MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 112 Only father in the world is good (6)

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Chen felt that he was particularly arrogant. He put the water in the toilet in one minute, took off his pants, and carried it out loosely. His hands were still wet, indicating that he had just finished the toilet and washed his hands, but the pants did not have time to wear. it is good.

At the door, Sheng Qing saw the young trousers loose, a small waist and a small cut, but also saw some pink trousers.

Pink trousers are specially bought by Chen. He is so calculated. Sheng Qing thinks that he wears a pink hairpin. He should like the powder|| tender||powder|| tender color, so he bought it quickly. A bunch of pink things are coming back.

Chen found that the man’s gaze was on himself, but there was nothing unusual, only cold and fierce.

He feels that he is miscalculated.

The man’s voice came from the top of his head. “Pants are put on and go back to school.”

Chen looked up again and saw the man frowning and turned away.

He whispered his pants and talked to the system. "I don't have any lure like this.|Is it confusing? Impossible, my waist is so fine."

The system says, "You are not base||佬."

Chen Zai, "..."

The system said, "Are you okay?"

Chen Hehehe hahaha, "Nothing, I can do anything, really, I have nothing."

The system said, "Do you have a serious look at your personal data?"

Chen picked up his shirt, put his trousers down, and put the top down. "Yes, I read it one word at a time."

The system said, "Then you can't stop your brain, your eyes won't work, go to the hospital and see."

Chen’s mouth was pumping. He silently looked for a corner and looked back at all the information he had seen about Shengsheng. After a while, he said confusedly, “No, Sheng Qing is not a base||佬There have been no women in these years."

The system said, "What is strange about this."

Chen rolled his eyes again. "Isn't it strange? He has been thirty."

"I know, Sheng Qing has hidden||disorder, hahahahaha, he does not||lift, I am right? It must be!"

When the system does not speak, he quietly looks at him with a mentally retarded side.

Chen waited and waited, but still didn't wait for the praise and affirmation of the system, he lost his mouth and sighed. "Well, maybe I guessed it wrong."

He faced the wall and slammed his head against the wall, trying to calm himself down and slowly enter the state of selflessness in the college entrance examination.

In the three years that he was arrested, Sheng Qing lived on the island with a dirty life unimaginable by ordinary people, killing, madness, begging for mercy, and forbearing. He saw the most ugly side of humanity there.

The life on the island is closed, and those people are not vented. Every time a group of women are sent, they will go crazy.

At the beginning, Sheng Qing will retching. The second time, he can vomit directly, and eventually become numb. He just looks at it and sees how the beautiful and beautiful woman becomes a cold and broken. The body was thrown into the mountains again.

He can even think that there will be some bottom-level people on the island who secretly drag the body to the hidden place...

There, there is no law || law|, no morality.

If Sheng Qing was detained in the residence of the boss on the island, others would not dare to move. He would have died long ago. Not only would he suffer terrible treatment before he died, but he would die without a whole body.

However, in spite of this, Shengqing still has to bear the distorted anger that the boss is being bullied by the family.

At that time, Sheng Sheng was still very small.

After escaping, Sheng Qing had a kind of psychological cleansing. His alertness was very strong. He refused anyone to cross the defenses he set up. There was no emotion, no love, no sex.

Can that be considered an individual?

Chen also grinned, the man holds a lot of people, many families live and die, there is such a terrible power, even abandoned as a person born with | | desire | | hope | |.

"Can't see it."

The system said, "Some things can't be seen, such as your trumpet Chen Zhishi."

"I take back the last sentence, this can be seen."

Chen didn't want to talk to the system, he was really annoying.

Hey, his eyes are black, forget it, first of all, school, if you want to open, there will always be a way.

"I clearly understand my heart and give you a true feeling..."

While walking and singing, when Chen went out, only Auntie packed up in the living room and saw that he was very polite to call Xia Shaoye, which was completely different from the attitude before entering the door.

There were footsteps on the stairway and the scenery was down.

Chen took out the hand in his trouser pocket and thought about it and put it in. It seems that doing so can make him safe, "Jing brother."

Shengjing went to the table and poured a glass of water to drink, and did not give a response.

Cut, Chen went to the gate again, and there was a voice behind him. "Xiaoguang told me to tell you, he just apologized to you."

He was contemptuous, and when he turned around, he showed a confused face. "Apologize? Apologize, my brother didn't do anything sorry for me."

Shengjing’s eyes lingered.

You thought that you would wink, I will, Chen squinted again.

He||Mom||, isn’t it just a dish to eat? Even the three-in-one tricks of stretching the feet are used. If this day, Shengyun takes me to play with me, then I can’t Come up and put a few holes in me?

Shengjing recovered as usual. "Brother, you will be a senior next year."

Chen’s eyes were pumping, “Yes.”

Sheng Jing smiled and looked proud, with one or two points of defiance. "I heard that Dad arranged a home for you||Ting|Teach||Teacher, I believe that your study will definitely make great progress."

Laughing at me, is it great to learn? Hey, Xueba seems to be really amazing.

Chen’s eyes are pumping even more. “Hope.”

He didn't want to chat with the overcast person, so he said, "I am going back to school, and I will meet again next time."

After the person left, the glass door in Shengjing’s hand was placed on the table, and the smashed the cup, “Go.”

On the second floor of the stairs, Shengguang stood there, his face was still white and white, his eyes were very red, just cried. "Dad was angry with me last time, or a few years ago, I accidentally entered his study."

"This time I actually beat me for a waste."

Sheng Jing said, "Don't have a waste in the future, people can make dishes that Dad is satisfied with, and his appetite, you and I can't."

Shengguang jerked his head. "What are you talking about?"

"On that plate is the yam of sugar and pepper? Don't be kidding, Dad just said it was good."

Shengjing did not want to argue with him.

Sheng Guang bite his lower lip and blood. "When I get back to the first place in this math competition, Dad will be very happy."

Shengjing shook his head.

Innocent, that person does not care about people and things. The so-called praise is false, just like doing business, it is just a means to deal with trouble.

Yes, it is trouble.

In the eyes of that person, their pleasing and hard work is troublesome and meaningless.

In the garden, Chen looked at the big red rose. He asked the system, "Can I pick one? Is it very wicked?"

The system said, "Yes, go."

Chen went again, quickly picked a side on the side, and did not pay attention to the thorns at the moment. He squatted back and forth, "The trough, I was tied with a rose!"

The system said, "Poor."

Chen whimpered, sucking the **** of the bleeding into the mouth, sucking out a few mouthfuls of **** saliva, and the punctured area was swollen. "I am so bad."

The system said, "You are too stupid."

Chen took the rose and walked in the direction of parking. "When this is a meal, you beat your face and you don't know who is stupid."

System, "..."

Chen went to the front of the car and stooped into the back seat and handed the roses over. "Dad, give your birthday present."

Sheng Qing’s line of sight was removed from the phone and fell on the rose in front of him. “Garden picked?”

This is not important, really, Chen laughed and said, "The man has forty-one flowers."

He quickly added, "I gave it to my dad a few years in advance. I think that my father has not yet reached forty, it is already a flower."

Sheng Qing's face is fretting.

The driver at the front endured very hard, and his face was cramping.

Chen is holding flowers, rubbing his eyes, a few meanings, why not talk?

Sheng Qing continued to brush the phone, " throw it out."

Chen blurted out. "Don't, I picked it up. It means that it has to kill it. It is very wicked. Now you still want me to throw it away. Isn't it more wicked?"

Sheng Qing side, the dawn is unknown.

Chen’s darkness is not good. He’s not daring to talk to his father. He’s nervous about asking the system what to do.

The system said, "You can play it at will." It has already been exposed, and now I realize that hey, can't say.

It makes a mechanical sound, "Pray."

Chen swallowed again, and the hands holding the roses were shaking. "Dad, Dad, Dad... I... I got off the handlebar... I took the flowers..."

Sheng Qing’s thin lips slammed, “Drive.”

The driver immediately responded and launched the car to leave the villa.

Chen hanged his head again, and a tear fell on the rose petals, two drops and three drops. Soon, the flowers were all wet, and he couldn’t help crying.

Sheng Qing and his eyes are fake.

Chen shrugged his hand to the door, and turned his back to Shengshen, facing the window, burst into tears, so terrible, he was scared to gasp.

He wiped the water from the petals and said to the system, "I almost thought I was dying."

The system said, "You didn't say anything."

Chen added, "Probably because I did prayers."

"I have picked it up, hehe."

The system said, "You can give it to school grass."

Chen sucked his nose again. "Yes, then I will take it to the school and give it to him. Then he will give it to the sister. The two will kiss me and give me a bit of a bitch."

The car was very quiet, the driver was very puzzled, and I didn't know what was going on. It was usually quiet, but this time it made him inexplicably uncomfortable. There was always the illusion of something between Mr. and Xia Shaoye. .

I don't know how long it took, the driver had an emergency brake, and Chen in the back seat hit the front of the chair. He covered his head and saw a lot of stars flashing in front of his eyes.

The driver's back oozing cold sweat, did not dare to look at the man in the rearview mirror, "First, sir, there is a dog suddenly ran from the left."

Sheng Qing did not react, Chen was surprised to stand up from the chair, and the head hit the roof, hehehe, and a large number of stars came over, he sat back and gave a poor voice.

"Uncle, the dog is okay, have you been hit?"

The driver got off and went to see.

Chen also ran down. There was a dog lying on the ground. The coat was brownish yellow. One leg was twitching and the calf was bleeding.

The hands of the car were placed on the abdomen with their hands crossed. When the boy was holding the dog, the worry that appeared on his face was pure, and there was no adulteration. It was very loving.

The dog was taken to the hospital, and Chen waited outside. There was still blood from the dog. When he wiped the sweat, he wiped his face and he didn’t know it.

Sheng Qing hangs up and calls, "You should go to school."

Chen raised a flowered face. "Dad, I want to wait for the dog to come out and go."

Sheng Qing frowned, "wipe the face."

Chen touched his pocket and didn't touch it. He wiped it with his sleeves. A handkerchief appeared in front of him. He received his hand and licked his finger. Hey, the rich man wiped his hands so high. The touch is particularly good.

Sheng Qing suddenly asked, "Do you like puppies?"

Chen has lived again.

He nodded halfway, "Um."

It’s true that you like a puppy, but it doesn’t seem to be the kind... How to say it is to see the dog fall to the ground, there will be a feeling that his loved one is injured.

Chen also said that it is not good, anyway, it is uncomfortable.

At the end of the operation, the doctor said that the little yellow dog is not a big problem, and it will be better to rest after a while.

Chen went in and saw the little yellow dog. "Do you have a name?"

The little yellow dog is still very small. The doctor considered the safety factor. When the needle was stitched, there was no anesthetic. It lay there, and the eyes were surrounded by liquid||body, crying.

Chen also put the horn-like thing on the little yellow dog's head. "How about the blessing? I think it's pretty good, and it's very succinct. It's a blessing, and it's more, and blessings will come."

The door sounded like a slam, "Go."

Chen lowered his head and touched the little yellow dog through a trumpet-like thing. "When I am out of school, I will come to see you again. I have to listen to the doctor and see you at night."

After he went out, he couldn’t help but say, "Dad, I want to raise the puppy."

Sheng Qing’s footsteps kept going. “You don’t even have the ability to support yourself, but you still want to raise a dog?”

Chen is speechless.

The words are so, but, hey, he sighs. "It's so poor."

Sheng Qing’s tone is indifferent and cool. “There are more poor people in the world than poor cats and dogs.”

Chen Zai, "..." completely said nothing.

Forget it, the puppy has to stay in the hospital for a few days, he thinks again, he will definitely think of a solution.

Xiao Wei played basketball back to the classroom in the playground, picked up the luxury car at the gate, and the people who came down from the car. His eyes were stunned. Isn't that a small crying bag?

When he reacted, he had already ran over.

Chen said that his father said goodbye, he closed the door and carried the bag to school.

He saw the school grass that ran over, and looked down on the subconscious. There is no sister, how is the other party so happy?

Xiao Xiao took the sweaty hair. "How come you come? I am going to class soon."

Chen looked at the school grass, the facial features were clear and clear, and the smile was sunny. Although there was no charm of the mature man, it was very childish and a bit green, but it was really handsome. "You are sweating and will be there later. In the classroom, when the sweat is dry, won't you feel cold?"

Xiao Yan’s collar fanned his movements. He turned his head awkwardly and leaned back. He licked his teeth. “You are so salty and radiant.”

Chen crossed him and walked forward. An arm came up from behind, his neck was not hooked, and the nose was a teenager's sweat. "Hey, that is your dad's car. Do you want to say hello to his old man?" what?"

Old man? Chen Youzhen, what do you know about a little boy? My father’s age is exactly what a man’s golden age is. I don’t know how many little girls like it.

"no need."

Xiao Wei hooked Chen and left. "I have been with you for so long. I really didn't find that your family is so rich. Just your dad's car, there is no second car in the city."

You haven't found much, for example, you are dead at the same table, Chen has poked Xiao Yao's waist. "Don't rely on me, stinking!"

Xiao Yan’s face was black for a moment. “Smelly? Is there anything wrong, where am I stinking?”

Chen glared at his eyebrows and pushed it very rudely. "Where are all stinking, let me leave."

Xiao Yu was pushed back pain, he gritted his teeth, and remembered something. His face changed slightly. The girls seemed to like to go back. They obviously liked it, but they said they hated it. They wanted it, but they said no.

Little crying bag is also right.

Say he stinks, don't let him come over, don't let him say hello to his father, it's actually shy.

Xiao Wei’s eyes are a bit strange, it should be.

He thought of the anecdote that happened in the hospital, and he wanted to take a photo of himself. The little crying dad must have felt that his brain could not.

Chen also found out that the school grass stared at himself, inexplicably a layer of goose bumps, "What?"

Xiao Wei took back his sight. "Nothing."

He coughed, "Hurry up, the fairy, the first class is the old class, lying in the trough, that is the old class, run fast, don't let him go to the classroom first, or we will be spit by him!"

Chen was rushed to the classroom by Xiao Xiao, and the wind in his ear rang. The open school uniform jacket was blown up, and the zipper head slammed into his clothes zipper, making a crisp sound from time to time.

In the car at the school gate, Sheng Qing’s eyes lifted lightly. He swept the rose next to him, picked it up and put it back. “Go to the company.”

When I arrived at the teaching building, Chen looked back and the car was gone.

The class teacher took the language. After class, I checked a piece of yesterday’s "Difficult Ways". Tens of people in the class suddenly became dead dogs. They pushed their heads down and pressed them down. They wished they could become smaller and ran under the desk.

According to Chen’s experience, don’t look up at the teacher at this time, or you will find death.

Of course, if you have already turned down, you are anxious to be in front of the classmates, and hope to get the teacher's praise, then go and see, under normal circumstances, you can be called, and get what you want.

The class teacher looked at the podium and was in a circle. "In the midsummer, you get up and back."

Chen also suspected that his hearing was malfunctioning, so he did not move.

The class teacher went straight and reached for his desk.

Chen slowly swallowed his **** off the chair, and his face was gray for more than ten seconds. He put the low volume and said very quietly, "Teacher, I won't back."

The class teacher didn't quite understand it. "What are you talking about?"

Chen made a loud voice, "I won't back!"

head teacher,"……"

Other students, "..."

I will not be so emboldened. Since the little fairy wears a pink hairpin and reveals her forehead and face, people love to laugh and talk, and they feel like the Sailor Moon. It has changed and is different.

The class teacher said, "Why not?"

This also wants me to say, dear old class, will not back, it will not be back, what can be the reason? Chen took his finger and licked the corner of the table. "I have been walking away from my self-study, and my concentration is not concentrated. So I didn't read the book well and didn't listen carefully."

The class teacher felt that the child's current changes were huge and there was no sense of existence before.

When he first called the child in the past, he wanted to talk to the other party. He talked about whether there was any difficulty in learning. How did he get along with the classmates, but the other side kept his head down and his hands were tight together? I can't come out with a word for a long time, but I still cry.

The class teacher looked at the past again. "Can you be a little motivated next time?"

Chen added, "Yes."

The class teacher said, "Sit down."

Chen sat down again, his back straight and his posture was very correct, just like a tail was caught behind his head and tied to the beam.

Next to Xiao Xiao holding a language instrument, the head is hidden inside, shaking his shoulders and laughing into a silly | | forced.

The head teacher’s eyes glanced. "Xiao Wei, what are you laughing at?"

Xiao Xiao stretched his face for a second, and said indecently, "Teacher, I didn't laugh."

The class teacher told him to get up and back the text.

In the situation where everyone in the class was not surprised at all, Xiao Wei took down the "Difficult Road" and answered the questions raised by the class teacher very accurately.

No way, people are so embarrassed.

Chen envied and wrote and painted on the draft paper. After he went to school in this class, he did not see the school grass and the book.

"When did you back?"

Xiao Wei picked up a pen and turned it around his fingers. He said lazily, "Genius is there, but if you don't work hard, you can have something to gain. This is what happens in a dream."

Chen Youzhen, "I have not seen you working hard."

Xiao Yu’s pen has been turning, stupid, I have to go home after school to read books, or do you think?

In fact, the language is easier to get scores in the liberal arts. In a few subjects, the scores of the Chinese language will be higher, and Chen is also.

His worst is English, which is worse than math.

The English teacher here is more beautiful than his real-time high school high school English teacher. He wears beautiful and beautiful makeup, and people are very kind, but useless. He still can't afford interest and fighting spirit.

"444, Is there any way for me to suddenly change from school to school?"

The system says, "Yes."

Chen is another excited, "What, you tell me!"

The system said, "You do what I said."

Chen and Li are a spirit, "OK, you said."

The system said, "You go to the table first, put both hands up, put your head up, and close your eyes."

Chen Zai, "Do you want me to sleep? It won't be waiting for me to fall asleep. What secret method did you teach me?"

The system said, "There is no secret law. If you fall asleep, you will dream."

Chen Zai, "And then?"

The system, "..." has been with a mentally retarded host for a long time, and it is also mentally retarded.

Chen suddenly realized, "You said that I can only rely on dreams to achieve learning from slag, right?"

The system is gratified.

Chen Youzhen was on the table. "It’s enough to change my way."

He picked up the school grass that was turning a finger to the textbook, buddy, I want to borrow your brain for use.

Sheng Qing said that he had arranged a teacher for him, and Chen had a good headache.

When the bell rings in the class, the English teacher comes in with small leather shoes. As usual, I have to dictate the words.

"abcdefghijk... what's behind it?"

Forget it, Chen put his face in the English book, what should I do? I am already a waste dog.

This prayer was tested, Chen was not called up, Xiao Wei did not, everyone knows, he went up, certainly no surprises and accidents.

When answering the question, the English teacher is only called the boy in the class. This phenomenon is no stranger to Chen, personal preference.

He sat in the position, holding a brush and copying the sentences on the blackboard to take notes, one ear in, one ear out, one lesson, and no fart left, feeling that he could go to heaven.

Xiao Wei also has notes, which contrasts with Chen’s dense slaps. He is very empty, just a few words, one or two words.

"What, want to see?"

Pull it down, just show it to me, I can't understand your intentions, Chen shook his head and continued to write his own. He suddenly remembered the little yellow dog. "School grass, can you lend me some money?"

Xiao Yan called, "What do you call me?"

Chen added, "School grass, are you not?"

Xiao Wei said unnaturally, "I am, but you are so called directly, I will be a little..."

Chen said in front of him, "Shy, I know, I won't call it next time."

Xiao Wei, "..."

He took out a crumpled change from his pocket and asked how many times he thought of the individual. "What do you want for money?"

Chen added, "It's a bit of a thing."

Xiao Wei feels that there is a secret in the little crying bag. "Your family is so rich, what about your pocket money? Many bags can't fit, so didn't you?"

No, my dad only pays attention to your learning style. I don’t care about this kind of garbage. Chen said seriously, "That money is my dad, not mine."

Xiao Wei does not think about it. "I have personality, I like it."

His actions to count the money were stagnation and his face was stunned. "I just said it."

Chen did not care. "Do not worry, you should not have pressure, I will listen to it, not seriously."

Xiao Wei’s hard state asked, “How much?”

Chen added, "five or sixty is enough."

Xiao Wei counted and took all the change to his desk. "Get it!"

Chen was one and the other was flat, a total of one hundred and twenty-five, and he returned the zero to the school grass. "By you one hundred, I will pay you back if I have money."


Xiao Yu jumped out of the table, walked the wind, and soon disappeared into the corridor.

After a while, Chen heard the arguments in the corridor. He walked over and looked down. The handsome man was very eye-catching.

Under the floor, Xiao Xiao, who was talking to her sister, looked up and saw a small pink hair clip in a row of people. He snorted and didn't know what was going on. He was blocked and not smooth.

"I went to see you in your class to know that he is your summer table. If you don't have a ghost before, you will feel scared when you look at it. Now I feel personal and lively."

The sister said to Xiao Wei, "Hey, Juanzi likes the cute boy of the same type at the same table and introduces it to her."

Xiao Xiao glanced at her. "Where is the boy in the midsummer, he will cry when he is still moving. He is still awkward. There are a lot of people who like it. Is Juanzi’s eyes broken?"

Sister||暧||昧||Laughter, "Look at what you said, the lover’s eyes do not understand Xi Shi?"

She put a long hair. "It's better. I will let Juanzi write a letter to you at the same table. The two will come into contact step by step. If we can talk about it, we will combine it again."

Hehe? Xiao Yan put his hand behind his head and walked slowly into the corridor. I didn't have that time.

Girls sometimes do things better than boys.

Before school, the sister came to Xiao Xiao and asked him to pass the love letter to the same table in the summer, and said that if things were done, he would kiss him.

Xiao Wei’s love letter is the first time to give people this thing. “I’ll avoid it if I kiss it. I don’t want to be chased by your dad with a kitchen knife.”

Sister, "..."

Xiao Yu returned to the classroom and threw the love letter to the little crying bag, "Your."

Chen was finishing the desk and saw the letter on the table. He said, "Who wrote it."

Xiao Wei said, "A girl."

It’s a pity that Chen opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper from it. It was a jasmine flower. The paper didn’t write anything. “You are the fate of my life, we are destined.” It is a very normal sentence: I am very happy to know you, I am a certain person, I hope to be friends with you.

Xiao Wei said, "Happy?"

What kind of fun, brother was also a handsome young boy in the sunshine. He was very fragrant at school. He only had a pit in his life, and people were jealous. He didn’t develop well. He went to college and found that his preferences changed. It's a bit strange, hey, that's a huge pit.

Chen put the letter back into the envelope, put it in a book, and played the last class.

When Xiao Xiao saw it, he followed up. He followed a section of the road and felt that he was in trouble. He turned a corner and played billiards.

Chen went to the hospital again. The mental state of the little yellow dog was much better than that at noon. The eyes were cleaned very cleanly, and the nurse was good.

He asked the doctor about some of the small yellow dogs. After more than an hour, the days were dark.

"Well, my brother is going home, the road in the mountains is not easy to go. To be honest, my brother is a little scared. You are here to pray for your brother."

Chen squatted for a while and kissed him on the head of the little yellow dog. He went outside the door. "444, I seem to like dogs more than before."

The system is silent.

Chen could only talk to himself. He went out of the hospital and suddenly stopped when he walked.

"My sixth sense told me that someone behind me followed me."

System, "It’s your jealous person."

Chen is relieved, that's okay, follow him, he doesn't do anything bad.

When I got back to the mansion by car, when Chen got off the bus, it was dark and lacquered, even without a personal shadow.

The driver took the money and left, only Chen slowly slowed down.

The original master is not easy.

He looked around, Mom||Forcing, and the people who are going to || really can't do it. If you want to follow him with him, what is going on?

"444, talk to me."

System, "What?"

Chen listened to the mountain wind. "How is it good? Just don't let me alone, I am afraid."

The system said, "Give you a song."

Chen quickly said, "Well, I want to listen to "Good Han"."

The next second, there was a fierce and high prelude in his mind.

"The big river flows eastward, wow, the stars of the Tianshan Mountain go to the North River wow, oh, the North Bow -"

Chen shouted at the night sky, moved the bag up, jumped in place, prepared, and rushed to the mountain.

Not afraid of not afraid, no ghosts, no ghosts in the world, are fake.

"How can you come back now?"


Chen shouted and fell back and sat down on the ground. "Are you a ghost?"

The footsteps came from the right side, a dry old face floated out of the darkness, and the dark clothes worn by the housekeeper were black and both eyes were squatting.

"It's me, Xia Shaoye."

Chen was scared of a cold sweat, and everyone was soft. "Why do you scare me?"

The housekeeper’s face was drawn, “Xia Shaoye, it’s the lady who asked me to pick you up here.”

That aunt, she is so kind? Pull it down, the original junior high school three years plus high school for more than a year are all self-going back.

Chen slowly climbed up from the ground and showed his moving look. "Grandma is very kind to me."

The housekeeper said, "Mrs. naturally think about Xia Shaoye."

He took a step back, "Summer, let's go."

Chen patted the soil on his body. "Housekeeper, when do you press a streetlight here? You can walk a little at night."

The housekeeper said, "I will tell the lady's opinion of Xia Shaoye."

Chen immediately said, "Not a comment, don't talk to my grandmother."

The butler said it was good.

The next two people did not say anything, only the shoes stepped on the sound of the twigs and grass, a little rushing.

Chen’s footsteps slowed down. He stared at the back of the old man’s head. The other party stayed in the family for most of his life, and certainly knew the dark side of the family.

The big house is right and wrong. Really speaking, it is much more exciting than TV, and it is much more terrible.

"Xia Shaoye, today is Mr.'s birthday."

The housekeeper suddenly opened his mouth and his voice was turbid. On the quiet mountain road, there was some gloom.

Chen was scared. "I know that during the day my dad took me to the light brother and Jing brother, and we gave him a birthday together."

The housekeeper said, "Mr. must be very happy."

No, Chen did not speak.

He is still thinking, if the butler wants to test himself, how to deal with it, so that the other party does not make any more noise.

Mrs. Sheng’s life is not boring, she has many old sisters, and there is a hand here, and the people have not returned yet.

After entering the door, Chen changed shoes to the kitchen and took a box of milk in the refrigerator and went upstairs.

He opened a computer to check out the city's pet forum. The doctor said that the blessing is not a stray dog, it is likely that his family is thinking of ways to find it.

If you are not good, you will post in the forum for help.

Chen repeatedly turned over a dozen pages and did not see the post for finding a blessing. He grabbed his head and picked it up to the diary next to it.

I saw it yesterday, what is coming?

Chen took a sip of milk and watched a few paragraphs. He finished drinking a glass of milk and had nothing in his head.

Early the next morning, Chen said when he had breakfast, "Grandma, I want a cell phone."

Mrs. Sheng is drinking Xiaomi porridge in an elegant way. "What do you want to do with your mobile phone?"

Chen also said what some children would say, "There are classmates in the class, so I want it too."

Mrs. Sheng seems to be mocking, saying in a harmonious tone, "You will buy it in the top 30 at the end of this period."

Chen added, "Grandma, is the top 30 in class?"

Mrs. Sheng said, "The whole year."

Chen is really dead.

The top 30 of the year? Make me funny, my best result is the class thirty or forty.

He went out with his bag, and there was a car parked outside, followed by the voice of Mrs. Sheng. "In the future, Xiao Li will pick you up and go to school."

so good? Chen couldn't help but wonder what the aunt was thinking about, which may be related to Shengqing's sudden concern about himself.

A few days later, Chen was taken over by the secretary of Shengqing at the school and took him to a coffee shop.

When I got there, Chen knew that he was coming to see a tutor.

It is the number of English, political history, six teachers, four men and two women.

When Chen went in, he was screaming at the introduction of Sheng Qing.

The six teachers were very cramped and nervous. They asked Chen’s school to remain silent. It seems that they are coming to apply for a job.

Sheng Qing went to the bathroom, and Chen went behind him.

A powerful, handsome man is a big diamond that walks and attracts the attention of the people around him.

Chen saw a woman talking to Shengsheng at the corner. Just now, there was a collision. It happened to be a pure match. The other person’s face is good, the temperament is outstanding, and the body curve is perfect.

Then a special | | thing, "inadvertently" hit, is a normal man will have a birth | | | | reaction.

But Sheng Qing did not.

He is Zhang Bingshan's face and it is chilling.

When the woman walks, Sheng Qing will frown, "Come out."

The corner of Chen went over and looked at the man silently, stunned and embarrassed.

Dad, you are really calm, tired | | Birds return home.

No, you are not tired||Bird, is an old wing with a huge wings, obviously can fly the sky, but can not fly |||Bird, oh.

Sheng Qing bowed his head and said, "Is there a problem?"

Chen Youxin said, Dad, your problem is big.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion