MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 10 Big man (10)

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Going out, Chen remembered that he could not enter the room of Qin Feng.

Can't wear a wall, can't change mosquitoes, and can't disappear in place. How do you get in?

Chen was anxious to grab his head. "444, is there a trick?"

444, "Hey, you can provide the key."

Chen Yixi, he caught in his four pockets, no fart, "Where?"

"Hey, let's hand over the experience of a thousand words."

Chen Zai, "..."

"I have to do things now," he said. "Go back to you."

Did not respond.

Chen Youqing looked at the face and recalled the feeling at that time. In summary, it was the four words that were dying.

He broke the sentence and made a thousand words. The result was unqualified.


"Oh, not enough literature."

“A product experience report for a drug has to go to the literary style?” Chen despised, “It’s really enough.”

"Wait, I think about it!"

Chen’s brain turned quickly and began to organize language.

"At that moment, there was a fire on my tailbone. I burned, it was hot, and it was hot."

As he grabbed the goose bumps and stepped on the ground, he read, "My heart, my body, every bone of mine, melted into water, wet, so comfortable..."

Get the system, get the key, Chen's brain cells are dead, he is holding the wall, his face is dull.

For a long time, Chen and his wife both slap in the face and wake up. He took the key to the door of Qin Feng’s room and was about to open the door. He found that the door was hidden.


So what is the meaning of my hard work just now? Chen and another old blood stuck in his throat.

He sneaked in, the face was a sultry tobacco smell, the room was dark and lacquered, and he couldn't see his fingers. In the darkness, there seemed to be a huge behemoth in the rough gasp, and each of them gave off a strong smell.

very scary.

Chen and his hand, he stepped forward, kicked something, and made a dull sound.

The air around it suddenly condensed, and the death was panic.

Chen was nervous. He didn't dare to vent his anger. He didn't dare to move any more. He accidentally put a fart.

The sound is still not boring, with a little cheerful rhythm.

Fortunately, it’s okay.

Chen’s nerve endings shook violently, and he was sure that his eyes were drawn by his fart, coming from the left.

Time passes by, the knife is swaying in Chen’s mind, and he breathes short.

How to do?

Did he start talking from the fart, or did he start from the morning scene? or……

Just start with the weather?

Suddenly slamming, Chen’s eardrum seemed to be poked by a fine needle. He widened his eyes and saw a cluster of blue flames smashing out, fluttering in the darkness, and the pair was not seen. The bottom of the eyelids, a face with no expression passed by.

The fire was gone, and everything was again blackened and covered.

Chen is also fond of playing hide and seek, find the hiding point of the little friend, look at the other party's angry and unwilling look, can cool the sky.

But now, he doesn't really want to play.

Chen smelled the smell of smoke, went to the giants, sent himself up, and was prepared to bite off his neck and clean up a little.

"Two Lord."

Chen went down again, and the darkness covered his face. Only his voice was clean and very nice. "When I passed by, I saw your door open, and I came in as a self-proclaimed one."

"Why don't you stay in your room?"

The voice of a man is hoarse and turbid. If there is sandpaper, I can’t hear the emotions there.

"Thunder, I am afraid."

Chen whispered, "There is nothing wrong with it. "I was almost thundered when I was young, and I dare not be alone in the room."

When he finished, he held his breath.

I don't know how long it took for a hand to accurately hold his throat.

Chen was breathing again. He waved his arm and grabbed it. No matter what he caught, he caught it and went to death.

Qin Feng’s chin was arrested. He held the crazy little guy, a dangerous warning, “Don’t move.”

Chen was wet and gasping. "I will leave the second hand and I will not move."

The low laugh sounded, meaning it is unknown. "Talk to me about conditions, you are the first one."

Chen’s breathing was smooth. He fell to the ground and his hands were hanging, as if he had done a frame, physical exhaustion, and wasted.

"That's because they are afraid of Erye, I am not afraid."

Qin Feng has a hint of ecstasy, "Oh?"

"Why did you cry when you saw me in the morning?"

Chen is still pumping, Uncle, it’s boring to chat with you.


Chen squinted and said, "I admire, I like the Lord."

"Is it?" Qin seal spit the smoke circle. "One month ago, in another room on this floor, you pointed at my nose. I am an old metamorphosis. It is a mad dog. The technology is rotten into slag. Only birds can see it. I also said that my swaying bird looks silly."

Chen was coughed by sputum, huh, huh, can't talk.

"I was out of flames, and I was unconscious." He sighed with sorrow. "Two lords, sometimes I am crazy, even I am afraid."

Qin Feng sneered, "There are so many tricks in your little mouth."

Chen added, "It’s all big truth."

He stared at the burning star on the cigarette butt, and he became a cockroach. "Two lords, what do you like in addition to work?"

"Playing, fitness, drinking tea, playing chess?" Chen said from his own self, "I like to play games, sometimes playing crazy, in order to engage in equipment, I can spend a few days." Then he died.

Qin Feng was running a cigarette, and the noisy sound of the horn was ringing in his ear, and even the sound of the outside wind was blurred.

No one will talk so much in front of him, and there is no nutritious nonsense.

It seems that he is twenty years younger, shirtless in the Internet cafe, dormitory, carrying beer bottles to burn youth.

Qin Feng cut off the smoke, and the ochre after the lens became dull.

"One time, the game has a lottery, my character broke out, and I smoked 30,000 yuan!"

Chen licked his mouth and his stomach was empty. He couldn't understand why he was not hungry after many times with his target. He was over-hungry.

The next second, the sky is spinning.

Chen and Yan on the ground, with a pot of stickers, know what the situation is now, they have to be done, will become a dead dog.

He is not a taste, uncomfortable, but he does not want to cry.

"Second Lord, can you change your position?"

Obviously not.

Qin Feng has always been straight into the theme, and will not spend time on the side of the bear.

In the darkness, there was only a loud gasp.

Chen only likes to watch birds. Before he died, the guns were not played, and the objects were not talked about. The first time he came to the world, he did it with Qin Feng.

This is the second time, or Qin Feng.

The difference is that this time, no gum is used, people are normal, and they are a man who is in service.

Chen’s body is tempered, and the soul is a shy little rookie, just on the road.

The rain was still down, and Chen was still squatting, being lifted one leg and the puppy peeing.

He kicked his legs, "Do you not rest for a while?"

"On the court, they are all in the middle of the game, and they can score in the next game."

Qin Feng is not indulgent, and everything in money, power, etc. is dispensable to him.

He always started in silence, and ended in silence. He listened to the description of the youth and laughed.

"Do you want to count, how many **** can I score?"

Chen rolled his eyes again, and he laughed. "The second master is fierce, at least he can kick in thousands of times."

Qin Feng spit out a word, "number."

Chen cursed in his heart. He followed the rhythm of the old man and counted it for dozens of times. He bit his tongue and came to his breath. "Not counting!"

Qin Feng feels fun, this little guy is sometimes a little sheep, sometimes a tortoise, now a hedgehog, he has not found, which is the other party's own.

The thunder rose and the corner of the room was clear and extinguished. Qin Feng’s face was tight and tight, and under the clothes, every muscle was sprayed out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Chen shouted, and issued a series of vibrato, deflated balls, and smashed.

The storm was even more violent.

The trees outside the window swayed out of shocking magnitude, and they were uprooted at any time and smashed into the sky.

Qin Feng’s body is more and more sullen and horrible.

Chen’s legs pressed back, and the whole body was folded, and he practiced yoga. He looked at his face. “No, this is not good. I’m too old, I can’t do this, really, I’ll not lie to you. ,what"

Fuck, the waist is broken.

The seal of Qin Feng passed the window, his heart was like being held by one hand, pinched, and the pain could not stand straight.

The curtains were suddenly pulled open, the window glass was pushed out, and the lightning flashed outside. Chen’s back was chilled on the window sill. The upper body had already smashed out, and the weather was overwhelming, drenching his coat and drilling into his pores. .

The rain in summer is not cool, but it is dense, and there are no gaps in it.

He shook in the rain, shook, swayed, and the stars didn't see it. In the lightning that appeared from time to time, I saw the old man's look.

Still a ghost who wants to cry and not cry.

Very poor.

Chen is still fighting, I don’t know if it hurts, or is it scared. How can he have the mother’s love, and want to hold people in their arms, touch their heads, hold a hug, sing a lullaby, and sleep?

Damn, this game is poisonous, absolutely!

The rain did not stop, Qin sealed.

Chen slipped from the window sill to the ground, and the rain on his head went along the cheeks, chin, and the collarbone down. He couldn’t feel the presence of the following parts of the waist.

The lights in the room suddenly lit up, and the dark screams and was completely driven away. Suddenly, Chen was somewhat uncomfortable. He blocked his eyes with his back.

When the hand was taken away, Chen saw that his favorite big bird patted his wings in his field of vision and walked around.

It’s jagged, it’s not cute at all.

Qin Feng took off his trousers, untied the shirt button, and threw it at random, and did not look at the people on the ground. He walked away from the bathroom.

Chen looked at the old man's wide back, narrow waist, gluteal muscles, long legs, he narrowed his eyes, and his body was really **** good.

Go now? Still continue to lie down?

Let's go.

If you don't take the normal routine, you can make a surprise.

Chen stood up and slowly pulled the pants up. The big man was extraordinary. If he changed the venue, he would not lose his senses. He would make a rude to tear the clothes and buckle the madness of the land.

Taking a step, Chen and his buttocks rushed out of the beach, the pants were wet, and the socks were wet.

Da Yu is coming, so fierce, I need to take something for a moment.

Qin Feng came out of the bathroom, there was no figure in the room, it was what he wanted, and there were some accidents.

There was a black shadow under the door. Qin Feng’s eyebrows were lightly picked. He went to open the door and a weight fell on his lap.

"What are you doing at the door?"

Chen Youzhen took his head, the spine was attached to the wet clothes, very prominent, and there was a bone left in the skinny.

His voice was awkward. "There is too much water in Erye. I am afraid that the floor of the corridor will be dirty and it is not easy to clean up."

"I will leave when I am here." I am smart, and I will praise my tone.

Qin Feng, "..."

He stepped back a few steps, and the person on his leg lost his reliance and went straight back and made a loud noise.

Chen’s backache hurts. From the bottom up, he looks up at the nostrils of the old man. It’s really unreasonable, and his nostrils are so sexy.

There were a lot of water stains on the ground, and Qin Feng saw it. He screamed, "Get up."

Chen went to Qin Feng and opened his arm. There was no cover, and it was very straightforward. He just wanted to be hugged.

Under the eyes of Qin Feng, the young brunette's wet skin is close to the scalp, the white face can see the blood vessels, the two lips are a little dry, the chest is thin and thin, touched, only one rib, hand.

Against such an ordinary, unremarkable body, without a trace of beauty, he actually reacted.

Chen’s arm was sour, he put it down, his eyes were hanging, his lips twitching together, and he was quietly disappointed.

Ghost makes God worse, Qin Feng bends and picks him up, light does not meet the weight of an adult man.

Chen was taken into the bathroom and placed on the ground. He couldn’t stand, and his legs were straight.

"Clean out and come out."

Qin Feng dropped an order and went out.

When the door was closed, Chen was alive.

He glanced at the bathroom and smelled the old man's residual smell. Qiao Mingyue had never used this bathroom. This shows that he would not be swept out when the other party came back.

Chen wrapped up in a bath towel and went out. "Second Lord, I washed it." Actually, he didn't have patience. He was all emollient and prevented from drying out.

The other person sat in the chair, his eyes were deep, and Chen quickly slammed into the corner, and his eyes were shaking.

No, come back?

He has been hungry and has a back chest and a low blood sugar.

Qin Feng untied his nightgown, leaned back and leaned back, and picked up his eyes and swept Chen.

But if you don’t have a blind eye, people can understand what it means.

Want to feed me a lollipop? Chen frowned, his face was unwilling and disgusted, and he did not eat the original taste.

Read The Duke's Passion