MTL - Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan-Chapter 202 Brother is guarded by me

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After Gu Yifeng left, Gu Jinyi gradually began his own plan. After all, if you want to protect Gu Yifeng, you still need a lot of financial and material resources!

"Jiner, Jiner, why are you running so fast! I can't keep up. You are so eager to go where!"

"Oh, it’s a small fish! My brother is back today, so I am going to pick up the plane!"

"Hey! You still have a brother, why don't I know it! I haven't heard you mention it."

"My brother went to study when I was ten years old, and I didn't come back until today! Ah, I won't tell you, I have to pick up my brother!"

"Go and go! It's like I'm stopping you from going, I don't want to be this bad guy."

When I came to the airport, Gu Jinxi really had a few more sorrows! After all, six years have passed, although it was said that it will be back in five years, but I don’t know what happened so that it has been delayed for a year. I don't know how Gu Yifeng is doing now. The friendship between the two will change because of the time!

Gu Jinxi looked anxiously at the airport exit, why not come! Did the plane miss the plane?

Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd. "Wow! Who is that man! It looks so handsome!"

"How have you not seen this handsome guy before!"

"It’s just a halo!"

"Don't you just look at the man. I didn't find the woman standing behind the man. It's not inferior! The two are simply a pair of heavenly creations!"

"Hey! Just looking at a young grass, I didn't expect to have a master."

Gu Jinyu looked up and saw that there was a man not far away, but Gu Jinyi had automatically ignored the woman standing next to her brother. Don't ask her why she knows that the man is his own brother, because this is her instinct.

Gu Jinyi rushed up with a smile and hugged Gu Yifeng and said, "Brother, you are back!"

Gu Yifeng originally wanted to push this strange woman away, but asked the familiar taste of Gu Jinxi, and the words in the girl’s mouth, suddenly stopped, and then smiled back and hugged Gu Jinxi and said, “True, They are all so big, and they love it so much."

"Hey! Where's it! Anymore, no matter what, in the eyes of my brother, I will always be the sister of the original! So the sister is coquetry to my brother, this is a matter of righteousness. Or my brother, you are now abandoning Jiner. It!"

"Oh, where can I dislike my little princess! But this is not the place to talk. Let's go back first!"

"Good." Gu Jinyi, while holding Gu Yifeng's hand, smiled and talked to Gu Yifeng about what happened in the past few years.

After seeing this scene, Chu Anran suddenly darkened her eyes. She knew that she had almost followed Gu Yifeng for four years. She never saw Gu Yifeng who was so good! Even if she didn't, but today it turned out to be...

Sitting in the car going back, Gu Jinxi smiled and teased Gu Yifeng. "Brother, I haven't seen you for a few years. My brother has become more and more handsome! There must be many women who pursue their brothers!"

"Oh, no." Gu Yifeng can not lie, although there are indeed many women in the dark who want to approach themselves, but their own air-conditioning, over time, those women can only think about it in secret.

"How is this possible! My brother is so handsome, how can there be no woman to chase it! This is really unscientific!"

"You! You are a ghost. You have become more and more beautiful in the past few years, then do you have a lot of people to chase." Gu Yifeng looked up and down Gu Kexi, and he was satisfied with it. Nodding, it seems that the group of people in Gujia did take care of her well!

Gu Jinqi proudly stood up and said, "That is natural! I told my brother! There are many boys in our school who like me! And I am a school flower in school, I will receive a lot of love letters every day. This is not my boast, this is the truth."

When Gu Yifeng heard Gu Jinxi’s words, his heart suddenly became uncomfortable. When he thought that his sister would marry someone later, he felt like a fire was burning. But in order not to let Gu Jinxi resent, suddenly look at Gu Jinxi and say, "Jiner! You are still young. Now is a good opportunity to study, you can not learn to go to the early love! To know that early love is not good Ah! And your boys of this age are too naive, it is not for you!"

"Hey, my brother, you are like our teacher now! But my brother, you can rest assured, I can't look at them! A group of childish little devils, if I look for a boyfriend in the future, I will definitely look like my brother. Boyfriend. It is both handsome and talented, and more importantly it hurts me."

"That's good." Gu Yifeng listened to Gu Jinxi's words, I don't know why my heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe I am too much to love my sister!

"Oh, but your brother has promised me that I will be back in five years. It is now six years."

Gu Yifeng’s groaning touched Gu Jin’s head and said, “Jiner, I’m sorry! My brother’s words. But my brother’s things are still not handled well, so... but my brother promised you, after coming back today, again. Don't leave Jiner, okay."

"Hey! I don't believe in your brother! Big liar, we are all hooked."

"So Jiner wants his brother to do it, Jiner will forgive his brother!"

"This is the case! I have to think about it."

"Oh, well, Jiner thinks slowly. But does Jiner like what his brother brought back every year?"

"Well, I like it. No matter what your brother gives you to Jiner, Jiner will like it." Although Gu Yifeng is not in the past few years, he will bring a lot of things every year. For this reason, Gu Jinxi also vacated A room to pay attention to the gift from Yi Feng!

"Oh, like it."

"Right, brother, are you going home now?"

Gu Yifeng looked at the eyes that Gu Jinxi looked forward to and just wanted to nod.

Chu Anran interrupted the "president, there will be a meeting waiting for you to deal with it! After all, foreign companies have just moved back to China, there are still many things to deal with!"

On the other side, Chu Anran looked at the two people who ignored their own and pleasant chat, it is really unbearable! I want to know that she is the daughter of Chu’s Jewelry Company! If it wasn’t for the man of Gu Yifeng, how could she condescend to be a small secretary, but in the past few years, she did not know how many peaches were cut off in the secret!

Originally thought that after returning home, my chances will definitely be a lot bigger. And in recent years, I am the only woman who has stayed with Gu Yifeng for the longest time! But now suddenly a sister emerged, her status is really precarious! Don't think that she doesn't know that Gu Yifeng's look at Gu Jinxi is not a brother or sister! Obviously, it is the kind of blind eyes that I see my lover. No, no, she is absolutely not allowed. Others will take Gu Yifeng away.

Otherwise, what is the significance of her staying in the past few years? She definitely does not allow such things to happen.

Gu Jinyi looked at Gu Yifeng and said, "Oh! This way! The original Jiner still wants to take his brother to look around! After all, my brother has not returned to the country in the past few years. Everything around this has happened. And the earth-shaking changes! And, and Jiner still has something to give to your brother. But your brother, since you have something to do, then even if it is! After all, work is more important."

Gu Yifeng looked at Gu Jinxi, who looked down on his head, and knew that he had not been with Jiner in the past six years! Although it comes back with a gift every year, it is far from being able to match it! A look of pets looked at Gu Jinxi and said, "Stupid girl, how can work compare to Jiner! To know that in the heart of his brother, Jiner is a unique baby. As for work! Can also be dealt with in the future. ”

"Really?" Gu Jinyi heard the words of Gu Yifeng, his eyes suddenly lit up, but when he saw a sullen face next to him, he suddenly said, "Brother, or you should go ahead!" After your brother is empty, Jiner will take his brother out."

Humph! Don't think she doesn't know that my brother likes his brother! But the problem is that she doesn't like it. This woman knows that it is a kind of person who has a special heart. This kind of person is really not suitable for his brother! Want to be her nephew, don't say it's the door, even the window is not! Humph!

"Stupid girl, what are you talking about? Secretary Chu has pushed all the meetings today."

"Ah! But the president, there are several meetings today that are very important! If you push it like this, the loss will definitely be great!"

"I said that I pushed it and pushed it. I will explain it myself. You just have to do what I said. Jiner is doing this, are you satisfied?"

"Oh, my brother, you are so good, I know that your brother and I are the best for you." After that, he excitedly hugged Gu Yifeng, and then thought that Chu Anran spit out his tongue and looked at the face of Chao’s silent. Say "Hey! The sample will dare to fight with me."

Chu Anran saw this scene suddenly and did not hit a place! She knew that this woman was not so simple. She dared to challenge herself. **** it. But now even if he said to Gu Yifeng, Gu Yifeng will never believe in himself! On the contrary, it is very likely that he will be disgusted with himself.

"Chu Secretary, you will get off here! I will go back with Jin Er."

In Chu Anran’s heart, even if I am not willing to do anything, there is no way! I can only get off the bus at the side, watching Gu Yifeng's car gradually go away.