MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 187 Extra

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The quiet air in the alley is damp, and the wind is worn from the head to the other side through the two shadows, with a bit of naughty.

Pang Yilong looked at the hand that came out, whiter and more slender than the woman he had seen, as if he had measured it with a ruler.

He looked up at the owner of the hand and there was no such tall, dark-haired young man in his memory.

Seeing that the juvenile did not accept his own help, he stood up against the stone wall and looked forward to Chen, who was not far from the front.

There is no words or deeds. He is letting the youth know that the alert is for strangers who want to gain trust from one person. They must first make things that the other party is willing to give.

There are many kinds of friends. You use the heart or the attitude of the material at the beginning, and decide which kind of friend you get.

Chen and his eyebrows moved his eyes to the boy. "Need to send you to the hospital?"

Pang Yilong stood in the protective wall, did not let strangers come in, and did not go out, "No need."

He limped and walked up the stone wall and fell to the ground in less than two minutes.

When I woke up, Pang Yilong was in the hospital. He had a little bit of hang on his hand. He had a medicinal smell on his body. All the skin injuries were dealt with. He snorted. "His, let Laozi know who is behind the ghosts... Who are you?!"

When the ghost was finished, Pang Yilong remembered that the young man at the door was the one in the alley, his hair was black like ink, and he didn’t know what shampoo he used. The hair was so good.

However, the young man's hair is too dark, his face is whiter, his lips are bloodless, and there is obvious morbidity.

Pang Yilong is not stupid. At this point, I almost know that it is a different matter. He sat up. "Is you taking me to the hospital?"

Chen Zaodao, "You can say that."

It was the man who sent Pang Yilong back to the hospital. The man was his, so he could understand that he sent it.

Pang Yilong pulled the hair with the empty hand. "How much do you help me with the medical expenses?"

Chen went out again and asked the man in the corridor, "How much is the medical bill?"

Strictly speaking a number, Chen went back to the ward and repeated the numbers.

Pang Yilong’s face suddenly became ugly. He smashed the needle on his back and his emotions were very excited. “There is so much money in the trough, why don’t you go to the bank?”

Chen didn't react, I didn't know what I was thinking.

Clear and clear, Pang Yilong coughed, "Big name?"

Chen added, "My surname is Chen, and the single name is again."

"Chen and..." Pang Yilong said that this name is good and easy to remember. "It is like this. I am tight at hand. Do you want to leave me a card number, and wait for me to pay you next month?" ”

He said without thinking, "Of course, if you are afraid of me running, I can tell you my address."

Chen Zai, "You said."

Pang Yilong’s facial convulsions, said an address.

Chen wrote it down, deposited it in the memory field, and made a mark on friends.

Pang Yilong waited, and did not wait for the youth to speak. He asked, "What about your card number?"

Fucked, his injury compared with before, really not serious, it is purely two days of stomach discomfort, did not eat anything, after a fight, physical strength is not fainting.

Ghost knows that it will make so many medical expenses. One month, I will get rid of the part that I sent to my family, my living expenses, and the money left in my hand is not enough to stuff my girlfriend’s teeth. Something went wrong.

Chen did not answer and asked, "I came to Changsha for the first time. I am not familiar with it. Do you take me around?"

Is this for me to be a tour guide? Pang Yilong is very refreshing. "Yes, no problem."

He laughed happily. "There is a relationship. It is a brother within the five lakes and the sea. Chen is very happy to get to know you."

Chen reached out again, this is the second time.

Pang Yilong stunned. It seems that the young black-haired youth in front of him valued this dating ritual. He held the hand and opened his bruised mouth and smiled. The smile was clear.

Suffering from his infection, Chen’s mouth was moving and he briefly stunned.

Before leaving the hospital, Pang Yilong had to ask for a list. It was impossible to find a restaurant for reimbursement. He took it back to the drawer of the bedside table. He had nothing to do with it, and he was alert to himself. This hate will be reported sooner or later.

"I have something to go back. I will give you the mobile number. In the afternoon, we will see you at the Orange Island."

"it is good."

Chen didn't have a mobile phone. He was lazy. He only remembered the number and turned to tell the man.

Take out the phone and enter the number.

Going far, Pang Yilong remembered, just forgot to ask Chen, who is the man on the side, it is reasonable to say hello.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the three met.

Pang Yilong changed his body shirt, his mouth and his face were hung with color. He was still very handsome. He brushed his mobile phone and came to Changsha to go to college. Four years later, he didn’t take this place for a while, money and time. No.

Life is inseparable from stress, and it is **** anytime, anywhere.

Pang Yilong asked Chen’s man next to him and learned that it was called Li Yan. He couldn’t help but despise his name. He called it a dragon. It’s hard to hear. Hey, how good is this person, that is, severely, in turn, remember One forced.

"Going over there, there is a grass, you can go to the sun."

Receiving the mind, Pang Yilong took the road and introduced the scenery of the road while walking. "You are not coming, if you come two months later, come in May, you can see the fireworks on Saturday night."

Chen asked, "What is fireworks?"

Strictly said, "a flower that blooms in the sky."

Chen looked up again, the sky in the field of vision was blue, the white clouds blossomed, and he looked around. This place has a vast lawn, parks, mountains and water, and beautiful scenery.

After yawning, Chen wants to sleep a little.

Strictly handed over a piece of chewing gum, and the outer layer of paper had been peeled off.

Chen took the mouth and put it in his mouth. He didn't chew it, but he chewed it even harder. He stopped and his eyelids were fighting.

The young man was steadily supported, his arm was held, his hand was on his waist, and he ignored the look around him and took him to the nearby bathroom.

Pang Yilong, who was walking far away, said that his mouth was dry, and he vaguely noticed that something was wrong. He turned and saw that he didn’t have any back.

What about the person in the trough?

Pang Yilong glared at the two eyes, and forced him to do it. He didn't go, didn't go, didn't go, bite his teeth, decided to wait a little while to say, after all, the other party sent himself to the hospital, and paid medical expenses, be regarded as a benefactor.

Sitting down on the lawn, Pang Yilong held his elbows on his knees and brushed his phone.

For more than half an hour, Pang Yilong saw the figure of the two people. He was surprised and surprised. Chen’s lips were the lightest color he had ever seen, so he remembered it deeply, and it was red. It’s broken.

Pang Yilong looked at the man who was side by side with Chen. He always felt that something was wrong. He couldn’t ask anything. He could only push doubts into his heart.

To the statue, Pang Yilong volunteered to take pictures of Chen.

Chen stood still, behind the big statue.

Hey, Pang Yilong took a few shots and turned to ask, "Mr. Li, are you going to be together?"

The sternness does not move, and the gaze is the youth in front of the statue.

Half-sounding, Chen added, "Photograph."

With a hook on the corner of the lips, he took a hard step and walked to the side of the youth without hesitation.

Pang Yilong is even more strange. Chen is in the next order, and it is like an invitation.

After he took the photo and did not have time to delete it, he was asked to go all the way.


Pang Yilong took Chen and Li Yan to the small square, saying who was who stood there and talked about it.

Chen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The wind blew his hair and left a swaying shadow in the eyebrows. His mouth curled slightly and his face was a little simple.

At this moment, press OK to press and freeze the picture.

When leaving, the three people took the little train.

Chen held his head again, and the scenery outside was quickly swept through his pupils, not disappearing, but recorded in the depths of his mind.

He glanced at the man, "Give me the phone."

Put the phone in his hand, "Know how to unlock?"

Chen and his head down, use the index finger to draw the screen, did not open, and then draw, or did not open.

Press the eyebrows firmly, "put up."

Chen’s index finger moved up, and the phone page appeared. It was his photo.

He slept on the man's lap, his face aside, clutching the man's finger.

"what is this?"


Strictly said, "There are a lot of pictures in the gallery. Look slowly."

Chen also found the gallery, where all his photos, near, far, sleeping, eating, this man is doing this kind of thing anytime, anywhere.

There is no expression on his face. "Who gives you the right?"

Strong eyes and deep, gentle and gentle tone, "You..."

Chen stunned and turned to look outside.

Sitting behind Pang Yilong’s ear, listening to the song with headphones, uploading photos to Weibo, immersed in his own small world.

Leaving the head of Orange Island, Pang Yilong did not know where to take the two people at this point in time, so he had to suppress the road first.

Passing through an internet cafe, Chen stopped.

Pang Yilong tempted and asked, "Would you like to break into the game?"

Not long after, the three sat in front of the computer on the second floor of the Internet cafe.

Pang Yilong brushed the computer and logged into the game. When he was in the game login interface, he took the time to sweep it.

The man looks at something with his mobile phone, looks happy, and the young black man squints at the eyelids, which is about to enter his sleep.

Neither of them touched the computer.

It won't be tired, I want to find a chair to sit down for a while, then enter the Internet cafe?

Say good to play games? Do you dare to swear?

Regardless of Pang Yilong, he played with himself and went back to the game to do the task.

When he heard the sound of the keyboard, Chen opened his eyes and looked at it.

His finger moved, open the computer into the same game, register the account.

Strict attention is paid to the youth, he will look at each other to explore, familiar, and accept.

After Pang Yikong completed the task, he saw that Chen was doing the task. He was embarrassed, very likely, but I really couldn’t see it.

After watching it for a while, Pang Yilong went to see Chen and said a long time, "How do I feel that you are my buddy in my life."

Chen Zai, "Yeah."

Pang Yilong stayed for a long time, and he laughed and said, "You are so funny."

Chen added, "No you tease."

Pang Yilong, "..."

He lowered his voice and sweared at the stern, "What is your relationship?"

Chen clicked the space bar again. "Because you are involved in this issue, I can't answer it."

Dude, are you looking down on me? Change the trick to tell me the answer, when I can't hear it? Pang Yilong’s mouth is really the kind of relationship.

I have long suspected.

Holding the mouse to play, Pang Yilong asked, "How old are you?"

Chen added, "It's very big." He forgot how many years he was, and he couldn't remember.

Pang Yilong turned his eyes, it was a weirdo, not right, it was two.

Out of the Internet cafe, Pang Yilong asked not to go to the Fire Palace to eat.

Chen added, "Go."

Pang Yilong discovered that there were zero opinions on the whole process, as if Chen said that he would go anywhere.

He inexplicably thought of the king and the knight.

The Fire Palace is located in Pozi Street, with red walls and green tiles, and the snacks are famous.

When the three arrived, they were already crowded and lively.

Chen smelled the fragrance and was a little more spiritual. He went straight to the stinky tofu.

After eating a bowl of stinky tofu, Chen still has to give him money, saying that he has eaten a lot, can not eat.

Chen's face is ugly.

"I invite you to eat..." I noticed a sharp, knife-like gaze. Pang Yilong’s words were forced to turn and almost bite his tongue. "Sweet sugar."

"You haven't eaten it, walk around, I will take you to buy."

Chen asked, "What about the stinky tofu?"

Pang Yilong sneered, "Hey, hey, it's different. I promise you don't regret it."

Chen went with him.

Shaking his head, taking care of his own big mouse, afraid of being eaten.

After a round trip, smelling enough scent, Pang Yilong took Chen and went to eat the taste shrimp with him. He and his girlfriend often come here, the price is not expensive, there are many kinds.

The taste of this shop is blended with the taste of tomato juice, and the soup is very good.

Pang Yilong couldn't wait to get rid of his fingers every time. He asked while eating. "How? Is it delicious?"

Chen’s eating Shang Siwen, “It’s delicious.”

After eating his mouth, he sat and waited.

The next one was not eaten, but the slow-smelling peeling of the shrimp shells, and when the shrimps in the bowl were full, they came to Chen.

Chen continued to eat.

The opposite of Pang Yilong looked straight.

When he went to wash his hands, Pang Yilong couldn’t help himself. He said to Chen, "I tell you the truth, I can’t do that to my girlfriend. Your family is very good for you."

Chen Zai, "Yeah."

It’s just that you can’t control it, you can’t beat it, you can’t shut it down, you have to do it every day, no matter what he is doing, he will do it without saying anything.

More than ten o'clock, Chen fell asleep, stood and slept, and hugged him in time, and did not fall.

Pang Yilong’s eyes have almost fallen off several times today, and I have never seen anyone fall asleep while walking.


Li Yan took Chen and went to take a taxi.

Pang Yilong’s tour guide status ended. He chased the card number. He was poor, but he did not hang this medical bill.

Li Yan said, "Next time you tell him."

Pang Yilong did not react, and next time? Is it difficult to meet up?

He just asked what, the taxi has gone.

Chen was sternly back to the hotel.

Although he does not have to work, he has to use his brain to make friends, or to sleep.

After entering the room, put the youth on the bed and take off his coat. "Wash your face and sleep again?"

Chen made a voice unconsciously, almost muttering, "No."

Strictly said, "Hey."

Chen did not move.

Li Yan kissed the young man's nose.

The next morning, Chen woke up again. The first sentence was, "Go to Nanchang tomorrow."

Strictly licking his neck, "Go to the hospital."

Chen pushed the man away and asked with an eyebrow. "You are not feeling well?"

Strictly go to the youth, "It's you."

Chen once again pushed the man away and asked him.

After being pushed twice, he sighed and sighed. "You are constipated."

Chen added, "Nothing."

Strictly give young people who don’t know how to live and die. "If it's not good, you can only eat liquid food in a short time, you can't eat any spicy food, and I won't touch you because of constipation. You will bleed at that time." ""

He hooked his lips, "Master, you think about it, go or not?"

Chen’s mouth is slightly pumped, so let’s go.

Going to the hospital to get the medicine, Chen went back to the hotel and let him go out to do something. He didn't enter the order, it was the ordinary tone.

Do not ask, and quickly get things done.

In the afternoon, Chen went to the restaurant where Pang Yilong was working. "What is your dream?"

Pang Yilong was just stunned by the manager. He was so annoyed because a lady said that he wanted to support him. He refused. The lady came to the restaurant to find trouble and affected other guests. The manager buckled the scorpion on his head.

When I heard Chen’s problem, Pang Yilong casually said, “Be a rich man.”

Chen said faintly, "I put this restaurant down and give you business, how?"

Pang Yilong couldn't believe it. "Are you true?"

Chen made a magical document, "Sign the name here, you are the partner of the restaurant."

Pang Yilong took a breath and overbearing the president? He frowned, and suddenly a large piece of pie fell in the sky, not easy to swallow, "Why?"

Chen did not explain it. It was straightforward. "The profit split of the restaurant is in the contract. You go to this card. I will come here from time to time."

He said, he put the paper with the card number on the table.

For the time being, regardless of the true or false contract, the manager did not disclose it. Pang Yilong could not understand the trust of this person. "You are not afraid of me?"

Chen added, "We are friends."

Pang Yilong said, "..." I only met yesterday, can I call a friend?

The words in his mouth have not been said yet, the cell phone in the pocket is ringing, and the girlfriend is calling. It is nothing more than a common conversation between the little couples. What are you doing, have you eaten, have you missed me, and you have worn clothes? No more like a cold.

Chen listened to Pang Yilong calling his wife on the phone. He went to see the man subconsciously.

Strictly sorrowful, pretending not to see, waiting for the young people to take the initiative.

Chen took back his gaze and suddenly lost his eyes.

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