MTL - Quick Transmigration System: Male God, Come Here-Chapter 3065 Belly Black Goddess Girl (51)

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The 3065th chapter of the girl with a black belly **** (51)

Impatient knocks came from outside the door.

The rhythm of this sound is ... Bai Weiwei's.

Fu Yuheng hung up the phone directly, and what the old man said turned into a verbose background, kicked away by him directly.

Then he turned and walked hurriedly to the door, just opening it immediately.

But I found myself too eager.

The teenager stood by the door, breathing a little messy, only to find that his mentality was really agitated.

He pressed his lips to suppress his breath.

Then he reached out and opened the door.

Then his pupils shrunk, and he saw the girl wearing a small suspenders, short shorts, holding a pillow and stood outside with a cold face.

The little sling is really too exposed.

Only the part covering the chest, the white and tender belly, and the delicate and round shoulders and clavicles are not covered.

The shorts she wore, even a pair of crystal-clear white legs set off longer and thinner.

The girl is beautiful, clean and exudes a tempting temptation.

Fu Yuheng glanced blankly before keeping calm and asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Weiwei looked at him coldly and said with a sneer: "Come to warm your bed, lest you call my mother again and make her unable to live."

This sentence made the teenager do not know how to refute.

After all, Bai Xiaoyu was indeed ordered by him.

Only to get her back.

This matter, he did something unreasonable.

He knows clearly.

Bai Weiwei was too lazy to look at him, immediately squeezed him away, hugged the pillow directly, and walked to the sofa.

Sitting on the sofa familiarly.

She held the pillow and leaned against the sofa.

Under Yingying's white light, a large part of the back appeared.

Fu Yuheng closed the door and suddenly stopped when he turned around.

Only discovered that the front of the small sling is still conservative.

There are only two straps on the back of the girl.

Crossed in the middle of the back, a light red ribbon with a bow in the middle of the back.

Because it is too long, the ribbon of the bow hangs under the spine, crumbling.

The thin red belt, the entire white back is flawless.

Against each other.

There is a crazy and exciting beauty.

She turned her back, her long hair fell to her shoulders, and the girl's eyelashes were long and drooping.

The beautiful eye pupil is under the eyelashes, and there is a feeling of blurring into the bones.

A simple look back.

It was a stunning sensation.

Fu Yuheng's dark eyes deepened.

He didn't even move for half a minute and stood in a daze.

Bai Weiwei didn't know what kind of impact on him.

Instead, he turned his head back indifferently and said lazily: "It will be sold to you anyway. You can do what you want."

After talking, she laughed at herself.

"After all, the price you give is really high, isn't it?"

As she said, she reached up and held her cheek, sneering.

"I don't know what's wrong with you. Your dad and my mom are together. You have to mess with me. Are you wrong?"

Bai Weiwei said, whispering in a low voice.

"Dead pervert."

"Spicy chicken."

"You do these things at such a young age, you must not die."

These words murmured and seemed to think that others could not hear clearly.

The appearance of anger is hard to see at all to warm the bed.

On the contrary, it is maddening.

Suddenly, Bai Weiwei frowned, and there seemed to be something brushing behind her neck.

Like breathing?

She didn't wait to understand.

A fine broken kiss had fallen on her back neck.

A shallow kiss, but too sudden and incredible.

Bai Weiwei's eyelashes flickered, almost reflexively reaching out and holding her back neck.

(End of this chapter)