MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 152 I am a dead bird (8)

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Chen stood still in the tree, his paws were numb, and he was still a **** bird. He did not become a half man or a half bird, nor did he become a goose, or a big cock, or a bird.

Is it a less spell?

Chen thought about the cartoon he had seen as a child. He turned a circle on the branch and raised a paw. "Ba La La Xiao Xian Xian, change!"

no response.

Chen and 啄啄 bird hair, is the spell wrong? He continued to think that there was a white light flashing in his mind. This time he must be right. He used his claws to dial ||Open a leaf blown by the wind, quickly brewing good emotions and posing a serious look.

"Gonara's dark god, screaming, black bird turned!"

Still not responding.

At this time, it is very embarrassing, really.

Chen and the wind shed tears, facing the big round biscuits in the sky, to take the routine, just go, go for a while, what will not be considered for a while? He kept the branches all the time, "444, you come out."

System, "say."

Chen added, "Why can't I change my face on the full moon night?"

The system said, "You have been here for a few months, and the full moon night has passed several times. When did you change your mind and mentally retarded?"

Chen said, "Before it was different, I recognized my man this month. We both ate and drank together, slept together, and woken up together. I got a lot of love.|Run, it doesn't make sense to change shape. ”

The system said, "Then you continue to stand on the tree."

Chen said pitifully, "Don't be the fourth, the back door, give me a good one?"

The system says, "No."

Chen added, "I know you have it, there must be!"

The system said, "Yes, I have, but I have a lot of hosts underneath, why should I give it to you?"

Chen added, "I am the most embarrassed."

The system tells one of the mantras that Chen often said. "You pull it down." It used to be the most embarrassing. Now it has been broken, and it is getting worse.

Chen added, "I am still not jealous? I have not done anything in any mission world."

The system said, "So, you want to say, are you being engaged?"

Chen is not the kind of person who pushes all the responsibilities to others for his own sake. Moreover, that person is still his own man. "Not at all, a slap in the face is not sounding. I am very good with him now, we are not doing it. bad thing."

System, "Oh."

Chen Zai, "..." lying in the trough, suddenly sneer, is sick, scare who?

He sang "The Mouse Loves Rice" in the heart without skin and face. Over and over, if you don't help me, I will bother you.

The system is not bothered, "Let's go to the highest position."

The highest position? Chen and Qiang forced for a while, remembering that there was a building in M ​​City. He flew and flew to the top of the building. Well, the height was already high until he became a bird, and he would panic.

"I have stood in the highest position, then? There will be a beam of light or a black ray in the sky, hitting me, can I rob and become a human?"

The system said, "Quiet."

Chen did not speak, standing quietly on the top of the building, his heart was very anxious, the man said, he did not obey, he gave him a cage, shut him inside, tonight he was yelling at the other side to go out Just slipped out.

Estimating the time, the man is almost coming back. If he finds that he is not at home, it will be awful. In the next few days, there will be squally showers, and there may be hail and snow.

I don't know how long it took, Chen swayed and fell asleep. The mechanical sound of the system started. "I am mentally retarded, you can fly."

Chen looked at himself again, his paws were still claws, his chest was still a furry black bird hair, and his tail was also behind the tail. "How am I still a **** bird?"

The system said, "You go ahead."

Chen has done it, and he is looking forward to becoming a beautiful boy. The beauty is horrible, the beauty is terrible, and the beauty is soaring. He fanned his wings on the ground. "How come there is no more?"

"I told you, I am now playing with your life, do you know, wait for Chang Qin to go back, I have not returned, then I will be finished."

The system said, "You can fly back now."

Chen smoked the beak and he looked at the moon. "Give me a door, I will thank you forever."

The system said, "I have given you two before."

Chen turned his eyes again, remembering it was clear, "That counts this time, I remember your three years, the fourth, you can rest assured, when I finish the mission back to the real world, I will not forget you, I will take a brush When you write on paper and pick it up, it hangs on my bed."

"I just thought about the content. It’s the old four, you are awesome, love you, love you, I love you."


The system has never seen it more poor than this. "Three branch missions, all completed, the back door is for you."

When Chen listened, he quickly said, "Get it."

In the next second, there was a screen in front of the air, which was densely packed with thousands of quests. It was terrible. He looked at the pain and chose three of them at random.

Chen has come to the system, "Promise me, whether it is endocrine disorders or something wrong, remember to drink more water."

System, "Go it."

Chen rolled again, and flew to the side of a hiding corner. After a few seconds, his soul was stripped out of the **** bird's body and attached to an old man.

The supervisor on the road||more control, and many dead ends.

The position of Chen Laotou is a dead angle. He looked around and caught a car and drove from the left. He immediately jumped out and went to the ground.

The young man in the car has a sudden brake, the boss of his eyes, his ||Mom||, uncle, can you touch the porcelain professionally, Laozi is ten meters away from you, you are lying, fooling around who? When Laozi is mentally retarded? !

The car circumvented the old man and went away.

Chen climbed up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. Oh, oh, touch||Porcelain is a technical job. He stepped back into the sidewalk and continued to wait for the right target.

After a while, a van came over, Chen did not hurry to jump this time, he was patiently waiting, the result of the mother||Forcing, the van opened like a bomber, express, he just jumped out , was the car fart | | shares sprayed a nose exhaust.

Perfect miss, very good, great!

The passers-by around looked at the old man in the same way, and died again and again.

They shook their heads, sympathy did not come, and it was not easy to open their mouths. They only felt that the average age of the industry that touched porcelain in this year has declined, and intelligence is also.

Chen is also bitter in his heart. He has fixed those tasks. He has never touched porcelain. He has been friends in the real world. For the first time, unfamiliarity can be forgiven. Why do you all sneer at him, especially The system is still reminding him that the soul is being stripped | | can not be more than half an hour.

In exchange for another dead corner, Chen used the body of the 60-70-year-old grandfather, wrinkled his face with crumpled hands, and looked at his eyes. Lord Almighty, please give me a porcelain, I will touch it once. .

Ten minutes later, an accident occurred at the intersection. The passerby called the ambulance and lifted the fainted old man onto the stretcher.

Chen’s first task, touched porcelain, was completed.

He returned to the **** bird's body, waiting for the second task's neutral and the system said, "The driver is very unlucky, a medical bill is indispensable." Older people, bumps are big events, ten Minutes ago, how can I say it? It can be said that it is a porcelain touch, and it can be said that it is not. In short, the driver and the old man are not lucky.

The system says, "It should."

Chen did not understand, "What do you mean?"

The system said, "The body you attached to was hit by a car last year. The perpetrator was the driver. The other party owed the elderly a medical fee and an apology."

Chen and Yan, this is really... a little shocked.

It seems that people can't do wicked things. You think that God doesn't know what to do. I didn't expect God to have a pen to remember. I don't know when to let you go.

A few minutes later, Chen appeared on a man who was almost thirty years old.

The man has a few obvious shortcomings, cowardly, crying, tangled. On the night he graduated from high school, he was taken up by classmates in the class. From evil||heart||同||性|| Same || Sex||Love.

University, work, men have been with that person, he is stupid, I thought that in the other party's heart, I am also the only one, only a few years ago, I accidentally bumped into each other and took a teenager to kiss me and me.

I witnessed it, the man drunk himself, crying and crying, decided to face the other side face to face, thinking about listening to the other party.

As a result, people came, and said a few sweet words to the man, and then engaged in it, the man’s determination was shaken, and even had illusions, the other party loved himself.

It turns out that the dog can't change it to eat||屎.

Not a month, the man was on a business trip. When he returned to the hotel, he saw the man and a woman walk into a room. He fell down and cried in the room for a night. He wanted to knock on the door and confront him on the spot, but he was afraid of everyone. It’s too ugly to make a fuss.

At the beginning of this year, the man finally made up his mind to break with the man, but the other side had an accident and his leg was broken. He took care of the bed in front of the window, and the other party was good, and he almost slammed him on the ground.

After finishing it, the man greeted the friend of the fox and the friend to run the banquet, and came back very late. The body was full of perfume and lipstick.

The man is desperate. He said to himself, this time he really can't hesitate any more, so he took a vacation back to his hometown, thinking that if he didn't meet, he would slowly forget it and still think about giving him the last test.

I don’t know how the parent’s parents knew about it. He called the man. The man turned his face and took the man back to his villa. He beat and said, he said, he complained to his parents. He also said that he is a 婊||子, it is very difficult to listen.

The man was put into the hospital and stayed for half a month.

In a blink of an eye, he stayed by the man, ten years later, he had only one disease, and there was no curse.

Chen Youzhen, the scum is on the dregs, whoever slags who slags, who do you want to suffer, why bother?

Hey, the same kind of rice raises hundreds of people, but he still hesitates in character. It is even harder to make a decision than to go to heaven.

Chen did not delay the time and directly went into the villa of the scum man. The other party was playing with a little beauty. When he saw him, he did not panic and continued to play.

Xiaomei is embarrassed, shy and reluctant to shrink into the shackles.

Slagman frowned. "What are you doing, what do you say tomorrow, don't you see that I am busy?"

Busy your mother||Forcing, you have a big residue, Chen feels better, his man is so good that he loves to die, he said coldly to the scum man, "We broke up."

The scum man is not serious, "Is it a breakup, OK, I know, can I go now?"

"There is still something I always wanted to do, but I didn't do it for you."

Chen went over and raised his arm to give the scum man a slap in the face and took a sip at his feet. "Goodbye, no, never see, worship."

The scum man was beaten. "Fuck, you are looking for death!"

Chen evaded the ashtray that came over. He sneered. "You haven’t had a hundred in these years, and there are dozens of slaps. How can I not give you a hand? You are a man, me too, you think Why do I call you? Give it to you?"

Slag man squinted and couldn't speak.

"If you don't want to make things big and make trouble to your parents, everyone who knows what to do is well known. So far, I won't appear in front of you again. I hope that you will not appear in front of me. ”

Chen took another look and shivered, but the little beauty who was laughing at the mouth, congratulations on receiving a scum man, I wish you good luck.

When he left the mouth, he made a ticket according to his original decision. The plane for tomorrow morning, left the city and started again.

The second task is to help the tangled person make the decision and complete.

So smooth to complete the two branch tasks, awesome, Chen has been in the brain to fill him on the wall, kneeling on the sofa, buckled on the sink to engage in the scene, think about it all boiled.

After a while, Chen’s last mission started.

This time he attached to a rob || robbery, the house rented by the buddies is full of bags, all kinds of, different price, different styles, different degrees of old and new, turned open zipper, messed up .

Chen sighed with sorrow, found a big bag, stuffed the small bag, how much is the number of plugs. When the plug is over, he rides the motorcycle and goes out, according to the address of each package owner given by the system, the feature finds the target. , return the bag to the original owner.

A young woman walked on the road, wearing hot pants, her legs were old and straight, and attracted the eyes of the men. She walked and saw a motorcycle and drove towards herself.

The man on the motorcycle looked fierce and had a knife on his waist. She shouted subconsciously, "grab--"

A bag on her neck, the young woman stayed for a long time, she took the bag down and looked, "Hey, isn't that the bag I lost yesterday?"

After she quickly confirmed it, she has not seen the motorcycle.

Chen is tired and has a lot of packages. He is still one by one. Half an hour is coming. He will return to the body of the **** bird and then come out again. After a few times, he finally returned the bag to the gold jewelry. It’s not much.

An aunt pushed the granddaughter who was less than half a year out of the mall. The black smoke of the motorcycle sprayed her face. She blinked and saw that the granddaughter was lying in the stroller with gold||can||can, It was the necklace that I was robbed this morning.

"Oh, this is God's eyes open..."

Aunt excitedly holding a gold necklace, incoherently calling her daughter on the street, the awareness is still not strengthened.

When the motorcycle was driven to the next intersection, Chen returned a gold bracelet. He shook his head. This is the grandmother of the 40-year-old aunt. The reason is that the son and daughter can’t wear it. Walking on the street, it’s not safe.

After paying off the gold jewellery, Chen carried a bag on the subway, and returned those mobile phones to the main owner. The fart||the back pocket, the bag, the pocket of the top, how to steal, how to go back.

When the subway has not arrived, there has been a magical scene. Many people are full of expressions of "I was visited by God."

Chen held his arm and leaned aside. If his cell phone was stolen, he could touch it when he touched his pocket one day. The first reaction was to dream, and instinctively pumped himself.

This action, he saw no less than five people did.

Then I eagerly flipped the phone and saw that the information contained in it was still absent. I was watching the phone in this car. He believed that people in other cars were doing it.

Chen is grinning, lucky children, I just want to be a person, and I will help you get your phone back.

In particular, several of the new mobile phones, including freshmen and new ones, were also bought with wages, so they were stolen unconsciously.

The original master’s memory shows that if you have already found a good buyer, you will be handing over the money in one hand and handing it over to the mobile phone tomorrow. If you look late, you can’t find it. It’s so good luck, just to catch up.

Chen bent his lips and smiled, friends, friends, I am good, hello, everyone, it is really good.

The third task is to return the stolen things from the rob || robbery to the original owner.

Chen returned to the **** bird. He was very smart and first flew to the garden of the villa, waiting for the big back door. Otherwise, it is very likely that he would become a person outside, or he would not wear clothes, no wings, and two. How do you get back? That's all about pulling || eggs.

He is not so stupid.

"The three missions are all completed, the back door can open to me, the fourth child, the villa's lights are not open, my man must go out to find me, and he will be back later, I will be beaten."

The system said, "Opened."

Chen immediately stared at his bird, and the miracle happened. Really, his bird's claws were gone, turning into slender arms, straight legs, and the bird's tail was gone. He grabbed it later. ||Fart||Shares, really fart||Shares.

The black bird's hair on the chest disappeared and became a flat white chest. Chen looked down again, but fortunately, there were some, and many.

"Old and old, I am a man in the future?"


"..." Chen said again, "How long can it last? You can tell me clearly, don't lie to me." He remembered that the last two back doors were closed after half an hour, and that time it would not be Half an hour?

Lying in the trough, what is enough for half an hour, he has not had enough time to take a nap with Chang Qin.

The system says, "If you don't do things, you will always be human."

Chen said, "Cute me." How could he not do things? He turned into a person with great pains, just to do things.

The system is not reasonable.

Chen’s mood suddenly became very bad. “If I did something, I would change back to the **** bird, can I become a human again?”

"And, what do you say will change from person to big blackbird, does it mean to do it once, or twice? There is always a quantity, I don't exceed that number, is it not going to change birds? ?"

The system said, "I only have that sentence."

"Pray, yes, no need to say, I will do this, good night, I wish you a good dream."

Chen went to the door again. It was not cold at night in the summer. It was a lot of mosquitoes. He stood in the corner and was soon found to be surrounded by a mosquito army.

They must be thinking, come on, hahahahahaha, silly||Forcing, run outside without any wear, nightingale, tomorrow’s breakfast, eat fast, eat and go Soak, come back and eat.

Chen wants to die in the heart. After becoming a person, he has no stealth function, and he does not know whether he is dead, still alive, or is not dead or alive.

Anyway, now his arms and legs, the front and back of the chest have a lot of big bags, the engine sound of the car came over from the iron gate, the man came back.

A beam of light in front of the car swept through the doorway. Chang Qin in the car caught a person, a strange face. He opened the door and got off the bus. The man flew toward himself.

Nearly, Chang Qin saw the man's eyes, just for a moment, he opened his arms and held the man steady.

Did not say anything, did not ask anything.

Chen Youzhen’s waist is tight, his face is stuck on his chest, lying in the trough, you will never come back, the mosquitoes here will die.

Breathing heavy, muscle under the clothes||Meat||spray||Zhang, Chang Qin lowered his head, bent his back, and held the person in his arms in one hand, and buckled his head in one hand, eagerly and eagerly pressed His lips.

The two kissed each other at the door.

The big battle, the mosquito army | | team did not dare to approach, can only be on the side.

When entering the living room, Chen’s legs were soft. He was half-hanging on Chang Qin’s body, and he was holding his opponent’s black shirt, and compared with those buttons, the monkey was anxious.

Thirsty for too long, can drink the water of the next tank.

Chang Qin kissed Chen’s forehead, nose, lips, and went to Qin’s ear. His eyes were deep in color, but his movements were slow and calm.

Chen is going to cry again. You hurry, grind, and I still have a urinary sensation. I want to talk about it first. He grabs the man’s arm and whimpers like a small animal.

With a low laugh, Chang Qin took Chen to the bedroom and gave him a milk bath for a whole night.

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