MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 150 I am a dead bird (6)

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Late at night, people can’t be quiet, and birds are.

The handsome man leaned on the bed, his chest was holding a **** bird, a bow, a head, a four-eye view, a current, a love, a brush, and a love and hate. Qiu, sour and bitter.

This situation, how to say it, people who don’t understand, will laugh, laugh and draw, the party and the bird do not care, you have me, I have you, this is enough.

Chang Qinli gently licks the bird's hair on the back of a black bird. His eyes have self-blame, guilt, distress, anger, anger, and slowly become gentle. He suspected it, tried it, and denied it by himself. I feel too ridiculous, and the information I got is fake, and I almost regretted my life.

Even so, Chang Qin still feels scared, he is not afraid to look at the soul of this black bird.

Very guilty.

Chang Qin’s lips are over-headed, and his eyes are on a void. Fortunately, this person is a bird. He can’t beat him for a while, or he must take a dozen or twenty shots on him, and then grab his shoulders and make trouble. .

What he did during this time was not personnel.

I crossed my neck, repeatedly reprimanded, roared, let the other party roll, and even beat the wings. Who ever thought that this routine was too deep, and that it was intentionally made, he was almost put in.

The man who is looking for it is in front of him, and he becomes a black bird with a stinking smell. He has cleansing and disgusting with dirty things, and he may kill the bird at any time.

Also smoke | | fog | | bomb | | misleading, trying to make him misrecognize others.

Both of these schemes went for a purpose, and wanted him to kill his lover and destroy himself.

In the depths of the eyelids, a **** light passed, and Changqin’s throat rolled, and the thin lips were tightly tied together. He asked him half-heartedly, his voice was hoarse, "Does the wings still hurt?"

Chen wants to say that it doesn't hurt, and that comes out, "big big."

Chang Qin heard three sounds, thinking is not painful, if it hurts, it is a sound, he squats on the forehead, consider whether you want to take a time to learn the bird language.

Different species are difficult to communicate smoothly.

Poor communication means that there will be many misunderstandings.

Misunderstanding will affect feelings.

After the calculation, the seriousness of the problem is very serious. Chang Qin decided to find a teacher to learn the bird language, specifically for the starling.

Chen Youzhen, now I still can't talk, wait for me to talk, I will have a small meeting with you, it will be six or seven hours, we will count it for a few months. everything of.

It’s from the day you first arrived at me on the roadside.

I found that the man’s eyes were reddish, and Chen’s eyes sighed. I just teased you to play. I’m not willing to settle with you. I know that you are useless to recognize me, so it’s right for me, don’t blame you. .

He glared at the man, and the mess of the bird's feathers, but also controlled the force, licking the man's arm with a thin beak, afraid of hurting the other side.

I like you the most, just like you.

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly warm, so happy, it should be a shot.

Chang Qin looked at the black bird in the chest. The thought turned around in his mind and flew away.

Chen saw what he was doing. He narrowed his eyes, wanted to cry, couldn’t cry, wanted to laugh, and couldn’t laugh, and he couldn’t be loved.

God knows how long he waited for the gun.

It seems that I have to wait, continue to wait, wait for the system to be insane, and give him a super invincible back door to make him a person.

At that time, he will not waste a second of time, with dozens of guns on Chang Qin.

Chen grabbed the ruby ​​worn by the man with his claws, and took a sip of it. He was not willing to take out the print. He was happy to rub the ruby. Hey, he liked it. This texture, this color, beautiful.

"Great, big and big."

Chang Qin couldn't understand this time. He put the black bird up, and the other party played with the ruby ​​he wore. He just had to talk, and a stinky smell fell into his nose and went straight into his mind.

That smell is not a general stinky thing, it will be something that has been dead for a long time.

Chang Qin is very close to the black bird. When he reaches the lips, he can touch the bird's hair of the black bird. He coughs and is estimated to have been picked up. He will take the black bird to the bathroom without saying anything.

Chen saw the man release the water, he began to call, lying trough, you have a conscience bastard, recognize me coming, but also abandon me, is not a bit stinky, you have a metamorphosis in the last world, I Not too, what about you?

Chang Qin adjusted the water temperature, "Come here."

Chen flew into the air, the big wings kept moving, and the man was deadlocked. Who is the head of the family, it is now.

Really, it’s hard to recognize each other. Even if you don’t even hit a wave, you have to take a shower.

There is no time to look at the Internet, how can you live happily with a bird?

Seeing that the lover is competing with himself, the little temper is coming up. Chang Qin frowns and blinks. He suddenly laughs. "Hey, you took a shower, I went to heat the elbow for you."

Chen’s upper and lower mouths were touched and caught by the food.

Then there was such a scene, a **** bird stood under the shower head, closed with small eyes, the bird's hair on the body was all wet, and the soft and wet answer was attached to the body, still very fat.

Chang Qin looked at the bottles and jars of a row of baths, and did not use them for birds. I was afraid that if I used them, I would cause allergies. He screwed the eyebrows, fixed the shower head on it, and went out to turn the soap back.

"You don't open your eyes with your eyes closed."

Chen nodded and said that he knew that he didn't really like bathing. Especially after he became a dead bird, he didn't need it. He has already abandoned himself.

Chang Qin’s eyebrows are twisted into a Sichuan word. “The hair on your body is knotted. How long has it been without a shower?”

Chen raised his claws and grabbed it. I don't know, there is no part of the bath in the memory of the dead bird. The masters don't give a bath.

There was a piece of bird hair on the tail, and he trembled with pain and opened his eyes to the man.

Chang Qin’s movements were unfamiliar. For the first time in history, he gave a bird a bath. His low voice was caught in the sound of the water, groaning. “Mao’s whole group is together, you can’t do it without force, you endure point."

Chen is sore, lying, you are a big silly fork, take scissors to cut off me, just fine? !

Chang Qin does not cut, he remembers that this person had previously cut the hair of the little yellow dog, the result is that the little yellow dog is ugly, and sad for a little half a month.

Birds and puppies should be about the same? The heart of beauty, the world has everything.

After washing for nearly an hour, Chang Qin only washed the bird's hair on the black bird. He said, "I will buy you a set of utensils tomorrow, and have a comb for hairdressing."

Chen leaned back on his neck and let the man's slender fingers shuttle around his neck, stretching the birds that twisted together. Those are not important. The important thing is perfume. I want to spray every day.

The sound of the water stopped, and Chen shook the wet bird's hair. It was the instinct of being a bird, just like the action of a puppy and a kitten during a shower.

Chang Qin was splashed with water and his face. His face was black and his chin line was up and he took a clean towel.

Chen is still playing in the bathroom, and his dear is really not easy.

The temperature in summer is very high. After washing the hair, it doesn't blow, and it will dry quickly. The black bird can't. It is full of hair, thick and dry.

Chang Qin adjusted the hair dryer to the lowest position, and the wind was facing the black bird.

Chen was unable to open his eyes, and he moved around, raising his claws from time to time, fanning his wings and posing poss, feeling that he was in the wind.

Chang Qin’s facial convulsions and odorous problems can’t be changed.

After taking a shower and fragrantly standing on the table, Chen looked at the man and gave him a temporary rice bowl. He gave him a good food. He was a little sad. Dear, there is something I dare not dare. Tell you, of course, because the restrictions can't be said, in fact, I am already dead.

I am not only a bird, but also a dead bird.

In this regard, you can only find it by yourself. I believe in your strength. You have seen the big world and will not be scared.

Chang Qin piled the rice bowl full of food to the black bird. "Eat."

Chen was happy with the fan's wings and bowed his head to eat with his mouth and his fat but not greasy elbow.

Oops, after eating his meals for a few years, I finally learned a little fur. The elbow is burnt with the taste of the elbow. The minced eggplant is also the eggplant flavor. It is great.

Chang Qin sat down on the chair and looked at the blackbird with one hand. His other hand was slightly twisted, and his fingertips smacked on the table with carelessness. He didn't know what he was thinking.

It’s hard to see that there’s no one to eat. Isn’t that the person? He was discovered before...

Still a question of variety.

Chen took the dirty mouth of the bird's mouth, and took a hand with a scorpion and wiped it. There was a drop of crystal teardrops in his small eyes that could not be lost.

Chang Qin carefully wiped the black bird's beak clean. "Before it was my fault, I lacked imagination."

Looking back now, Blackbird has done a lot of weird moves during this time. It was because of the influence of Cheng Xing, and he attributed those actions to the normal range that the Eight Brothers would behave.

Chang Qin’s lips were pressed. When the person found that he was not recognized, the heart must be very upset and anxious and disappointed with him.

Chen raised his paw and patted the man. It’s okay, I can’t recognize it.

Come, the warm atmosphere has appeared again, one person and one bird are deeply gazing at the table, according to the routine, the next moment will hug each other tightly, come to a no || kiss||death you do not stop the French heat|| kiss.

It is a pity that the routine died in the hands of the big blackbird. It is a pity.

Chen flew into the man's arms and was held up. He opened two bird's claws and hugged it.

Holding the black bird, Chang Qin’s low sigh, it’s already known that this person is coming. As for the rest, let’s talk about it.

People can't live without eating and drinking Lazar, and birds are also.

Chen finished eating things and wanted to pull the stool. He flew in the balcony and shouted "big" in his mouth. He asked Chang Qin to open the window to him. He went out to find a mosquito with less mosquitoes.

Chang Qin packed up the table and stopped when he was going to open the window. He didn't want this person to go out and fly. First, it was dangerous. It might be beaten.||Birds||The guns of those people|| Lost, can't find the way home.

After thinking about it, Chang Qin’s eyes indicated, “Just here.”

Chen Feifei went to Chang Qin's shoulder and yelled at his head to communicate with his eyes. It was really fake. It was not easy to clean the tiles. You used to wear gloves and almost all the skin on your hand.

Chang Qin saw something from the black bird's small eyes. "Tomorrow I will go out and buy you a tow board."

Chen knew what it was, let's do it. He thought about flying in the direction of the bathroom and plunging in.

A bird that doesn't want to learn to lick a toilet is not a good bird.

In the eyes of Chang Qin's surprise, Chen stood proudly on the toilet, slowly swallowing and moving backwards, licking a fart || shares, preparing for a domineering side leakage.

He has everything ready, just a footstep, the result may be that when the bath, the fog floated on the toilet seat, a little wet, it may be that his claws did not find the point, plopped off the toilet.

Chen Zai, "..."

Chang Qin, "..."

Chen was taken out of the toilet by Chang Qin and washed under the shower head for more than half an hour. The shower gel was used again.

Chang Qin took a big towel and wrapped the black bird, licking the wet bird's hair on it. "You were so dangerous just now. When I was away, don't try it, hear it?"

Chen did not speak.

Chang Qin ordered the black bird's forehead, "Well?"

Chen and Yu's man's back, he wants to try more, although it is a bird, but his soul is a personal thing, the size of the toilet is very bad.

Chang Qin is holding a black bird to go to sleep.

The bed is large, there are two pillows, and a large teddy bear is piled up on one side.

Chen stood on the head of the teddy bear and looked at the man to lay the quilt. It felt so unreal. He was still pitiful on the balcony last night. He could enter the house tonight and go to bed.

Pulling the quilt, Chang Qin asked the lover, "Where do you want to sleep?"

Chen yelled at him, my brother, this sentence sold you out. If I am an individual, you will not ask me at all. It will only be very strong and overbearing to crush me and hold back.

Oh, I still think that I am a bird, I can’t be jealous.

This time, Chen misunderstood. Chang Qin was afraid of pressing on him. He fell asleep and didn't worry so much.

Although Chang Qin thought that he thought he was ill, dreaming was in ||dry||he, but facing a black bird, it is difficult to get out.

Chen lay down on the teddy bear's fart||Under the stock, there was no drowsiness, and he was caught by a hand, sticking to the man's hard||Bang||Bang's muscle||Meat, he caught two times. Beautiful and beautiful to sleep.

Chang Qin couldn't sleep, and his mood was complicated. His wife finally found it. It was the black bird that I saw every day, and I wanted to kill it every day. Now I am waiting in my shoulder pocket. How to wash it, the smell is everywhere.

However, there is a lot of light, this is a great comfort.

Chang Qin looked down and looked at the black bird in his arms. He leaned closer and kissed the black bird's forehead.

From that day on, Chen’s bird was ushered in the spring, the fruit was eaten casually, the pickles were eaten casually, the water was free to drink, the bed slept, and the male owner casually squatted.

His grandfather stood on the sofa, greatly commanding the man to do housework, and asked the system in his heart. "What is the progress of my task?"

The system said, "Not very good."

Chen asked strangely, "What happened to you, endocrine disorders?"

The system said, "Yes."

Chen Zai, "..." is not good, the system is 80% crazy, and is driven crazy by his man.

He originally wanted to feed the dog food to the system. Now he dares not to stimulate the system anymore. I am afraid that the system will suddenly change and finish playing together.

In the afternoon, Chang Qin went to buy the daily necessities of birds. He ran for a while before he knew that there were many kinds of things. It can be seen that the team of bird lovers is huge.

The cage did not buy, only bought the tow board, the largest number, it was placed on the balcony, Chen wants to pull it, it is very convenient, Chang Qin also bought him a lot of feed, said to be imported abroad, his return It is a white eye.

Now everything is fine, that is, you can't do things. Chen asked Chang Qin every day. Is the moon full soon? In case the system is wrong, right?

Two days in the past, Chen did not wait for the full moon, but it was the Cheng Mingxing.

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