MTL - Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan-Chapter 184 Punish the world

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"This, hey! Who knows! Who knows if you take people in, is it moving to others?"

"I admit that sometimes I do."

"You, then you still said that you are not."

"Don't worry! I haven't finished talking yet! That's because she looks very much like you, so sometimes I see her as if you are standing in front of me. Can you say that I can't be tempted?"

"Hey! You are less sloppy, then you are **** from time to time! How to calculate this account!"

"I tied you up, I am not afraid that you will run again and again one day. Jiner, I feel very sorry, if it were not for my parents, you would not leave your home for five or six years, and your years. The days are also very bitter!"

"Nothing, anyway, I have been used to such a day. In fact, compared with the previous days, I prefer this kind of day. Every day is down to earth. Use your own hands to create your own tomorrow. ""

"Jiner, I am sorry, if I find you earlier, you don't have to suffer so much. I promised that I will always hold you in my hand as my princess, but I have to eat. In fact, I have been in the past few years. I hate you all the time, hate you for abandoning me for other men. But I didn't think my parents would lie to me. Sorry, sorry."

"In fact, the person who said sorry is still me. If I have doubts about our love, maybe we don't have to separate these five or six years. And in these five or six years, I also thought a lot. Although I complained. Your parents, but I also know that your parents are for you. After all, whose parents are willing to call their sons a wife who is useless and indebted to their future!" Gu Jinxi said with a smile. If the original owner finally sold the ancestral home of Gujia, this debt may not be finished yet!

"Stupid girl, what are you talking about! I am not allowed to say you like this. Parents are the ones who gave birth to me, but you are indeed the person I have identified for the rest of my life. Just like the back of this hand, you are I am irreplaceable. So I don't allow you to say this yourself, even if you can't. Because you are mine."

"Hey! How can you be so overbearing! I am my own good."

"I am only so overbearing to you alone." Rong Hengyi said with a smile and said Gu Jinxi's nose.

"Hey! Who believes in you! Capricious."

"Sorry, I used to be bad. I shouldn't tie you, but I am really afraid that if I don't tie you, I am worried that you will leave me again. Do you know?" ""

Gu Jinxi sighed and said, "Hang Yi Since I have promised you that I will not leave, then I will never quit."

"Jin, have you hated me?"

"Yes." Looking at Rong Hengyi’s appearance, he said, "In fact, you shut me alone in the dark room. Do you know how scared I was at the time, you obviously know that I am the most afraid of black, you I still know how to do it. You know that part of the reason I came back this time is because I am homesick, and the other part is you. I want to see you, but I didn’t think that when I got off the bus, I just went. I was stunned by your people. You said that if I am like you, will you hate me in your heart!"

"I, I. Sorry, when you left without a word, I really complained about you. When I knew that you were coming back, I was so angry that I sent someone to stun you. Actually, I My heart is also very tangled, a person told me that I still have you in my heart, I should not be like this to you, but the other one said that you first betrayed me, I just gave you a lesson. So, so. Heng Yi looked at Gu Jinxi with a look of remorse.

Gu Jinyi reached out and took the initiative to hug Rong Hengyi's neck and said, "I know, I know, although I hate you in my heart, but then I have already thought about it. I did have something wrong with you at the beginning. You should also blame me." It’s just that I am now blaming you for not keeping me in the dark room, but you don’t believe me, and I’m tied to me again and again.”

"I, I don't believe you, I am just insecure. After all, we are separated by five or six years, I am worried that you will..."

"What will happen, will you like others, or do you think that I am married and have children during this time."

Rong Hengyi is a little embarrassed, don't overdo it. After all, what Gu Jinxi said is true!

"Hey." Gu Jinxi couldn't help but smile and said, "Haha, you are so cute. You know that you are like a little daughter who has been wronged."

"Gu Jinxi! I don't see you for a few days. I went outside to practice my courage. Isn't it, I dare to make jokes with me now."

"Oh, that's because I know that you still have my right in your heart."

"You said it! If you didn't have it, when you didn't see it in the past few days, I was going crazy. You don't know. If you don't come back, I guess everyone in this company is going to be given by me. It’s over.”

"Hey! Who told you to tie me up at the beginning, but don't want me to go out. I am using actual actions to prove. If I really want to go, you can't stop me. So if you want to If you want to keep me, then you have to be nice to me! Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

"Yes, yes, yes, I know, I know." Rong Hengyi said with a face of Gu Jinxi.

"So the president, are you satisfied with your secretary?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, I am very satisfied. But how can you want to apply for the secretary of our company?"

"Hey! Who doesn't know that the welfare of the company is good for the employees of the company! Now I am penniless! Of course I have to find a good job for myself! Besides, you are now the president of the Group. If I don't want to see you in prison, what if you are fascinated by a fox!

"Reassure, I have been fascinated by your fox now, even if there are other foxes that appear again, I have no use!"

"Who is a fox! I am not a fox!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you are not, you are a fairy in the sky!"

"Oh, what you said like this is like the old-fashioned water disaster."

"Hey! Don't you?"

"Rong Hengyi!"

"Oh. Rest assured, I will only let you harm me alone. As for other people! You have no chance to harm."

"Hey! You said that you haven't seen it for five or six years. Are you making a lot of girlfriends?"

"Oh! How dare I dare! Let me say, since you left, I have been busy with my work, and I have time to deal with those women!"


"of course."

"Hey! I believe you are good once."