MTL - Quick Transmigration System: Male God, Come Here-Chapter 3040 Belly Black Goddess Girl (26)

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The 3040th chapter of the girl with a black belly **** (26)

Even his old man was pushed out by him as a shield.

After all, all the people who got his grandson out of the group now hate him as an old man.

Everyone now knows that he is the principal behind the scenes.

Fu Yuheng used a young shield to protect himself well.

Such a person who can do everything, can be used everywhere, and can solve everything.

Wouldn't it be a little girl to leave?

Fu Yuheng stretched out his hand and began to put on his suit jacket. His white fingertips meticulously buckled the buttons slowly.

The beautiful slender body, although not as strong and tall as the adult male, has a polite and elegant posture, revealing a subtle explosive force.

He carelessly reached out to tidy his tie, his voice was duller, "It's a bit empty at home, watching a cat or a hamster running around when it's boring is also a way to pass the time."

These words are frivolous.

With a contemptuous gesture.

The girl at home seemed to have no ripples in his heart.

The old man laughed with satisfaction.

"Well, grandpas like you can rest assured, and it will be fun. By the end of the year, your dad will take it away, send their mother and daughter abroad, and give us a sum of money.

Fu Yuheng nodded indifferently, indifferently.

Then he lifted his briefcase and put the glasses on the table to the bridge of his nose.

The teenager's appearance looks a bit mature.

And also a lot of being clever.

When I go to work, it looks harmless to humans and animals.

He used this look to deceive many old shareholders of the veteran group.

Until they were all cleared from the group, this group of old antiques did not believe that they lost to the feet of the teenager.

Fu Yuheng left the company and called his group of partners.

Tell them that he will postpone various projects of his company recently and wait until after school starts.

He is busy in summer vacation.

As a result, there was a fearless roar over there.

"Little boss, you will not fall in love."

"Lying trough, first love?"

"Hey, was that sister last time? It looks so pretty, and the little boss has a high eye."

Because the phone is out there.

It's the same as partying.

Fu Yuheng listened without expression for half a minute before he slowly said, "Tonight, we have a remote conference at twelve o'clock to deal with some recently accumulated official duties. Deal with it together. "

There was silence over there, and there was a sudden wailing, begging for mercy, and people turned their horses over.

Fu Yuheng lightly hooked his thin lips and said flatly, "Don't go to sleep without finishing."

After talking, he hung up the phone without expression.

The official duties accumulated these days are enough to toss them all night.

When Fu Yuheng drove home, it was already ten o'clock.

When he opened the door, he saw the light in the living room.

The teenager walked in indifferently, stretched his hand and pulled the tie, loosened the tie and the two buttons on the collar, revealing a beautiful white neck and a **** throat.

When he threw his briefcase on the sofa, he suddenly heard a soothing music.

Pure music is very slow and beautiful.

When I was just getting started, Fu Yuheng suddenly responded that there was something wrong.

He squinted and turned to watch, but saw the TV in the living room turned on.

It is a picture of a pianist playing the piano.

In front of the sofa, on the carpet, under the incandescent light.

(End of this chapter)