MTL - Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan-Chapter 249 Mermaid tears

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"Cough, that you, do you want to come up! You have been in the water, isn't it cold?"

"Ah! This, that." She still doesn't let him know that she is a mermaid! Although she knows that her lover will not hurt herself, she can't guarantee it now, and her lover will not be shocked! "I, I am not cold!"

The man frowned and asked, "That I am called Sima Chengze, you, what is your name?"

"Sima Chengze, my name is Gu Jinxi! You can call me Jiner!" Gu Jinxiao said with a smile.

"Gu Jinxi, huh, huh, your name is really nice. That, then, you, you." Ah! He has never met any girls, so when he is facing girls, he is really helpless! He didn't feel anything before, but now he really regrets it! I knew that I should learn a good school at the beginning.

Gu Jinxi looked at the troubled Sima Chengze, and suddenly he laughed, huh, huh, it seems to be an innocent man! "That, I have to go." No way! Since that incident, the mermaid has set a regular adult mermaid to only come out for an hour! Otherwise, it will be punished.

"Wait, wait, that, where is your home! Where can I find you in the future!" Sima Chengze said quickly.

"Ah! This is it! If it is tomorrow, we will still meet here!"

"You don't want to tell me?" Sima Chengze said with a sad look at Gu Jinxi.

"No, I don't mean that! I just have some things that are not convenient to tell you. After all, we are only meeting for the first time."

Sima Chengze listened to Gu Jinxi’s words and nodded in agreement. It’s a woman who is fancy, and she is so vigilant. If she does this, she will not run with others.

Gu Jinxi looked at the time and said, "That, that, I really have to go. If I don't leave, it will be late."

"Okay! Don't forget our appointment tomorrow! I will always be here waiting for you."

"Good! I will never forget." Gu Jinxiao said with a smile.

Sima Chengze looked at Gu Jinyu and continually swam to the distance. She couldn’t help but feel lost. But when she thought of seeing Jiner again tomorrow, she was very happy!

"Oh! Little princess, you can be considered back! The emperor, the queen is really worried about death!"

"Oh! I know, I know, I am not coming back!"

"Father, mother, I am back."

When the Queen heard the voice of Gu Jinxi, he immediately rushed down and held Gu Jinxi in his arms and said, "Jin, you are back! Mother is really worried about death."

"After the mother, I just went out for more than an hour!"

"Hey! You are so kind to say, don't tell us when you go out. We are really worried about death, right, what have you encountered when you landed?"

Gu Jinxiao smiled and replied, "Father, mother, I met a very interesting man on the shore today! He is not only good looking but also very good! He! It is just like our mermaid family. Great mermaid."

After seeing the glittering eyes of Gu Jinxi, my mother suddenly realized that it was not good! She is so familiar with this kind of eyes! "Jin, you should not be..."

"It won't be what!"

"No, nothing, maybe I think it is wrong!" After all, Jiner is the first time to go ashore, it will inevitably be attracted by some things, I hope I am wrong! It will never be the same as I imagined.

"Oh, father, mother, I will tell you! I made an appointment with him, and tomorrow we agreed to meet in the old place!"

"What! You have also made an appointment! Jiner, you are just a mess!" The Queen said that she couldn't help but raise her voice after listening to Gu Jinxi.

"After the mother, I didn't make a fuss." Gu Jinyu said with a grunt.

"You are not fooling around, you are not allowed to go tomorrow."

"Why! I have already made a good appointment with him. Father, you see her after the mother..."

"What kind of agreement! I tell you, I just don't allow you to see the man. Have you forgotten the example of your aunt?"

"I have not forgotten, but I think Sima Chengze will never be like that man."

"You think, what do you think! No one of this human man is a good thing."

"Sima Chengze will never be like that. You believe me after the mother! Father, you say a word!" Otherwise, tomorrow's date will really be ruined!

The father touched Gu Jinxi’s hair and sighed and said, “Alice! If you want, let Jiner go!”

"How can this be! In the case of Jini... then what should I do! No, no, I will never agree."

The father sneaked the head of Gu Jinxi quietly and whispered, "Jin, you go out first, there is me behind your mother!"

"Oh, I know that you are the best of the father. Well!" Gu Jinyi excitedly kissed the emperor. "Then the father and the emperor will give it to you! I will go first."

"You, you, you, Mike, what are you talking about! You know that... In case, our daughter is really... what do you do when you want me to be a mother! I can’t look at myself. The baby girl is getting deeper and deeper!"

"Alice, you are too nervous. I know that you are worried about Jiner, but Jiner is now in a rebellious period. The more you object, the more she will do it. What if it is counterproductive? Let me say, Jiner is just I met people for the first time. How do you know that Jiner will like people?"

"Don't you see Jin Lu talking about the human man, the kind of flash in his eyes! This is the precursor to love! I must take this love off."

"Oh! Alice, you are a snake rope bite for ten years."

"Where is it! I am even a snake bite for ten years and I am afraid of the well rope. How about it! I have to be afraid of being afraid of 10,000."

"Hey! Alice, okay, well, you are so anxious now, the child may blame you in the future. It would be better to ask Jiner to try."

"But, but..."

"Oh, well, well, we don't say this thing is good. Besides, I gave my scales to Jin Er. If Jin Er really encounters any danger, I will know."

The Queen whispered and said, "Hey! You! I know that helping your daughter, I really want to mad at me. You only know good people, I am a bad person, let's go!"

"Oh, where is it! My Alice is the best mermaid in the entire ocean world."

"Hey! Don't praise me. If the daughter really has something to do, see how I can clean you up."

On the second day, Gu Jinyi looked at the small figure standing on the rock from afar and immediately swam. Quietly detouring behind the rock, splashing a lot of water with his tail, watching Sima Chengze, who became a chicken, and laughing with no mercy, "Ha ha ha, you become a chicken."

Sima Chengze was somewhat angry, but when she saw Gu Jinxi, her expression changed. Happy said, "Jin, you can be considered! I thought you are not coming!" Fortunately, I did not go!

"Hey! We didn't make an appointment to see it the next day?"

"But now it is the third day."

"Ah! The third day, isn't the next day?" Gu Jinxi said strangely. Is the time in the sea different from that on the land?

"Right! Don't you know?"

"Well, this, that, then I am not losing the contract. I am sorry! I did not mean it." Gu Jinxi said some guilty.

"Nothing, nothing, I know you must come back."

"You shouldn't be waiting here!" Gu Jinyi said with amazement, Sima Chengze said.

"Well, I am worried, I will leave, if you come, what if I don't see me!"

"Oh, you are stupid." But it is very warm.

"Well, I am stupid." Sima Chengze nodded and said. Anyway, no matter what Jiner said, it is all right.

"Hey! Someone will admit that he is a fool!"

"Cough" Sima Chengze is a little embarrassed, don't overdo it, "That, Jiner is now cold, or you are coming up!"

"Ah! This, that." Do you want to tell him about the mermaid? but……

"What's wrong?" Sima Chengze looked worriedly at Gu Jinxi and said, "How is it frozen? Do you want me to hug you up!"

Still not waiting for Gu Jinxi to say something, Sima Chengze jumped directly. Gu Jinxi looked at Sima Chengze, who was surprised. He touched his hair and shook his tail and said, "That, me, I..."

After Sima Chengze lingered for a while, he returned to God and looked at Gu Jinxi incredulously. "You, you are..."

"Well, that's what you see, I'm a mermaid, that, that, do you think I'm very different!" Gu Jinyu said, bowing his head.

"No, of course not! Anyway, whether you are a human or a mermaid, I will like you." Sima Chengze said that he was embarrassed and turned his head.

"Hey, you are so cute!"

"Cough, you are cute!"

After a while, Gu Jinyi said that he was uncomfortable and said, "Why are you looking at me like this!"

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I like it many times."

"Cough, do you humans are so slick!"

"I don't have a slick tongue, I'm telling the truth. I never lie."

"Oh! But don't you be afraid? I am a mermaid!"

"What's so scary, anyway, I know you won't hurt me, that's enough."

"Oh, you are right."