MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 125 Only father in the world is good (19)

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Chen woke up in the room. He used to raise his hand to grab his hair. This raised his arm and almost smashed the infusion bottle next to him.

A little bit of tingling on the back of the hand plunged into the blood vessels, extending all the way to the cerebral cortex. Chen’s upper and lower mouths touched it gently, which was a bit of pain.

His memory is still stuck in the examination room, the weather is very hot, surrounded by the candidates to end the college entrance examination voice, relaxed or heavy footsteps, noisy.

Do not remember the things behind.

Chen looked at the infusion tube on the back of his hand. He blinked his eyes. Isn't this the same as drinking a fragment?

"444, what happened to me?"

The system said, "Hit heat stroke."

Chen and hehe, "Cute me, heatstroke will also be broken?"

The system says, "It is possible."

It is possible that a ghost, I grew up, the number of heat strokes can not count a hand, Chen also feels that the system, the number of fake, really less, always used him as a mental retardation, he looked at the room, the first A reaction is empty, then it is clean.

"Where is this?"

The system says, "In bed."

"..." Chen was not happy to say, "I have hanged water, you still play with me, can you be better?"

The system said, "I can't be good."

Chen sighed. "You are really not cute at all."

The system said, "I want to be cute, I just supervise you to complete the task."

"Right, I still have a task, lying down, I am so dizzy, I wake up again, my brain is even worse."

Chen hurriedly asked, "What about Shengqing?"

The system said, "Come."

Chen looked up and went to see the door. After a few moments, there was footsteps outside. The door was pushed away from the outside. He watched the man stepping in. The legs were still so long, the figure was still so good, and the face was still so cold. But it seems that something is wrong.

When the man walked to the bed, Chen did not know what was wrong, it was the breath of the other person, heavy and cold.

Speaking of it, why did he suddenly faint?

Chen has a black hole in his mind. He can't help but deduct the plot of the novel he saw. For example, he suddenly found out that he was terminally ill. Then he bleeds his nose, loses his hair, and easily faints. He can't help but wind up. Chemotherapy, vomiting blood, dying and struggling.

His eyes are pumping, and it’s terrible to think about it.

The voice rang from the top of the head. "Dad told you that you can do your best. I didn't expect you to be so tired and fainted at the entrance of the examination room."

Chen listened to the man's voice, so he was just too tired to faint? No, I am not tired. After I have finished the test, I want to go online and play all night. Maybe it is too tired? I didn't feel it myself, my body has reached the limit.

When I thought about it, Chen gave up his heart. "Dad, how long have I been sleeping?"

Sheng Qing said, "One day."

Chen Youzhen, it’s no wonder that he is so hungry, still imaginary, and tired of taking a breath. "Where is this?"

"It's a dad's zoo." Sheng Qing touched the boy's hair and pressed back the curled hair. "You finished the college entrance exam, and Dad took you here to relax."

Chen excitedly said, "Zoo? Is there a lot of animals?"


Sheng Qing said, "There are some rare birds in the world."

Chen’s face suddenly appeared in a confused expression. Dad, I like to watch birds, but how do you say that you have something wrong to understand.

Sheng Qing took a look at the infusion bottle. "I will bring you dinner after a while."

As soon as he heard the word "rice", Chen licked his mouth and screamed.

Sheng Qing leaned over, the hot and humid breath passed over the boy's cheek, and it was still rosy yesterday. Today, there is no blood. He stares at the half-tone, slowly picks it up, and gently rubs his lips over the corner of the boy's mouth.

Chen also said, "Dad, I want to eat chicken legs, duck blood, pork stewed noodles, and..."

The words behind him were blocked by a kiss.

The kiss of the man is very gentle. Chen has a illusion that the other party is afraid that he will not be able to control his strength. It will be strange. It is very strong and strong every time. It is coming, absolutely resolute. .

Chen and his face are close to each other. Looking at such a close distance, the nose is the nose, the eyes are the eyes, the mouth is the mouth, and the handsome is horrible.

Sheng Qing picked up his eyelids and his eyes were deep. "The eyes are closed."

No, Chen still squinted, the man's eyelashes are long, brushed, and he wants to take a hand to sweep, grab a piece and carefully count.

There was a sigh of vagueness, and a palm of your hand was over his eyes, and nothing could be seen.

Only less than three minutes later, Sheng Qing turned and went out.

Chen’s chest was undulating, and a thin layer of sweat was oozing out from the forehead. What happened? Yes, I was only 19, and I wouldn’t be able to kiss it.

He took a deep breath, "444, I think the engine is very strange."

The system says, "Is it strange?"

"It’s weird." Chen yelled. "Every time he kisses me, it’s more than ten minutes. Many times it’s been going for half an hour. You just didn’t see it, only for a little while, no Suck my tongue."

"I said really, I didn't eat much of his saliva this time."

The system said, "The pros below the eyes||The hot pictures are all blocked, forgot?"

Chen snorted again. "Well, I forgot."

He suddenly realized, "I know, it must be that I have been sleeping for a day, I have no teeth to wash my face, and the taste is not good, so Shengqing has no more parents, right?"

The system says, "Smart."

Chen is angry again. "It's okay, don't believe you smell."

The system said, "I believe."

Chen is proud of it. "I told you, my test is particularly good. I can't even believe that I can't believe it. I secretly took a few times to make sure that it is not a dream. There is absolutely no problem with the xxx. I already think Ok, when I went to college, I went to the newspapers, did a break dance, and then worked as a class cadre to do what I had not done in the real world."

The system says, "Not hungry?"

Chen added, "Hungry, starving to death."

Not long after, the door opened and Sheng Qing came in for dinner.

Say good chicken legs, duck blood, pork stew noodles, no porridge.

Chen is very desperate and angry. The porridge is not full. Just after drinking it for a while, he will transfer his position and go to the toilet. He will not leave any food. He takes a spoon and swipes in the bowl. White things, like yam, and red and black things, there are a lot of food inside, but more porridge.

After digging his mouth and letting go, Chen went to the desperate side and ate it, and unwittingly got a bowl of porridge. "Dad, can I have something else to eat?"

Sheng Qing took paper towels to the teenager. "You can't eat much at night."

Chen received a wipe from his hand and felt it necessary to remind the man. "Dad, I am already very short. Now I am growing up. If I eat less, I will be malnourished."

Sheng Qing raised his eyes. "What do you want to eat?"

Chen added, "Chicken legs."

Sheng Qing patted the boy, "Go ahead early."

Chen pulled his hand again. "Don't, chicken legs can't, duck legs can be."

Sheng Qing gave the juvenile the needle|| tube, his movements were very skilled, his arms were very stable, as if he had practiced many times. "Is the idiom of painting a cake full of hunger heard?"

Chen twisted his face again, "No!"

Sheng Qing saw the boy like that, he felt very cute, he thought of something, and his eyes passed a trace of depression. "Dad knows that you have heard it, and later draw one by yourself, both will do."

Chen wants to die, and he is not allowed to eat. It is really painful. "I am going to brush my teeth and wash my face."

Sheng Qing took the slippers, "The bathroom is on the left."

Chen opened the quilt and went out to see the pink teddy bear's slippers. He calmly put his feet in, and pulled to go to the bathroom.

I don't know if I have been lying in bed for too long. Chen is weak and his head is still dizzy. He rubs his face and makes himself awake. At this time, if he turns back, he will definitely see the emotion on Shengqing's face.

It is a repressed, unspeakable worry.

Chen squeezed the toothpaste in front of the bathroom mirror and said to the system, "Come on "Where is Spring?"

In the next second, his heart sounded in his mind, and he was in a good mood.

When brushing his teeth, Chen was too bored, and he went to see himself in the mirror. The whole is a sick teenager. This little face is white and mixed into the vampire. It will not be suspected.

Lying for a long time is really bad for the body.

Chen spit the toothpaste foam into the pool, gargle, unscrew the faucet and adjust the water temperature to wash his face. After finishing the outing, Sheng Qing is not there, busy.

The black lacquer outside the window, I don’t know what time it is, there is no sound outside, it’s quiet and scary.

Chen stood at the window and watched for a while. He didn't see anything. He decided to lie back on the bed and go to the zoo early tomorrow.

I don't know how long it took, Chen was confused, and was awakened by the urine. He opened his eyes and saw a black shadow, which made him jump. "Dad, is that you?"

The black shadow spoke, and the voice was hoarse and hoarse. "It's me."

Chen reluctantly, "Dad, big night, you don't sleep, what are you doing here?"

Sheng Qing said, "I am going to sleep."

Chen did not suspect him. He planned to touch the remote control to turn on the light, and the room lit up. He instinctively closed his eyes and opened it again, and met with a gaze.

Men's underwear is neat, the face looks serious, and even dignified.

Chen sat up again and leaned back on the bed. "Dad, is there something wrong with the family?"

Sheng Qing gathered his look and whispered his lips. "It's a little bit, but Dad can handle it."

Chen understood that it was no wonder that this person had a very serious look. It turned out that someone was doing things in the Sheng family. He thought about it. "I can finish the test now and I can help."

Sheng Qing said, "If you listen to your father, Dad will be very happy."

Chen Youxin said, I am better than the blessing. I am afraid to pee in the living room. I don’t dare to think of the blessing. He hurriedly asked, "Let’s come to the zoo, what about the blessing?"

Sheng Qing said, "It is taken care of, there will be nothing."

Chen and Emei, "Why don't you bring it together? There are so many animals in the zoo, isn't it good to see it in the world?"

Sheng Qing said, "Go back after a while."

Chen sighed, let's go, what do you want to do, I can't control you anyway.

After a while, Chen went back to the toilet and squatted and squatted beside him. The two men were squatting and didn't talk. The small one was sleepy and the big one was unable to sleep.

"In the summer, sing a song to Dad."

Chen heard the sound in his ear. His upper and lower eyelids were like a pair of people who were about to play soon. | The wave of the little couple was so frightened that they suddenly opened the distance, you don’t know me, I I don't know you either.

"Dad, what song do you want to hear?"


When Sheng Qing finished, he was silent.

Chen put his hand into the thin blanket and grabbed his stomach. It was a little itchy and sang a song? He flipped through his own song library and turned it back and forth to find the system. "You recommend me a sprinkle."

The system said, "Is there only a mother in the world?"

Chen grinned. "My mother has already gone to heaven, and she has no mother."

His eyes lit up, changed the lyrics, and sang it with a small voice. The volume was similar to the whisper of the most loved one. "There are only dads in the world. Dad's children are like a treasure, and they are thrown into the arms of Dad. Happiness can't enjoy..."

The voice of the teenager rang in the room, and every sentence, every word was wrapped in a gentle and simple one.

Sheng Qing turned his head and his arm was placed on the teenager's waist. He was fishing in the chest, his chin was low, and the young black hair was topped.

Chen sang the last sentence. He felt the man’s breath coming into his neck in the darkness. He was smashed, and the other’s scum was hard. He wanted to push the head away. “Dad, you should shave. Beard."

The man did not leave, "Well."

Ah, what, ah, I tell you, spoiled is useless to me, Chen has no heart to push, the moonlight tonight is not too bright, the man tonight seems to be a little fragile, he is a little homesick tonight.

To be honest, tonight is not a pleasant evening.

The next morning, when Chen woke up, no one was next to him. He didn’t know when the man went to sleep in the middle of the night last night. He yawned and grabbed the bird’s nest. He thought it was a zoo and he was in a good mood. I have to fly.

Sheng Qing came in with a glass of water and spread his hand, with two pale yellow medicines on it, "eat the medicine."

Chen did not ask what medicine, he drank saliva and swallowed the medicine. "Dad, I will go to the zoo to play later."

Sheng Qing put the cup on the bedside table, "Okay."

He went back with his clothes and pants. "You take off your pajamas and Dad wears clothes for you."

Chen has another face.

Sheng Qing raised his eyes, "Pajamas have to take off their father?"

Chen stood up from the bed. Although he was a small dwarf, but with the height of the bed, he could overlook the man. He solemnly said, "Dad, I am 19."

Sheng Qing said, "Well, twenty years after the end of the year."

So? Have you heard of the children who are so big, and let Dad dress you? Chen was speechless. He looked at the man's temper to take off his pajamas and frightened himself to get started.

The soft body of the juvenile scorpion appeared in front of the eyes, such as the same slender young seedlings, and the breath of the stalwart was stunned. If nothing happened, grab one of the juvenile arms and put it into the sleeve, then go and give him another one. .

Chen looked down again, his eyes looking left and looking to the right, and he couldn’t help but look down. Hey, Dad is still sleeping.

When he cried, he couldn’t help himself.

No way, I can't summon my little dad for the time being.

Thinking about it in a mess, Chen went to see the man again. His eyes suddenly widened and he was shocked and said, "Dad, you have white hair!"

Sheng Qing doesn't care, "Is it?"

Yeah, yeah, there are several heads on the top of the head. Chen’s eyes are rounded up. What happened? Nothing has been done a few days ago. He can be sure, because he will be in the man’s hair every morning and night, part of it. The reason is that when you do things, you don't need to contribute, so you have nothing to do, and you owe it. Part of the reason is that men's hair is very short, hard and hard to touch.

Chen went over and put his hand in the man's hair, caught a white hair, and his heart was inexplicably boring, and he was uncomfortable. "Dad, this white hair will grow seven and can't be smashed."

Sheng Qing laughed. "Who did you say this point of view?"

"My dad... A classmate in the class said that he likes to read books. Everything in the field knows everything."

Chen had just accidentally said that he had missed his mouth and almost bit his tongue. "In short, you should not go to jealousy. If you don't feel good, you will get black."

He took the opportunity to flatter. "But I think Dad doesn't need to be black. Really, whether you have hair or any color, even if it is all white, you are the most handsome one in the world."

The slap of the horse was loud, and there was not much emotional change on the face of Sheng Qing. I didn’t know what I was inside. He asked, “What if Dad is old?”

Why do you want to mention this, old and old, good, every stage of a person is different, Chen reached out to touch the man's hair, seriously and reluctantly said, "There is also the most handsome ""

Sheng Qing did not respond. He arranged a t-shirt for the teenager and went to get the pants. "Take the foot on the left."

Chen Youzhen is on the shoulder of a man, and he is doing it. His nose is the smell of the other person. Early in the morning, how is this so smoke? He wrinkled his nose and felt a pack.

Sheng Qing said, "Right leg."

Chen continued to do it. "Dad, why are you wearing clothes for me today?"

Sheng Qing is pulling beige trousers for the teenager. "I don't like it?"

I don’t like it either, that is, how do I say that I feel like a doll, and Chen said, "Like it."

Sheng Qing underestimated, "The father will wear clothes for you every day."

Wen Yan, Chen immediately opened the distance to see the man, I did not hear it wrong, every day? Dress me up? Is there such a good thing under the sun?

He leaned back and lost his balance, almost falling.

Hold the boy, and frown, "Sit on the bed."

Chen Youzhen’s sitting down, he just slept for a day, is the world changed, or the world has changed?

In front of the juvenile, Sheng Qingyu put the laces of the white sneakers and put them on shoes.

The whole person who was scared by Chen was frozen.

After he remembered, his father and mother let him deeply understand what it means to be self-reliant. No one can dress and wear shoes for himself. This feeling can't be said.

Sheng Qing puts on the shoes for the teenager, the laces are tied, and his pants legs | | pleats | | wrinkles | | smooth.

Chen couldn't accept it at all, and the gas field was strong. The man who had always been looked up was squatting to wear shoes for himself. He bent over and held his hand on his knees. His eyes suddenly became hot and he cried.

"Dad, Dad, Dad... Don't wear shoes for me... I am afraid..."

Sheng Qing raised his eyes, "What are you afraid of?"

Chen cried and said, "I don't know."

His tears could not stop flowing down, quickly licking his cheeks, and his chin was flooded.

Sheng Qing took the boy out of bed. "Well, why are you crying?"

Don't ask, I haven't found the answer so far. Chen has cried enough in the man's chest. He looked up in tears and eyes. Dad, you said that the hard and hard thing is the same as crying and crying. We are all lucky to be spit by God.

Juvenile crying looks like the most magical force in the world. Sheng Qing’s body can’t resist and reacts. It looks like helplessness. He takes the boy back to his chest, and the prominent throat is rolling up and down. ||欲|||望||.

In the morning of June, the coolness was taken by the sun, leaving little left.

The zoo was oversized and there was no breeder. Chen looked inside for a while and saw many animals, including tigers, lions, elephants, zebras, wild leopards, peacocks, koalas, and white kangaroos.

He wants to go see it again, but his body is not good, so tired, he has to stop and rest.

Sheng Qing said, "Look at so much today, continue to watch tomorrow."

Chen shook his head again. "Dad, why didn't I see other people?"

Sheng Qing said, "A holiday."

Chen’s mouth is pumping, and I am giving a holiday, but can I put it all together? I don't believe this, he thinks this man and the system is...

That’s how it’s said, and he’s confusing him with mental retardation.

Obviously they are totally different.

It didn't take long for Chen to stop shopping. After more than half an hour of shopping, he couldn't help but marvel. Sheng Qing was going to take the animal world out of the TV screen and let him see it in front of his eyes. .

"Dad, don't you go to the company?"

Sheng Shou’s hand was inserted into his pocket and he said, “Dad is also on holiday.”

Chen asked the system, what day is it today, how does it not go to the company to work.

The system is not online, "Hey, please leave a message if you have something."

Chen Zai, "..."

After forgetting it, I couldn’t ask for a flower, Chen stopped in one place, and two deer were doing things.

He was squatting on the iron net, it was too inconspicuous, and it was so much during the day, and he was not afraid to scare other small partners.

The two deer have me in you, I have you, not humans outside the bird.

Chen grinned. "Dad, it’s wonderful."

Sheng Qing, "Yeah."

Chen’s ears were kissed, and he continued to look at Luhan.

Sheng Qingmo||挲少年少年白皙柔||Soft earlobe, "Go back."

Chen grabbed the iron net and looked at it with relish. "Don't!"

He was turned around and stared at the man, saying inexplicably, "I want to go back to yourself, I will not go back."

Sheng Qing is not angry, it seems to be accustomed to, "you can't."

He said, he took the boy up and strode in the direction of the house.

Chen licked his legs and twisted his neck. It would be nice to have another look.

For a few days, it is the same everyday.

Get up early to take medicine, watch birds and beasts, come back to infusion, take medicine at noon, watch TV, and have to take medicine at night.

Fruit can be eaten, but what kind of food is fixed and can not be eaten.

Chen glared at the big red apple and glanced at the man who was facing his computer. "Dad, tell me the truth, am I sick?"

Sheng Qing’s hand on the keyboard kept going. “Your body is just a little problem.”

Who is going to lie, is it a small problem for me to take medicine this evening? Chen shuck the apple in his mouth and swallowed it.

One afternoon, Chen got up again and wanted to wave his arms and legs and run two steps.

As a result, you guessed what, he was still picking up his hand at the moment, and he lost consciousness in the next moment.

This time I slept longer than last time, two and a half days.

Chen woke up to see several raw faces, dressed in white coats, and was a doctor.

If he was still lying in the original room, he would think he was in the hospital ward.

Chen’s line of sight moved, and he saw a small half shoulder outside the window. He recognized that it was Sheng Qing.

Why don't you come in?

Chen also found that the man raised his arm and held a cigarette between his fingers. He said that the smell of smoke on his body was getting stronger and stronger.

A doctor asked, "Xia Shaoye, how do you feel?"

Chen added, "It's good."

As soon as he spoke, his voice was a bit fuzzy and still very weak. It was estimated that he was sleeping long.

Several doctors did not stay too much and left the room after completing the inspection.

They went outside, and they were reckless and reckless.

Sheng Qing annihilated the smoke, "Go on."

A few doctors answered, "Yes."

Shengqing pressed the eyebrows. This is a zoo. It is a quiet place for recuperation in the summer. It can also be said to be a private hospital with the world's top equipment and doctors.

He has already prepared for everything, and he has to fight with God, kill people, put them on their side, and put them old.

Chen is pushed into the strange instrument every week. He asks no one can ask why.

Counting the time, Chen asked the system in his heart. "I have come out of the college entrance examination score. How many points have you taken?"

The system says, "635."

Chen was shocked again, "My God..."

635, what is the concept, he did not pay attention to squeeze into the world of Xueba?

"If I had such a high score in the past, my mom would have estimated it for a few more years."

Chen was a bit happy and a little bit awkward. He did not fill in the volunteers. Sheng Qing did not tell him that he was at the entrance to the university and left.

Life, this is the life.

Beginning in September, there are a lot of freshmen, some are from one to the other, some are still Ma Bao, Dadbao, Grandpa Bao Grandma, all kinds of treasures, good guys, to report, the whole family is all out, the boss is up. .

In the gymnasium, the departments are in a row, and the new students find their own professions and line up for reports.

On the other side of the history department, Xiao Wei leaned on the suitcase and looked at the door after a while.

I waited until the evening and didn't wait for people to appear.

The next day, Xiao Wei continued to wait, still no, his brows knotted, what happened?

On the day of filling in the volunteers, Xiao Chuangbao did not come to the class. Xiao Wei asked the class teacher, the class teacher said nothing.

Later, he heard the results of the college entrance examination for the little crying bag, and he was more happy than when he learned that he had scored a high score.

A week later, Chen still did not appear in any of the **** new students list.

Shengguang wants to be at a higher and lower level in school, and Shengjing is used to accompany him.

Xiao Wei is chasing Chen, and the sister is chasing him.

This is good, the protagonist does not debut, and some of the supporting characters they have prepared are not useful.

Xiao Wei’s search, found Sheng Guang in the Department of Philosophy, he asked his face, “Why didn’t you report in the summer?”

Sheng Guang said, "I want to know."

Xiao Wei said, "You are not his brother, will you not know this?"

Shengguang laughed and pushed Xiao Xiao away and walked to the library in front.

Xiao Wei turned and "stayed."

Shengguang is not stopping. "If he comes, I will be the first to know, and,"

"I am not related to his brother and brother."

Xiao Wei ran over, "What do you mean?"

Shengguang proudly sneered, "This is the family of our family, how old are you? Is it qualified?"

His mood is extremely bad.

Coincidentally, Xiao Wei is also the same.

On the tree-lined path, they shoved two times and the fist waved toward the other side.

Sheng Guang is short, and his body is not as good as Xiao Wei, who is developed with sports cells, so he is in a downwind position and there is no possibility of counterattack.

The two played enough, they sat on the grass and gasped, all of them were swollen and bruised. In fact, there was nothing to complain about.

It’s just that each other’s hearts are filled with something that is unknown, just hit it.

Xiao Wei stood up and spit on the ground with a spit of blood. "I am in class 1605 in the history department. If you are unhappy, you can come to me at any time."

The light on the ground wiped his hand with a paper towel. "Waste, I didn't expect you to have such a friend."

"Oh, you are really capable, even let you pass the admission scores of this school, why not?"

The paper was pinched and thrown into the trash can next to it. Shengguang did not go to the library, but changed direction and went to the nearby lake.

The willows are shaded, and a bench is placed a short time. You can sit down and whisper.

Sheng Guang did not want anyone to see his nose and face swollen, but he was just being looked at by the oncoming people.

Staring at his face, Shengjing frowning, "How do you get it?"

Shengguang shrugged, "Can't see it? Being beaten."

Sheng Jing said, "I asked who you are playing?"

"Why, you want to give me out?" When Sheng Guang smiled, his mouth hurt, and he snorted and ironically said, "I have already sent such a big joke to you in front of you. How come you have so much? ”

Shengjing licks his lips and no longer says anything.

There was a couple holding hands and breaking through the stiff atmosphere.

Sheng Guang stood under the willow tree and asked a different sentence. "Did, did Dad send the waste out of the country?"

"It shouldn't," Sheng Jing said. "I checked, Dad wants to come to the university in the midsummer. With the results of the college entrance examination in the midsummer, as long as the volunteers are filled, there will be no problem."

"In addition, if Dad has the idea of ​​sending the summer to study abroad, there will be some action, and he will not wait for his college entrance examination."

Shengguang looked at the lake. "What is going on?"

“I don’t know,” Sheng Jing said. “Let’s see it again, maybe it’s coming to school later.”

"He may be with his high school classmates, that is, a professional at the same table, I will pay attention to it."

What Shengguang remembered, "Are you not very interested in chemistry, how do you choose a major with me?"

Sheng Jing said, "The chemistry major of this school is average."

Shengguang squinted, "Then you should fill in yyy, your performance is more than enough."

Sheng Jing said, "Trouble."

Sheng Guang, "..."

"You go to the cafeteria to help me buy a dandan noodles. I am going back to the dormitory."

He turned and left, and it is expected that Shengjing will not refuse.

Shengjing did not say no.

got used to.

After the military training ended, Xiao Xiao’s few people did not have Chen’s news, as if they suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Wei went to the Sheng culture, did not wait for Sheng Qing, even the other secretary did not see.

He went to the front desk to inquire. "Hello, may I want to see your chairman, what should I do?"

The front desk said, "The chairman has not been there recently."

Xiao Xiaoyi said, "No, where did he go?"

The front desk smiled. "There is no one knows where the chairman of the board is."

She said, "Are you a relative of mine? I can record it for you."

Xiao Wei said no.

Recording what, Sheng Qing has a prejudice against him.

Walking out of the building, Xiao Xiao had an uneasy hunch, but he couldn't do anything, and he could only go back to school.

Xiao Wei saw the sister under the dormitory and they both took a photo.

Sister is a refreshing temper, not ink, "Is there news of midsummer?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "No."

The sister said, "I sent WeChat to the old class. If the old class didn't return, I made a phone call. He was very supportive. It was not right."

Xiao Wei stalked in an instant, "What do you want to say?"

The sister's face was so hot that she walked to the side uncomfortably. "I suspect that the summer is not coming to school."

"I talked to the summer before, he wanted to enter xxx. When he said it, the expression on his face was very serious and firm."

The sister looked at the tall boys. "I think if there is no reason, the summer will not come."

Xiao Wei took out the lighter from his trouser pocket and held it in his hand. "What is the reason?"

He said the same thing to his sister, "I'm sick!"

The next two are in silence.

When the sister saw Xiao Xiao’s panic, she went to grab the other’s arm. “This is just a guess.”

Xiao Wei waved her hand.

The sister was caught off guard and was swayed by two steps. "You calm down."

Xiao Wei said, "I can't calm down."

The uneasiness in his heart is more intense, and he can't ignore it.

Sheng Qing does not go to the company, and does not appear in the school in midsummer. There must be a connection between the two.

The sister ridiculed, "In the midsummer, I said that I don't like you. Why are you still doing this yourself?"

Xiao Yan said coldly, "That is my business."

Standing in the same place, the sister took the boy's back on the steps and screamed with a scream. "Xiao Wei, you||he||mother||..."

Her voice went down. "I like a person who doesn't like you. How tired."

When the freshmen were busy, Chen vomited when he took medicine.

And what kind of dog|| fart instrument, every time I lie in, cry out.

It hurts really.

Sheng Qing wears clothes for Chen every day and treats him as a child of one or two years old.

Chen’s heart is very scared. He can’t show it, afraid that the other person is worried.

Mom||Forcing, the progress of the mission is up, and it is stuck, stuck in the position of 444.

Chen thinks that this is the system that gives him the 诅||curse, definitely!

If it wasn't for him, he couldn't change his optimistic personality anyway. He liked to simplify the problem, and he didn't remember it. He had to ruin his nerves and lay dead.

The doctors and nurses are cautious. They all think that the teenager is not like a patient. The teenager is in a very good mood. He always laughs and laughs.

The family members seem to suffer several times more pain than the patients. The low pressure on the body makes people shudder. God knows that they are nervous when they report the patient's condition.

A person's mentality is very different.

This summer, I didn’t sneak past. It crawled away in a lot of pills. It’s still very slow and slow to what extent. For Chen, it’s just like years.

No exaggeration at all.

One night, Sheng Qing went to the bathroom to take a shower. Chen listened to the sound novel in bed. When he was thirsty, he went to pour himself water.

When I took the cup, Chen took it several times and couldn't get it. The right hand didn't make much effort. He stayed and finished, and it was over.

Chen was frightened and asked for a system in his heart. "You tell me quickly, what disease did I get?"

The system says, "genetic diseases."

Chen went on to ask, "What genetic disease can you say? Is it a brain, or one of the heart, the spleen and lungs, or five?"

System repeat, "genetic disease."

Chen rolled his eyes again. "Know know, you said it twice, the name?"

The system says, "The name is a genetic disease."

Chen sighed and sighed. "...the name sounds so esoteric. It seems that I will die this time."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes