls of porridge, and then he put down his chopsticks and asked, "What happened?"

Chu Chen whispered, "I steamed the buns ..."

Luo Yi said nothing, took a bun, blew it, and stuffed it into Chu Chen's mouth. After he chewed it, he asked: "Is it delicious?"

Chu Chen nodded, it was really delicious, the filling was Luo Yi tone, the taste was not said.

"That would be great. The ugly point does not affect eating. I don't like your steamed buns because they are steamed well." Luo Yi said, and continued to bow down for breakfast.

Chu Chen thought about it, as if it was the same reason, and then he came forward in a special mood and kissed Luo Yi severely, then opened his belly and ate four buns, plus two bowls of millet porridge.

Luo Yi took a spoon and drank the porridge, watching Chu Chen's energy, and couldn't help laughing, really stupid ...

After breakfast, Chu Chen actively washed the dishes.

Luo Yi had no class today, and the experiment was over, and he was ready to take a good rest at home for a day.

Chu Chen also rested. It should have been a good sweet rest day, but he was distressed. Luo Yi was really tired recently, so he could not bear to disturb him, and urged him to continue to sleep.

Luo Yi promised, but people followed Chu Chen into the study, nested in the sofa in the study.

Chu Chen looked back at him in a computer chair, pretending to be scared and asked, "Aren't you trying to supervise me to write code ..."

Luo Yi crouched on the sofa hugging his pillow, watching him like this, could not help but laughed out loud and said, "Yeah."

Chu Chen asked in an ambiguous tone, "Is there a reward after that?"

Luo Yi hooked his fingers at him, and Chu Chen immediately rushed over. Luo Yi kissed him and said, "Well, reward."

Chu Chen covered his lips, kissed him enough, and said, "Don't call me, wait for you to rest before packing."

Luo Yi could not help laughing all the time, Chu Chen bit a bit of gas and bit his lip, and felt that something would happen if she kissed like this, so she reluctantly let go of him.

With Luo Yi around, Chu Chen wrote the code without paying any attention, and from time to time he wanted to look back at him.

When he turned back for the third time, Chu Chen saw Luo Yi shrink asleep on the sofa, holding a pillow in his arms, breathing smoothly.

Chu Chen took out the thin blanket prepared in the cabinet, covered it, and raised the temperature of the air conditioner a little before sitting back in his chair.

But his gaze remained on Luo Yi.

Now Luo Yi, compared with the appearance of a young boy, has faded the childish outline of the boy, looking at Qing Jun and Swen, his eyes are soothing and gentle, in short, in the eyes of Chu Chen, it looks good ...

Just looking at it like this, Chu Chen felt a sweetness in his heart. This is his Atu ...

Chu Chen looked at Luo Yi so stupidly, wishing that time would just stop.

It was only that Luo Yi was gradually getting to sleep, and his sleep was not so stable, as if he had some nightmare, his frown frowned and his breathing was disturbed.

Chu Chen hurriedly took him into his arms, and patted his back carefully like a coax: "Don't be afraid ... Atu is not afraid ... Atu is good ..."

And Luo Yi's dream is indeed a child.

It was at a wedding ceremony. There were a lot of people, but he didn't know them, and he didn't want to know them.

Little Chu Chen gathered beside him and asked him, "What are you looking at? Do you know so many words?"

He remembered it very clearly. At that time, he felt that Chu Chen was so annoying. The children were so annoying and stupid. Why did n’t you recognize such simple things?

Chu Chen lingered on him: "My name is Chu Chen, what's your name?"

He didn't want to talk, Chu Chen kept asking, annoying, he turned the book to the title page where he wrote his name: "Name."

Xiaobudian Chuchen stared at those two words for a long time: "What rabbit?"

Luo Yi stared at him, he didn't want to talk to a fool!

In the end, this idiot Chuchen said, "My parents call me Chenchen, and you call me Chenchen, too, shall I call you Atu? Is it too much like a girl ...

As soon as Luo Yi was about to speak, both parents came, and he had no choice but to endure.

As a result, Chu Chen kept pulling his hand, and he couldn't shake it.

Chu Chen said, "Atu looks so good! I want to play with Atu!"

Everyone is laughing, because Chu Chen doesn't know how to scream, and persists in refusing to change his mouth. He doesn't feel shame, Luo Yi feels shame for him!

After a long time, Chu Chen was taken away by his parents, and Luo Yi was finally able to calm down and read a book by himself.

Just when he looked up again, the entire auditorium was empty, and his parents didn't know where to go!

Although I believe that I can go home without my parents, but for the first time, he still feels scared when faced with such a scene that people go empty.

Luo Yi pinched the book, stupidly not knowing what to do, he was afraid that if he walked away, his parents would not find him.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the fear and anxiety accumulated more and more, Luo Yi flipped over his small pocket, which contained pocket money given by his parents.

He hasn't been here before, and he doesn't know if the money is enough to get home by car.

When he was thinking wildly, suddenly a voice called out in a hurry: "A rabbit!"

Luo Yi's conditional reflections looked up, Chu Chen ran quickly to him, his face covered with sweat, but he was particularly happy to call him: "A rabbit!"

Luo Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say that I wasn't called A Tu, but Chu Chen was small, and his sweaty hand had already held his hand.

His palms were hot and sweaty, making him uncomfortable.

But Chu Chen said, "A rabbit, I'm here for you ..."

He smiled so brightly that there were stars in his eyes.

Suddenly Luo Yi felt aggrieved. Chuchen's fool, his parents would hold his hand, smile and listen to those silly words, and then touch his head, saying, "Chenchen is really good . "

Luo Yi poked his lips and pouted again, he was obviously very good, and even smarter than that dumb ...

But why, he would be left here alone ...

Luo Yi's tears could not help falling, he was so scared just now, he was the only one ...

Chu Chen probably didn't expect him to cry and comforted him, but Luo Yi couldn't stop crying.

Chu Chen couldn't help it. She hugged him, kissed him again, and said, "Hugging will stop crying, and kissing will not hurt. Atube ... Atu is a good boy ..."

Probably it was when he was crying himself that his mother used to coax Luo Yi.

The child's body temperature was already high. He just ran all the way just now, his body sweating, and the whole person was going to smoke.

But Luo Yi, who was held by him, did not feel uncomfortable or hot.

On the contrary, he felt very warm, as if something in his heart was suddenly filled.

He has been remembering this warmth for a long time, and probably can't forget this life.

When Luo Yi woke up from a dream, he found that Chu Chen held him in his arms and fell asleep. The two were crowded on a small sofa, a little crowded, but very warm.

He stared blankly at the handsome man in front of him for a long time, then closed his eyes again and arched into Chu Chen's arms.

After falling asleep, Chu Chen tightened him naturally, breathing slowly and long.

Luo Yi sighed in the bottom of her heart, it was so warm ...

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