MTL - Qiang Jin Jiu-Chapter 273 Xianshan

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Mo Sanchuan is located to the east of Jugdala, and is famous for its continuous desertion. The deserted beach of Gobi is dozens of miles long, and only Hu Tong embellishes it. At this moment, it was dark in Ba Du, and it was still evening.

Xiao Chiye put his arms together and watched the final sunset.

The sky of Mo Sanchuan is too broad. If you lie on the sand for a long time, you will have the illusion of being embraced by the sky. The setting sun was like a flowing syrup, and the sticky light flooded the earth.

Suddenly fell to Xiao Chiye's side and jumped to his chest. He held the grass core in his mouth and was stomped on his chest, spitting it out.

"Hey," Xiao Chiye said, "Hello, Brother."

He tilted his head and squinted at him with one eye.

Xiao Chiye could only free his arm and felt it wildly. He made a whistle at Lang Tao Xue Jin who was drinking water by the stream, and signaled that Lang Tao Xue Jin came to play with him. Langtao Xuelai stepped on his forefoot and turned his hips to continue drinking.

Tieqi was stationed here for a few days, and Lu Guangbai took off his helmet and patted him with sand.

"Xiao Xiaoshuai," Lu Guangbai sweat wet his neck, looking westward along Xiao Chiye's eyes, "you are leisurely."

"That's not true, I feel bitter," Xiao Chiye said, with his fierce fingers to the west. "My inner son is there, and I wash my face with tears every day, hoping for me to return home."

"Note it to him," Lu Guangbai threw the helmet to Chen Yang, "go back and tell your family man and see who is washing his face with tears."

Xiao Chiye waited for Lu Guangbai to sit down and asked, "What did the Mongolian camel department say?"

"It's the same," Lu Guangbai braced his knees. "Bayar is so determined to match his daughter with you. If you don't want his daughter, he refuses to leave the North Rail Riding Alliance."

"An old camel, Bayal," Xiao Chiye sat up, slipping the sand on his back a little, and he looked at Lu Guangbai. "He is going to give me his daughter because he is afraid that I will cross the river to tear down the bridge and want a woman to trap me. If I were really a non-friendshipr, he would give his wife to me and I would kill him. "

Lu Guang nodded Xiao Chiye and said, "You use this expression to meet him, of course he is afraid."

Xiao Chiye raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't ask for him."

"Mouth hard," Lu Guangbai said, "The territory of the Mengluo Ministry is blocked in the western desert of Mosanchuan. We can't win Bayar, and we will be surrounded by Amur when we hit it."

"Then you tell him," Xiao Chiye hugged his shoulders. "My family has fierce tigers, and his wife is very strict."

"He even prepared his daughter's dowry, and waited to enter the door to honor the‘ big lady ’.” Lu Guang Bai worried and laughed, “Everyone loves Xiao Ce'an.”

Bayar's previous son-in-law was Hasson, but Hasson insisted on marrying the Dora of the Hulu Department, so he had a suspicion with the Mongolian Luo Department. When Hasson died and Xiao Chiye came to talk about the alliance, Bayar stood on the sand dunes to see Xiao Chiye's height and good temperament. He was still the north wolf of Hasen, and he moved to marry his daughter. .

"The deer department returned to the shores of Chiti Lake, how come back?"

"You killed Hasson," said Lu Guangbai, "his wife Zema went east and brought back the bear fighters who were broken up by you. Please ask the tribe who returned to Chiti Lake to help Amur. Doeran is in the desert Hongying swore in front of the banner to kill you. "

Xiao Chiye remembered the red jasmine that had drifted away with the water before Hasson died.

"Also," Lu Guangbai smiled, "Dooran was pregnant before she went east. It was Hasson's posthumous belly."

Xiao Chiye tied his arms in silence, the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared, and there was a brief silence in the sky. There was neither the sun nor the moon. The heavy blue covered the sky. The hawk pierced through the flag, and the long hair fluttering under the blue sky diverged under this blue sky. Doeran supported the lower abdomen.

Bayin covered Doulan with thick clothes and advised, "It's cold at night. Go back."

"My husband is to the west," Doeran raised her head, watching the goshawk flying in the wind, and said gently, "when will my eagle come back?"

Bayin couldn't bear to look at her like this and wanted to wipe her tears.

"The wolf from the north killed my brother and my husband." Doeran's green eyes settled with hatred. "Bayin, he's here to kill my child," she covered her belly and stepped back. Two steps, said, "I want to protect my child."

"Russian Soviet Union and Japan will not let Xiao Chiye hurt you," Bayin said quietly. "Your father will not, and the desert will work together to protect you, because this is Hasson's child."

"You're wrong, Bayin. Look at the desert with your wise eyes. There are already three iron riders following him." Doerlan was almost retracted into her wide robe, her thin chin hiding in it, melancholy Tears settled in his eyes, "Bayar can give our enemies even our own daughter for peace. No one can protect me except Hasson."

Bayan's dark face showed sadness, "I didn't complete Hasen's entrustment and was deceived by the bear department. I am Hasen's wise man, but he didn't get his due glory. Xiao Chiye came to the desert, Doeran We will take revenge. "

Bayin took off the dagger on his waist, held it in his palm, and handed it to Doeran.

"I swear."


My wolf pup came to see the letter.

The Cizhou bed has been idle for a while now.

Xiao Chiye looked at those words by the bonfire, the sourness in his chest turned into another bitter sweetness that was missed. Lan Zhou closed the door and slept on his chest, Xiao Ce'an. Without him, the best bed Lanzhou could not sleep well. Xiao Chiye lifted his other hand and went immediately, took a sip, poured the feeling on his chest, lest he act too much. He watched as he drank.

Sir stayed with me, and former Chen Shaobi was killed. Batu is well-equipped and in control, don't worry. The expedition is hard and you have to take care. Erlang, if a battle can be won, there will be no separation every year. Homecoming in the winter and spring in the account, I want you to sleep.

Xiao Chiye put down his pouch, and when he saw it, Shen Zechuan hooked a fox with a lop-eared tail, and couldn't help laughing.

Lu Guangbai smashed Xiao Chiye with a taro, and Xiao Chiye caught it.

"It looks like November is coming," Lu Guangbai peeled the taro and ate, "What about the Mongolian and Luo Ministry, how can you do it?"

The Mengluo Ministry has a special position. The leader, Bayar, has a batch of camels. If he goes to Amuer, the food dilemma of Amuer will be relieved at this time. Neither the horses from the north nor the horses from Qidong are actually suitable for long distances in the desert. If Bayar can take the Mengluo Ministry to the North Rail Riding, it will not only be beneficial to the transportation of rations during the war, but also to the mutual market in the future.

"Since he is afraid of turning my face and not recognizing anyone," Xiao Chiye unwrapped the pocket that came with the letter. Inside was the coded beef jerky. He tossed the bag with the Lu character to Lu Guangbai, "then I will not turn my face. Recognize people. "

Lu Guangbai was polite, Xiao Chiye didn't have to continue to be polite. He has 90,000 iron riders, 10,000 embargoes, and 20,000 bianbian county garrisons. He did not come here to talk about peace. The sweetness of the Hui Yan Department has been given, and if you take Joe, he will use a stick.

"Tell Bayar," Xiao Chiye sent the beef jerky into his mouth, and said, "I'm rushing home for Chinese New Year. If he wants to sink with Amur, I'll send him a ride tonight."

Chen Yang's leader ordered and stepped back to shout.


As soon as the army retreated, Dancheng was no longer stationed. When the Dunzhou garrison entered the city, the city was silent, and the rumor of Zhong Bofu Shen Zechuan was countless. There were horrible and respectable people. The people gathered in the city, and there were many people who ran to the city that night.

The Huantai Tiger knows the need to soothe people's hearts. This time, it dares not to be sloppy and strictly guards its military rules. He suffered a loss in Liu Kong. This time, he took his own brother to ban the army, and in the city of Dancheng, he did not disturb the people at night and did not surprise the people during the day.

Yao Wenyu has been at the desk for more than a month. Today, he followed Shen Zechuan to walk near Dancheng, looking at the mottled mark on the wall, and said, "Dancheng is shocked, Luo Mu has taken the garrison to Hezhou, and the next 阒It ’s hard to fight. After hearing the news this morning, Qi Shiyu issued his homework three times, urging the head coach who is still in Tianfei to return home. "

"Qi Shiyu was paralyzed on the bed and could not bring soldiers." Shen Zechuan was in the sun. Today is a rare sunny day. "Men in the family are not as good as Qi Zhuyin. He really wants to oust Qi Zhuyin's commandership, nor can he give up Qi Zhuyin's commandership. . "

Qi Dongyin's key point is on Qi Zhuyin, so he must be able to attack Qi Shiyu.

"Qi Shiyu is swinging among the families of the family, as long as the governor is willing to give him a promise," Yao Wenyu turned the four-wheeler, "the ability of the dragon is far beyond the ability to drive."

The article must be done. Shao Chengbi was defeated in the army. OK, Li Jianting is not right, neither is Shen Zechuan.

"Qi Shiyu is experienced and knows the stakes best. I told him at the moment that he could not respond to the dragon's achievements." Shen Zechuan's straight waist could not see the injury.

Shen Zechuan was willing to Luo Mu, Shen Zechuan was willing.

The grain in Chazhou was released by Shen Zechuan, and Cai Yu was removed by Shen Zechuan. Later, the revival of various industries was assisted by Shen Zechuan. Luo Mu ran so fast because he could not pry. He used to follow Cai Yu, but now he can take away rogues.

"But I want mountains," Shen Zechuan looked back, "I didn't know Xue Xiuzuo could not bear it."


The capitals became more and more desperate. Seeing that it was about to enter November, the market was deserted a lot. The news of the invaders hitting Dancheng spread all over the city. If there were not all the troops stationed in the city, I'm afraid it would be chaotic. Even so, people still float.

Kong Yan changed his thicker robe and said to Cen Yu before entering the palace, "It will snow early this year."

Cen Yu looked up at the sky, and he couldn't tell for a while. Kong Yan said that day, or Zhou. With a sigh, he raised his arm and advised, "Let's go."

"I wrote to Qi Shiyu, and he asked his son to return," Kong Yan said on the steps, "said he was too sick to even get up in bed."

"It's really time for him to get worse." Cen Yu taunted with a robe.

Kong Yan slowed his pace and said, "Qi Shiyu's treacherousness is not so bad as seeing the wind to make the rudder better than defending himself. Qi Zhuyin doesn't send troops, he knows very well at home. We have to wait until we write a letter before pretending to curse." He sighed. "This is the corner where we are asking us to raise the price."

"Look at it, the emperor really did as he wished," Cen Yu said, "he dare not ask again!"

"Still have to send someone who can speak the past," Kong Yan crossed the threshold. "I used to see Chong Shenxing, but he didn't have enough qualifications, and couldn't hold back in front of Qi Shiyu. It was still suitable to choose."

When Cen Yu heard the name of ** Shan, she thought of it and said, "A letter from Wan Xiao, that his wife is pregnant, should not go far now."

"There is no one in the court, he won't go," Kong Yan raised his finger and pointed at the palace wall. "Shen Zechuan is here. I heard that Wan Xiao's mother was very affectionate. It really couldn't do it. Let's breathe with the old lady, no more, let Wan Xiao. Take your wife. "

** Shan's wife, Liu Niang, was pregnant, and she was a lover of Jianghu Langzhong. She treasured it at home, but the court ordered that he had to obey. Originally far away, he refused to bring Liu Niang to suffer setbacks, but left Liu Niang at home, and did not know what kind of grievance his mother would give Liu Niang. In the end, after thinking about it, he still brought people.

As soon as the ** mountain started here, the other side also set out.

Ding Tao took Qi Qiyin to Qidong and met Qi Zhuyin who hurried back and was scolded.

"The prince said, I heard that the old handsome man and the old lady are hugging each other recently," Ding Tao saluted to Qi Zhuyin. "The prince has nothing to send, so I will bring my doctor to the old handsome man and the old lady to see."

Qi Zhuyin sees that since she is quiet and natural, she is not frightened, and she has a special charm. She said: "Shen Zechuan is really no one, and even you are out for business."

"I don't know, I was the guard of Er Ye a few years ago," Ding Tao said, since he was in front of Qi Zhuyin. "This is a close disciple of Master Yi Lan."

Qi Zhuyin was moved by the word "one light". Seeing that since he was young, he said: "... the old man is resting today. I'll say hello to the backyard for a while. Naturally someone will pick you up."

Ding Tao and sincere salute together.


"The old lady is smart and familiar with the books, and she has a good mental calculation," Yao Wenyu said, covering her lips and coughing. "It is best for her to discuss with Shanshan."

Shen Zechuan was reading Ge Qingqing's letter, and he heard Fei Sheng only: "How many days has Luo Meng been gone?"

Fei Sheng replied: "It's almost half a month."

"He's riding a turtle, and it's time to reach the capital." Shen Zechuan closed the letter. "Wuhe people want to keep the gate, then let them keep it. No one can tell whether a brave husband or a reckless husband is under the heavy gold. God is near Let's rest for a few days, pushing the dog too tightly and jumping over the wall. "

Shen Zechuan is not afraid of the 30,000 or 40,000 miscellaneous soldiers in Badu. He is not good enough and Xiao Jiming is relying on his back. It is enough for 30,000 iron riders to frighten and frighten him. Xue Xiuzhuo is powerful, but Xue Xiuzhuo has no soldiers. He wants to force Qidong to send troops. Shen Zechuan will hold Qi Zhuyin's knife. It does n’t matter if he does n’t need it. Let the 300,000 army stay in place and set it up. Do n’t even think about it. Qidong's garrison can cross Tian Feiyu, where he even placed a Huo Lingyun for stability.

"Tao Yan eats and drinks well in Cizhou, and now that he has it, people should move." Fu Jun folding fan tapped the edge of the table, "He is a state capital in the end, like a family in Huaizhou. The Huaizhou riot was so powerful, he gave him thousands of Izu Prefecture garrison troops, let him go back to calm down the situation. If he did a good job, he will be rewarded in the future.

Xue Xiuzhuo wanted to intercept Hezhou of Shen Zechuan, and Shen Zechuan took his Huaizhou. Huaizhou is close to Luoxia Pass, and Luoxia Pass is close to Xue's hometown Spring City. This is an arc surrounded by Huai Cha Ci Shang Road.

Either Xue Xiuzhuo or the Empress, everyone has already exposed their weaknesses in the competition. In the past, Shen Zechuan would have no worries, but after Shao Chengbi's death, Fengquan was like a thorn stuck in the least visible place.

It has penetrated deeply.

The author has something to say: Thank you for watching. 2k novel reading network

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