MTL - Quick Transmigation and Doted on His Wife-Chapter 126 Happy Road 20

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Seeing that the High Priest was angry, the right envoy whispered in her ear: "Sir, wait a few more days, and then you don't have to worry about it, then... a mere Chen Rong is not an arbitrary person. It's up to you to punish?" Poured her a cup of tea, "Now that things are going well, they say there is no problem at all..."


"Yes." The right envoy echoed, but sighed inwardly.

Feng Que is not only not feeling well these days, she often has nightmares and can't sleep, as if something is biting in her heart, which makes her feel that she is getting closer to death. Only when Chen Rong was by her side could she ignore the lingering smell of blood on the tip of her nose and endure the pain and fall asleep peacefully.

Chen Rong looked at Feng Que's frowning brows, raised her hand to touch her eyebrows, and slid her big sleeves across the tip of her nose, causing her to wrinkle her nose.

Chen Rong couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and looked away.

The queen mother just sat here and said a few words of congratulations before leaving the table, and the atmosphere eased a lot when she left. However, there was still a high priest, and the rest were flattering each other in a dull manner. Many people toasted with a round of wine, but their faces were not red or their hearts were beating. This court is not the court of the past, excluding dissidents, the remaining ones are all human.

Everyone is reluctant to make friends, but Chen Rong is happy.

Bei Yucheng stopped in front of Chen Rong: "Thank you for coming to the wedding banquet today, and toast to you."

Chen Rong was inconvenient to move, so he could only smile dryly, raised his glass to signal, and said, "I'm sorry, it's inconvenient, I'm rude."

"No problem." Bei Yucheng didn't care, and asked casually after drinking: "How about your Aunt Diao today?"

Chen Rong put down the glass and nodded clearly: "She's in the young priest's house, alright, you don't have to worry." After thinking about it, she added a sentence, with some fabricated suspicion, "It's... Hey... Recently, she has lost her appetite and lost a lot of weight. If you have time, go see her, she is so pitiful."

"Well." Bei Yucheng was a little depressed, and smiled politely at Chen Rong: "Help me tell her that the position of Zhengfei will only belong to her."

"Okay." Chen Rong readily agreed, quite gratified. Her Aunt Diao is so charming, and the position of the mother of the country is at your fingertips. She has a promising future. She said with emotion: "I didn't expect my Aunt Diao to be the last winner in life. It's really unbelievable."

When night fell, the banquet was over, and the high priest called Feng Que away, leaving Chen Rong alone.

She thought about what Akiba said before, and wanted to go to her and ask what happened to Feng Que's body. However, this girl is ubiquitous on weekdays, but when it comes to the critical moment, she can't find anyone. The way she was hesitant to speak before aroused Chen Rong's curiosity, and she only spoke half of it, which was really unreliable.

Chen Ting is very beautiful today. For the first time, he has been congratulated by many ministers. He has always paid attention to these. When the banquet was over, he reluctantly walked out of the hall, and said vaguely, "I won't be drunk again next time." As soon as he stepped out of the threshold, he saw Chen Rong, and he woke up more than half in an instant, thinking that Chen Rong was doing it on purpose. I was waiting for myself, not knowing what to say for a while.


Now his two daughters, one of them dares to fight against the queen mother, and the other has become a phoenix. Naturally, he knows the choice. Those previous commitments naturally don't count.

Chen Rong wanted to find someone, and impatiently greeted Chen Ting, "Congratulations to Mr. Chen for becoming a royal family member, I still have something to do, let's go first."

Chen Ting's words were brewing, but Chen Rong ignored him and left, leaving him dumbfounded.

Chen Yannuo was escorted to the wedding room after the ceremony of marriage, and she dressed up early in the morning without even taking a sip of water, sitting alone in the wedding room In the middle of the night, there was no one in the wedding room, and His Royal Highness, who was supposed to be there, was nowhere to be seen.

She was a little puzzled, holding the wedding dress in her hand and fidgeting, "He won't let me hang on the wedding night for one night, right?"

Chen Yannuo really didn't know anything about Beiyucheng. She lifted her hijab and felt insulted. If I wanted to call a maid, no one knew, so I simply pushed open the door and left the wedding room.

I saw a maid coming out of the corridor and was about to stop, but she saw the high priest and the young priest standing in the corridor, and hurriedly covered her mouth and squatted under the flowers, not daring to make a sound .

"Do you want me to die?" Feng Que's voice was cold, "But if I die, you won't be able to live long."

The reason why she found Feng Que was to plant Gu, and now she has reached the point where she is jealous of each other but has to tolerate it, it is only because of the same fate, "You know, I can't live even if you die, so don't think about it. .You are just a cold, tomorrow I will let the imperial doctor go to your house to show you..."

Feng Que sneered and interrupted the high priest, "If my aunt wants all the jade and stones to be burnt, I will accompany her to the end."

After saying that, she just threw her sleeves away.

The High Priest looked at Feng Que's back with a puzzled look in his eyes, "She is such a person who is willing to sacrifice her life, is she worried now?" He snorted, "But it's too late. , it won't take long... a disobedient chess piece, no matter how reluctant I am, I must destroy it."

Another footstep came, it was the right envoy, "Sir, things are ready."

In the meal, the prince...will become our puppet in the future, hehe..." He said again: "How long will the medicine pill in her body last?"

"Half a month."

"I really think I picked up a big bargain..."

It was cold at night.

The Witch Palace used her, and didn't even leave a way to survive. When she finished framing the crown prince... all her use value would be gone - there was only a dead end.

"What should I do..." Chen Yannuo lay on the bed, holding the quilt and trembling, the phoenix crown was already crooked, "I don't want to be a knife in other people's hands, I..."

If someone came at this time, she would be surprised by her panicked appearance.

"I want to tell the prince that only he can save me now." Chen Yannuo wiped the tears from his eyes and made up his mind. She got out of bed and took off her hair. Now she doesn't want to be greedy anymore, as long as she lives.

Prince may care about telling him this and let her live.

Chen Yannuo waited all night, but to her disappointment, Beiyucheng did not come all night.


The red candle burns out.

The maids came to wait on Chen Yannuo to get up and wash up, as if she had long known that she was alone in the vacant room, "The Empress is going to visit the Empress Dowager with His Royal Highness today, what clothes do you want to wear? "

Chen Yannuo let the maids help him wash and change clothes, and there was a trace of despair in his eyes.

Out of the wedding room, the neatly dressed Beiyucheng was already waiting for her outside. Looking at her almost inhumanly, "Let's go."

"Prince, I, I have something to say..." Chen Yannuo wanted to pull the hem of Beiyucheng's clothes, and the maids around were staring at her every move, but Beiyucheng avoided directly Her touch, striding away. Chen Yannuo looked at Bei Yucheng's back, and his heart sank little by little.

What's the use of confessing to the prince? She figured it out in an instant, the prince hated herself so much, and... she couldn't protect herself.

When I arrived at the Queen Mother's palace, I saluted according to the rules, and the Queen Mother also gave gifts to the newlyweds. Beiyucheng was taken to the emperor's bedroom by the eunuchs, but Chen Yannuo was left alone. The servants all bowed their heads and exited the palace, and the door was closed.

"Is it okay for the Crown Princess to rest last night?" The Queen Mother held a teacup in her hand and spoke in a hurry.

"The granddaughter-in-law rested very well, a lot, thank the Queen Mother for her concern." Chen Yannuo quickly thanked, not daring to look up at the Queen Mother's face, and a layer of sweat appeared on his palms. If the queen mother gave her the medicine at this time, how dare she refuse?

"That's good, the prince doesn't like you now, but who can tell when he is in a relationship? It will be a long time in Japan." The queen mother smiled: "Aijia loves you very much, in the future. , you can't be so submissive anymore, what does it look like to be the mother of a country?"

Chen Yannuo got such a promise, but she just pulled out a flattered smile and said deliberately: "The mother said yes."

Being the mother of a country is better to live than to die, right?

Prince's wedding banquet attracted national attention.

Everyone in Kyoto knew that this was just a trick to restrain the prince, and the prince let the queen mother arrange everything without any turbulence, which made many people who were dissatisfied with the queen mother's control of the government extremely disappointed.

The prince has no foundation and no support in Kyoto, what can he use to fight the queen mother?

After Chen Rong returned from the palace, he saw Feng Que come back at night. I don't know what Feng Que and the high priest said, her face became even worse, and she kept coughing. Chen Rong ordered someone to give her medicine, but it was just a relief, but it couldn't cure the disease.

Feng Que shook her head, let the servants go down, and hugged Chen Rong slowly, with a pitiful voice, "I've been having nightmares lately, and I can't sleep all night. "Carefully asked: "Can you accompany me?"

Chen Rong naturally couldn't bear to reject her, took off her coat and went to bed and slept outside, looking at Feng Que seriously, "I'll be here with you until you get better. , sleep at ease, no need to be afraid of any monsters and monsters, I am here."

—I am there.

Feng Que snuggled into Chen Rong's arms, took a shallow breath, and closed her eyes tiredly, "Then don't go."

"I will never leave." Chen Rong touched her hair, her voice very gentle.

Feng Que soon fell asleep, but did she frown and let out a low cry of pain, Chen Rong didn't dare to close her eyes all night, and her mentality was about to explode, this is definitely not simple wind chill!

Seeing Feng Que suffer, she was helpless, which made her feel uneasy.

Feng Que has secretly met many people since that day. Although Chen Rong was worried, she did not interject any further questions. After all, what Feng Que wanted to say, he would naturally say it.

Feng Que was discussing matters with people in the study, and when he was sending them off, he happened to see Chen Rong, who was leaning against the railing and looking up at the sky not far away, and couldn't help laughing Laughing, "Where are you doing?"

Chen Rong said "Huh?", stood looking at Feng Que, and said with a guilty conscience, "It's nothing, it's just that the sun is very good today... Yes, the sun is so good today, do you want to sunbathe with me? sun?"

Chen Rong snorted and said stubbornly: "I like to stay here if there is anything to do outside. You are busy with your work, and I just bask in the sun."

Feng Que looked at her deeply and opened her mouth, but Chen Rong did not hear what she said.

"What did you say? I didn't catch it."

Feng Que shook his head: "Nothing."

"Lord, this won't last long." The witch doctor sighed, "I can't find it, I really can't find a way... All the top witch doctors are with the high priest, we …"

Before Feng Que opened her mouth, Qiuye was already cursing with red eyes, "If you can't find it, you have to look for it, if there is anything wrong with the Lord, I will screw the heads of you quack doctors. Come down!"

The witch doctors looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"I'll move to Chulou today, you guys get ready." Feng Que said, "Qiu Ye, don't let her know."

"Yes." Akiba bit her lip.

Feng Que asked Chen Rong to tell Chen Rong to go out to work after he left, and it would take about ten days to come back.

Chen Rongcai didn't believe that she had anything important to do at this juncture, and wanted to ask her, but no one could be found, not even Qiuye. The rest of the Young Priest's Mansion all asked three questions, and Chen Rong couldn't get any information after asking them all over.

This leaving without saying goodbye made Chen Rong even more nervous and uneasy.

At the same time, the situation in Kyoto is becoming more and more serious.

Chen Rong was the initiator. She secretly conveyed the news of Lin Shilang's return to Beijing to the Queen Mother's ears, which attracted the Queen Mother's attention. Lin Shilang was naturally treated very badly. He was thrown out of the capital on a charge like killing a chicken and a monkey, and he would never come back.

Every time she thinks about it, she can't sleep at night, and her fear of the prince has become more serious. Chen Yannuo finally received a task that seemed like a reminder.

Chen Rong has been waiting for Feng Que, she doesn't hear anything outside the window, and misses a lot of good opportunities. She doesn't feel it is a pity, but Senior Mink is very sorry.

In the early morning, a woman went to the restaurant to find Chen Rong, gave her a message and left in a hurry, with Chen Yannuo's name on it.

Chen Rong couldn't help but wonder: "What is Chen Yannuo doing to me? She won't come with me, will she?" After a pause: "Now that she has become a chess piece in the Witch Palace, she should It's just being self-sufficient."

Senior Mink glanced at it and sneered: "Ghost knows, don't see it, she might be holding back for something bad."

Chen Rong really disagreed with Chen Yannuo's conduct, but this time he felt a little strange, "It's fine anyway, it's okay to go and have a look. I feel that Chen Yannuo seems to be real this time. There is something, her character is not enough to send me a post, and her words are so official." There was a bold guess: "Should she be held hostage?"

Senior Mink blinked, but did not answer, his brain circuit was not winding enough.

Chen Rong got up and paid for the tea, and called the carriage to the Prince's Mansion.

Gotta be scared."

Chen Rong shook his head, the high priest and the queen mother would not come to take advantage of the affection between Chen Yannuo and himself.

She got off the carriage, looked at the Prince's mansion, which was deserted, and walked up the steps. Someone came to recommend it, and looked up and down, her eyes did not have the consciousness of being a servant, but instead Just like the guard at the jail. Chen Rong can be certain now, it seems that Chen Yannuo is really guarded by the Wudian. To be precise, the Prince's Mansion is under the eyes of the Witch Palace.

Chen Yannuo played chess in the room unwillingly, when she heard footsteps outside, the chess piece in her hand paused, she looked up to see Chen Rong walking in, and resisted the urge to speak. He waved the screen to dismiss the others, but there were still two maids who did not leave.

Chen Rong saw that the atmosphere was not right, but he just smiled and sat down, very unfamiliar, "Chen Yannuo, you want to show off that you have lived a better life than me? I admit it. The Prince's Mansion is good, but our Young Priest's Mansion is not bad either."

Chen Yannuo pursed her lips: "What if you become the apprentice of the young priest? Logically speaking, you should have died earlier than her, right?"

The two of them are very tacit in their fight.

"What are you still doing here? Do you think I will attack your crown princess?" You maid really doesn't understand the rules." She said with a contemptuous corner of her mouth: "It's just right, I don't want to be alone with your crown princess, but I can't control my temper in a while and **** you off, it's possible. ."

"You guys go down first." Chen Yannuo said.

The two maids looked at each other, knowing what kind of virtuous Chen Rong was, and withdrew.

Chen Rong has not seen Chen Yannuo for a long time, she is a little surprised that she has lost so much weight, it can be seen that the life in the Witch Palace is not satisfactory.

"Are you looking for me?"

Chen Yannuo got down from the couch and knelt down.

Chen Rongcai picked up the teacup, stunned for a moment, and spilled two dots on his sleeves. This shock is not light.

"I won't live long, I want to ask you one thing, I know... I know the grievances between us cannot be understood, I will tell you a secret, about Fengque." Chen If Yan Nuo was not forced, he would never bow to Chen Rong. As of now, she no longer intends to live safely.

Chen Rong's heart sank, her expression became serious, and she frowned slightly: "Speak."

Chen Yannuo sorted out her thoughts and said, "Didn't you send your mother away before? I hope you can also help me, tell my family to leave quickly, and help them live elsewhere ... After I die, the Witch Palace will definitely not let my family go."

"I only have this one request, it must be not difficult for you."

Chen Rong put his hand on the chessboard, tapped his finger on it twice while thinking, and let out a breath: "I promise you, let's talk about Fengque."

She raised her eyes, looked at Chen Rong and smiled bitterly: "I only understand until now that you have always been jealous of good luck, but you are just clever." To remove the tears from the corners of his eyes, he said that the world is impermanent, and in the end all he could ask for was Chen Rong.

"Feng Que and the High Priest have the same life Gu, and the High Priest is Feng Que's aunt, now Feng Que's health is deteriorating not because of the cold, but because the High Priest wants to remove it Same fate Gu. I heard that the life of the High Priest was at stake back then, so I brought Feng Que back, but now Feng Que is against the Witch Hall, so the High Priest would rather take the risk and eliminate the hidden danger of Feng Que..."

After hearing this, Chen Rong looked a little dazed and muttered: "So this is the point of check and balance between them."

A burst of anger surged in my heart and I stood up, "I will help you fulfill your request as soon as possible."

Chen Yannuo pulled out Chen Rong's hand, with despair in her eyes: "Three days, only three days. Whether it's me or Fengque..."

Chen Rong met her pleading eyes, hesitated for a moment, and nodded solemnly: "Okay."

Chen Yannuo let go of Chen Rong, fell down and sat back, as if relieved, looked at Chen Rong's back, and whispered: "Thank you, Chen Rong..." Then he smiled again: " If it weren't for my ambitions, I should, and should be... Hahaha..."

Chen Rong left the Prince's Mansion, got into the carriage, looked at Senior Mink's suspicious gaze, and told the story again.

Senior Mink nodded, not knowing what to do, patted Chen Rong on the shoulder, "The most urgent task is to save Fengque."

Chen Rong's heart is very confused, and if she drags it on like this, Feng Que is afraid that her life will really be in danger, she sneered, her eyes are like an endless abyss, "Feng Que is not her pawn, think Take it if you want it, throw it away if you don't want it... I'll let her know what it means to be forever!"

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