MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 190 190

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Li Yan waited to answer, Chen fell asleep.

The people who slept in the dead pigs were fierce and full of anger, panic and tenderness, and the ** was forced to disappear.

He patted the face of the young man and gently pinched it "Did you meet your parents during the day?"

The sleeping person can't give a response.

I went out from the youth house and went in and stayed there.

The size of the house is small but warm and comfortable and comfortable. I really want to live there.

Chen slept for a whole day and only woke up at night.

Strictly sitting on the sofa watching TV, tune into the silence he is purely pass the time, in this limited space hotel can not do anything else.

Hearing the sound behind him, he turned sharply, and his eyes suddenly darkened. The young man on the bed just woken up and the black hair was unkempt, and several hairs were naughty, and his face had a flushed face on his wet face.

Seeing the man looking over, Chen yawned again, and if he had nothing to do with finishing his hair, "Give me clothes."

Strictly turn over the sweater at the end of the bed, "hands up."

Chen licked his lips, "I will come by myself."

The sharp eyebrows were picked, the hands holding the clothes were loose, and the arms stood by the bed and watched how his wife could not take care of herself.

Be aware that since he had him, this person has not worn his own clothes, even the innermost little pants, or even a pair of socks.

Chen touched the neckline of his shirt, rolled his sweater over his head, and reached for his hand and pulled it down.

Strictly gratified, and lost at the same time, his wife will not rely on him any more.

He didn't reveal the complex emotions that my family had grown up with. It always felt a bit strange. I wanted to talk about the parents. Chen created him again.

Chen added one by one to the body. It is not troublesome to wear clothes. He is just lazy.

In the long and boring single years of the past, Chen also believes that a procedure, a matter that can be solved by one instruction, must be done by itself.

It's different now.

Strictly checking Chen's mouth, it was still a little swollen. He went to the bedside table to get the ointment, and used the index finger to smear a little creamy ointment on the top. "Resist the point."

Chen’s mouth was cold and cold, and the coldness blew into his heart. He had a cold war. “Can the lion eat?”

Strictly tell him a cruel reality, "You can't eat spicy."

Chen was very angry and vigorously opened the hand of the culprit.

Strictly press the shoulders of the youth, control him in front of himself, and continue to give his mouth a medicine. "It is not impossible to eat less."

Chen is not angry.

After a while, the two left the hotel and went shopping.

Young men and women in the evening accounted for the majority, accompanied by laughing and playing on the street.

Chen's thin chin was shrunk in the neckline of a black turtleneck sweater. He looked at the girl in front, wearing only a short dress, with knee-length boots and a thigh.

The wind is quite big, Chen has shrunk his chin more, the girl in front does not seem to feel, but also squats on a small purse, buttocks twisted and twisted, his eyes reveal an incomprehensible emotion, "Why wear so little?" ”

Seriously thinking about other things, casually said, "may use a warm baby."

Chen asked, "What is that?"

Inadvertently saw when I brushed my phone, "a kind of warmth."

Chen stopped and looked at the man next to him. "You go buy me one."

Strict, ""

He looked around and went to a nearby boutique to buy a warm baby and put it outside the youth sweater.

Chen added, "Not hot."

Strictly give the youth a whole dress, and touch it a few times. "You have to wait."

Not long after, Chen said, "It’s hot."

The warmth on his stomach rushed to other parts of the body, and he warmed up all over his body. "After going back, you order from the central network and buy more of this warm baby in the warehouse."

Strictly unwilling, "You have me, what kind of warm baby."

Chen disliked, "warm baby is better than you."

When the forehead of the forehead is pumping, he will rush to this sentence, and he can't place an order. Otherwise, with the warm baby, he has to stand by.

"Who did you meet yesterday?"


Chen added, "My father, my mother, my grandfather."

It’s unexpected and unpredictable. It’s no wonder that the youth will stay there for a day. “How did you get back to the hotel?”

Chen added, "I saw the full name of the hotel that the poster knew, and Dad sent me back."

The strict squat line is tight, "If you don't see it?"

Chen added, "Without, this assumption is meaningless."

"What makes sense?" Li Yan said with no expression. "I am looking for you crazy, full of pictures of your accident. I humble God, telling myself over and over again that you will not have anything. Does this make sense?" ?"

Chen twisted his eyebrows. "I don't want to make trouble with you."

Severely, "I think?"

The two men who are outstanding in appearance, equal in height and different in temperament stand on the street, and the atmosphere surrounding them is suppressed.

The passers-by looked at the relationship between the two men, because of what happened.

Especially the girls, all of them will see the two handsome guys at once.

Turned hard and left.

Chen said in the same place to the man's back, "I want to eat a lion."

The girls who heard this sentence all have a motherly love, and the handsome guy is so pitiful. Isn’t it a lion? My sister asks you to eat.

The strict footsteps kept on, his hands were caught, and the voice of the youth was in his ear. "No trouble."

I am in trouble? Li Yan will not admit it. "Have you ever thought about it, what will you do next time you meet yesterday? Is it waiting for me in the same place, or standing under the iconic building, or seeking Passers-by, go to the police station and wait for me?"

Chen is very persistent, "Go first to eat the lion."

Looking at my own wife, I don’t know what to say, let’s play, I’m reluctant, I’m serious, it’s useless. “Do you have anything other than a lion in your head?”

Chen added, "Yes, you."

Strictly glance, the lips are hooked up, "Go, eat the lion."

Chen also licked his mouth and said that he was not in trouble. He was obviously playing a little temper.

Squinting, "What do you mean by pouting?"

Chen added, "It doesn't mean anything."

Strict, ""

Sighing, sternly speaking with his incomparable genius wife about common social common sense, and lost his family, how to do it.

Chen said that he knew.

Strictly frowning, you know it is strange.

Less than half an hour, the two sat at the table, four eyes looked at the fragrant lion in front of the lion, loaded with a small iron pot, there are a lot of soup inside, the lion is wrapped tightly, just look, not yet Eat, appetite is not found north.

Strictly put on disposable gloves, took a lion from the pot, and picked out the snail inside with a toothpick.

The opposite Chen also took the initiative to open his mouth.

Severe facial convulsions, the snails on the toothpick were sent to his mouth.

When Chen finished eating, his eyes suddenly turned black and bright, and he was very eager to wait for the next one.

At this time, I couldn’t do it, and there was no trace of indifference.

Li is responsible for picking up the snail meat, and Chen is responsible for eating. In their own small world, no one cares about the eyes of the people around.

It didn't take long for the toothpick to be put down. "Okay, you can't eat any more."

Chen added, "I only ate less than twenty."

Take off your gloves, "Take a taste, I will do it for you later."

He himself only loves one kind of food. It is the opposite youth. It doesn't feel tired to eat many times. Other things are the same, no difference.

Chen looked at the lion in the pot, and there were many, "wasting shame."

Severely, "You don't care, shameful me, there is no relationship with you."

Chen added, "Pack up and take it back, wait for me to eat again."

Almost all the way, sternly squinting and looking at the lion's own wife to leave.

Chen's face is very bad, and the lion has not eaten enough.

Seeing that the youth did not go, the face was so dark that he had to pull him back and asked the clerk to pack the remaining lions.

The clerk was a sister, and the whole process was unclear. She handed the lunch box over. "Mr. slow down, welcome to come again next time."

Chen turned back and found that the clerk was holding his mobile phone with a sigh of relief and still photographed him. The result was caught, and his face was flushed.

Looking for the young man's sight to see, "There is a group called rot."

"They have a certain understanding of the feelings between the same sex, they will not contradict, reject, and even bless and understand."

Chen snorted, it was a lovely group.

The next day, according to the name of the shoe store that Chen said, he found the address accurately.

Strictly carrying the big bag, thanking the family as a family member, it is reasonable.

The society is very chaotic, and the loved ones are lost. No one knows what will happen.

Yan Xiuqin said, "Mr. Li is polite, and we haven't done anything. Instead, Xiao Chen stood in the store for a day and brought me a lot of business."

She glanced at the box in the man's hand and recognized one of them. When she knew that the price was high, she waved her hand and said, "I can't really accept this thing."

Chen put the gift in the hand of Yan Xiuqin, "receive."

Yan Xiuqin can't help, and I want to put it in the first place, and then put it in the car when they leave.

"You have a meal here with me."

Chen said good.

Yan Xiuqin went to call Chen Weidong and asked him to bring more braised vegetables and drink.

"You sit."

Yan Xiuqin went to get the peanuts of the seeds. Today, a big shoe store across the street opened. There are activities in these three days. There are no guests here.

Business is not good in the future.

They have no money to turn their faces, and for a better location, they can only sell one pair.

Yan Xiuqin thought about it, really can't do it, just turn off the store and sell the sugar with Dad.

In short, there are hands and feet, not to starve.

Peel the peanuts hard, throw the shell into the trash, and give the red skin to the youth. "You have a mom and dad, and you have friends, are you happy?"

Chen is eating peanuts, "Well."

Strictly said, "The current way of life is more happy than in the past, isn't it?"

Chen’s line of sight swept outside the door and looked at the outside world from that space.

He moved his gaze to the man again, silent.

Strictly speaking.

For a time, only the cracking sound of the peanut shell cracked.

Chen asked, "Can't you engage me in the future?"

Strict and crisp, "No."

Love **, this is very normal, and it is also a logical development.

From the back to the present, every time I am restrained, there is still a long way to go.

Not telling the youth, I am afraid to scare him.

Chen frowned and asked again, "Can't you reduce the time each time?"

"No." Li Yan is still the answer. He feeds peanuts into the mouth of the youth. "You forgot, all I have is your choice."

Chen is clear.

He was a perfectionist. When he was creating, he made many repairs to the data set by the body in various aspects of the body.

The finished product is perfect.

No matter the length of the finger joint, the length of the two legs, of course, the back is not just the legs.

Chen’s temple hurts and goes back and modifies it.

Looking through the mind of the young man, he sank his face. "You dare."

Chen gave him a look of "You see, I dare not dare".

The sturdy blue veins jumped and the eyes swept over. He laughed. "Despite your revision, it is you who are unhappy at that time."

Think about it too, Chen turned his eyes again, forget it, or go against the sky.

When Chen Weidong came back, he politely greeted him with sternness and whispered to Chen. "Xiao Chen, is Mr. Li your cousin?" So there is no surname.

Chen only said, "He is smaller than me."

Chen Weidong looked at the face of "to tease me."

Chen did not say all, he was very strict with him.

He has lived for a long time when he created it.

Before it was not strict, it was a robot responsible for taking care of Chen's life. After the strictness, the robot was put into the hibernation space.

Looking at the shape, no one knows that Chen is bigger than their ancestors.

Yan Xiuqin was busy in the small kitchen, and Chen went again. "Auntie, I will give you two dishes."

"You will cook?"

Yan Xiuqin coughed a few times, the hood was not good, and the taste was big. She solved the apron and handed it over. "Then you come, the **** octagonal is on the bottom of the partition, just let you get it."

Chen put on an apron and rolled his sleeves.

When Yan Xiuqin didn't go out, she looked at it. When she saw the gesture of the young chef taking the kitchen knife, she knew that it was not a joke. She couldn't help but praise, "Xiao Chen, who will follow you in the future, enjoy it."

Chen held down a piece of lean meat, and a piece of thin and even piece of meat was piled up under his knife.

He did not have a kitchen after he returned.

Chen hates cooking and cooking, and hates the smell of soot, so he doesn't know anything, even the kitchen rarely enters.

However, in the assessment world, I added this type of setting and wanted to change myself.

This is what I have hoped for.

Chen fired again, poured oil and put in **** and garlic. "Auntie, go out."

Yan Xiuqin returned to God and left the kitchen to Chen.

At noon, Chen Weidong went to pick up his dad from home, and five people sat at a table to eat and drink.

Li does not need to eat human food, this time gave his wife a face and ate a lot.

After the meal, Chen stayed for a while, and went to the Ferris wheel with Li Yan.

Li Yan pressed the back of Chen's head and kissed his mouth.

Chen leaned back and was dizzy and struggled for a few times. He put his hands on his shoulders.

On the last two days of the holiday, Chen went to the shoe store and spoke with Yan Xiuqin. He found that the business in the store was not good, and he also saw the newly opened store across the street.

On the day of departure, Chen and Li appeared in the shoe store, and dropped a paper bag with a card and a note.

The password on the note on the note was left in a strict position. It was a bit of a treat, thanking them for accepting Chen and no contact.

Chen Weidong went to the ATM and entered the amount of the password to check the amount of the card. After seeing how much it was, he was shocked.

After knowing the amount, Yan Xiuqin was shocked. That money was enough for them to change to a bigger store. After all, even if they didn’t do anything, they would still wear it.

"Wei Dong, you said if we take a part out"

"No." Chen Weidong interrupted Xiu Xiuqin. "This money is not ours, we can't move."

Father Chen also agreed with his son. "Xiao Chen said that he will come to play later. When he comes, he will give him the light."

Yan Xiuqin sighed and said nothing.

Chen Weidong put the card in good position, looking forward to the fact that he was a little like his wife. He was a young man with a surname, and he didn’t know when he could see him.

After going back, Chen went into the virtual space, and after finishing the accumulated work, he sat in the office and was in a daze.

Chen asked an awkward question, "Is the ring good?"

Chen clicked on the screen again, and there was a detailed picture of the steps to make a ring in front of him. "It’s not hard to think about it."


Chen is very busy. He bought a lot of things on the Central Network and didn't know what to slap in the studio.

The door of the studio opened the s-level protection lock, and it was hard to get in. He only judged by the instructions received every day that the youth's body did not appear.

After half a month, Chen re-opened the studio's s-level protection lock and gave the man a command. "Now go upstairs."

Li Yan entered the studio, and placed messy tools and equipment on the table.

Chen spread his hand and "take it."

It is a ring. At first glance, the shape is not cumbersome. It is very ordinary. If you look carefully, you will find that there is light flashing on the surface of the ring. It is like diving into a galaxy.

The material of the ring is unknown, lying quietly in the palm of the youth, waiting for his unique master.

Severe breathing, a heartbeat missed a beat, restrained with excitement and excitement, he did not have to look at it, he knew that there must be capital letters on the inside of the ring, which the young people personally engraved.

Just think about the picture of the young man's lettering, and the whole body is hot, he said hard, "You put it on me."

Chen glanced again, "wearing yourself."

I put my hand in my pocket. "You don't wear it for me, I don't want it."

Chen did not say anything.

In the big studio of the basketball court, the two men were secretly competing.

Li Yan knows that his wife is already moving towards himself, but he wants more than this. He is already ready to go.

Chen said aloud, "Come here."

The sharp eyes flashed, and he stepped closer and took his left hand out of his trouser pocket.

Chen took the man's hand and put the ring on his ring finger. "I added something to the ring. When you put it on, you will be integrated with your spiritual seal and you will never get it."

The sharp lips smirked and said in a hoarse voice, "That is what I want."

The author has something to say: Yesterday, the author of the chapter has five thousand years of good words. Hahahaha, I am going to be stupid by myself, too embarrassed, forget it, forget it, forget it.

There aren't many outside, the next chapter is the fourth, and good night, see you tomorrow.

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