MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 121 Only father in the world is good (15)

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Chen has two hands on one side, clutching the sides of the slide, his face is very white, and he is dying. Under his eyes is a blue sea, and there is a monster in the depths that squats and eats no bones. Devil.

When he jumps, he will definitely be dragged to his ankles, squatting underwater, and when he is floating up, he has already turned his eyes on the fish. It is more likely that there will be no chance to float up. There is no residue left in the bottom of the water.

This hasn't gone yet, the feeling of drowning has appeared, especially fierce, like an awl slamming into Chen's heart, and still poked in his temples, he was dizzy and his body began to Trembling, "Dad, I can't."

Sheng Qing frowned. "Can't you get down?"

Chen shook even more. If he had another squint, it was the late stroke. His eyes were red, and he said to the man underneath, "You are really annoying!"

Sheng Qing said, "You are wearing a rescue suit."

It’s useless, it’s useless. I’m afraid to scare you, don’t say it’s going to sea. I’m panicking in the bathtub and putting more water on it. Chen **** his nose and his voice is crying. “Dad, I’m here. Sitting here watching you diving is not good?"

The lines between Sheng Qing's eyebrows were a little deeper. He stepped on the ladder next to him and walked to the shivering teenager.

When the man came over to himself, Chen swallowed his mouth, and the nervous heartbeat stopped. The two strong arms stretched out from behind and wrapped around his waist. His martial arts were followed by a force. Push and slide down.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Chen closed his eyes and cried, and his hands kept waving. "Dad, Dad, Dad, save me, help!"

Sheng Qing looked at the young boy with a blank expression.

Chen Youzhen’s nephew smoked, his brain was deprived of oxygen, and he didn’t breathe in one breath. He only reacted when he coughed. He is now sitting at the end of the slide, only two legs are in the water, and other parts are just sliding down. There was a little water splashing on the way.


No, I am not in the water! Chen took another breath and lived.

Lying in the trough is really terrible.

Looking down at the big hand on the waist, Chen couldn't help but think of the scene on the playground slide. Some children are courageous. For the first time, they don't dare to play. Parents will sit behind him and play with him.

Sheng Qing is like this, different from those parents.

Chen returned to the gods and immediately lifted the legs in the water. Several strings of different lengths of water were smashed back into the sea. They were illuminated by the sun, colorful and beautiful.

His feet are very white, his insteps are thin and thin, his toes are round and small, and they are especially beautiful in the sun.

Probably the legendary foot grape, Chen thought again.

Seeing the teenager put the two||wet||漉||漉's feet back into the topic, Sheng Qing's face was dark, he jumped into the sea from the side of the slide and swam to the boy, "Give me the hand."

Chen shook his head again.

He has not seen the hibiscus in the water. The giant eagle has seen it, just in front of it, it looks good.

Sheng Qing asked, "Afraid of water?"

Chen is crying and crying. Dad, you finally found out. It’s really earth-moving. Otherwise, I must think that it’s not the eyeballs in your eyes. It’s two black stones. “I’m afraid.”

Sheng Qing directly took the boy out of the slide.

Chen Zai, "..."

Everyone will have the same, or two, a few things to produce fear, some things in the eyes of others, will feel incredible, and even scornful, there is nothing to fear.

Afraid of water, Chen is not alone in fighting, he is extremely hard, the real world is still the mission world, there are a group of friends who are sympathetic to him.

However, his experience now should be difficult to find the same.

Can't swim, afraid of water, run in the sea to play diving, proper suicide.

Chen grabbed the man, his feet hooked on his waist, and the kangaroo hung on him, his movements were very skilled.

Sheng Qing put the top mirror on the teenager with one hand, and after determining the breathing tube, he carried the boy's **** and dive.

Chen looked at the water level and rose, not having his feet, calves, thighs, chest, he went to the water, and stunned his eyes to shoot men.

Sheng Qing is close to the teenager, looking at him through the mirror.

After Chen was finally forced to know how to breathe with the breathing tube, he was carried up, took out the sea and put it on the slide.

Chen scared himself and hugged himself.

He angered and grievances licking his back and licking his hair, shamelessly gathering ||Sense||Forbidden||欲||A man who complained in the heart and complained that he was really scared when he was in the sea. "Well||shame, I really didn't mean it, I was too scared."

System, "..."

Chen whimpered, "Speak, do you really look down on me, I feel that I am useless, and I am scared into a dead dog in less than a minute after entering the water?"

The system says, "No."

Chen’s lips are still shaking. “There must be, don’t explain, I know!”

System, "Know still ask?"

Chen is sad, and hurriedly said, "I have a negative now || sin||Sense, I have polluted such a beautiful sea, in case the big fish in the sea remember my taste, come over Looking for me, what should I do?"

The system said, "What are you looking for, do you think you are the prince of the sea?"

Chen Zai, "... really bad!"

He grinned. "There was such a writing in the novel. The smell of the protagonist was inadvertently discovered by the fish monster in the sea. He recognized him as the master. Since then, the protagonist has added a pet by his side."

The system said, "You are not the protagonist."

Chen and another, "Don't tease, I am not, who is it?"

The system said, "If the world is a novel, the protagonist is yours, you are a supporting role."

Chen is not very acceptable, "I have such an important supporting role?"

The system said, "When you complete the mission, the world still exists. What is your supporting role?"

Chen has nothing to say.

Oh, the value of evil thoughts is obtained, the mission is completed, and he will be sent out of the world, which is not what he can control.

Hey, how come you suddenly feel sad, it’s not gone yet.

Chen added, "He knows that I am afraid of water, and I am still rushing into the water. You said too much?"

The system said, "You can bite you."

Chen snorted again. "Pull it down. He has muscles on his body. | Meat, it's hard, I'm afraid I will get my teeth."

The system said, "There is no hard."

Chen turned his eyes again, yes, but believe it or not, as long as he drops a teardrop, Sheng Qing will go to get cane to marry him?

Then, the more fierce he cried, the tighter he was, the more he gave him the sugar cane. If he didn't eat it, it would be a must, and the sugar cane could break his mouth.

Sugar cane is a big goblin.

Chen has already eaten two sugar cane today. I really don't want to eat it anymore, but when the sun goes down, at night, Shengqing should give him another wash, and gently wash the sugar cane against the faucet. .

People are so considerate and can't say.

What to say is that the sugar cane is eaten first, and the hegemony is gone.

Chen looked at the man and sneaked into the sea. He didn't know which side he was going to. He carefully stretched his neck to see it. The ripples on the sea made him a little dizzy. "What do you describe with me describing the sea floor?" ”

The system says, "There are all kinds of fish, corals or something."

Chen asked, "What else?"

The system says, "The fish are big and small, and the corals are big and small."

Chen Zai, "..."

He grabbed the wet hair and continued to hold himself. "Is it at the bottom of the sea?"

The system said, "Yeah."

Chen suddenly envied, but unfortunately he could not overcome the fear of water. When he reached out and went to his life, it was impossible to go to the bottom of the sea. For him, he tied for the first place with Dengtian.

Not long after, Sheng Qing dive up, the water slides down the chilly cheeks, his throat rolls, and the colorful drops of water attached to it fall into the water.

Chen sighed, it was a handsome man.

The only downside is that it's cold, cold, and unspeakable.

Sheng Qing raised an arm and pulled the boy into front of him, holding his chin close to a few inches and pressing his lips.

Chen grabbed the slide with one hand and grabbed the man's hand with one hand. He was almost exhausted by his pro.

Release the boy and frown, "Why don't you breathe?"

Chen gasped and said intermittently, "Dad, you... you are too embarrassed... I... cough... I can’t breathe..."

Sheng Qing’s eyes are deep and deep, “Dad will pay attention.”

Said, he once again went to the young, | | lip | | teeth | | between the strength of the road is much softer than the one, wrapped in the taste of the spring rain, cotton, with silk.

Chen will soon be unable to stand the fight, Dad, you are still a little bit, so grinded, I feel that the body is going to catch fire!

However, Sheng Qing seems to be interested, as if exploring every reaction of the teenager, and then sorting out a detailed set of data for future use.

Ten minutes later, Chen Youyi was on the man's shoulder, lying in the trough, it was enough. Just kiss it for so long, a little more serious is more than half an hour, saying, are you using fart|| of?

He licked his mouth and swollen in a circle. "Dad, can I go back to the cabin?"

Sheng Qing said succinctly, "No."

Chen took a bite and bit it on his shoulder.

Sheng Qing’s voice is low, and he seems to be laughing. “The courage is not small, and I dare to bite my father.”

Chen was shocked and paused. How did he hear the slightest meaning from this sentence, the illusion?

This time, Sheng Qing is iron-hearted to let Chen go into the water, in what kind of posture crying for mercy is | | fart | | use no.

Chen buryed his head in the sea for the second time. He could take a quick look at the underwater world. He was picked up by the stern, and then lost and floated on the water.

"The trough is lying in the trough, 444, you see, I am floating!"

The system said, "Because you wear a life jacket."

Mentally retarded Chen Ling||The chaos of the mouth, "... Oh, I didn't think about it."

The system says, "Normal."

Chen is almost the same as the child who discovered the new toy. It is a baby. He wants to touch the toy, but he is so scared. He only dares to be held by his father, and then he can touch it.

Sheng Qing teaches Chen to use his hands to draw water and kick his legs. At this time, his patience is more than in the conference room, even when talking to customers.

After a while, Chen was able to lie on the water himself.

It feels very exciting.

Sheng Qing looked down on the boy without saying a word. Suddenly he asked, "Would you like to cry?"

Chen and the black man asked the face, what do you want to do, face, don't want it? I don’t know how to be attacked by fish in the sea.

He made a very dull, very awkward look, "I don't want to."

Sheng Qing did not ask more.

Chen has successfully saved | fart | | shares |.

The sun is slanting, and it is almost sunset. The afterglow of the orange color is sprinkled, and it is very unreasonable to spread on the surface of the sea.

On the deck, Chen Youyi looked at the distance and sang "The Sea" in his mouth. "From the faraway sea, you slowly disappeared, and the original blurred face gradually became clear..."

The sound of Sheng Qing was heard in the cabin. "Summer, come in."

Chen took the last bite of cantaloupe and threw the skin into the trash. "Come on!"

Then I was crying.

The weather shows that there are no big storms in the next two days. On that night, Shengqing did not rest the yacht on the dock, but stayed in the cabin with Chen.

The yacht was swaying and swaying, and Chen was fainting, but he still stretched his eyelids and picked up his thumb and index finger to make himself awake.

Just now Chen brushed the page and found the danger of staying overnight on the yacht. He didn't dare to care.

The mission has not been completed yet, and I have not yet taken the college entrance examination. Sheng Qing has not yet reached the age of forty, and I can't make any accidents.

Chen sneaked away, the man leaned on the side to read the magazine, the light cast on his face, not soft at all, or exudes the breath of "Don't touch me, then touch me to kill you", it is terrible.

Bored and sighed, Chen straightened his legs and found a place to sit and search for novels.

In the real world, he is a repeat student. In the first year of the college entrance examination, the performance was brushed down. After that, the cultural lesson was not heard. The results were not mentioned. The past has been with the wind.

In the second year, Chen did not take the road of art, and actually engaged in learning, and admitted to college or supernormal play, he was also able to bear that point.

After the test, Chen and the fish in the fishing rod were put into the river, and he spread his arms and legs, but he did not go out to the field, he stayed in the room of a dozen square meters, eating and drinking Lhasa did not leave the house. The door's record is refreshed again and again.

Looking back now, Chen has two words for himself at that time: silly||forced.

Playing the game messed up the body and finally killed it. This is really something that normal people can do. At that time, his mind must have been plugged in by the oversized cobblestones.

Chen decided to return to the real world and must study hard and be a man again.

His face was touched, his thoughts came back, and he turned his head and found that the man was still reading, and the hand on his face did not stop.

Chen was silently pinched into a woodpecker.


Chen Zai, "Where, you scare me!"

The system said, "You have a bear in your belly, there is a ||Supervisor||Listen||."

Chen was shocked again, followed by a confused expression. "Why should you tell me about this and say, is there any conspiracy?"

The system is offline.

Chen blinked and was definitely a conspiracy.

It’s a bit too late to say that the system is always awkward, and I don’t know what the other person is hiding.

Chen went to take the bag, played with the bear pendant, and pressed his hand on the bear's stomach. He suddenly felt distressed and took the opportunity to send him to the school to monitor him. Even in the bear's belly, he used the gadgets. bitter.

Can't figure it out, is he afraid that he will run away, or is he afraid that he will run with others?

Sheng Qing found that the teenager was in a daze with a bear pendant, he, "How? Don't like it?"

"Like, I like it too much."

Chen did not say that he liked it. He quickly said with a good voice, "This bear is so cute, the flower skirt and hair clip are very delicate, especially the small earrings on the ears, sparkling."

Sheng Qing’s eyes fell on the magazine. “I don’t like it.”

Chen blurted out, "Really?"

When the man squinted, he immediately put an attitude. "Dad, I am very, and especially like this pink bear, when I go to college, I also carry the bag."

Sheng Qing asked casually, "After graduating from college?"

Not finished yet, you want me to | bite | | broken | | finger to write down the mountain alliance vows to show loyalty, or how? Chen turned his head and turned his eyes, and then turned his head back to the man. "That must be hanging, as long as the bear is not bad, not lost, I will hang forever."

Sheng Qing put down the magazine, "Sleep."

Chen quietly sighed, and when he lay down, he thought, not for a lifetime.

There was a bed on the yacht, and how to get it in the middle of the night, Chen was confused and still thinking about it.

It may be that there are always small waves at sea, lying in the cabin, like on a shaker, Chen actually feels the dawn, missed the big play in the middle of the night, he still woke up, he was fed the white fungus soup .

White, sticky, sturdy for a night, the soup is thick.

Chen drank two or three bowls. When he brushed his teeth, he was squatting. Why did he squat? Purely it is convenient to spit.

He took the corner of his eye and poked a small hole in the man who had breakfast. In the early morning, he gave Laozi something so nutritious. You are not afraid that Laozi’s overnutrition will get angry. !

During the day, Sheng Qing still taught Chen to snorkel, help him overcome the fear of water, and feed him to eat something to supplement energy.

They stayed on the yacht for two days before they landed.

Chen guessed that it was a bit of a mistake. He became a rotten cabbage, and his taste was very mixed. He had the taste of various foods and the smell of sea bream. He was half-caught in the car.

The driver looked at it from the rearview mirror.

Chen rushed to his mouth, revealing two small dimples, uncle, you are not mistaken, I just eat more, ah.

On the other hand, Sheng Qing, when the old mother of a few days, feed Chen and eat something, the fruits and vegetables are all complete, and he is fed into a ball, or a hole that has been deflated.

Nothing went all the way, Sheng Qing sent Chen back home, went to the company.

Chen was lying in the room to sleep, squatting, sleeping sideways, and finally dizzy and vomiting, and got up and cooked.

As night falls, the city of M is in full swing.

Sheng Qing is in the coffee shop, sitting opposite him is Damei Fang Huaihuai.

This is in the eyes of other people in the coffee shop, is a handsome man, very eye-catching, will easily think of them as a pair of love | | people.

In fact, their relationship is quite special, friends are not like friends, confidantes are not like confidants, but they can share some secrets in their hearts on the same table.

For example, now.

Fang Huaihuai took the spoon and stirred the coffee. He joked, "You are a young man who doesn't know the world, so he gets the tricks of deceiving people. Isn't this behavior mean?"

Sheng Qing is not okay.

Fang Huaihuai said, "We are all coming from a young age..."

Sheng Qing interrupted her. "Now it is not old."

Fang Huaihuai’s face was soaked. This person changed a lot with the children. I know that I have to pay attention to my age. She took a look. The man in his thirties is the same as the woman of the same age. Two very different concepts.

"Yes, you are not old, I am old."

She continued, "University is different from high school. The workplace is different from the university. His life is full of variables and temptations. | You are already fixed. For him, there will be no novelty. ”

Sheng Qing silently drank his coffee and gazed over the streets, pedestrians, vehicles, and neon.

Fang Huaihuai looked at his sight and looked at it. "The world itself is a big dyeing tank. There are countless colors mixed in it. Most people look at the cylinder mouth and look inside. They only feel curious, fun, fresh, once they jump in. , you will lose yourself."

She is a doctor, sitting here, identity is only one of the people who Shengsheng knows. "In the future, he likes it, has a more mature and clearer judgment and understanding of his family, and finds himself wrong. What do you do?"

Sheng Qing said coldly, "There will be no day."

Fang Huai said, "He is only 18 years old. He has just arrived and can fly in the future."

Sheng Qing's eyebrows lifted and flew? The little madman will not fly out of his control, and he will not need to be jealous in the future. He is there, the future is there, and he will not be boring.

What I thought of, Sheng Qing’s lips and micro-hooks.

Fang Huaihuai caught this small change. She was shocked for a while and smiled and said with a smile. "It is really mysterious. I have used so many treatment methods on you, but it is not a summer."

Sheng Qing said, "You don't have to doubt your medical career. I am an example."

"makes sense."

Fang Huaihuai shrugged, this person is the only psychologically handicapped person she took over, nothing else, ordinary people are born with, can not be lacking - sex.

After so many years, she turned over countless medical books and looked for teachers to study. No matter which plan, it is the same result.

Fang Huaihuai feels sorry for this man.

People can't be perfect, or even God will be embarrassed.

But life is full of unknowns, many are unexpected, sometimes disasters, and sometimes surprises.

Fang Huaihuai is the person who dared to ridicule the family in the whole city. This time she did not miss this opportunity. "Congratulations, finally become a real man."

Sheng Qing raised his eyebrows. "There is your push."

"The main reason is the contribution of your summer and summer." Fang Huai glanced at the watch and said, "It’s not too early. Go back quickly. I just forgot to say that 18-year-old is still a year of like-mindedness. You go back late, your home is summer. Xia will think that you are stealing outside."

Sheng Qing bid farewell to Fang Huaihuai. On the way back by car, he accidentally saw a cake shop on the side of the road. The head was inexplicably hurt, like something stabbed in.

The weird feeling of pain came and disappeared suddenly.

Sheng Qing’s car stopped at the door of the cake shop. He reached for the position of the temple, opened the door and bought a fruit pudding cake.

Until the car left the cake shop, Sheng Qing did not figure out why he stopped, why did he buy a cake, but seemed to know the answer.

In the apartment, Chen sat cross-legged on the sofa and played with blocks. There was really nothing to play with.

When the sound of the door lock turned, he put on his slippers and ran to the door like a puppy waiting to be fed.

The system said that Sheng Qing bought a cake for himself.

Chen listened to it and waited.

Sheng Qing opened the door and saw the teenager standing in the entrance. He asked sternly, "What are you doing here?"

Chen Youzhen, really ruthless || 哎 哎, this time should not hold me up, pressed on the door, the wall, or the shoe cabinet to a dark, landslide cracked French | | hot | | Kiss||?

Sheng Qing has been standing in the same place for more than 30 years, and has only recently started running. The state of mind and body is still constantly adjusting, and it will inevitably be slow.

He stared at the boy for a few seconds and woke up.

When the body was vacated, Chen was picked up and put on the shoe cabinet. When he was about to kiss, his eyes found the cake. "Dad, what is the taste?"

Sheng Qing kissed the boy, "fruit pudding."

Chen and Li immediately pushed the car and jumped down to hug the cake.

Sheng Qing pressed the eyebrows and went to the study room.

When he was busy, the TV in the living room had been turned off, and the cake box was still on the coffee table. The small cake inside entered the teenager's stomach and was too edible.

Fortunately, not picky eaters.

Sheng Qing found a teenager in the room, the other party was drinking milk, and there was a circle of milk beards at the mouth.

Chen had just taken a shower and was ready to drink milk to sleep. When he saw the man who came in, he swallowed the milk in his mouth. "Dad, are you going to sleep with me?"

Sheng Qing looked coldly at the boy.

Pink teddy bear's pajamas and pajamas, revealing white arms and legs, he looked at it, no expression on his face, do not know what he was thinking.

Chen was looked at the hair, and went to check himself, the pajamas were fine, the pants were fine, the slippers were fine, the hands and feet were cut, the hair was combed, and the face was rubbed with fragrance. It’s very good to the feet.

Is it that he has a problem?

"Dad, I..."

Sheng Qing still does not say anything, staring at the deep eyes, the body also exudes a powerful power and low pressure.

Chen swallowed again and cried in fear.

As soon as he cried, Sheng Qing stepped closer and took him to the kitchen. He fed about 1000ml of yogurt and fed it in batches. He was afraid that he would drink too fast and would not swallow it.

Oh, how careful.

Chen is still moving and crying, Mom|||Forcing, feeding and feeding, knowing to feed every day, raising pigs!

After feeding, Sheng Qing took the hand and wiped the tears on the boy's face. He asked, "Is milk good, or yogurt?"

Chen Youzhen, "Yogurt."

After drinking so much yogurt, he got up on the toilet several times a night.

Which world is the same, the summer vacation always looks good, but it is really short.

On the day of school, when Chen was carrying his schoolbag into the classroom, other students brushed it and looked at it.

How awkward, even from the countdown to the throne of the class, the single-handedly shot directly into the top 30 of the year.

Chen’s **** just slammed into the chair, and the class teacher floated over, and the point was so good that it seemed to be in a corner.

The class teacher called Chen to the corridor and said that his final grades were well tested and made great progress, so that he could continue to work hard.

Chen Han, he can feel it, the class teacher is afraid of his pride.

There is a saying that he is not too embarrassed to say that he is already proud.

The class teacher called Xiao Xiao out next.

Xiao Wei is different from Chen. He is a drop in performance. He fell directly from the first place to the twenty, and he was in front of Chen.

Sliding too fast, scared the class teacher.

The class teacher walked his hands and said to his favorite student. "Your results have always been very stable, especially the three words outside the language. This time you are not very good at playing."

Xiao Wei did not speak.

The class teacher is also ruined, and he is very happy. "The next year is the college entrance examination, Xiao Wei, you have to give yourself, the teacher, and your parents a copy."

Xiao Wei still didn't speak.

He pulled his eyelids and looked at his absent-mindedness.

The head of the class teacher’s eyes are stunned, and the eyes of the class are like little, and there’s not much early with it|||Learning students have a lot of tricks.

"Now do your homework well, do a good job of learning, and others, and wait until the college entrance examination is over."

Xiao Wei said, "I know."

When the class teacher heard the answer, he would not say it. The child of this age, rebellious, said that he was annoyed, and there was a kind of mentality that "the more you stop, the more I will do it."

"Go to class."

Xiao Wei turned back to monitor.

The class teacher sighed. He had great expectations for this student, and the minimum was the key point.

After the end of the self-study, Chen finished eating the **** and squatting on the table, pressing the words and paintings.

A small wave of students came in and said something in the air.

Chen is not interested, continue to paint.

His chair was pushed a bit, thinking it was school grass, turned to find the girl in the back seat.

"what happened?"

The girl said with a small volume, "Have you heard that?"

Chen asked, "What?"

The girl said, "That is that."

Chen’s eyes are a bit strange, “...what?”

Is that the one? He shook his head in his heart, not will not, the girl is still small, do not understand.

The girl said, "The second class."

Chen confirmed that he had not heard, "What is it?"

The girl suddenly showed the expression "My God, you have not heard of it", very shocked.

Chen has another face.

When he ate a steamed bun, what did he miss?

"You tell me about Sa."

The girls squatted in the past. "Two boys in the second class had a squat in the toilet of the school building and were found."

Chen Zai, "Hey."

The voice of the girl is lighter and she is afraid of being heard. In fact, everyone is saying that she and Chen are also a country, and they are seen from the IQ.

Say something is not there, the girls finally said the key, "They are the same || sex||love||."

Chen Zai, "Hey." I am also in front of you.

The girl, my heart is soft, and when I say it, I sigh, sympathize, and say that the two boys are so pitiful.

Chen said that he was very pitiful. He was expelled from the school and suddenly came out of the cabinet. He did not say the disdain and disgusting eyes of his classmates. The family must be bleak and bloody.

The girl looked up at Chen and behind him. He twisted his neck and saw Xiao Wei standing at the door of the classroom.

Chen Youzhen used to have a deep-eyed look in the past, and saw it, doing the base||佬 is very miserable, especially in the school to do the base|||佬.

Xiao Wei sat in his seat if he had nothing to do, and he did the most work in the day and turned the pen.

One day, the class did not stop talking about the same || sex||love||.

There are two technical problems with how men come, and there are also questions about how to do the college entrance examination, and when they get together.

Anyway, quite a lot.

When I was in class, Chen’s ears were in English, political history, and class, all of which were murmurs, like dozens of little mice.

Xiao Wei took the triangle drawing, and said coldly, "Let's go with me."

Chen pretended to be inaudible.

There is no name in front of a sentence, who knows which one is called.

When the bell of the class rang, the teacher did not leave, and Chen began to clean up the desk. He quickly took the bag.

The teacher's forefoot, Chen is back.

Just ran to the first floor, Chen's schoolbag was caught by the hand that came back.

He said unhappy, "Let's let go!"

Xiao Wei leaned back with a bag, single-handedly pocketed, grabbed Chen's schoolbag and walked toward the playground.

Chen is struggling to get the bag down, not to do it, but special, the bear is in the grass.

When he came home, Sheng Qing did not see the bear, then he was going to die.

After school is the happiest thing of the day, no matter who, no one cares about Chen and Xiao Wei.

Through the playground, Xiao Xiao took Chen back to the back of the small dining hall.

It was a small bamboo forest with some toilet paper **** scattered on the ground.

"The class teacher asked me this morning."

Xiao Yan pinched Chen’s arm and asked him, “Do you know why?”

Chen’s short head and small body were unable to resist. “I didn’t test well at the end of the period?”


Xiao Wei asked again, "Do you know why I didn't test it?"

I know, but I don't want to say that Chen is moving his arm and being pinched by the other side. He can't get rid of it.

Xiao Wei said, "Because of you."

"When I was taking the exam, I was sitting in front of a boy, and his back was like you."

He smiled bitterly. "I have been staring at it. I can't control myself."

Chen did not know what to say.

Xiao Wei didn't smile. "Do you think I am stupid?| Force?"

Chen added, "You don't do this."

"Which?" Xiao Xiao’s breathing was very chaotic. "You said, I listen."

Chen added, "You know the morning, for you, don't follow me anymore..."

"Good fart!"

Xiao Yan, without thinking, said a summer vacation, "In the summer, you think you have been hypnotizing yourself, are you not a father and son with your father?"

Chen Youxin said, really, my father and I are fake fathers and sons. We have no blood relationship, and we can't fake it again!

"You really know."

"Yes, I know." Xiao Wei said, "The two boys in class 2 just like the same sex, you are different, midsummer, you are... is..."

Don't say, those two words are not good, Chen said, "I want to go home."

Xiao Yan suddenly bowed his head and kissed him.

Chen turned his face to the left, his hair was kissed, and he saw the figure not far away, the boss of his eyes.

Lying in the trough! This play can't be ended.

Xiao Wei found that Chen did not move, he went to see it, and it was also a glimpse.

The sister came over, with a tearing ||

Chen is as dead as he is.

Xiao Wei is calmer than him, and he looks like that.

Sisters can't believe it, "In the midsummer, you and Xiao Wei, you..."

She raised her voice, "What the **** is going on?!"

Chen took the bag to the front and found that the bear's skirt was scratched by Xiao Xiao.


Not dead now, going back is also dead.

Xiao Xiao carried his chin. "It is what you see."

The sister's face is pale, "Which?"

She asked Xiao Wei, "Do you kiss him in the summer, or do you kiss you, or are you kissing each other?"

Chen is still pumping his mouth, not that I said you, sister, you should have a pair of glasses.

Xiao Wei said, "Is there a difference?"

It’s better to distinguish the boss. You don’t want to harm me. I’m still explaining it. When I haven’t said it, I’m pushed to the ground by my sister.

To be honest, it is not that he is weak, that is, the sister is too strong, and the height of one meter is more than seven meters, not white.

Xiao Xiao was angry and screaming at his sister. "What are you doing?"

My sister bit her lip, and she has a lot of strength and bleeding. "In the summer, I want to hear you."

Chen added, "I am with him..."

Xiao Yan stopped him. "I have said what I said."

Chen Zai, "..."

The sister's eyes are red, and it is a boy who can't accept to dig his own corner.

"Summer, your girlfriend, is he?"

Chen’s “no” mouth was only halfway out, and Xiao Wei stopped him again. “Yes, it’s me.”

In situ explosions school grass.

Read The Duke's Passion