MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 176 The real world (15)

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Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei opened the door and saw the teenager sitting in the chair. They talked and laughed at the people on the bed. The atmosphere was very good. They stiffly squatted at the door and suddenly forgot the purpose of hitting the door. Do something.

The butler who is behind is also no other action.

Chen Youyi looked at the door of the door and said in a complaint, "What are you doing? Inexplicably hit the door and hit the door so hard. I want to sleep with Li Yan."

He looked at the people on the bed and shouted, "Strictly, I am right with you. Lin Da Ge and Hu Da Ge ran to you in the morning, there is no good thing, you can do it, anyway, I can't manage it. ""

The atmosphere in the room was still warm, but it did not spread out of the door, and was blocked by the silence of the door.

For a long time, Lin Fuxing found his own voice, very light, afraid of being a little bigger, he was scared to the teenager in the room. "Chen, this is July, the weather is hot, we still have to lift the brother out better." ""

"Carry out? Where are you going?"

Chen held the bed and bent down, and listened to the ears of the people on the bed. Ah, a few words. "I also think that the air conditioning in the room is much more comfortable than the outside. It is sin to go out."

"Well, nobody said what I said, you."

After a while, Chen grinned again. "All of them heard the sternness. He wants to go to sleep. You all go out and take the door by the way."

Lin Fuxing was poured a bucket of ice water, and in the summer, they were cold and chilled.

The shock and pain caused by the sudden and sudden death are too late to be formed, and they are dispelled by the madness of the juvenile. The juvenile’s words and deeds are always the same, and they are incapable of jumping, and can’t be lawless. At this moment, at this moment. However, it can make people feel uneasy from the bottom of their hearts.

Chen Weidong’s voice came from outside the door. He let people take himself to the front and gasped and said, “If a person dies, he will be buried in peace, and again, can you stop talking?”

Chen showed a confused expression. "Dad, what are you talking about, who is dead?"

Chen Weidong looked at his son, and his heart was sore and worried. He talked to Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei’s eyes. He quickly got out of my son and couldn’t see it. It would be fine.

Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing both lifted their feet and stepped into the room. Their physique was very strong. It was not difficult to control a teenager together, not to mention four or five guarantees||

"What do you want to do?"

Chen took a gun from under the pillow, he groaned, irritated and swearing, "He | Mom | | Who dares to go forward, who I killed."

Everyone is in a sudden situation in the face of sudden situation.

Hu pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose and said to the boy in a soothing tone. "Calm down, Chen, you put the gun down, we have something to say."

Chen laughed again. "Let's say a fart. You have a sigh of wind today. If you are strict, don't listen, look for death?!"

He took the gun against Hu Wei and moved to Lin Fuxing. Then there were several other suit men, each pointing it all over. "Don't move, the bullets don't have long eyes, I am courageous, I am scared by you." It’s very likely that I will pull the trigger and make a hole in someone’s body. I’m sorry.”

Chen Weidong’s throat is awkward. “Son, what do you want to make?”

Seeing Dad’s red eyes, Chen’s eyelids jumped.

Chen Weidong was tearful. "After your mother died, Dad was unhappy, and he was so drunk and boring. He was thinking about death. I did it. You told Dad that the living people are only alive. In order to make people who walk on Huangquan Road feel at ease."

"Now that the sternness has gone, let him go well, why bother to be so stunned?"

Chen looked at the tears in his dad's eyes, and his face was stagnant.

Chen Weidong’s eyes gestured, let Hu be a few people moving faster. He wanted to take his son away immediately, go back to his hometown, or go to another city. Everywhere is good, just don’t talk about the sternness of death.

He is confident that as long as his son can't see it, he can't touch it, and he can't hear anything related to strictness. Once the time is eroded, his son's situation will slowly get better.

After Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing had a quick exchange, they shot together. One wanted to attack the young man's lower plate, which made him lose his heart and fell to the ground. One person wanted to take the gun in his hand.

With a slamming sound, from the muzzle of Chen’s hand, some people in the place were hurt by the eardrum, followed by the scalp.

It seems that no one really believes that the teenager will shoot.

To put it another way, they miscalculated the juvenile's emotions, thinking that there is still a sense of reason, which knows that the illusion of the other party's pseudo-||, has long been crazy, completely mad.

Lin Fuxing’s arm was shot and wounded. He frowned and his eyes were complicated.

If the stern soul has not gone to hell, it is floating in this room, witnessing the teenager mad at himself, and the love is so profound. When he dies, the boy becomes an empty shell, I am afraid that he is in happiness. I will also think about fighting everything and returning to the body unscrupulously.

The pain in his arm awakened Lin Fuxing, pulling him back from the ridiculous fantasy, people are dead, how come back? Isn't that a fantasy? He grabbed the wound and was pulled back by Hu.

On the way, I also looked at the people on the bed, so strict, you walked too suddenly, scared Chen again, hey, the one that is alive is the most difficult, it is better to take the road together.

The scene is more and more chaotic because of this gun.

Chen Weidong returned from the horror, and asked Lin Fuxing's injury, his son opened the gun. If there is something wrong with this person, the son must bear full responsibility.

Lin Fuxing said nothing, "Uncle, Chen and him..."

"Go out!"

A roar interrupted the words of Lin Fuxing, and Chen no longer laughed, but became hysterical. He was red-eyed. "Give me all out, go out!"

Seeing no one moved, Chen took a chair and sneaked into his own temple in the next moment. His attitude was crazy. "Can't you go out?"

Chen Weidong’s heart rushed to his throat, and he quickly let everyone go. He said to the son of mental disorder. “And, don’t hurt yourself, don’t forget, you and your father, if you have something, You can't live with your dad."

In a few moments, the footsteps disappeared and the room fell silent.

One second and two seconds...

Slowly, Chen’s hand began to tremble, the gun in his hand was unstable, and he fell to his feet. When he looked down, his eyes swept to the blood not far away, Lin Fuxing’s .

At that moment, Chen’s chord in his mind collapsed. He panicked to find a paper towel. When he didn’t find it, he took off his shirt. He rubbed all the blood on the ground, and even a little blood on the door was wiped dry. Clean.

I decided to wipe it off. Chen kicked off the slippers and ran to the bed to hide in the quilt. He held the man tightly and his face pressed against the man’s chest. He said, "Strictly, I shot people." Yes, I didn't mean it. They are not good. You said that let them go. They still don't listen. They not only broke into the room, but also wanted to pull me out and take you out."

He took a deep breath, his face was pale, like a child who was doing something wrong, and he looked up uneasy. "Linda’s arm has a lot of blood. He is definitely angry with me now. I dare not look for him, wait for him to disappear. You came out to help me tell him that he should forgive me."

"Yes, I will forgive me, I will..."

Chen’s voice went down. He pulled the man’s arm up and put his head on his head. His face was on the man’s shoulder. “When I sleep, I will accompany you, but the time is not too long, or I can’t sleep at night. ”

Gradually, Chen went to sleep.

On the first floor lobby, the doctor took out the bullets from Lin Fuxing and dealt with the wounds. No one spoke.

Chen Weidong leaned against the back of the sofa chair, his legs and feet were so heavy that he took a step and struggled. He held a cup of tea and did not touch it.

After going out to finish the call, Hu took the glasses on his nose and put it aside, holding his fist against his forehead. His face was never dignified.

In just one hour, so many things happened, and everything exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Strict and bizarre death, Chen went crazy, shot and wounded Lin Fuxing, to die, to guard the fierce body in the room, not allowed anyone to approach, these things from the beginning to the back, 捋 several times are very It's hard to calm down.

The butler broke the oppressive atmosphere. "You are here to rest, my husband's aftermath will have to work for you."

Hu re-appeared on the glasses. "Where did Chen come from?"

The housekeeper said, "Mr.'s room is usually my responsibility. Once I accidentally bumped into the wall of my husband, it was all guns."

Hu Wei, "..."

Doesn't that mean that Chen is holding a bunch of guns? Really terrible.

Hu Wei went to Lin Fuxing and saw the doctor giving him a layer of gauze. "Don't you go to the hospital?"

Lin Fuxing said, he waited until the doctor left. He said, "What should I do now? Actually, my mind is awkward and I have never been so embarrassed."

Hu Wei said, "Me too."

They have been acquainted with each other for many years. On several occasions, they have witnessed the strength of completely crushing others, and it is terrible, so it is especially clear.

So powerful people, somehow died.

I always feel too unreal. It seems to be a joke that I am going to open. I will go downstairs later and tell them that you are all fooled.

However, rigorous and boring, indifferent, never joking.

"I am worried that Chen's depression will kill him and make extreme behavior."

When Lin Fuxing said this, his brow was deeply locked. He did not say it casually. There were many uncertainties in patients with depression. In ordinary life, he should pay more attention to it. Once it is greatly stimulated, an accident is endangered. life.

Hu Wei pinched his nose. "Chen is a filial child. He knows that he has an accident, and his father has no one to rely on."

"he knows?"

Lin Fuxing said, "Did you not see him just like that? It is still communicating with the strict and strict, it seems that we are neurotic, he is a normal person, I looked, I feel flustered, a madman Nothing to know, but also talk about filial piety."

Hu Wei sighed, "How do you get it now? Wait?"

Lin Fuxing shook his head and said, don't ask me, I don't know, "Bring the blessings in, and Xiaojin, see if they can bring the upstairs owner who is unwilling to accept reality back to reality."

Hu called the housekeeper to do it. He sat on the sofa and comforted Chen Weidong.

Chen Weidong’s spirit is awkward. It’s not bad to listen to a word in one sentence. His son refused to believe that he was stern, which is more serious than the appearance of his wife’s loss. His heart is astonished. He only knows that his son is very I like to be strict, but I don’t know that my feelings are so deep. The impact of death is better than the ten years that he and his wife have.

It was only last year that I realized it and came together. It’s less than a year. How did it get to this point?

Chen Weidong can't figure it out, Hu Weilin Fu Xing is also, no one understands, and a strict death, what it means for Chen.

Time passes by, and the group sits in the living room, waiting for the teenager to walk out of the illusion and face the reality.

The outside is bright and the bedroom is in the cold winter.

Chen slept for less than an hour, but felt that he had slept for a long time. When he woke up, he muttered and said that it was so cold. When his fingertips touched the man's body, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Strictly, how is your hand so cool?"

Chen also propped up, both hands in the man's body mess | Fu | | touch, arms and legs without temperature, chest is also, he took the man's hand, hard to smash, or ice, hot not to come.

Just stayed for a while, Chen snorted again, remembered what kind of patted the back of the head, and quickly went to the remote control, "Fuck, I really put the degree of air conditioning too low, look, I said I am Mentally retarded."

When the hand pressed on the remote control, Chen did not move, did not adjust the temperature, he squeezed a smile, "strict, let's go to the bath, soak a bubble and warm."

A man who is close to 190 is very heavy, especially in the unconscious.

Chen took the man to his back and asked it to rest on it. He groaned and walked toward the bathroom step by step. "I am so big, I am the first time, I am giving you up, happy, lying. You are so heavy, strict, can't you go down on your own? Really, it doesn't mean anything to play, it's very boring."

The bathroom is large, and there is a large bathtub inside. After a week, over half of the day, Chen will be slammed into the bathtub. The two will give each other a back in the bathtub, kiss and kiss for a long time.

Chen put the man in the bathtub again. He went to the shower head to adjust the water temperature and rinsed the man's back. "I said, you put your head over, I will give you a hair, then stretch it out, okay, fast. Close your eyes, or the water will flow in."

The sound of the water continued to keep on, accompanied by the voice of the teenager, caught in the inside, it seems a bit fuzzy.

Auntie -

Chen sneezed in a row. He licked his nose and smiled at the man. "Yeah, yeah, I know it is wrong, the air conditioner shouldn’t be so low, the cold is cold, you move over there, I also make a bubble. bath."

Stepping into the bathtub, Chen leaned against the edge, letting the warm water flow over the arms and legs, and he sighed, "It’s so comfortable..."

The shoulders sank, and Chen turned his head again, almost licking the man's black hair. "Why? Sitting down, what is falling on me, you haven't showered, I told you, new. The change of shower gel is not good, no good news before."

"Well, I think so, still change it back, Ming let the butler buy it, he stays in the house all day, not afraid to grow mushrooms."

"You don't blow into my ear, itchy, hahahaha, itchy, you make trouble, I am out!"

Xu was surrounded by the fog, wet Chen's shoulders, slipped, and the man leaning on the top of the man planted into the bathtub.

Chen and Yan looked at the man and planted it into the water. The black hair floating like a root of algae twisted on his leg||, his breathing became more and more urgent, and the suffocation hit.

Something stuck in the neck and disappeared. When Chen couldn’t catch his breath, he suddenly made a cry, then yelled and screamed. He panicked back and slammed into the bathtub until he couldn’t retreat.

The broad back of the man is submerged by the water, and the part that is exposed to the air can be seen as a solid muscle||meat|texture, hiding the power that cannot be underestimated.

Chen reached out and touched, pressed, grabbed, licked, blood flowed out, poured into his nails, dripping into the bathtub, his vision was blurred, he didn't know if he was laughing or crying, "Strict, you I can't play with me like this, I am just twenty years old, fortune telling that I can live to ninety-nine, you are so gone, how can I live for the rest of the seventy-nine years?"

"I remembered it. I remember seeing you for the first time. The last time I told you, I remember everything, remember clearly, all came back, all in my mind. Plugged, you, you slept in without a sound, still not want to wake up, too much."

"Really, don't force me, I have depression, I don't know when I will do anything, maybe now I am talking to you, give yourself a shot in the next second, be strict, are you counting? I can't worry about my dad?"

Regardless of the road, Chen picked up the man and asked him to face himself. "When I was walking in various missions, I thought about going home with my dad. I love him very much, so you count Very accurate, I will not leave him alone, but why are you leaving me?"

"Strictly, you said, you love me, you said, will walk with me, what is going on now? What are you doing to lie to me?"

The water in the bathtub gradually became cold, was released, and put in the hot water again. Chen squatted inside, and constantly touched the man's arms and legs, giving him a little temperature.

"con man……"

The face was buried in the man's chest, and Chen's shoulders shook, his mouth whine, and he cried out and cried.

There was a sigh in the bathroom, "Oh."

Chen brushed his head up, his face was sore and tears, and he was embarrassed. He patted the man's face. "Strictly, was it just you? You heard me, so come back to me, right?"

The man’s face was over a dozen times and still did not respond.

Chen held the man tightly and flashed something in his head. He wiped his face and tore the scorpion to the bathroom. "The fourth child, are you right? You come out!"

A gray outline appeared in the fog, "It's me."

Chen squinted and saw that the outline became clear. He didn’t think that he was shocked by the light gray eyes. It seemed to be a surprise. "You are a ghost, you must have a way to save." Live hard, fourth, you save him."

As he said, Chen hurriedly put aside the strictness, and he stood up from the bathroom himself.

Sissy turned his head and his ears were reddish. "The clothes are put on, and they come out to speak."

After a short time, he was put back on the bed and covered with a quilt. Chen was wearing a big trousers and a wide t-shirt standing in front of his former little partner. If he changed the situation, he would ridicule, laugh and fight, and remember the past. .

But at this moment, Chen only thought that he could wake up severely. Just like this, he muttered. "You have nothing to do with me?"

Sisi’s hand was inserted in his pocket, and his eyes did not stop on Chen’s body. Instead, he stopped at the void. “Depression, insanity, you have these two diseases, and you can still recover your memory.”

Chen did not speak.

Sissy said, "Someone has revealed your mission to you."

Chen remembered that when he returned to the real world, he heard a mechanical sound. He claimed to be not the fourth. He did reveal some things. He guessed that Mr. Wu, a fourth-year colleague.

Si Siyu finally moved his sights to the juvenile. This is the most important host he once thought. He thought it was an accident that never happened. As a result, the surprise was not seen. At the end, it still appeared the same as other hosts. Wrong.

What is the relationship between feelings and waste?

"As you think, all your mission goals are the same. Its ontology is not a host, but a virus that lurks inside the main system and does not know when it flows into the data network."

"It turns out that it is really difficult to kill it completely. It escaped from the main program. Everyone responsible for the custody was severely punished. It is too dangerous to collapse the entire data network. So the above will not let go of it."

Sisi smiled. "In fact, there is a very simple way to end everything without spending a lot of money."

Chen’s pupil is shrinking, is he?

Sisley shrugged. "It’s what you think. It’s been floating in the data network for a long time. It’s no longer a simple virus. It’s attached to people’s emotions. With fatal weaknesses, just remove it. It will be self-destructive."

Chen also laughed, although his eyes were still red, his mind was already clear, thanks to the appearance of this guy, "but you can't interfere with people in the real world. What am I saying?" Otherwise, I will start killing myself. He is.

Sissy was silent.

His silence may be the default, maybe not, for another reason, but he does not want to say, or... can't say.

After a short silence, Sissy went to the bed, and Chen’s tight nerves shook with pain. He quickly went to the gun and showed his vigilance.

Sisley’s eyebrows rose. "When you shot the pet doctor, I saw it. It was not bad. I didn't want to try again. Would you hit this time?"

Chen’s breathing disorder, “I know that you are not willing, it is the order of your superiors, you came here, the fourth, you are kind, good, and will not do anything that hurts your life.”

Sissy’s mouth twitched. “No, I am not as good as you are.”

He suddenly went to see Chen again, there is no temperature in the light gray eyes, "I am a bad person."

Chen was shocked and jumped. The hand with the gun was not stable. He knew very well that the person was doing the violent accident, but he did not know whether the other party’s actions were always monitored by the superior. Yes, then nothing can be done.

If not, is there a chance for a gap? When you refresh your computer page, there will be pauses, right?

Just a little hope, Chen was excited. He walked a few steps and said in a pleading tone, "You can help me."

Sissi smiled. "Who was pointing a gun at me?"

Chen immediately threw the gun away and shook his head into a rattle. "I don't know, I was not there."

Sissy, "..."

Chen’s uncomfortable grin, holding back the urge to cry, choked and said, “I apologize, I will give you the gimmick, you will give me the strict, please.”

Sissy looked at the boy in front of him. "He is dead."

The voice fell, and the tears in the eyes of the youngsters fell. The tears were beautiful.

a word in the void

Sissi was scornful and convinced.

Chen’s tears in his face, he fell to the end of the bed, his shoulders burst into tears, but he stopped crying after a while. “No death, no strictness, no death, he is dead, you will be busy with promotion. Salary, will not appear here!"

Sisley’s forehead jumped. This is not what I said. It’s what he thought of, not a violation.

"I still like you with mental retardation."

Chen didn't cry anymore, and he was a stupid || Forced, he blurted out. "Oh, pull it down, you don't like it, you like your bonus."

The blue veins of Sissy’s head came out. “You are not only a mental retardation, but also a mentally retarded person with no conscience. How many backdoors did I give you during your mission? Not because of you, I will be sent to pick up this hot hand. Hawthorn?"

My man is not a mountain, don't be a metaphor, Chen has reached out to pull his sleeve. "I was wrong."

Stuart glanced at the hand on the sleeve, "dirty, take it away!"

Chen did not cooperate.

For the second time, Sissy was warned that he directly pulled the hand on his sleeve. "If it weren't for you, my bonus would be early, how can I be detained."

Chen hangs his head again, and his left hand holds his right hand. "Okay, it’s all my fault. You said, what conditions do you want to save? If I can do it, I will promise you."

Sissy’s eyes passed over the boy. “Save what? Didn’t I say that? He is dead.”

Chen slammed his fingers, "No death!"

Sissy said, "Have you ever heard of a person who has no heartbeat, stops breathing, and has no vital signs?"

Chen added, "I haven't heard of it, but I know there is, I am."

Sisi wants to be mad at him. "You have completed the mission and returned to the real world. Then you should live with your father. If this thing is not gone, it will be a short episode of life. You will find another one." I see all the streets are men."

Chen smiled bitterly. "Don't tease, it's not something. He is a man. Counting this world, I passed him IX. What an episode?"

Sissy said, "I can make an exception and clear your memory."

Chen is fiercely rebellious, "Don't!"

He waved his hand and said sadly, "Let's go, I don't want to talk to you. I used to think that you were just a cold machine, so I don't know anything. Now I know that you are the person who operates the machine, but there is no difference. If you don't understand, you still don't understand."

"You have your duties, we have different positions, and I am not embarrassed about you."

After Chen finished speaking, the room was quiet again, slightly different from the last time, and I couldn’t say it.

I don't know how long it took, and Chen hopes that the flame will be extinguished and will burn out. His eyes cast a shadow and his head is confined between the two palms.

Looking at himself in a pair of light gray pupils, Chen opened his eyes and forgot to struggle.

Si Siyu and the young forehead fell apart, and soon after a long time.

Chen sat for a long time, and his mind was like the bombardment of the bomber. In the mess, he caught a light spot, quickly pinched it, and grasped the relevant information. It was Sisi, and there were two other employees. They carried more than a dozen anti-virus softwares at the same time. After a fight, the km virus was completely shattered.

At present, it seems that the previous situation will not happen again.

However, in the process of fighting, km invader||into multiple software interference, destroy data, and countless code into his field.

So the harsh brain burned out.

Chen looked up and looked at the past. You told me that this is breaking the rules. Is it good to go back?

Sisi stunned.

Chen rolled his eyes and asked if there was any way to save the strict.

Sissy said no.

Chen did not believe, "How come? I heard you said that after the host completes all tasks, there will be an opportunity for assessment. As long as you pass the exam for each level, you may be employed as a system."

"I became a system, worked hard, and made good relations with the lower and upper levels. Maybe I could get a chance to regain my life."

The dust of the sneakers is not in the dust. "The registration time is long over."

Chen was one step further, lying in the trough, it was a big bad news. He wiped his face. "Then I have nothing to say."

Sissy said, "I have a goodbye."

Chen looked at him again. "If you say so, you should not see you again, because we have no chance."

Sissy, "..."

He really wants to kill this unconscionable.

The next moment, the two arms stretched out from the front and hugged the Sissi, and there was a voice in his ear saying, "Thank you."

The people in the arms are gone, and Chen is afraid to blink his eyes. "It disappears out of thin air."

He slammed his face and turned to look at the people on the bed. "I don't care, even if your brain burns out, you have to wake up. You promised me to stay with me, can't go back."

The dog barked close to the door and the bark kept going.

Chen also knows that Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing deliberately brought the blessings, and they are very clear about what they are.

He grinned. "I wounded Lin Big Brother and should apologize to him."

After thinking about it, Chen went to open the door. The little yellow dog ran in from his feet and surrounded him. He snorted. "Fuck, don't make a noise, your dad sleeps in the room."

After thinking about it, he changed his mind and said to the little yellow dog, "Come to the bed and call, your father is annoyed. If you are stimulated, you may wake up."

The little yellow dog is confused and catches the heavy responsibility.

Chen took the little golden snake on the ground and let it hang on his arm and shouted at the stairway. "Linda--"

Lin Fuxing went upstairs, followed by Hu Wei.

Chen stood in the door frame and didn't come out. His words were concerned, hey, "How is your injury?"

Lin Fuxing did not answer and asked, "Are you okay?"

Chen added, "I am fine, I can do anything."

He pouted, revealing a row of neat teeth. "Not only is I fine, but strict will be fine."

That is still something, Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei thought.

One day, no matter who came over, what to say, even if it was Chen Weidong, Chen was resolutely not coming out, swearing to defend the house, and his man.

Everyone has no choice but to dare to touch a person with abnormal mentality and can only wait.

Chen Weidong was in a hurry outside the bedroom door. "Son, go home."

"Take the blessings and Xiaojin, let's go back to the town together. It is still the same, there are mountains and water, not urbanized."

Chen Weidong said for a while, his head hurts more. He asked the servant to push the wheelchair out and sit up and rest.

Inside, Chen sent a voice again. "Dad, if you can get through this time, can you forgive us?"

Chen Weidong, a son, you are not a child, how can you not recognize the reality?

He sighed and followed his son. "If I am strict, I will agree."

Chen immediately ran to the bed. "My dad said, as long as you wake up, he will not object to us again."

He is kneeling in the man's ear. "Strictly, do you hear it?"

Did not respond.

Chen was still in the bedroom, talking to the Buddha, talking to Xiaojin, and most of the time he was talking to him, he was talking to himself.

As he spoke, he began to lose his temper, his eyes shed tears, and he still licked things.

Soon, the three living things in the room are half dead, the two small are affected by the repressed atmosphere, the big one is to force themselves.

Chen took the blessings and Xiaojin out of the door, fearing that they would stay a little longer, and the childhood would leave a bad experience. If there was a psychological shadow, his sin would be even greater.

In the room, only Chen himself was left. He continued to chat with Li Yan. When he was tired, he slept on him. When he woke up, he always eagerly checked, and then he was sad and disappointed.

After a few times, Chen was numb, and he thought that if the Lord could hear his prayers, even once, it would be good.

I woke up in a night.

Chen is prepared, his brain is broken, and even if he wakes up, his IQ will not be the same as in the past.

However, he did not expect that he was too stupid.

Is that kind of silly people want to play a degree, reasoning? Useless.

With a fist, still useless, give candy? This is useful.

The butler saw the door of the bedroom open, and the two of them came out, and he was exclaimed when he was calm and calm.


The hair that has been combed to the back of the brain has been scattered, and it is a bit lingering. The chaotic phoenix eye is covered by shadows, giving a very docile illusion.

So the housekeeper had an illusion. He asked Chen again, "What is going on?"

Chen laughed and said, "Housekeeper, don't you even know your family?"

He pinched the man's hand. "This is the housekeeper."

Severely serious, "housekeeper."

Housekeeper, "..."

When I got the news, Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing were scared and timid. They couldn’t accept it at all. Whether it was a strict death or a stern job.

Looking at the living people sitting at the table and eating apples, Lin Fuxing swallowed, "Old Hu, you yell at me."

Hu is stunned. "Come to you, use some strength."

Lin Fuxing also yelled at him. The two of them were jealous and hurt. They were not dreaming. The dead people were really alive, and they really didn’t know them and became a fool.

They just stood, staring at the beads, not much different from the fool.

Chen pointed to the core of the earth. "The kernel is thrown into the trash and obedient."

The man saw him half-sounding, bowed his head to the nucleus, and after throwing it into the trash, he went to get the apple.

Chen gave it a stop. "To wash your hands, the apples will wash. You come with me."

Men are also following the toilet step by step.

Chen also taught him to wash his hands and wash the apples. "Let me show it to you again."

The man's movements are clumsy, and the water splashes on his chest. He smiles and seems to like playing with water.


Chen touched his hair again. "Eat it, eat a few apples and eat a few apples. I will raise you."

Outside the bathroom, Lin Fuxing said to Hu Wei, "My heart beats faster, my breathing is not smooth, I can't, you help me out."

Hu was better than him. The two of them helped each other and left the hall to calm down on the grass in the garden.

They stayed, lived for ten days, finally believed, and accepted the reality.

The strict IQ is similar to that of a child, but he is much more happy than before, and he always sees a smile on his face.

However, people are stupid, and the closest people have not changed.

Who is close to Chen, and sternly rushed over, smashing Chen in his arms, and screaming in the past.

Chen was not happy, and he was very helpless. In that case, it would fall like the sky.

The housekeeper and the servants saw and saw, and slowly changed from horror to habit.

There are a lot of darts in the house, although the news of the violent accident did not leak out, but it was just in case.

Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing came to visit three or four times a week, watching the lively, because Li Yan and the old Zhang people get along very bad, they eliminate the fatigue of work, all pointing at this.

Chen Weidong’s mood really couldn’t be said. At the beginning, he shunned a sentence. As long as he woke up, he would be perfect. His son would recite ten or twenty times a day.

Ghost knows what is going on, and he is dead and dead, and he can still wake up.

The son is so happy, Chen Weidong can not say anything in front of his son, just sigh with anger.

Li Yan only served softly in front of Chen, and whoever changed it, he did not care.

In the kitchen, Chen was cooking, and when he heard the movement outside, he immediately turned off the fire and asked about the incident.

The courage is that his father wants to watch the sports channel. His man wants to watch the children's channel. The two got up.

His man called his father's old man and the scene deteriorated.

Chen and his men, you are so disappointing, and a good performance opportunity, you are being stunned. "Who are you old? Call Dad!"

Strictly said, "Dad."

Chen also responded subconsciously, "Hey."

His face was stiff and he rushed to the man. "I want you to call me dad, not me!"

Severe eyes, very innocent.

哎哟 哎哟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Only then can I understand, "Dad."

Chen Weidong’s face changed and changed. He didn’t turn his face immediately. He screamed out of his mouth. “Hey, I can’t afford it!”

Ok, Dad, I know that you are already trying to accept it. It’s just that you won’t be able to pass this bend for a while. I know, Chen and Xiaoxiao laugh. “Comrade Chen Weidong, congratulations, oh, one more tall and handsome. Son."

Chen Weidong carried his hands and went outside.

"Dad, don't go out too far, you have to eat dinner later!"

Chen went to the sofa and slid his legs, and said to the man, "Well, my dad didn't object to it before. When we got married with him, maybe he would agree."

The latter part of the sentence is to say it without thinking. People, always remembering that thing in your heart, it is easy to hang on your lips and run out uncontrollably.

Strictly heard, "Married."

Chen’s face was red, I’m sorry, “What marriage, I don’t want to marry a fool.”

Li Yan is in front of Chen Zai, "not stupid."

Chen gave him a look. "You are not stupid. Are you already stupid enough to make a bubble? You can't find a second one more than a stupid one in a hundred miles!"

He sighed in his heart, remembering that in one of the mission worlds, this person made a simple moment, made a fall of memory, pretending not to remember something, this time is better, more serious than amnesia, directly become a fool It is not fake, it is true.

People who have died once can breathe, have a heartbeat, open your eyes and talk to you, can embrace you, kiss you, hold your hand, watch the sunrise with you, watch the sunset, see flowers and plants, tease and Xiaojin It is already the greatest fortune. If you are content with it, Chen will breathe a sigh of relief and want to open it.

Strictly licking thin lips and grievances.


Chen Youzhen, Grandpa’s legs are on the shoulders of men. “Forget it, I think you are so handsome, you’re so different, you’ll marry you, but you must listen to me after marriage. Because I am your man, do you know?"

Strictly and immediately smirked, "I know, I am your man."

"Well?" Chen stressed another word, "You hear it clearly, I am your man, not you, it is me."

Strictly said, "Oh, I am your man, not you, it is me."

Chen and petrochemicals for a few seconds, the feet on the man's shoulders, but the strength is not big enough, close it, "go away and go away!"

The man did not go, fishing Chen and smeared his face, he was ill-free | 呻 | | 吟, "You become a big fool, I can not account for your cheap, my life is so bitter, **** What do you bite on my neck, hurt me, give me a bite, or I will not forgive you, you still bite in the trough, I am not married to you, it hurts, I am joking, I Not marrying you, marrying who..."

At the corner outside the door, Chen Weidong retired the one leg before him and turned to go to the garden. The son’s life was accompanied by Li Yan.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy